#71938417Monday, July 09, 2012 6:53 PM GMT

X I go over to the library and sit at an empty desk. I pulled out my notebook and continued rewriting my poem.
#71938711Monday, July 09, 2012 6:57 PM GMT

[Spring, Sunny with a slight breeze.] Xavier- After a few moments of rubbing his eyes with water the stinging died down a bit Yet, it still lingered. This irritated him greatly. His eyes were already pretty closed, now he couldn’t even open them over halfway before they started to sting like hell again. He winced, looking down at the reflection. How was he supposed to do anything now?
#71938951Monday, July 09, 2012 7:00 PM GMT

(Alright) ~Ari~ I took a deep breath of fresh air and sighed. At least outside was still a nice, pleasant place to get away from the horrors of this so-called school. Now the voices were a bit louder, but still manageable. I started down a nice little path that I believed led to a pond or something. Maybe I'd have a little while to just enjoy nature.
#71939900Monday, July 09, 2012 7:11 PM GMT

Cleo I glance at the girl who was on the bed next to mine. She looked like she was having a fit. Did she not notice me sitting on the bed next to her? "Hey," I say to the girl with shaky voice. "I guess we are roommates,"
#71940404Monday, July 09, 2012 7:16 PM GMT

Xavier- His hand curled up into a fist and thrashed at the water in frustration. Specks of water splashed upwards in response to the hit. It got on his hoodie, yet he didn’t seem to care, it was just water.
#71940425Monday, July 09, 2012 7:16 PM GMT

~Ari~ It didn't take long before I had reached the pond. Like I had hoped, no one was there. Wait... is that a boy? Turns out I wasn't alone... unless he was a hallucination. It was painfully difficult to tell sometimes.
#71940529Monday, July 09, 2012 7:17 PM GMT

Asimi I went outside and to the pond, where I began writing.
#71941197Monday, July 09, 2012 7:25 PM GMT

Xavier- Unaware of the people around him due to his sudden sight disability he began to mutter to himself. His fingers dug into his scalp as he continued to look down at the water in front of him. “Get it together Xavier. Just get up, find your feet and go looking.” He said in a hushed tone. When he got up on both legs he held is arms out, almost like he was missing his glasses and searching for something.
#71941479Monday, July 09, 2012 7:28 PM GMT

~Ari~ I decided he was probably real. He looked upset, so I just walked past him and left him alone. There was a bench nearby, and I sat on it and watched a duck swim across the pond.
#71941782Monday, July 09, 2012 7:31 PM GMT

Asimi "Are you al...right?"
#71942099Monday, July 09, 2012 7:34 PM GMT

Xavier- His hands feel around for something as he turns around and steps forward, loosing his footing slightly and almost falling in the pond. You know, perhaps he was over emphasizing the pain and should just open his eyes. He could only manage a smidgen and even then everything was blurry from the tears trying to wash out everything. His arms hung to the side and starts walking towards the door.
#71942284Monday, July 09, 2012 7:36 PM GMT

Asimi "Are you alright?" I ask, more worried.
#71942410Monday, July 09, 2012 7:37 PM GMT

~Ari~ I watched him from a distance. If I remembered correctly, he was one of those who were fighting at lunch. Poor guy. This school should be shut down permanently.
#71942509Monday, July 09, 2012 7:38 PM GMT

Xavier- Was she talking to him? Was anybody even outside? Sounded like a younger gal, maybe she saw him during the fight or something. With his teeth pressing against themselves he says; “Yeah, yeah, fine.” He says, rubbing his eyes once more.
#71942663Monday, July 09, 2012 7:40 PM GMT

Asimi "O-Ok."
#71942718Monday, July 09, 2012 7:40 PM GMT

~Ari~ I turned away and pulled out a notebook. I had started to record the different places I went to and note how good their defenses were, and if I thought they had cameras stationed there. Most likely they did, though I couldn't see any at the moment.
#71942906Monday, July 09, 2012 7:42 PM GMT

Xavier- “Alright, so, I missed class.” He says, his back still facing the pond. “Did any of the teachers leave in a rush?”
#71944897Monday, July 09, 2012 8:04 PM GMT

Nelle I wandered outside, clutching the black case in my hands. It was slightly too big for the occupant, and the case looked like a smaller guitar case. Inside was a ukulele. I wasn't sure if I was allowed it or not, but I wasn't that bothered at the moment. I just wanted to play.
#71945066Monday, July 09, 2012 8:06 PM GMT

Asimi "I believe some were hurrying. Why?"
#71945183Monday, July 09, 2012 8:07 PM GMT

~Ari~ I wanted out of this place. Of course, I had, like, four more years until I was old enough to leave. And then I'd probably end up in a mental ward or something. I wasn't sure, as I hadn't paid much attention when they told me. Now I realized I probably should have.
#71946533Monday, July 09, 2012 8:23 PM GMT

. l i s a n n a . The teenager looked over to the girl besides her. Oh, so the found a replacement for Mackenzie - oh, that girl went to the Director's office and she was gone. "You know it." She calmly said, and put her pillow aside. Oh how she would love to get out of here. Lisanna took out her bag and worked on her homework afterwards. we fear r e j e c t i o n, want a t t e n t i o n, c r a v e affection, and dream of p e r f e c t i o n
#71947283Monday, July 09, 2012 8:32 PM GMT

(Do we have our own bathroom in each room? Not really sure how this works.) Cleo I hop off the bed and start to unpack. "I'm Cleo by the way," I say while grabbing multiple items and putting them neatly in one of the drawers beside my bed.
#71947468Monday, July 09, 2012 8:34 PM GMT

~Ari~ I stood up. Too many people out here. I silently walked off the path and into the more heavily wooded area. (I'm assuming the pond is in a mini forest? If not, then she just walked behind the building.)
#71947773Monday, July 09, 2012 8:37 PM GMT

(I have to go for dinner.)
#71947992Monday, July 09, 2012 8:40 PM GMT

(The pond is actually located at the back of the building. There is no woods. :P) Xavier- “Because I’m figuring out what this school is, one step closer to breaking out.” His hands clutched into a fist. Yeah, he wasn’t facing whoever he was talking to but that doesn’t mean he could see her anyway.