#72602285Monday, July 16, 2012 12:51 PM GMT

(accepted smalljames. choose your five people) Leader:+1 food Priest:naps Builder:starts building altar (-5 wood. 2 days remaining) Hunter:+2 food Fisherman:+3 food Country Name: Rykana Leader's Name: Rykana Colnam (Co - La - Name) Wood: 10 Stone: 15 Food: 16 Silver: 0 Gold: 0 Population: 5 Happiness: Content Under Current Disaster: No Government: Native Democracy Army Size: None Region: Desert. Current Disasters: None Buildings village hall 3 huts unfinished altar (2 days remaining) ~The Pwner has spoken!~
#72610262Monday, July 16, 2012 3:16 PM GMT

1 Miner,1 Fisherman,1 Lumberer,1 Builder,1 Priest
#72612606Monday, July 16, 2012 3:42 PM GMT

I command my archer to prepare for the barbarians, my leader to pray to the storm god, and for everybody and all the supplies to be in the town hall. My fisherman and miner set out on the ground for additional support.
#72618936Monday, July 16, 2012 4:57 PM GMT

James, you have to have a leader :| ~The Pwner has spoken!~
#72619033Monday, July 16, 2012 4:59 PM GMT

its 5 people why do 5 people need a leader
#72620564Monday, July 16, 2012 5:17 PM GMT

@super 1.its 4 people and a leader 2.dont post unless youre gonna give advice or join 3. there is a leader for 4 people BECAUSE it is a tribe, and all tribes need a leader :/ lumberer:prepares for attack gatherer:prepares for attack builder:prepares for attack leader:Event! fisherman:Ground support Trained Archer:Prepares for attack Divine Miner:Ground support events: The leader heard from the storm god. "fool! why didn't you train your soldiers, and you didnt even make defenses! they will die if you dont! I will give you 3 divine horses. use them wisely."(+3 diving horses, give them to 3 of your villagers.) Country Name: Japan Leader's Name: Shi hundai Wood: 40 Stone: 23 Food: 62 Iron:10 Silver: 0 Gold: 0 Population: 7 Happiness: Cheerful Under Current Disaster: yes Government: Hierchy Army Size: None Region: Forest Current Disasters: barbarian attack (2 days remaining) buildings 4 huts village hall makeshift altar archer tower ~The Pwner has spoken!~
#72624408Monday, July 16, 2012 5:59 PM GMT

Sorry. 1 leader,1 priest,1 lumberer,1fisherman,1 builder.
#72624901Monday, July 16, 2012 6:04 PM GMT

Get the Priest to pray, even with no altar. Tell the leader to stop gathering and start cutting wood, since the builder will need some.
#72768969Wednesday, July 18, 2012 1:10 AM GMT

Im sorry i havent been posting much Clone, you are temp. adminized so you can do them for me for a little while ~The Pwner has spoken!~
#72805986Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12:09 PM GMT

Am I able to play now that I have a leader?
#72806072Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12:11 PM GMT

yes, but let me do something for you first ~The Pwner has spoken!~
#72806174Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12:14 PM GMT

leader:naps priest:naps lumberer:+5 wood fisherman:+5 food builder:naps Country Name:Traddie Leader's Name:Naymer Wood: 20 Stone: 15 Food: 15 Silver: 0 Gold: 0 Population: 5 Happiness: Content Under Current Disaster: No Government: Hierchy Army Size: None Region:Archipelago Current Disasters: None ~The Pwner has spoken!~
#72807062Wednesday, July 18, 2012 12:39 PM GMT

Leader:+4 wood Priest:event! Builder:starts building altar (1 day remaining) Hunter:+2 food Fisherman:+3 food Events: The priest was able to access the web of gods. who will you worship? Fire(evil) Water(good) Storm(good) Life(good) Death(evil) Time(good) Gravity(good) Air(good) Disease(evil) Country Name: Rykana Leader's Name: Rykana Colnam (Co - La - Name) Wood: 14 Stone: 15 Food: 16 Silver: 0 Gold: 0 Population: 5 Happiness: Content Under Current Disaster: No Government: Native Democracy Army Size: None Region: Desert. Current Disasters: None Buildings village hall 3 huts unfinished altar (1 day remaining) ~The Pwner has spoken!~
#72812670Wednesday, July 18, 2012 2:29 PM GMT

He will worship the God/Goddess of water, as we are in the desert wich lack water. If the leader can, make him worship the God/Goddess of life/love so we can have more pop.
#72821533Wednesday, July 18, 2012 4:30 PM GMT

The leader mounts the Fisherman, himself, and the Lumberer on the horses, the builder attempts to build each of them a sword against the barbarian invasion. The gatherer and the miner stay inside the town hall with the food.
#73056116Friday, July 20, 2012 9:14 PM GMT

