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#7405548Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:18 PM GMT

In the HQ Boss: Hello, Agent Blox. Blox: Did you just call me here to say "hi"? Boss: No, Blox, I did not. I have a job for you. Blox: Getting you a root beer from the fridge? :D Boss: No. Blox: Going to the supermarket and buying you some cake? :) Boss: No. Blox: Something easy? :| Boss: No. Blox: Something kind of hard? :( Boss: No. Blox: Something REALLY hard? D: Boss: Yes. Blox: Ok....what is it? Boss: I want you to get the MEGACAKE from Cake Co. Blox: What!? Boss: I said-- Blox: You want me to get some stupid cake!!?!? Boss: The cake has a nuke inside it. It's a trap. Blox: Sir, are you still SANE? Boss: Of course, Agent Blox. Blox: Ok........where's Cake Co? Boss: On an island a ways out. I'll arrange a helicopter drop. Blox: Great, just great, another perfect day......(Agent Blox goes to the helipad and waits.)
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#7405632Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:19 PM GMT

XD Dude: *waiting for Megacake* Lalalalalala..
#7406154Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:29 PM GMT

In the heli (Agent Blox is talking to the pilot) Blox: Are you sure we have to fly THIS high!?? Pilot: Of course! Besides, skydiving is more fun the higher up you are! Blox: Are you MAD---what's your name again? Pilot: Ownage Brick, yours? Blox: Pwn Blox. Anyway, Are you MAD, Brick!?!?! Brick: Of course! :D Blox: O_o Brick: Well, put your parachute on! (Blox puts on the parachute.) Blox: I'm not sure about this.... Brick: Of course you are! (Brick pushes Blox out of the plane.) Blox: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Blox is halfway down) (Blox trys his parachute, and it rips apart, leaving him para-less.) Blox: MOMMY! (Blox hits a hidden button in his suit, and the emergency jet-boots that have low fuel slow him down slightly..) Blox: Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Zer-----Oooooofhhhhhh! (Touchdown.)
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#7406328Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:32 PM GMT

(Eh, If you want to the lyrics of "save Me" By Burn Halo, go to the music section of the Fourms. THEN search for Save Me lyrics.)
#7406746Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:41 PM GMT

On the island Blox: No bones broken! I'm gonna blox those parachute makers! (Blox notices a ball of fire coming down from the sky.) Blox: O_O (The ball of fire hits, and Agent Blox is knocked off his feet.) Blox: Uhgggg....(Gets up and see's a man, knocked unconsous, on the grass.) Blox: Brick! Brick: (Brick groans.) Ughhh......who's that.... (Brick gets up.) Brick: Blox!! Blox: What are you doing here? Brick: They have long-range AA (Anti-air.) guns! Blox: Great, so I have to drag you along? Brick: Yep! :D Blox: (Blox sighs.) Blox: Ok, the building should be northeast... Brick: I'm good with bombs, and blowing stuff up, so I should be able to get you in. Blox: I would like a more subtle approach. (Sorry if I have a few typo's.) Brick: I'll make a distraction. Blox: Sure you won't get caught? Brick: I'll steal a plane of some sort, they must have one to get off the island. I'll guard and prepare it. Once you grab the megacake, jump in the plane, and there! Mission accomplished! Blox: If the AA guns don't shoot you down....
#7407172Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:49 PM GMT

In the Cake Co. factory (Agent Blox had a problem.) (There was a small ARMY in the factory, not to mention a nuclear generator powering it. And the megacake was in the center.) (Blox's mind: Wait a second!) (Blox sneaks through the factory, taking out three guards who had the misluck of getting close enough to be a subject to blox-fu.) Blox: Here we are. (He was at the main room, with fifteen guards and the nuclear generator.) Guard: Hey, K.O Wipeout, when is the next shift? (K.O was the security cheif , and guarded the nuclear bomb almost 24 hours.) K.O: It's when I say it is, so SHUT UP! Guard: I'm sorry....(The guard turns to his companion.) Guard: Hey! Pal! Where did you go! (The guard turns, and finds out that K.O dissipeared as well.) Guard: O_O (He was the last guard in the room...) (The guard turns around...) Guard: HOLY BRICK! (The last guard falls to Agent Blox's awesome blox-fu.)
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#7407296Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:52 PM GMT

