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#73316247Monday, July 23, 2012 12:54 PM GMT

(Before you decide to read any further, I must warn you that this is a sandbox-type of roleplay that gives the roleplayer the option to be anything they want whether it be a human, cursed spirit, or a druid. Anthro's can be considered if used well, but animals themselves are not unless it's an NPC). People with abilities can be considered too, but I'm keeping a minimum on things.) (Also, this world was set and based mainly off of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.) People always ask each other "Why is our Earth so vile and evil when long ago it was in peace in harmony?" Silly beings of our planet, Earth was never at peace, it just wasn't as bad as it was today, though I'll answer your question. Many centuries ago, a portal from Earth to Hell was opened, releasing all demons, vampires, and other evil forces onto our world. They saw it as a playground and all of the humans and animals were mere toys. The portal eventually closed, but it was too late. Hell had entered Earth, and now we're suffering. Demons and vampires only stay in crisis areas, otherwise the areas on Earth where portals of Hell can be opened. They constantly try to open the portal and let more of their kind in, but humans brave enough to stand up will stop them, and few of them being known as "Slayers." Slayers are our worlds protectors, able to fight against these creatures and have inhuman strength, over-average speed, and amazing reflexes. There are one slayer at each Portal-Area, aka Crisis Spot. Slayers are in tiny numbers, being maybe about 10 or less in the world. Not only slayers fight against these, but other beings not even humans but with right intentions can as well. This is good because we need as many slayers, protectors, and beings to watch us as much as we can for what's coming. Someone powerful, so powerful that they plan to reopen all portals in the world and turn Earth into the second Hell. Relying on the good and Slayers, it's unknown what our world will become. Will you help us, or will you join the evil? ----Species and Creatures---- (You do not have to read all of this, just whichever one you want to be.) VAMPIRES --- For starters, if you're going to be a vampire, you cannot be nice, decide that you just don't want to drink human blood, or become "good" unless you have a soul. The only vampires that have good intentions are ones with a soul, and it's incredibly hard to get one, and they don't even want a soul, but they can be cursed by a gypsy or witch, or any other type of curse-casting beings. Vampires live for eternity, but can die from: A wooden stake to the heart, decapitating, sunlight, and holy water. Vampires have inhuman strength, speed, and invulnerable to few items, as well slow healing. The more powerful vampires have hypnosis and telepathy, sometimes even telekinesis. WEREWOLVES --- Second, werewolves do not form every night, only on full moons and they have NO control of themselves once formed. Werewolves can be trained to not be formed anymore, but they will still have sharp smell and speed even as a human. WITCHES/WARLOCKS --- Not all witches are bad, but most are. In fact, they love to use magic just for the fun of it. Black-Magic is VERY rare and can only be found in the top-notch magic stores. Black-Magic is also hard to comprehend, so only the best of the best witches can learn it, and those are usually good witches. (FYI, Witches are female, but Warlocks are male. Sorcerers are similar to witches, but they're magic is slightly different.) ABILITIES & CURSES --- Few people CAN be cursed with an ability, or something that's an ability but they can't use, such as being cursed to be invisible at all times. Please hold off on the abilities for only about four people will have them. Abilities must be realistic and creative such as a telekinetic or warping ability. Also, few species have abilities of their own, like individual demons could posses teleportation or such. Psychics are in this world, so they have telepathy and other psychic-like abilities. DEMONS AND TYPES OF DEMONS --- Demons are going to be common, but they're not as easy to kill as a vampire. (as if killing a vampire is that easy for most people) Common demons are: Unnamed Demon: They can have any type of appearance they want and any appendages like tentacles, large arms, etc. They usually don't possess any type of ability other then massive strength, but can at times have unusual gifts. Chaos Demon: A bulky and tall demon with antlers on its head and at times will eject slime out of itself. Chaos Demons are known to cause chaos and murderous actions. They have no abilities other then massive strength. Vengeance Demon: Vengeance Demons are female demons that usually look wrinkly and deformed in the face, but can morph themselves to look like a normal human. They are able to grant any vengeful wish that has to do with vengeance or revenge, most commonly used of a woman that was heartbroken from a man. The woman could wish that the man was never born, and the demon could grant it, and it would be true. Vengeance Demon's have inhuman strength and can teleport to places. When not in their human form and their face looks all weird, they have a