Divine lumberer:Event! gatherer:Naps builder:builds swords (-5 wood) Divine leader:Event! Divine fisherman:Event! Trained Archer:Prepares for attack Divine Miner:naps events: The 3 people get enhanced, but you hear a displeased response from the storm god. "BUILD WALLS AND A GATE YOU FOOLS!!!" he booms Country Name: Japan Leader's Name: Shi hundai Wood: 40 Stone: 23 Food: 57 Iron:10 Silver: 0 Gold: 0 Population: 7 Happiness: Excited for the attack! Under Current Disaster: yes Government: Hierchy Army Size: None Region: Forest Current Disasters: barbarian attack (tommorrow) buildings 4 huts village hall makeshift altar archer tower ~The Pwner has spoken!~
#73057617Friday, July 20, 2012 9:28 PM GMT

Leader:+3 wood Priest:event! Builder:finishes altar Hunter:+3 food Fisherman:+4 food Events: You chose the water god, getting you more rain (+1 happiness) Country Name: Rykana Leader's Name: Rykana Colnam (Co - La - Name) Wood: 14 Stone: 15 Food: 16 Silver: 0 Gold: 0 Population: 5 Happiness: Very happy! Under Current Disaster: No Government: Native Democracy Army Size: None Region: Desert. Current Disasters: None Buildings village hall 3 huts Altar ~The Pwner has spoken!~
#74505432Saturday, August 04, 2012 10:23 AM GMT

Tell the builder to make a makeshift wall. Tell the leader to start a vote to choose to start having a king to rule (Monarchy) or stay the same.
#74524614Saturday, August 04, 2012 4:41 PM GMT

I command all my people to quickly build the walls and gates, with the builder to supervise them.
#74628598Sunday, August 05, 2012 4:59 PM GMT

King:Event! Priest:prays. (+1 happiness) Builder:finishes makeshift wall (-5 wood) Hunter:+3 food Fisherman:+4 food Events: The people vote...and have chosen to become a monarchy! Country Name: Rykana Leader's Name: Rykana Colnam (Co - La - Name) Wood: 14 Stone: 15 Food: 16 Silver: 0 Gold: 0 Population: 5 Happiness: VERY Cheerful! Under Current Disaster: No Government: Native Democracy Army Size: None Region: Desert. Current Disasters: None Buildings village hall 3 huts Altar makeshift wall ~Jake:They're just gnomes and illusions.~
#74628994Sunday, August 05, 2012 5:04 PM GMT

Divine lumberer:Event! gatherer:Event! builder:Event! Divine leader:Event! Divine fisherman:Event! Trained Archer:Event! Divine Miner:Event! events: You finish the wall and gate with ease.(-20 wood) Country Name: Japan Leader's Name: Shi hundai Wood: 20 Stone: 23 Food: 52 Iron:10 Silver: 0 Gold: 0 Population: 7 Happiness: Excited for the attack! Under Current Disaster: yes Government: Hierchy Army Size: None Region: Forest Current Disasters: barbarian attack (tommorrow) buildings 4 huts village hall makeshift altar archer tower wooden wall gatehouse ~Jake:They're just gnomes and illusions.~
#74629194Sunday, August 05, 2012 5:07 PM GMT

King:Event! Priest:prays. (+1 happiness) Builder:finishes makeshift wall (-5 wood) Hunter:+6 food Fisherman:+2 food Events: The people vote...and have chosen to become a monarchy! Country Name: Rykana Leader's Name: Rykana Colnam (Co - La - Name) Wood: 14 Stone: 15 Food: 19 Silver: 0 Gold: 0 Population: 5 Happiness: VERY Cheerful! Under Current Disaster: No Government: Native Democracy Army Size: None Region: Desert. Current Disasters: None Buildings village hall 3 huts Altar makeshift wall (sorry, forgot to subtract the amount of food your guys ate and the amount that they brought in) ~Jake:They're just gnomes and illusions.~
#74670483Monday, August 06, 2012 12:14 AM GMT

-Tell the priest to ask the Life God/Goddess for faster reproduction. -Get the king to get lumber
#74870066Tuesday, August 07, 2012 8:42 PM GMT

King:+2 wood Priest:prays for more pop(+1 baby) Builder:none Hunter:+4 food Fisherman:+3 food Baby:Event! Events: A baby is born and stuff(+1 baby) Country Name: Rykana Leader's Name: Rykana Colnam (Co - La - Name) Wood: 16 Stone: 15 Food: 21 Silver: 0 Gold: 0 Population: 5 Happiness: VERY Cheerful! Under Current Disaster: No Government: Monarchy Army Size: None Region: Desert. Current Disasters: None Buildings village hall 3 huts Altar makeshift wall ~Jake:They're just gnomes and illusions.~
#74872147Tuesday, August 07, 2012 9:00 PM GMT

-Get king to check if baby has any... Special marks. -Get builder to build an archery range to increase the hunter's skill and to make a good defence (Good defence applies to all if I decide to send them training) if needed. [Is the archery range good or is it too "Perfect?"