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#731289Tuesday, April 08, 2008 9:27 PM GMT

CAN someone please tell me how to make a morph on roblox STUDIO??
#731299Tuesday, April 08, 2008 9:29 PM GMT

thats pretty advanced for someone who just started playing 20 days ago. i think you should try something a bit smaller.
#731363Tuesday, April 08, 2008 9:39 PM GMT

Non sense I m a really good cmputer person
Top 100 Poster
#731576Tuesday, April 08, 2008 10:04 PM GMT

Ok, first make the model you want to be a morph. Insert a Humanoid. Name one of the bricks "Head" and another "Torso". (Optional- Right/Left Arm/Leg) Make sure all surfaces touching another brick are welded. Turn the CanCollide off on all the bricks, and Anchor all of them. On "Free Models" type my name (o7734) and look for "NZ's Morph Script ~o7734~" Insert that script into a brick. Double click on the script and change the words "Penguin" at the top into whatever it is the name of your model is. (Make sure the name has no spaces) Now, just step on the brick with the script in it to morph! Btw, PM me if you have any other problems.

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