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#72136049Wednesday, July 11, 2012 9:15 PM GMT

Earth of Snow The world cracked, earthquakes split the planet at every corner; every country was a shadow of itself. The cracks were said to go so deep, if you jumped down one; you would reach the outer core, despite this. Many believe the reason of deaths from falling into these chasms is 'the impact', but no. Its actually the heat. The heat that humanity no-longer has. At the same time the planet was coated in snow, most houses and buildings you can still see, most tilting, a few upright. And the few that have crashed into the ground and formed bridges [albeit unstable] across chasms. Snow-storms, as they are called cause many travelers to disappear in the thick of it. The creatures are unique, mutants that have tactics. The world is dead, humanity is in tatters. With three distinct 'sub-species' created. Humanity's remnants, are crazed. Some remain friendly; and most malls and supermarkets are controlled by Snow Raider clans. This caused many survivors to starve to death and never reach their destination. This is your story, your story of how you survived this chaos. The world's free, the world's free, the world's free and its all yours to play with..... -Sub-Species- Humans - Not going to explain. Pros You are considered normal, and some raiders will tolerate you. It takes you longer to die from the cold. Its moderately hard for you to blend into your icy surroundings. You are the most common type of Sub-species, feel free to meet a dozen of your kind! Cons You are the least durable of all three species. The Iconics see you as meat and decorations, they frequently attack 'Humans'. You are the easiest species to turn into Mutants. Flayed Men - The flayed men, as they are called; are human beings that have had all their skin flayed off by the snow storms. This leaves them only exposing their skeletal tissue visible, which is a red color. [These were based of Fallout's Marked Men, if you want their basic appearance; go to the wiki.] A unique substance in the Earth's snow keeps them alive. Pros You are quite durable. Few raiders tolerate Flayed Men, although a lot of Raider Clans are made from OR contain Flayed Men, increasing their lack of hostility, at the cost of low toleration. You are better than Humans at utilizing the mass produced guns of Stereo-Port. Cons You are forbidden to enter Pro-Human Camps. Its easier for you to die in snow-storms. Using blades commonly leads to the death of themselves. Iconics - Iconics [Ice Men] are the adapted humans of the world, who; using a special serum developed skin of ice. Greatly increasing your durability, and survivability. The Iconics are quite savage, and see anyone who doesn't have their skin to be their enemy. Pros You are the most durable of the Sub Species. Humans fear you too much to stop you from entering Pro-Human Camps. The snow is your ally, you blend in very well. Cons Due to the skin of concealing ice, your speed is greatly reduced. You find it fiddly to use guns, the most you can use is a pistol. You are outcasts, to everyone but your own kind; and Raider Clans consisting of Iconics. Rules Mary Sue and Gary Sues are executed by being DECLINED. No Godmodding.. Follow the Roblox Rules... Use grammar.. Rules will be invented later on, if something 'illogical' happens. Put 'Cross your heart hope to die, Stick a needle in your eye' if you have read this. Character Sheet [Human] N@me: @g.e: G3n/der: App3@rance: [Physical] Clothing: Bio: Faction: [Raiders, settlement, isolated.] Personality: Weapons: Flaws: Inventory: Other: Post Sample: Character Sheet [Flayed Man] N@me: @g.e: G3n/der: App3@rance: [Physical] Tone of Red: [No light reds. This is your skeletal tissue.] Clothing: Bio: Faction: [Raiders, Settlement. No Flayed Man is alone.] Personality: Weapons: Flaws: Inventory: Other: Post Sample: Character Sheet [Iconic] N@me: @g.e: G3n/der: App3@rance: Ice Skin Coloration: Amount of Ice on Skin: [A lot makes you more durable, less makes you more agile.] Clothing: [You don't wear tight stuff, that would crush your ice defenses.] Bio: Faction: [Possibly all.] Personality: Weapons: Flaws: Inventory: Other:
#72137804Wednesday, July 11, 2012 9:37 PM GMT

#72138774Wednesday, July 11, 2012 9:49 PM GMT

[No, see?]
#72176819Thursday, July 12, 2012 4:22 AM GMT

N@me:Marick @g.e:16 G3n/der:male App3@rance:Black hair, pale skin, average height, blue eyes. average weight Ice Skin Coloration:Darkish blue Amount of Ice on Skin: [A lot makes you more durable, less makes you more agile.]a lot Clothing: [You don't wear tight stuff, that would crush your ice defenses.]light flexible armor Bio:He has more ice than most others his age but It has made him kinda like a juggernaut, slow but powerful and hard to hurt. He grew up a natural leader and is respected by others. He had many friends growing up. Faction: [Possibly all.]Raiders Personality:Is calm but When he gets angry he gets REALLY ANGRY Weapons:Hard blades made of crystal Flaws:His ice armor is weaker on his back inbetween his shoulder blades and is also weak at his heels Inventory:his swords, money, Food and water(if they drink and whatever they eat) His armor Other:Is a leader of a small group of raiders(15 ppl the same race as him)
#72178523Thursday, July 12, 2012 4:43 AM GMT

#72179054Thursday, July 12, 2012 4:49 AM GMT

Geologiststs gonna hate
#72200276Thursday, July 12, 2012 1:45 PM GMT

Chickens gonna hate?]

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