#73675765Friday, July 27, 2012 12:49 AM GMT

(Would that be me?)
#73676472Friday, July 27, 2012 12:54 AM GMT

(Yes it would) Jack I walk to him. "Excuse me, have you seen a white lady with blond hair up to her shoulders with brown eyes, and a blue dress?" I say not noticing the dead guy.
#73677056Friday, July 27, 2012 12:59 AM GMT

-Nate Hillen- He was facing downward with his hands on his knees, bent over and just about to throw up. He jumped slightly, still feeling nausea and straightening up slightly to see who was speaking to him. "A-another person? No.. not at all. You're th-e only I've seen since I woke up. Do you kn-know what happened last night?"
#73682794Friday, July 27, 2012 1:46 AM GMT

Jack "Not anything useful." I say looking down again. I could barley see his face becuase all the blood. "That's Andrew" I say weeping a bit. "H-he was my b-b-best friend."
#73686273Friday, July 27, 2012 2:23 AM GMT

Stefan Holding onto the stick with my right hand and clutching my forehead with the other, I keep walking, block after block, until I encounter what seems to be actual people. Two people to be exact. They don't wear a uniform, or have any visible weapons, so I don't count them as a threat. I slowly begin to walk up to them.
#73773537Friday, July 27, 2012 11:59 PM GMT

Stefan As I get closer, I begin to speak. "Who are you people?" I ask.
#73774516Saturday, July 28, 2012 12:09 AM GMT

CS: Zachary Runkert ag.e: 18 1/2 Gender: Boy Appearance: A tell man, with cool hair and no socks Bio: I was aboandoned in the forest as a kid.
#73775136Saturday, July 28, 2012 12:16 AM GMT

Zach I find an old pack of fireworks from alst night and a train cart. theres no tracks around but I tie the fireworks to the cart and light them. I start going fast and run ver a dead body, I flew out of the cart screaming. I was on a ledge over a cliff and heard voices. I screamed for help.
#73775276Saturday, July 28, 2012 12:17 AM GMT

I use what I learned in the forst and I decide to fall. I can tell by the fog near the bottom, theres not land, but water, I could barely swim, but I would take a risk. I jumped, but didn't dive.
#73775727Saturday, July 28, 2012 12:22 AM GMT

I remember a face from last night and remember it was my friend. I forgot his name but it was on the tip of my tongue. I shouted" Steven!" I think that isnt right. "Steve! Stefie!..." Then I remembered. "STEFEN!!!"
#73776508Saturday, July 28, 2012 12:30 AM GMT

(Dude I'm no admin but I believe it would be beneficial to your characters health if you waited for him to accept you before you post 700 actions) Name: Cole Demcher 20 Gender: Male Personality: Cole likes to keep himself and the people around him happy and on the same page, he does this by cracking dumb jokes and keeping a carefree lifestyle. He knows when it is time to get serious though. Appearance: Cole has an average build and stands at 5'10 with fair skin, he has messy brown hair (which he makes no attempt to comb down) and hazel eyes, He wears a grey t-shirt with an 8-bit empty heart on it that says "Empty" in RPG font, he wears plain jeans and black and white checkered shoes, he also wears black headphones that cover his ears but aren't plugged into anything, he lets the audio jack dangle across his chest Bio: Cole had a painfully normal lifestyle before well....everything happened. He did what he had to outside and went home. He hung out with his friends most of the time and was to gutless to meet that special someone. So in an attempt to make his life more exciting he went to the party and didn't hold back. He woke up on the roof of a half destroyed building surrounded by corpses.
#73784443Saturday, July 28, 2012 1:53 AM GMT

(Codemonkey, you're accepted. Cincy, I would have easily let you fix your CS, but since you're SOOOO eager to post, and your posts are...broken, to put it simply, you're not accepted.)
#73792403Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:19 AM GMT

-Nate Hillen- "W-who are you?" He still looked like he was about to hurl, stepping back a bit. "Do you know w-what happened?"
#73792712Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:23 AM GMT

Stefan "Before you ask for someone's name, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?" I say snarkily. "And from the looks of it, the city looks like it was attacked." I reply as I extend my arm to point to all the rubble.
#73793075Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:27 AM GMT

-Nate Hillen- "Nate.. and an attack? I thought the last news update was that the war was ended against the Beastlies.. forum party and a-" the man looks at him slightly strange, "Nevermind."
#73793816Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:34 AM GMT

Stefan "Stefan Rook. And you're right about the war. We did defeat those beasts, but that doesn't mean we're out yet." I walk a bit closer and hand him my stick. "Take it. We might find what caused all this, and if we do...We'll need to beat it to hell and back." I say as I begin looking around for another weapon.
#73794894Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:46 AM GMT

-Nate Hillen- Nate looked at the stick, noticing specs of dried blood. "Did I hear something about fighting? I mean, yes someone is going to have to do it and yes, it does have to be soon but me of all people? Have you even looked at me?"
#73795575Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:53 AM GMT

Stefan "That's kinda why I'm giving it to you." I say slightly irritated. "I play soccer. I think I could kick this thing to death if I don't find a weapon. Where as you..." I say as I turn to look at him. "You don't really have much muscle on you." I say, narrowing my eyes.
#73796028Saturday, July 28, 2012 3:58 AM GMT

-Nate Hillen- "Kicking them to death..?" he shook his head slightly. "Have you heard about these things?"
#73796996Saturday, July 28, 2012 4:09 AM GMT

Stefan I begin to climb down the pile of rubble I was searching. "Look, I don't know much more than you do, but something caused this, and it's probably still in the city. Heck, we might encounter some Deit soldiers." I say to him.
#73814404Saturday, July 28, 2012 8:37 AM GMT

Stefan "I take it you've noticed everyone is missing as well, huh?" I ask him, crossing my arms.
#73822934Saturday, July 28, 2012 12:54 PM GMT

Jack I don't notice them cause I was just looking at Andrew and weeping bit (MEN DON'T CRY!!!! THEY WEEP!).
#73872432Saturday, July 28, 2012 10:43 PM GMT

-Nate Hillen- "Everyone is trying to save their own skins, including the soldiers." Nate stepped up the rubble a bit and heard a loud crack, looking down he saw a dismembered human hand. Flailing, Nate fell back with a large thud due to the horrific surprise.
#73876161Saturday, July 28, 2012 11:27 PM GMT

Stefan "The hell?!" I scream. "The entire's not buried beneath the rubble, is it?!" I ask.
#73878003Saturday, July 28, 2012 11:46 PM GMT

-Nate Hillen- Gro.aning slightly, Nate sat up and rubbed his head. "Maybe just the more important buildings.. what would this be?"