more demented and dark voice. They also wear a pendent around their necks at most times. Also, the way Vengeance Demons find a woman (sometimes a man) to cast their wish is by feeling their suffering, like a small bit of Empathy. Other Demons can be made up by users, but must be accepted and detailed. PSYCHICS, TELEPATHS, AND SEERS --- Psychics are very rare, but usually will go by the name "Telepaths" since most psychics only possess the ability of telepathy. Some psychics can have telekinesis, hypnosis, pyrokinesis, cyrokinesis, visions, and teleportation. Psychics, as I mentioned, are very rare unless a Telepath. (If you want to be a psychic, I suggest being a Telepath or a Seer (Someone who has visions) DEMI-GODS--- Demi-Gods are one of the most rare since they don't live on earth. Demi-Gods can have their own type of powers, strength, appearances, or lives. They usually live in different dimensions. THINNY/DIMENSIONAL WARPER --- A Thinny is a species that looks exactly like a human, except they possess the ability to travel to different dimensions. They can create their own portal or vortex to get to an area. Thinny's can be considered dangerous since they at times will be able to absorb or suck up an entire area using a black hole. SPIRITS, POLTERGEIST, AND GHOSTS --- Spirits, poltergeist, and ghosts are common in graveyards or abandoned places. They're usually invisible, but only Spirits are able to take the shape of a dead person, lover, or dead animal. They use this technique to make a person go insane, or they'll just use it to be able to communicate with someone. When taking the form or shape of a dead creature or human, they are phasing, meaning that can still walk through walls and etc and be unharmed. Spirits, poltergeists, and ghosts cannot come back to life in a dead corpse using necromancy nor can they harm a living object unless they are full of rage and madness, then they are able to harm others, which makes them a deadly species when like this. ILLUSIONISTS/HALLUCINATIONS --- Illusionists aren't very common, but they usually will take the role of a magician preforming magic tricks. They can also make hallucinations that are able to convince someone to go to an area that looks like land, but could actually be a large pit. ZOMBIE CURSES ---Zombies are not in this world unless a spell or artifact brings them to life. Once the spell is lifted, the zombies will go back to being corpses. HUMANS --- Humans are able to cast small and light spells, but will take ye.ars for them to become a real witch or warlock. OTHER SPECIES THAT WILL BE FOUND OUT LATER THROUGHOUT THE ROLEPLAY AND YOU JUST REALIZED THAT THIS CAPS IS VERY UNNECESSARY NOW --- Other species, demons, and forces of hell can be found or mentioned later on during the roleplay, if it works out. ---- Locations ---- First, we're all in Los Angeles. I'm going to be making up city names since I don't know all of the cities in California, but the larger and most-famous cities will still be there. Second, dimensions will vary, such as going through vortex's many times. ---- Rules and Notes ---- 1. Not everyone can be the most powerful or a "good" vampire. In fact, maybe only one or possibly two vampires will even be allowed to have souls. 2. Not everyone can be a person with an ability. If you're a human and you want an ability in the roleplay later on, you could find a witch/warlock or do a spell yourself to give you an ability, though I won't let everyone do this. 3. If you're cursed, please make sure that it's one large major weakness. (Ex: Vampire having a soul, werewolf having to transform every night, a person to be invisible forever, etc) 4. PG-13. If you get a baby in this roleplay, I will make a werewolf eat your baby and then you, and after that I'll just kick you out of the roleplay. 5. Maximum character slots are three AT A TIME. This means you can only make a new one after one character dies, unless you really want a second character, but three at one time is out of the question. 6. Apocalypses are natural and pretty usual in this roleplay, and I'm allowing the users to be able to create an apocalypse if they want to, but they have to ask, have a reason, and tell me how they're going to do it. (Ex: Absorbing all magic and spells in the world, which makes you able to create an apocalypse.) Of course, all apocalypses will be stopped. The one large apocalypse from the major villain I'm creating will come into affect later on. 7. I create too many roleplays. o_o 8. I'm just making stuff up to get to number 10. 9. I think I've done this before... 10. yay. ---- Character Sheet ---- Name: A-g-e: Species: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Biography: Ability(s): Weapons: Cursed(Or curses): Villain or Good: I may be forgetting something in the character sheet. Also, please don't underestimate this just because it involves both vampires and abilities. It's just one large supernatural hellish earth. Also, I won't allow many people to be vampires or abilities. I'm sort of doubting myself for making this since I just made another roleplay that practically hasn't even started and this roleplay may be considered cliche and seem stupid *cough* by *cough cough* many people *cough* bebi *cough cough*.
#73317071Monday, July 23, 2012 1:13 PM GMT

