#78920710Wednesday, September 26, 2012 9:12 PM GMT

(I dunno)
#78920771Wednesday, September 26, 2012 9:13 PM GMT

#78959487Thursday, September 27, 2012 2:32 PM GMT

(derpity derp)
#78976887Thursday, September 27, 2012 9:33 PM GMT

(I just checked her profile, she's banned, hopefully not for long...)
#78991177Friday, September 28, 2012 12:29 AM GMT

#78993040Friday, September 28, 2012 12:50 AM GMT

[1 day. We sum smerkey beeches. .3.] Darkfeather I hurry with the herbs and whatnot.
#78993344Friday, September 28, 2012 12:53 AM GMT

(Omg you're back. Yay. :D) Icetail I watch as Darkfeather gets the herbs, and goes over to Brightstar. How many lives did she have now? One? Would things be for better, or for worse if she died? (I honestly forgot, is Larky still deputy, or did she get replaced with Leopardshadow after that one argument?)
#78993771Friday, September 28, 2012 12:58 AM GMT

She was replaced by Leopardshadow after that one fahking argumnent. WAIT. BLUE. Have Darkfur warn Brightstar about Larkwing because Larky all crazy now. .3. BEECH WAS GONNA GET VOLESTAR ON HER SiDE TO KILL BRIGHTSTAR. XD] Larkwing I sat in the back of the crowd. Who cares, I mean Brightstar did say she hated being leader. I could fix that. I gave a slight grin.
#78994015Friday, September 28, 2012 1:01 AM GMT

(Just for storyline, I might have Icetail go along with Larkwing. It'd be interesting. ''<) Icetail I sigh, and walk out of camp slowly, hoping not to be noticed. I wanted to go to the banks for relaxation. Today had been a hard day. (Oh, IDEA. Larkwing or Volestar could sneak up on her at the river bank and try convincing her to turn on Bright.)
#78994383Friday, September 28, 2012 1:05 AM GMT

[ehehheheheheheh... Larky can be very pursuasive. ADD THAT TO HUR PERSONALITY] Larkwing I watched Icetail walk out of the camp. I stood up and silently followed her.
#78994518Friday, September 28, 2012 1:07 AM GMT

(Urgh I gotta leave when it's just getting good, AGAIN. Sometimes I wish my school night bedtime was just a bit later. Fourtunately, I'll most likely have most of the weekend off.)
#78994977Friday, September 28, 2012 1:13 AM GMT

[YAY and post while you can lady.] Larkwing I slightly sped up, and eventually ran in front of Icetail. I put an innocent look on my face, then discarded it like it was trash. "Poor Brightstar, she hates being leader." I say with a fake sympathetic tone. "I can fix that. But of course I'd need someone to keep guard while I do so. You seem perfect at keeping a secret. But if you accept and that secret is not kept, you'd regret it." I snarl the last part.
#78995055Friday, September 28, 2012 1:14 AM GMT

Volestar I'm pacing at the border. I look up as they finally come into view. "What do you want, Volestar?" Thornfur asked. Crookedtail was beside him. I smirk. "Remember how Brightstar was killed twice by me and she has one life left?" I ask. "Cut to the chase." Crookedtail snarled. "Fine. Don't have to be so picky. I want to form an alliance with you two so I can take over Riverclan." I say. "Don't be crazy! I would never form an alliance with you!" Thornfur snarled. "I agree with the bossy furball. I would rather join Darkfur." Crookedtail says. "I can arrange that." I say, holding up my claws. "Join me. Or die." Thornfur sighed. "Fine. But we tell no one." he says. Crookedtail's tail twitched but he nodded. I grinned evilly. Brightstar After Darkfeather had completely healed me, I got up and walked out of the den.
#78995398Friday, September 28, 2012 1:18 AM GMT

Darkfeather I looked at Brightstar with a worried expression as she walks away. [So blue, about Darkfur warning Brightstar about Larkwing because Larky gone crazy and gonna keel Brighty?]
#78995845Friday, September 28, 2012 1:24 AM GMT

(Key, can Larky not kill Brighty? Voley, Crookedy, and Thorny not gonna keel her either, but I want Brighty to die in ShadowclanVSRiverclan's next battle, when Larky is leader and NOT cray cray.) Brightstar I walk to a spot near the river where I know no cat comes to. I crouch and start practicing fighting moves on a tree.
#78996482Friday, September 28, 2012 1:31 AM GMT

[:D wait... leopardshadow depudy. ...isconfused]
#78998499Friday, September 28, 2012 1:56 AM GMT

(Brighty is leader, Leopardy is deputy[hehe lepardy is depurty .3.])
#78999201Friday, September 28, 2012 2:05 AM GMT

[den wy wud larky be leader? ... I might make a animated series for larky if my big bro lets me use his desktop because HE has all the programs which he NEVER uses. My dad said to make an 'anime' where toilet paper tries to escape from a toilet, and whenever they're close to escaping [the toilet paper characters] they get shot back down with a yellow stream of 'water' and they live on a 'brown boat' XDXDXD I COULD MAKE MONEY OFF OF IT. XDXDXD]
#79001297Friday, September 28, 2012 2:31 AM GMT

#79002502Friday, September 28, 2012 2:50 AM GMT

[nunununununu. Cause I have a great idea. Larky be leader, then she be fine for a few moons, act normal and all dat shizz, but den she and Volestar make DarkClan. And later on Larky and Voley die, and then the clans break of again, and everybody says darkclan and larky and voley were only a legend. :D]
#79006675Friday, September 28, 2012 4:28 AM GMT

(So wait Larkwing and Volestar are gonna make Darkclan out of all FOUR clans?!? HOLY [Censored]!!! Well it'd be a perfect excuse for Gingerpaw and Reedpaw to get to know each other. *wink, wink*) Gingerpaw I got to my paws. Cobwebs covered my wounds and I barely limped as I padded into the clearing, which was abuzz with the chatter of my clanmates. Blueeyes and her kits were waiting by Brightstar's den. For a split second I forgot that they were six moons now. Blueeyes must be arranging for their ceremony. The two of them bounced around, happily boasting and play fighting. I sigh, remembering when life was that easy.
#79006907Friday, September 28, 2012 4:35 AM GMT

[Nu, just SC and RC. They're gonna try to take over TC and WC though, but dey kill WC and TC leaders so DC only has two leaders, Larky and Voley. :D]
#79010845Friday, September 28, 2012 10:10 AM GMT

(Oh okay.)
#79016707Friday, September 28, 2012 3:01 PM GMT

(GREAT IDEAZ .3.) (Brightstar: And they say I'M the bad cat...) Brightstar I slam myself against the tree again. My fur was covered a little bit in blood, but I didn't care. Thornfur I walk over to Blueeyes. "Blueeyes, Brightstar went out to hunt. I think." I tell her.
#79026847Friday, September 28, 2012 8:02 PM GMT

(Gingerpaw: I don't say your a bad cat! :( Blueeyes: ... MY MATE FRICKING DIED AND THIS IS WHAT YOU ALL- Me: *shoves them in a closet* See? This is why I don't let y'all in my OoC posts! Sorry 'bout that. X3) Blueeyes "Thanks Thornfur. Do you mind watching these two while I go talk to her about their apprentice ceremony?" I asked.