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#73888063Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:32 AM GMT

"Move it!" You feel a sharp pain in you back as something hits it. All you can hear is the sound of footsteps hitting a stone cold floor, your vision obscured as a blindfold has been placed over your eyes masking everything in darkness. You wonder to yourself why is this happening? What have I done to possibly anger someone? No matter for that now.. "HALT!" You feel someone grab your arm and pull you back making you stumble into them. They hit you again sending you down to your knees.. "Remove the blindfold!" A powerful voice cuts though the silence like a sword to the flesh. You feel rough hands pull at the cloth and then the wince blinking as the light hits your eyes hard. You shake your head and look around the room. It appears you are in a courtroom of sorts and infront of you is a man.. Adrean! You gulp slightly feeling the cold sweat trickle down your head, face neck and back. Your heart rate has increased. Adrean the ruthless cold blooded murderer. Why were you kidnapped and taken to him? So many questions race though your mind but are cut short. "You are probably wondering why I brought you here.. It's quite simple really. You are to now work for me and help me crush all those who stand in my way." A smile began to form on Adreans lips as he observed you and you him. Adrean was a tall man with an average build, but although he may not look it he is a strong man and anyone who dare challenge him would soon regret it. His piercing green eyes looked as if they could cut rock. You knew why you were here now.... Since an early age you were gifted, skilled in an area of sorts, be it combat, archery, magic, tactics. This is why you were here.. To become one of Adreans elite. You were going to help him take over this world one nation at a time... If only you could wish that you were in President Alexander's rule. Now.. now is the hard part. you are taken away and then dumped in a large room with others. You look at them, different ages, genders and the like. A tall man appears infront of you and you all turn to look at him. "Welcome to hell! I'm Kragoth and I'm going to be training you idiots until you bleed and are fit to be called soldiers and then I'm going to train you again until you are fit to be Elite! NOW MOVE IT!" You all jump up and run off to wear he is pointing. A large training room filled with all different kinds of weapons and armor. After weeks of nonstop training in combat and magic you are lead to Adrean again. Now you wear the Elite armor showing you to be the best of Adreans army. "You have all worked so hard, now it is time to put those skills to the test! You will attack Millway the mining nation. This should be easy to take as the people their are mostly miners and the army is more militia then anything. I want you to go their burn everything and close those mines! From there, you will continue on your way. Supplies will be brought often, and updates will be delivered from them. You start out in your room, which might as well be a cell, as your on a lockdown, waiting and wondering what is going to happen to you. Are you going to be tortured, killed even? These things run though your mind as you wait for the inevitable to happen. Nations Adream- Ruled by Adrean, this nation is barely controlled by its seams. Adrean is a ruthless dictator, and is an able drafter into his army of his. If it wasn't for his police state tactics, it would have fallen into ruins ages ago. Unluckily, you are the special team for this, rule of the world. Still however, you are secured a seat in the higher ranks. Millway- A mining nation, it can be considered an extension of Tartoga. They are more interested in the ground, then world afairs. It borders Adream and Tartoga. There weapons are mostly pitch-forks, and you'll just close mines down here, and burn the villages to the sky. Recommended Weapon: Torchless Tejuni- On a different continent, they are feared for their archery, and horsemanship. They are the most feared, but hell, they cannot pilot a ship to save their lives. You will pillage the heck out of the castles, and hopefully live to tell about it. Recommended Weapon: Sword Mayhem, combined with Necklace Tell. Bazarith- A large nation, Bazarith is a desert like nation, the area around it being a harsh wasteland. The people of Bazarith