*Save Me Starts to Play*
#7407777Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:02 PM GMT

(Pilot Brick was waiting in the hanger. He used silent bombs to get inside it, and he had obtained a two-seater jet-black fighter jet.) Brick: I dunno why he's taking so long..... Blox: Not much time! (Agent Blox had set the nuclear generators self destruct to 3 minutes, and now he had 54 seconds left.) ???: Not so fast! (Agent Blox stops and turns around.) (A man in a suit is standing there.) ???: My name is Uber 1337. 1337: You have locked the self-destruct! You've ruined my lifes work! 1337: But I will make sure we BOTH die here! (1337 dives at Agent Blox.) Blox: That's not going to happen! (Blox sends a kick, knocking 1337 into the wall, unconsious.) Blox: Pwned. Brick: Where have you been!?! (Blox jumps in the jet, and brick closes the glass.) Blox: No time! What is the speed of this jet!?!? Brick: One of the fastest jet's in the world. It's one of the new 557's. Blox: Can it get us away from a nuclear explosions range in 20 seconds!?!? Brick: O_O (Takes off, straining the plane to it's max speed.) 1337: I will not be foiled..... (1337 goes to the latest of his technolagy: a one-use teleporter to New-Blox city) 1337: Let it be known, fools! I will rule again!!!!!!!! (1337 hits the teleporter button.) (At the same time, the generator explodes, singing the back of the jet fighter) Brick: We made it! (Agent Blox is looking out of the window.) Blox: An ordinary day of work, for Secret Agent Blox!!!!
#7408191Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:10 PM GMT

In the HQ Boss: Agent Blox, Pilot Brick, your work is astounding. Blox: Thank you, sir. But Brick did more then he was trained for, so he deserves more compliment. Boss: More then that. Agent Blox. Pilot Ownage Brick will now assist you in all your missions in any way you see fit. Brick: Cool! Blox: Awesome! Brick: 1337! Blox: Don't say that name to me. Brick and Boss: Why not? Blox: A guy named Uber 1337 was behind it. He tried to foil my escape. Boss: Uber 1337!?!?! Blox: Yes, boss? Boss: 1337 is the most succsessful evil mastermind in the universe! Blox: What!? Boss: 1337 always keeps backups. We can be sure that he escaped somehow... Blox: But sir! Boss: Agent Blox, it's assured, keep on your guard. He will want revenge. Blox: I will, sir. Brick: So, what is our next mission, sir? Blox: Brick, do NOT say that word!!!! Boss: Your next mission is to take a vacation for a few weeks. Have a nice time, Agent Blox and Pilot Brick. END OF MISSION ONE.
#7408263Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:12 PM GMT

I hope that the first episode was cool. This is the first thread I have ever created.
#7408429Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:14 PM GMT

#7408684Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:18 PM GMT

its was amzing block :P really good details
#7408724Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:19 PM GMT

Mount Awesome. (It's a stormy night on mount awesome, but luckily for one man, his base is underground, directly below the mountain.) (That man's name is 1337. After being humiliated by Agent Blox, 1337 is preparing....) (Preparing to DESTROY HIM!) Mission 2: The Mountain Of Doom. Characters from Mission 1: Agent Blox, Pilot Brick, Uber 1337, Boss, and the other survivor from the Cake Co. incident, K.O Wipeout.
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#7408734Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:19 PM GMT

#7409064Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:25 PM GMT

Blox: We there yet? Brick: Nope. Blox: We there yet? Brick: Nope. Blox: We there yet? Brick: Nope. Blox: We there yet? Brick: Yes. Blox: Woot! It works! (After being ordered to investigate Mount Awesome by the boss, Secret Agent Blox and his loyal friend, Pilot Brick, are heading there in silent helicopter.) Brick: No really, I'm just about to land........ (Brick, unlike Blox, had to have the night goggles to see outside. It was a dark, and very stormy, night.) Blox: Better put on my goggles now. (Blox puts on the night goggles. It was very strange, seeing everything in the color green.) Brick: Touchdown! Blox: Well then, let's go! (The friends exit the plane, and begin their search on Mount Awesome.
Top 100 Poster
#7409192Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:27 PM GMT

