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#74015243Monday, July 30, 2012 8:03 AM GMT

I hear some people say "When will I ever use math?!" Well; there's the answer. Any math can be applied to any situation. Seriously. ANY situation. ~>"Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot."<~
#74015671Monday, July 30, 2012 8:16 AM GMT

Anything to counter my post on the page before this? ~>"Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot."<~
#74015724Monday, July 30, 2012 8:18 AM GMT

your mathematical brilliance has almost shot me down. but you have to consider that the analog stick will be used for movements. and i didn't give you the wrong number, there are 17 buttons, not counting the analog sticks for basic movement. another point is that the start button would be used to bring up the menu most likely, and without customizing the software, the xbox home button would have no use. and sure, you can do alot of things in rather rapid succession, but it would be extremely difficult to hold down things like both triggers, both bumpers, Y, B, and A at the same time. impossible? no, but taking the time to rearrange your fingers to do so would be frustrating in fast paced games. the biggest issue here is the physical limits for each individual person. im going to look at this from a soloist point of view (if you don't know what that is, its all the really cool high-ish pitched guitar being played in most metal/alternative rock songs at one point or another) Someone can only move their fingers so fast, and certain things won't be possible, depending on how fast that is. GUITAR EXAMPLE-most of you wont understand this, if you're playing and go from the 1st string, to the 6th string, to the 4th string, to a G flat power chord, all the way back to a not on the 1st string, your fingers are moving faster than most people can even imagine. god knows what song would have such a ridiculous amount of finger work, but there is probably one out there. this same limitation would apply to using an xbox controller in a game where you had 50-60 commands you would have to execute in rapid succession, most people do this on a keyboard without realize how fast they're actually going. im not saying i don't support the idea, im saying their could being some issues with it.
#74015765Monday, July 30, 2012 8:19 AM GMT

all the way back to a note on god...
#74015928Monday, July 30, 2012 8:24 AM GMT

Theres no need to debate. As long as the button combinations on a controller is 50+ its good enough. And most likely you won't even need THAT many buttons as most games only require switching tools and a click.
#74016054Monday, July 30, 2012 8:29 AM GMT

Alright, taking out the Analogs for movement, and lets remove the Arrow-Pad aswell and say this; Left analog = Cursor Movement Right Analog = screen turning Arrow-pad = Character movement. So, out of 34 choices, I just lost... 20, and am left with 14 unused key buttons. Now, minus the menu button, and I am left with 13 keys. 1: LB 2: LT 3: RB 4: RT 5: Back 6: Start (X-box home could be used to bring up the menu.) 7: X 8: A 9: Y 10: B 11: >>> 12: Left analog Press 13: Right analog Press Alright. So I just have those keys to work with? I can still push 8 at a time. Giving me... 8! 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 56x30x12x2 1680x24 40,320 40,320 combinations possible, in one movement, using only 8 buttons. 6,227,020,800 total possible combinations using those 13 buttons. It still easily keeps up with the keyboard. ~>"Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot."<~
#74016121Monday, July 30, 2012 8:30 AM GMT

Hm... Care to give me a moment? I'm going to attempt to map out -most- of the controls here. ~>"Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot."<~
#74016186Monday, July 30, 2012 8:33 AM GMT

Alright, you win this time math. but now im ACTUALLY curious as to how many possible combinations there are on a keyboard... mine has 104 keys.(yes i did jsut count the keys on my keyboard.) and there is ALWAYS a need for a debate. i actually enjoyed this.
#74016947Monday, July 30, 2012 8:57 AM GMT

X-Box controller to ROBLOX possible Button->Key map! X-box Home button: ROBLOX Menu Back: Backspace (Chat-only) Start: Enter (Chat-only, double-tap enters the message, single tap accepts the letter in the chatbox. You'll see why) Left Analog: cursor movement(8 directions) Right Analog: screen movement (10 directions, Pressing and moving up will zoom in, pressing and moving down will zoom out) Arrow pad: Character movement(4 directions without Right analog; 360+ directions with analog) LT: Weapon fire/Swing LB: Selects tool to the left of the currently equipped one. RB: Selects tool to the Right of the currently equipped one. RT: Swaps between Numbers, Letters and Symbols (chat only?) [Experimental below] -- These are accepted in the order they are pushed, with a 3 second cancellation wait. Holding down LT while typing acts as pressing shift on double-symbol keys. Ie; the Underscore key. A: A; 1; ! B: B; 2; @ A+B: C; 3; # A+B+X: D; 4; $ A+B+X+Y: E; 5; % A+B+Y+X: F; 6; ^ A+X: G; 7; & A+X+B: H; 8; * A+X+B+Y: I; 9; ( A+X+Y+B: J; 0; ) A+X+Y: K; -; _ A+Y: L; +; = A+Y+X: M; \; | A+Y+B: N; ~; ` A+Y+B+X: O; {; [ A+Y+X+B: P; }; ] A+B+Y: Q; :; ; B+X: R; "; ' B+Y: S; <; , B+A: T; >; . B+X+Y: U; /; ? B+Y+X: V B+A+X: W X: X Y: Y B+A+Y: Z There. The map is debatable, and experimental, but it's a start. Do tell if I left anything that plays any major importance in-game out. ~>"Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot."<~
#74019794Monday, July 30, 2012 10:38 AM GMT

Well, you forgot jump-button, which usually is A. And wouldn't if be easier to chat, if first I'd have to press like Y and then a writing screen pops up, just like when on Xbox you write a msg to another player. The thing I want to say appears normally to the chat bar and then I press Start to send. Back-button is good for expanding the Teams-list, replacing Tab. By the way, Right Trigger is more suitable to use tools and weapons than Left Trigger because it's commonly used just to do that.
#74019916Monday, July 30, 2012 10:43 AM GMT

On the second row of my last post, the 3rd word, 'if' -> *it I hate typos.
#74020048Monday, July 30, 2012 10:48 AM GMT

Only thing I play on X-box is Guitar Hero games, so, yeah. >.> Anyways; Those are fine as well. Like I said; it's experimental. >.> ~>"Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot."<~
#74020643Monday, July 30, 2012 11:09 AM GMT

WOOOT I PG'ED MY OLD ACCOUNT!!! TOTAL WIN!!!! at the moment, my main (coldbloodedkiller9) is bull banned for 1 day. anyway, guitar hero is nothing like actual guitar. ~i'm coldbloodedkiller9~
#74053144Monday, July 30, 2012 7:39 PM GMT

@Cold; I know. I have a real guitar, but currently I only have one string for it. Lol. As for Guitar Hero; if it wasn't for that, I would be able to do anything with the actual Guitar. GH helped me out by improving my finger flexibility, allowing me to stretch my fingers farther. ~>"Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot."<~
#74057943Monday, July 30, 2012 8:29 PM GMT

How did this get to guitar hero? Anyways thanks i guess....
#74058196Monday, July 30, 2012 8:31 PM GMT

It got to GH because me and Cold were talking about theories so I could prove my argument correct about having more than 40,000 combinations able to be pressed in just one movement. ~>"Those who are allowed to shoot are those who are prepared to be shot."<~
#74071467Monday, July 30, 2012 10:52 PM GMT

and he did a dang good job of it to. and as for guitar, seeing as i play electric, finger flexibility is super important, it's good that you can already stretch your fingers out far enough. and just go to your local music store, they usually sell strings for around 25 cents to a dollar, depending on what kind you get.
#74072174Monday, July 30, 2012 11:02 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#82927235Sunday, November 25, 2012 9:41 AM GMT

Reasonable. Not that I have a USB controller, but Support.

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