are a hardy bunch and are fearsome. They are not to be taken lightly when faced in combat as the people are usually well built and taught how to fight from a very young age. The city itself is what you would expect to see from a desert. Large sandstone buildings, market places, and camels used for transport. the odd thing about this place though? A large moat runs around the whole city. No one knows where the water came from or how it got there. All the people know it's good for fresh water and werid fish live in it. Recommended Weapon: Crossbow Pistol Tartoga- A sad state of a nation in ruin. A once glorious land with lush roaming plains and a very large forest Tartoga is now in ruin. The once abundant plains now a scorched earth, remains of a long lost battleground, the forest burnt to cinders. The city itself is in tatters. The once grand castle battle scared after a war with Adrean's army. There is little left here apart from the king his family and a small army. Recommended Weapon: Sword Disarm, combined with Pick-Xe Illarel- A small island nation that recently broke from Adrean's clutches, and being a far flung island, it escaped with no notice. It is ruled by President Alexander, and in reality, Illarel, is the only nation who can defeat Adrean. A small island yes, but do not let it fool you. If you were to approach this place in a ship you would see the whole island is surrounded by a giant stone wall. If this does not put you off the mounted cannons and towers upon it might. Still want to go further? Okay, then just get past the large naval force that is shipped inside the harbor walls. The city is well supplied so a siege would never work. The castle is more like a fortress and you would be wise to stay away until you are ready. Recommended Weapon: Nothing. Important People: King of Millway: King Pierance Queen: None Advisor: Telar the Second Commander of Millita: Sean Sance King: King Tilard Queen: Queen Tilard Advisor: Alkar Commander of Army: Sential Arks King: King Tilletrson Queen: Queen Tilletrson Advisor: Bella Fifth Commander of Army: Quliar the Seventh Other: King Adrean- A king, of the poor land called Adream. That's really all you ever want to know. President Alexander- A successful general of the great war, he became the President of Illarel, and he is currently on his second term, and its already prosperous. Other then that snippet, nothing else is known by Adream intelligence. Weaponry: Cross-bow Pistol: This weapon is mostly used for quick and easy take-outs. It has the butt of a pistol, with a mini crossbow on the top. Getting the size right, the whole thing is about the size of the pistol, and the miniature cross-bow's wings are about two inches away from the pistol. (Smaller then a crossbow by a half, or more.) It relies on gears and gun powder to make it work. The gears build tension on the weapon, and the powder makes it piercing. Simple weapon, but hard to produce. Concealed knife: This is a very simple weapon, it is a knife, which blade can come out with a decent amount of accuracy, fast enough to kill you. It's blade is about five inches, and the whole this is about seven. The holster contains gears for winding up the blade, so it is able to throw. However, these are non re-loadable. Sword Mayhem- A menacing take on the regular sword, it has two functions. One is the swing, which when struck makes it look broken (Used for getting the enemies guard down) and with a press of a button (Gears again!), it automatically swings around, capable of tearing and cutting. The second function is more menacing. Once you have it in, you can swap the blades into a sharp tear (FROM ANOTHER BUTTON!), which will most likely render the enemy useless. However, this is as heavy as hell. Pick-Xe- A simple take on the pick-axe, it is sharpened, and even. Perfect for throwing. This contains no gears, no secrets, just that its an easy throw. Necklace Tell- This is a low explosive, but still impressive, weapon. It is like today's grenade, except it is less explosive. To put this in to perspective, it can take out someone's leg, but nothing else. It has a blast range of, about a foot. The cross is about an inch deep, and two inches long, packed with gun powder. It is easily lit with a trigger flick, and you have about a three second throw. (Unrealistic, but most of this stuff is.) Kartina- What would you do if your katana turned into a blow gun? Simple, shoot