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#72305725Friday, July 13, 2012 3:41 PM GMT

Hello men/women/lasses/lads/boys/girls/dogs/cats/old people/pixelated wierdos/epic people/telamon/me, and welcome to the summer of reiteration! -Wait, what? Oh, I apologize, you don't even know what that is... let's just say this: Hi, it's me, frozengaia! And today I have a variety of announcements to make! So, before we do that, let's see what this summer is. Well, this july/august/september, I'm going to demand massive stuff like a freakist perfectionis- I mean, wackily suggest some decent reiterations to improve roblox in so many ways. I might include the common opinion, or something BONKERS. *music plays* But either way, it's probobly going to be better than whatever the common improvements to certain areas are. Anyway, I guess if you're new to S&I I'm now freaking you out... and this introduction has gone on for... let's see... 16 lines, so we better get on with this! So, the first reiteration in this series is the catalog. From some basic improvements to bodies, to more insane bundle buys and stuff. Also, as a side note: In every summer of reiteration post, they're will be a fully capitalized word. Combine every one, and you'll get a sentence. IF you combine it. Which you won't. I'm very smart at hiding that. Anyway, enough walloping. Started a forum game, made over 25 lines of uselessness, so let's get started with the idea(s). 1) Packages. Okay, horray. 3.0 is around the corner, and everyone hates it. Now, personally, I don't really care. Roblox is merely trying to stride for some more customization; hard to go wrong. Anyway, something I really like about 3.0 is the fact that I assume from some pictures, roblox grants HEADS in packages. I LOVE that idea. Example why: http://www.roblox.com/Skeleton-item?id=36781547 This is a body. Now, a nice fleshy head with bones underneath? Nah, not rad. But those "3.0" (I honestly cannot see why it's called the third version of bodies. It merely looks like an ordinary body. Just presented differently.) Seem to have decent heads to match. That I enjoy. Awesomeasaurus rex I belive to have a seperate hat. Where am I going? Heads. They were epic, and you should make more. I can see why you stoped: You ran out of ideas for a normal blocky body. But, with these new bodies, you have no reason to stop them. If you want, conjoin some heads with bodies. Or, I've got a nice suggestion for one. Pure vintage head. Price: 50R$ Appearance: removes the mesh on your head. Yes, your head is a mesh! Head acessory or not, it's a mesh! 1) Speaking of conjoining, why not make some bundle buys. What is this magical item? Every week, you make a bundle buy. This is a selection of five or so items for a fraction of the price to buy all five individually. So, what if you have an item in that bundle buy? Well, 105% of the price, rounded up, of that item gets taken off the total, making even bigger savings. But wouldn't that mean the items become free if you have four? No. the extra 5% is removed after the second item. Example. A bundle buy costs 1000 R$, and has five items. Each item costs 240R$. You have one of the items removing 252R$ from the price, making it 748R$. You also have another, removing 252R$ from the price, making it 496R$. You have a third, removing 240R$, making the price 256R$, Then a fourth, removing 240R$, making the price 16R$ The fifth item would then only cost 7% of the original price. (remember, if it is a decimal, the price is automatically rounded up. Even if it was 1.000000000002, it would be 2 robux.) If you have all five before the offer, you are awesome and nothing costs nothing. Horray. Now, this may seem like a massive decrease for the fifth, but think about it. To get the fifth item for that price in the first place before the bundle, you'd have to have bought every other one individually. 240X4? 960R$, you'd have to have spent to get the fifth item reduced to only 7. Which is a lot more expensive than the bundle. Also, it isn't a pick and mix: you get every item in the bundle that you don't have in it when you buy it, meaning you can't have three of five. Also, if one item is builders club exclusive, the entire bundle is. Even if you have that particular item. 3) Catalog checkout, catalog checklist. turn the roblox catalog into something like amazon. This gives real life experience in shopping online, and we all know how much roblox likes teaching stuff! :D So, there we go. Three suggestions on the catalog. I apologize if you don't understand, that's me all over. Impossible to grasp, but epic if you can. Gosh, I am in so much self esteem as of now. .-. Supports? Thank you. No supports without reason? Thanks for the support. Envy/flame posts? Thanks for the support. Constructive critisism is usually more appreciated (Sp?) than supports. Enjoy.
#72312969Friday, July 13, 2012 5:11 PM GMT

D.:> People... why... are... you... not... posting... ON THIS THREAD!? *Curse of the fire penguin!* Bump.
#72313157Friday, July 13, 2012 5:14 PM GMT

Because we don't care. Or it's the fact your title makes you look like a spammer. Anyways, the suggestion isn't very clear in some areas, and I don't feel the moderators are going to care enough to implement it. Levan Polka -Len Kagmine
#72313206Friday, July 13, 2012 5:14 PM GMT

Only because "TL;DR" hurrdeehurr. But I read it, and I like it, support. :D
#72313336Friday, July 13, 2012 5:15 PM GMT

Phrase is Love Bonkers Heads., amd support.
#72313388Friday, July 13, 2012 5:16 PM GMT

Usually, 678, looking like a spammer (I did that on purpose) makes people come to flame you, notice you made a valid idea, and wholla. Hate's magnetic. But ym thank you for supporting mtr. mikkel.

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