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#72221967Thursday, July 12, 2012 6:32 PM GMT

[Plot] The world started peacefully, ruled by the two creators; Mother Nature and Father Time. Together they ruled happily, after creating the humans however things began to grow complicated. Humans made feelings and objects and holidays. After all this was done the two rulers had to create smaller rulers to rule the smaller things such as Holidays, Emotions, Seasons. Most of these smaller rulers may not seem like rulers but truly are more important than you think. After creating these smaller rulers all went back to being well kept and contained only one problem Halloween was still unoccupied by a ruler. So Father Time and Mother Nature finally created Cuthrus, Ruler of Halloween, sadly he was a cruel and greedy ruler. He began to try to take control of other's territory, if he isn't stopped he will rule everything. Even worse...you'll be out of a job. Can you stop Cuthrus? Can you keep your territory safe? Will you stay employed? Try your luck. ------------------------------------------- [Rules] Once a ruler is taken no choosing that ruler too. No arguing with me or others for that matter. After please give YOUR idea of who you choose, within reason. You must be accepted by an admin or me. Admins so far are me, and Pieperson2222. Please have fun, I hoping this will get popular. [Choices Available] Note: If you have another idea PM I will approve you to be able to take it. ------------------------------------------- Santa Claus Punxsutawney Phil (Groundhog's Day) Leprechaun Cupid Cuthrus Admin-Only Easter Bunny Tooth Fairy Sand-Man Father Time Admin-Only Mother Nature Admin-Only Jack Frost Baby New Year Ol' Man Winter Krampus (Google It) ------------------------------------------- [Character Sheet] Name (Must be one form above): A.ge (You Idea of their a.ge): Appearance (Your idea again): Personality (Again): Items: Abilities: Your Territory (What you rule): Other?:
#72222534Thursday, July 12, 2012 6:38 PM GMT

[Character Sheet] Name (Must be one form above): Ol' Man Winter A.ge (You Idea of their a.ge): Appearance of 50 some yea.rs old Appearance (Your idea again): A large light blue man with a short white bear and white hair. he has golden irises and is about 10 foot tall. He wears dark blue robes and brown sandals. He carries a large staff with a large glass snowflake on top. Personality (Again): A bit crabby, crude Items: His staff, a odd thermostat-looking device that can change temperature ANYWHERE. Abilities: Temperature Changing, Ice Making, Snow Making Your Territory (What you rule): Winter, Snow, Ice, Cold Other?: Jack Frost's Father
#72222572Thursday, July 12, 2012 6:38 PM GMT

I'm not entirely sure character sheets are the best idea for this.
#72222596Thursday, July 12, 2012 6:39 PM GMT

(gtg for a bit.)
#72222641Thursday, July 12, 2012 6:39 PM GMT

(Eh, I thought the same thing but I think it would be easier to keep who is who.)
#72223198Thursday, July 12, 2012 6:46 PM GMT

((By the way, what's the leprechaun in charge of?))
#72229791Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:03 PM GMT

((I see it as the holiday of St. Patrick's Day and gold, but you kinda give your idea.))
#72230166Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:07 PM GMT

[I wanna join, and be the tooth fairy, but I have no idea what she rules. XD]
#72230270Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:08 PM GMT

((Ah. So, would you like to be the villain, or shall I?))
#72230295Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:08 PM GMT

(Well ,my idea is dreams and...teeth...lol but you kinda make up your own idea as long as it is within reason :3)
#72230413Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:10 PM GMT

[So, either leprachuan or tooth fairy. :3 I just put leprachaun because Im part irish and i <3 st. patricks day :D.]
#72230427Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:10 PM GMT

(You may be him Pieperson.)
#72230785Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:14 PM GMT

(You can always be a female leprechaun)
#72230870Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:15 PM GMT

(I like it and I would like to join.)
#72230936Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:15 PM GMT

(Cool, join up.)
#72230968Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:16 PM GMT

