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#73527449Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:03 PM GMT

Owner of Business:James Ilian Name of Business:Food Shack of Munch (I couldn't think of one.) Location:Hawk Avenue Type of Restaurant:Sit-Down Uniform?: Chefs Males- A blue shirt with a white apron and any color of jeans. Females-A pink shirt with a black apron and any color of jeans. Waitors Males- A black hat with the logo, white shirt with no apron, and blue jeans. And a white vest with the logo (Just Food House of Munch in Red bold letters.) On the back. Females-Same as the Males. (Name got cut off.) You step out of the bus, late. You knew that you made the right decision of waiting for a property to end up cleared, but was it worth all this time?... Building Plan: Symbols: C = Chair, T = Table, OV = Oven, S = Sink, COU = Counter __________I-------------I __________I----[C][C]---I __________I----[T][T]----I __________I----[C][C]---I _________/[KITCHEN]---I ________I [OV][S][COU]-I Menu: Breakfast: N/A Lunch: N/A Dinner: N/A Drinks: N/A _________ MONEY: 1,000$ Appliances/Furniture: Wooden Chair/ Worth: 50$ Cleaned Oven/ Worth: 50$ Oak Countertop/ Worth: 100$ Sink/ Worth: 0$ Building Upgrades: None Advisor Comments: "I'd recommend finding some meals to work on, and possibly hire a chef. Then we can watch the costumers run right in."
#73528818Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:22 PM GMT

I have two goals to start out. 1. Hire workers, Waitor, Chef, Janitor and others. 2. (If I have enough money, and if it won't drain my savings much.) Add another chair and table set.
#73528956Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:23 PM GMT

(No. Right now, you should focus on upgrading your place, and getting a chef. Getting a waitor, chef, janitor will basically render your money useless.)
#73529089Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:25 PM GMT

Get a chef.
#73529185Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:26 PM GMT

---Hiring List -Timmy --Occupation: Chef ---Pay: 150$ Day (Will take rain checks) ----Specialty: American/Austrian -----Skills: Cooking: 20%, Preparation: 1% -McKay --Occupation: Chef ---Pay: 200$ Day (Will take rain checks) ----Specialty: Austrian -----Skills: Cooking: 30%, Preparation: 0% Building Plan: Symbols: C = Chair, T = Table, OV = Oven, S = Sink, COU = Counter __________I-------------I __________I----[C][C]---I __________I----[T][T]----I __________I----[C][C]---I _________/[KITCHEN]---I ________I [OV][S][COU]-I Menu: Breakfast: N/A Lunch: N/A Dinner: N/A Drinks: N/A _________ MONEY: 1,000$ Appliances/Furniture: Wooden Chair/ Worth: 50$ Cleaned Oven/ Worth: 50$ Oak Countertop/ Worth: 100$ Sink/ Worth: 0$ Building Upgrades: None Advisor Comments: "I'd recommend finding some meals to work on, and possibly hire a chef. Then we can watch the costumers run right in."
#73529347Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:28 PM GMT

#73529403Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:29 PM GMT

(Can I make another business?)
#73529452Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:29 PM GMT

(Everyone picks Timmy...) Timmy's hired. Building Plan: Symbols: C = Chair, T = Table, OV = Oven, S = Sink, COU = Counter __________I-------------I __________I----[C][C]---I __________I----[T][T]----I __________I----[C][C]---I _________/[KITCHEN]---I ________I [OV][S][COU]-I Menu: Breakfast: N/A Lunch: N/A Dinner: N/A Drinks: N/A _________ MONEY: 1,000$ Employees- -Timmy --Occupation: Chef ---Pay: 150$ Day (Will take rain checks) ----Specialty: American/Austrian -----Skills: Cooking: 20%, Preparation: 1% Appliances/Furniture: Wooden Chair/ Worth: 50$ Cleaned Oven/ Worth: 50$ Oak Countertop/ Worth: 100$ Sink/ Worth: 0$ Building Upgrades: None Advisor Comments: "I'd recommend finding some meals to work on, and possibly hire a chef. Then we can watch the costumers run right in."
#73529588Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:31 PM GMT

(I pick Tim because he has more variety on the speciality.) Ask Timmy for any meals to work on.
#73529765Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:33 PM GMT

Timmy: I love hamburgers, fries, and pizza. Dunno how to make pizza (Needs to go to a class to learn Italian), but that's some of my favorite foods. Building Plan: Symbols: C = Chair, T = Table, OV = Oven, S = Sink, COU = Counter __________I-------------I __________I----[C][C]---I __________I----[T][T]----I __________I----[C][C]---I _________/[KITCHEN]---I ________I [OV][S][COU]-I Menu: Breakfast: N/A Lunch: N/A Dinner: N/A Drinks: N/A _________ MONEY: 1,000$ Employees- -Timmy --Occupation: Chef ---Pay: 150$ Day (Will take rain checks) ----Specialty: American/Austrian -----Skills: Cooking: 20%, Preparation: 1% Appliances/Furniture: Wooden Chair/ Worth: 50$ Cleaned Oven/ Worth: 50$ Oak Countertop/ Worth: 100$ Sink/ Worth: 0$ Building Upgrades: None Advisor Comments: "I'd recommend finding some meals to work on, and possibly hire a chef. Then we can watch the costumers run right in."
#73529809Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:34 PM GMT

(I don't get a business? D:)
#73529892Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:35 PM GMT