the heck out of the enemy. It's a simple weapon, which makes you wonder why the heck no one else thought of it. The blade is normal, and there is a simple powder charge in the sword (Not enough to damage it), to throw the poisonous dart about ten feet, and inject, and you can keep on fighting. Sword Disarm- A simple dagger, with spikes made out of obsidian at the end. Nothing else special about it. Torchless- A simple item, which flings ashes, from a cogged gear, with a bit of steam. It is effective for burning down villages, however these things take frikken forever to reload. Musket: You are armed with a fire-arm, which is more of a close range splatter. It really isn't worth it, but if you're craving fire power, take it. Triple Dagger: On command, there are thre knives you can send out, from a button. Effective as claws, and no, you cannot throw it. Bow: A fast re-loadable, easy aim, bow. Simple, and you gotta love it. Sword: Its a sword you twit. Dagger: Its like a sword, except mini. Spear: Dun understand this? Good. You'll fit right in with my insane side. Armour: Elite: A heavy piece of armor, but surprisingly easily to move around. You are all equipted with this when you chat with the king, but you can remove it, for something more fit. It can block most swings for quite a while, but its just too heavy for an archer. Cloak: A simple cloak, which blends in everywhere. Those are the two basic types of armor, but you can mix and max your liking. But you cannot have this: a cloaked elite armor. That is just a no. Magic Spells (You can pick three weak, two medium, or one strong. That's it.) Fire List Weak - Fire Cloak Description: Enwraps you in fire, and might light the ground. Other then that, worthless. Doesn't even damage enemies. -Fire ball Description: Want to light a candle? TAKE THIS SPELL! -Fire Tomb Description: You drop fire balls, on your enemy. Except, its actually supposed to kill him. It doesn't. Medium - Fire Spiral Description: Summoning from the ground, and straight up into the air. Its deadly, and effective. It will roast your enemy to bits, and when you have three people, you could make a wall out of it. The longer you go, the more it drains your mana. - Fire Duals Description: Send flying flame daggers into your enemies skull. The better you are aiming, the easier it is to hit. You can summon up to six of these in rapid succession, but you'll end up on the floor (Unless you have the highest mana). -Fire Ark Description: Send a flaming ark over your enemy, and watch the land burn around him, until he ends up dead. Strong Fire Force-Field Description: Surround yourself in a black swirl of fire, protecting you and your allies against attacks. It won't last long, but if your ally is downed, it is worth it. Did I mention, you can use this as a ramming shield, and watch the bodies fall over? You're energy will drain so much, that it will be near impossible to do anything after however. Black Portal Description: Summon a flaming black portal from hell, and the flames will drag in your enemies, and roast them. However, you do have to be careful, as this drains your energy, and drags in your allies when close. Water List Weak -Wave Description: Cool off your friends, and then laugh at your enemies splutter getting wet. Splash Description: Blind your enemies for a millisecond. How fun is that? Water Swirl Description: Slime out your enemies... Yeah. When I said weak, its weak. Medium -Water Cascade Description: Surround your enemies, and drown them in. It drains your energy fast, but at least, you will have saved your team. -Rain Description: Rain acid on your poor little enemies head. Simple right? Yup. Just watch out for your own. Strong Typhoon Description: Blast your enemies, one by one. Its like an areo cannon, except with water. Yup, your enemies won't know what hit them. Hurricane Description: Summon a hurricane, and break down a castle, well in theory. It doesn't work that well sadly, but still. It will most likely COLLAPSE the castle, and render an enemies army gone. However, you will be instantly knocked out, no matter your mana. Earth List Weak Grass Description:They didn't say grass wasn't important for nothing. Basically grow grass. If you horse needs fed, give it to him fresh. Stone Description: Throw a stone at your enemies heavy shield. Wonderful Medium Vine Enwrap Description: It doesn't damage your enemy much, but it heals your