Bumping because I hate it when threads get views but no replies. ;-;
#73317185Monday, July 23, 2012 1:16 PM GMT

It's a good thread, but I'm already really busy with several others I'm in so I won't be joining. Good luck with it.
#73317261Monday, July 23, 2012 1:17 PM GMT

Thank yee Rockee. ^~^ And now, I continue to stare at this computer-wall-screen-machine until another person arrives and posts. o_o
#73317413Monday, July 23, 2012 1:21 PM GMT

May join....I'll follow this 'till something cool happens........
#73317730Monday, July 23, 2012 1:29 PM GMT

Bored so I might join
#73317925Monday, July 23, 2012 1:33 PM GMT

((Oh, such difficult decisions. On one hand, I love Buffy. On the other hand, you've permitted furries. Oh, woe is me. I may or may not join, I need to think. How loosely did you base this off Buffy? Is there a Wolfram and Hart here in LA, and if so who's in charge?))
#73317975Monday, July 23, 2012 1:34 PM GMT

(Buffy characters are not here, the plot is just based off of that, so not they aren't in L.A. And also, I doubt anyone is really going to be a furry because it doesn't go well with the plot so I might as well take it out.)
#73318060Monday, July 23, 2012 1:36 PM GMT

Name: A-g-e: 14 Species: Human Gender: Female Personality: Kind and shy. Never talk to unknown people, only talks to people she knows well. Appearance: Blue eyes. Blonde hair that covers right eye. Plain black shirt and jeans. Purple and white shoes. Biography: Normal girl with no family and few friends. Lives in a flat, not so rich. No family that she knows off. She went to school and left high school at Year 8. Ability(s): None. Weapons: Blunt Machete. Cursed(Or curses): None. Villain or Good: Good.
#73318122Monday, July 23, 2012 1:37 PM GMT

((Wait a second, you said that the maxiumum number of characters is three at a time, then you said that three was out of the question?))
#73318227Monday, July 23, 2012 1:40 PM GMT

(I meant that when you're done with one character, you can have another, but you cannot have three at once. It just becomes too confusing, but I'll let people have two if necessary.)
#73318276Monday, July 23, 2012 1:40 PM GMT

#73318328Monday, July 23, 2012 1:41 PM GMT

((That's a darn shame. I'll come up with a character concept at some point, as soon as I think of one.))
#73318450Monday, July 23, 2012 1:44 PM GMT

(I Kind of rushed my character sheet for no reason..)
#73318510Monday, July 23, 2012 1:45 PM GMT

(You're accepted permanent. And why is it a shame, where you wanting to use three characters at once? o.o)
#73320231Monday, July 23, 2012 2:16 PM GMT

Name: Jay Resontual A-g-e: 19 Species: Human (With a side affect) Gender: Male Personality: Quiet, helpful, at times cynical and sarcastic. He isn't pessimistic but he isn't optimistic either. Appearance: He's 6'1, weighs 128 lbs, and has a peach-apricot skin tone. He wears gray clothing most of the time, and is currently wearing a long sleeved gray shirt with dark blue jeans and black tennis shoes. Biography: Yadda yadda. This is optional for people but I forgot to mention that. Ability(s): Clairvoyance - Clairsentience, which are small yet helpful. Clairvoyance is to see the unseen, such as whats behind a door or what's down the hall, and Clairsentience is to know the answers to things without being told or learning it. He gained this while studying psychic abilities. Weapons: None Cursed(Or curses): None Villain or Good: Good.
#73320963Monday, July 23, 2012 2:28 PM GMT

(IF I join can I be demi god? Wont abuse powerz? *Kitty eyes* Maybe???)
#73322414Monday, July 23, 2012 2:42 PM GMT

(You can, but you'll eventually die/be warded off since demi-gods are power hungry and as a demi-god, I'll actually allow you to abuse a bit, though as long as you agree that you eventually will have that character die or leave Earth. You'll be allowed to create another character after that, it's just I don't want a character like a demi-god staying around for too long.)
#73323114Monday, July 23, 2012 2:48 PM GMT

(I'm fine with that. Now I'll just think up a character...)
#73333292Monday, July 23, 2012 4:35 PM GMT

(Can we start?)
#73335360Monday, July 23, 2012 5:01 PM GMT

(Sure. Just remember that we stay in L.A, and you can make up the area around you as you go on.)
#73336563Monday, July 23, 2012 5:15 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#73336831Monday, July 23, 2012 5:19 PM GMT

(I never realized that. e.e It must be a sign. That this thread is the opposite of 1337. D: )
#73337960Monday, July 23, 2012 5:33 PM GMT

(I may join...)
#73339283Monday, July 23, 2012 5:49 PM GMT

(Well, take it into consideration if you want. :> Bump.)

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