Name: Lord Cuthrus Age: Just Created Appearance: Generally, a writhing mass of tentacles, limbs, and teeth. Personality: A sinister, scheming chessmaster. Items: Nothing of note Abilities: He can shapeshift, teleport, and create horrific things. Your Territory: The Master of Horror Other?: I'm the villain! Whooo!
#72230981Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:16 PM GMT

#72231469Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:21 PM GMT

(Just because I am a jerk I am gonna make a second CS, admins only >:P) [Character Sheet] Name (Must be one form above): Jack Frost A.ge (You Idea of their a.ge): Appears to be 18 Appearance (Your idea again): A light blue haired teenage boy with pale skin. He has blue eyes with specks of gold. He wears a light blue hoodie and baggy jeans with blue Converse shoes. Personality (Again): Relaxed, Easy-Going Items: An Apple...currently Abilities: Ice Breath, Icy Skin, Snow-Creating, Ice-Creating Your Territory (What you rule): Snow, Cold, Frost Other?: Ol' Man Winter's son
#72231525Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:22 PM GMT

(Once those to join we begin!)
#72232911Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:37 PM GMT

Name:"Grrr... I am Krampus the fearful one!" Age:"My age?! How am a beast like me suppose to know?! But I know one thing, I have stabbed fear into the little kiddies' heart for hundred of years!" Appearance:"I stand ten feet up taller than most humans! Black twisted horns poke out ready to plunge into your heart! I have the blackest eyes that if you look into it you will only find emptiness and defeat. My arms are as long as a broom and as tough as a truck! My sharp claws descend out my fingers a yard out! I am covered in these crimson fur and my face is black as the midnight sky. My teeth are as white as snow if they weren't so blood stained with all the meat I chew and gobble up. My feet has these long claws too that stick out a yard or so. My breath is the scent of blood for all I eat is the meat!" Personality:"You want to know my personality?! I act the opposite of the Santa Claus! I am filled with rage and fury. I am greedy and hate children! And I lay in my cave all day until Santa Claus calls me out to come with him to see the little kiddies. Items: "Do you see me holding anything unless the bone stinking out my mouth?!" Abilities: "I am best at gobbling up the humans in only a second! But if they run away I stretch out my arms and stab them out with my claws. But when I roar I strike out fear I into them!" Your territory:"I rule fear, violence, and punishment. You could say i rule the naughty childern at Christmas. Oh and don't forget my cave." Other:" That Curtius thinks he can take my job?! Thinks he can take the kiddies from me?!"
#72233226Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:40 PM GMT

(Well done on your CS, and good choice.)
#72233287Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:41 PM GMT

Name: Leprachaun. A.ge: 30, I guess. Appearance: Green pants, shirt, formal looking jacket, shoes, and hat. White socks. Orange hair. Green eyes, paleish skin. A few freckles. Personality: Cheery, friendly. Items: A small black culdren, some gold peices, a Golden Flute. Abilities: The ability to cloak itself, [invisibility.] and the ability to grant wishes. [Got it from a website. X3] Your Territory: St. Patricks Day. Other?: I think we're good. :3
#72233438Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:42 PM GMT

Santa Claus ✗ Punxsutawney Phil (Groundhog's Day) ✗ Leprechaun ✗ Cupid ✗ Cuthrus Admin-Only ✓ Easter Bunny ✗ Tooth Fairy ✗ Sand-Man ✗ Father Time Admin-Only ✗ Mother Nature Admin-Only ✗ Jack Frost ✓ Baby New Year Ol' Man Winter ✓ Krampus (Google It) ✓
#72233536Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:43 PM GMT

Santa Claus ✗ Punxsutawney Phil (Groundhog's Day) ✗ Leprechaun ✓ Cupid ✗ Cuthrus Admin-Only ✓ Easter Bunny ✗ Tooth Fairy ✗ Sand-Man ✗ Father Time Admin-Only ✗ Mother Nature Admin-Only ✗ Jack Frost ✓ Baby New Year Ol' Man Winter ✓ Krampus (Google It) ✓
#72233569Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:44 PM GMT

[Yay! Krampus be the devil. :D I should have chosen that... >:3 I'm a mini devil. Disquised as a teenage girl. >:D]

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