mana. Cliff Description: Drop enemies from a range of one foot to fifty, about five feet. Good for large armies, to stun them in their tracks. Other then that? Get lost. Spine Description: Cause a mini hill to raze through your enemies. It will kill them, but your energy will drain quite a bit. Strong Earthquake Description: Don't like cliff enough? Well why don't you summon an earthquake which will drop them down to the center of the universe? That sound cool enough? It gets better, it is the most effective anti-calvary charge you have EVER seen! However, you will faint, screw your mana. Gold Slam Description: Summon a wave of gold, to pierce, slice, and dice your enemies. Not much else to say. (THAT IS IT FOR MAGIC! NO I WILL NOT ALLOW TRUE SUMMONING OF SPIRITS! NO, ANY OTHER MAGIC YOU MAKE WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DECLINED!) Items: You can hold up to five items. Food Ration: You can carry bread, which won't stale, good for a meal. Keep this for your hunger, and it might just help you along. Canteen: Its water, it'll save your arse. Rope: Its a rope! Quiver: Holds more arrows, spear heads, and knives. Combat Vest: Easier to carry weapons. Hat: Saves you from the sun, and gets you 1+ respect in my book. Jeans: 1+ HP (Don't ask how that works.) Robes: 1+ Mana Dealer's Cards: Entertain yourself, and your team-mates. +1 HP (When played with friends, and everyone gets one HP if they are wounded.) Wind Feet: 1+ Energy Map: Incase you ever find yourself in a dungeon, and there's an army of draugr behind you. Compass: Does the same thing as a map, except well less helpful. Pin: Faster reload. Perks (Pick two!): Marksman: You are a better marksman, capable of shooting a knife, and taking off a fancy man's top hat. Agility: No, nobody can catch you. We already said that. +2 Speed Physical Force: +2 HP Mind Control: 2+ Mana Man of many Forces: 2+ Energy Pack rat: Carry 3 more items Wizard of the Ways: Pick one more spell. (If strong, pick a medium.) Back in Black: When wounded, you turn in a rage mode, and end any enemies in your way. Shady's Child: Blend in the shadows, and murder those blasted kings! Welcome to hell: Faster reload time/Bravery added! You don't know me well: Less reload time/You can reload the concealed knife. Commander: You are the natural commander of your forces. (Only one person can pick, if no one picks, a person is chosen randomly (Character I like the best. Nop, not biasted at all).) Technician: Reload-able concealed knife, and you can make the Necklace Tell, with provided supplies. Ender's Match: +2 Weapon Skill. _____________________________________________________________________________ How attributes work: You have five main attributes. Mana Energy Strength Speed and Weapon Skill. All of this is determined by a dice roll, and what you have for skills. Example: I roll a 12 (Maxinum dice roll) for speed, and you have the Agility perk, that would make a 14. That would make you the fastest, or one of the fastest. However, if you get say: 12 for each roll, I will roll again on all of them, until there is one weak fault in it. Make sense? Alright, I'm not skimping you at all. How battle works: You say a command, and I determine what happens with a dice roll Example: You: I take out my cross-bow pistol, and I fire an arrow into the enemies skull, hopefully. Me: The arrow almost misses, but it catches onto the skull at the last moment, and the king falls over. Dead. (If you say you automatically succeed in an action, something really bad will happen to your character. I have no tolerance for that.) Rules: 1. ODing, is a no. NOT AT ALL! (I really do wonder how one person can do it, in this type of RP...) 2. Godmodding, is taken care of by the dice roll. 3. You may NOT control a character, and if your a smart alec, I can add more rules. CS Code Name: (You were hypnotized to forget your real name.) Presumed /-\ge: (Not over 30, nor less then 15.) Prefered Weapon(s) (At max two): Weapons: Magic: Skills: Apperance: Anything else you want to add?: (Note: Bio isn't on there for a reason. You were hypnotized to forget you life also.) Writer's note: This is slightly based on Quilboar's Tyrant's Pawn series (Slightly copied the name. Blame me for being lazy.) This also took two hours of work, by me and Jigajag. (Jig is an admin, accept, decline all that stuff.)
#73889124Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:44 AM GMT