#73529974Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:36 PM GMT

We'll start out making Hamburgers and fries, once we get more money, I'll pay for your classes.
#73530121Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:37 PM GMT

(They are only 100$ per class. Timmy gains cooking skill, and knowlage to cook Italian/ whatever food you pick, food.) Building Plan: Symbols: C = Chair, T = Table, OV = Oven, S = Sink, COU = Counter __________I-------------I __________I----[C][C]---I __________I----[T][T]----I __________I----[C][C]---I _________/[KITCHEN]---I ________I [OV][S][COU]-I Menu: Breakfast: N/A Lunch: Hamburger 6.50$ Dinner: Hamburger 6.50$ Drinks: N/A Appetizers: Fries 2.50$ Desserts: N/A _________ MONEY: 1,000$ Employees- -Timmy --Occupation: Chef ---Pay: 150$ Day (Will take rain checks) ----Specialty: American/Austrian -----Skills: Cooking: 20%, Preparation: 1% Appliances/Furniture: Wooden Chair/ Worth: 50$ Cleaned Oven/ Worth: 50$ Oak Countertop/ Worth: 100$ Sink/ Worth: 0$ Building Upgrades: None Advisor Comments: "I'd recommend finding some meals to work on, and possibly hire a chef. Then we can watch the costumers run right in."
#73530363Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:40 PM GMT

Tim will go to italian class.
#73530497Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:42 PM GMT

Timmy goes to Italian class. He completes it. Building Plan: Symbols: C = Chair, T = Table, OV = Oven, S = Sink, COU = Counter __________I-------------I __________I----[C][C]---I __________I----[T][T]----I __________I----[C][C]---I _________/[KITCHEN]---I ________I [OV][S][COU]-I Menu: Breakfast: N/A Lunch: Hamburger 6.50$ Dinner: Hamburger 6.50$ Drinks: N/A Appetizers: Fries 2.50$ Desserts: N/A _________ MONEY: 1,000$ Employees- -Timmy --Occupation: Chef ---Pay: 150$ Day (Will take rain checks) ----Specialty: American/Austrian/Italian -----Skills: Cooking: 29%, Preparation: 7% Appliances/Furniture: Wooden Chair/ Worth: 50$ Cleaned Oven/ Worth: 50$ Oak Countertop/ Worth: 100$ Sink/ Worth: 0$ Building Upgrades: None Advisor Comments: "I'd recommend finding some meals to work on, and possibly hire a chef. Then we can watch the costumers run right in."
#73530538Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:43 PM GMT

(Can I sign up? You said it was full earlier but he got a business so...)
#73530608Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:44 PM GMT

(Yuppers. Two spots left. Get making a CS.)
#73530821Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:47 PM GMT

(Can you make me one of these,please PM me the IP address if you do)
#73530837Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:47 PM GMT

Do you know how to make pancakes, and other basic stuff for breakfast?
#73530907Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:48 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#73531016Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:50 PM GMT

Timmy: "Yeah..." Building Plan: Symbols: C = Chair, T = Table, OV = Oven, S = Sink, COU = Counter __________I-------------I __________I----[C][C]---I __________I----[T][T]----I __________I----[C][C]---I _________/[KITCHEN]---I ________I [OV][S][COU]-I Menu: Breakfast: Pancakes 4.50$, Waffles 6.50$, Toast 4.50$, French Toast 6$, Hashbrowns 5$ Lunch: Hamburger 6.50$ Dinner: Hamburger 6.50$ Drinks: N/A Appetizers: Fries 2.50$ Desserts: N/A _________ MONEY: 1,000$ Employees- -Timmy --Occupation: Chef ---Pay: 150$ Day (Will take rain checks) ----Specialty: American/Austrian/Italian -----Skills: Cooking: 29%, Preparation: 7% Appliances/Furniture: Wooden Chair/ Worth: 50$ Cleaned Oven/ Worth: 50$ Oak Countertop/ Worth: 100$ Sink/ Worth: 0$ Building Upgrades: None Advisor Comments: "I'd recommend finding some meals to work on, and possibly hire a chef. Then we can watch the costumers run right in."
#73531297Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:53 PM GMT

We should have soda, water and diet soda for drinks and maybe Key Lime Pie for dessert?
#73531377Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:54 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#73531391Wednesday, July 25, 2012 5:54 PM GMT

Done. Building Plan: Symbols: C = Chair, T = Table, OV = Oven, S = Sink, COU = Counter __________I-------------I __________I----[C][C]---I __________I----[T][T]----I __________I----[C][C]---I _________/[KITCHEN]---I ________I [OV][S][COU]-I Menu: Breakfast: Pancakes 4.50$, Waffles 6.50$, Toast 4.50$, French Toast 6$, Hashbrowns 5$ Lunch: Hamburger 6.50$ Dinner: Hamburger 6.50$ Drinks: Soda Fountain (Free with meal.), Water .50$ Appetizers: Fries 2.50$ Desserts: Key Lime Pie 6.70$ _________ MONEY: 1,000$ Employees- -Timmy --Occupation: Chef ---Pay: 150$ Day (Will take rain checks) ----Specialty: American/Austrian/Italian -----Skills: Cooking: 29%, Preparation: 7% Appliances/Furniture: Wooden Chair/ Worth: 50$ Cleaned Oven/ Worth: 50$ Oak Countertop/ Worth: 100$ Sink/ Worth: 0$ Building Upgrades: None Advisor Comments: "I'd recommend finding some meals to work on, and possibly hire a chef. Then we can watch the costumers run right in."

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