Code Name: Captain Amarcus Walker Presumed /-\ge: 20 Prefered Weapons: Tripple Dagger and a Sword Mayhem Weapons: Sword Mayhem,Tripple Dagger and a Bow Magic:Fire Duals Fire Ark and Fire Spiral Skills: Wizard of the Ways,Ender's Match Apperance: http://www.roblox.com/Anime-Mage-item?id=67513210 Personal Elite Armour http://www.roblox.com/Dragon-armour-item?id=61829410 Anything else you want to add?:
#73889257Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:46 AM GMT

Wow, looks good, will join after dinner :) -Resering a spot-
#73889617Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:50 AM GMT

(Automatically accepted, but add items to that CS. That's what I forgot. Rolling stats now. Ele; There are unlimited amount of spots.) Mana = 7 Energy = 7 Strength = 6 Speed = 5 Weapon Skill = 5 + 2 = 7 (Fairly even stats...) (Please post that at the end of each post, Jig)
#73889820Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:52 AM GMT

(Ah kk also best go now it;s nearly 3AM .-.) Food Ration: Canteen: Quiver: Combat Vest: Hat:
#73889999Sunday, July 29, 2012 1:54 AM GMT

(Alrighty Jig. I have to get off soon anyway.)
#73891024Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:06 AM GMT

Code Name: (You were hypnotized to forget your real name.): Admiral John Gerold Presumed /-\ge: (Not over 30, nor less then 15.): 26 Prefered Weapon(s) (At max two): Kartina Weapons: Kartina, Concealed Knife Magic: Fire Ark, Cliff Skills: Agility, Back in Black Apperance: Dirty-blonde hair, green eyes, white skin (lame right?) Anything else you want to add?: (Is Back in Black based off Bloodwrath?)
#73891158Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:08 AM GMT

Items: Food Rations, Map (Oops. Didn't see that.)
#73891264Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:09 AM GMT

(Its okay. Add two more items (You'll need it.) and you're accepted. I'll roll stats tomorrow, cause I have to get off.)
#73891485Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:12 AM GMT

Items: Food Ration, Map, Pin, Robes (You know what? I'll roll. I won't bias it.)
#73893388Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:34 AM GMT

Code Name: (You were hypnotized to forget your real name.): Lieutenant Raven Mildari Presumed /-\ge: (Not over 30, nor less then 15.): 22 Prefered Weapon(s) (At max two): pick-Xe, Cross-bow pistol. Weapons: Cross-bow pistol, sword mayhem. Magic: Water cascade, Cliff Skills: Man of many forces, Ender's match. Items: Canteen Food Rations Map Rope Apperance: He has short brown hair, and eyes the color of coffee with cream. His skin is pale and his face does not usually show any emotion, so if you're trying to tell how he feels, it may seem like an impossible task. Anything else you want to add?: No.
#73895359Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:57 AM GMT

(Accepted, rolling dice tommorrow.) Sent from IPad
#73895564Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:59 AM GMT

(Can I determine my stats? I won't bias it.)
#73895681Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:00 AM GMT

( I prefer if you didnt, but thats just my style.) Sent from IPad
#73896238Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:07 AM GMT

(This is what I would get: Mana= 8 (including Robes) Energy= 9 Strength= 7 Speed= 10 Weapon Skill= 9 Pretty good stats...)
#73896422Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:09 AM GMT

( Alright, I guess that's your stats. Not like its speeding up anything. Id like three more people to join, before we start. )
#73896797Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:14 AM GMT

(Reserve me a spot? Read the intro and I'll finish up the rest most likely tomorrow.)
#73896926Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:16 AM GMT

( Said, before, unlimited spots are open.)
#73897381Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:22 AM GMT

(I'm giving this a review before Bebi does: Plot: 5/5 (perfect plot) CS: 4/5 (forgot Items at first) Detail: 5/5 (you explained everything perfectly) Depth: 5/5 (anything that long gets a 5) Originality: 3/5 (you know what I mean) Total: 22/25)
#73897746Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:25 AM GMT

(Quick question teaser, I havent seen thus done before, so can you point me in the direction of that thread?)
#73898199Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:30 AM GMT

(What thread? After every day, I'll rate the best new RP of the day.)
#73898523Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:34 AM GMT

( You rated the originality factor 3/5, so I'm just curious about it. Thats all.)
#73898811Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:37 AM GMT

(It's kind of a copy of Tyrant's Pawns.)
#73898886Sunday, July 29, 2012 3:37 AM GMT

( Name, and the stats. :/)
#73901472Sunday, July 29, 2012 4:05 AM GMT

(Tick, tock, goes the clock...)

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