LOL. Dude: *sitting on a Rock near the Mountin*
#7410468Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:49 PM GMT

Blox: It looks like a trapdoor! Brick: It IS a trapdoor! Blox: First one down is a rotten egg that was smashed against the pavement 20 times!!!! (Blox dives into the shaft, and Brick follows.) (1337 was in a happy mood.) (The foolish agent and his partner had just been caught on camera, diving into his shaft.) (He sent his guards, they found them, and captured them. They were both in a jail cell, and execution would come soon.) (Life, he sighed, is so good, to the people who use it correctly.)
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#7410700Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:53 PM GMT

Dude: *face palm* I feel like Island,surrounded by idiot waters.
#7410761Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:54 PM GMT

Brick: It looks like our luck has run out, Blox. Blox: Nonsense, Brick, I have this metal-eating acid vial! Brick: Awesome! (Agent Blox and Pilot Brick pour the acid onto the bars, and Blox throws the vial away. They now exit through the hole.) (1337 was NOT in a happy mood.) (The foolish agent and his partner had ESCAPED.) (Why was he such an IDIOT!?!?! Agents don't go unarmed!!!! Why had he not thought of it!?!? But no matter, he reassured himself, all the exits were guarded.) Blox: Well well, what do we have here? Flood drain pipes, and if they broke, the entire base will be flooded.... Brick: I'll place the bomb! (1337 looked down the hallway to see a GIANT wave crashing through the base, heading directly at him.) 1337: No!!!! (1337 dashes away from the wave, and away from his worst fear, drowning.
Top 100 Poster
#7411002Sunday, April 12, 2009 6:59 PM GMT

Dude: Hmph. *smiles*
#7411056Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:00 PM GMT

(Blox and Brick were getting down to buisness. They had used a combination of Blox-Fu and bombs to take out the guards and the door to a room, and they realized that they were at the center of an underground lake, a one that was raising. They found a submarine, and went under the water, through a hidden tunnel, and into a cave, open to the sea and below the cliffs under Mount Awesome.) (1337 was very mad.) (They wouldn't get away with it, that's for sure! His security panel warned him of a submarine taking off, and he activated a secret button while rushing out of a door and into the rain above the cliff. He jumped off the cliff, and onto the deck of his newly-un-submerged warship.) (Blox and Brick saw the giant warship infront of them, and the cannon, which they believed to be nuclear, aiming, and charging.....)
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#7411220Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:03 PM GMT

(Anyone have 45 Robux to trade?)
#7411375Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:06 PM GMT

(The cannon was almost fully charged, and although it wasn't nuclear, it was close to it's power.) (Blox and Brick could see it too.) Brick: Blox! We're doomed! Blox: Don't dispair so fast! I found a cake supply in the cargo hold, and a cannon here! This cannon is the size of theirs, or at least near it! Brick: We don't have the right firepower! Blox: Stuff these cakes into the cannon! Brick: What? Blox: Just do it! (Brick stuffs the cakes into the cannon.) (Blox fires at the other cannon.) (The cannon was fully charged, and 1337, with a sense of joy, hit the fire button. What 1337 didn't know was that a motherload of cake was clogging his cannon, resulting in....BOOM.)
#7411839Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:16 PM GMT

(K.O Wipeout saw Agent Blox's cannon fire, and he dived and threw 1337 overboard along with him, going underwater, and barly saving them from the explosion.) (Agent Blox and Pilot Brick made the submarine dive just as the explosion came, and they survived as well. Pilot Brick drove the submarine to an area where they could scale the cliffs, and he used a button on his belt to call his silent helicopter to pick them both up. They were flying over a field when he noticed somthing on the radar.) (1337 and K.O were NOT going to let them go that easily.) (They were in a fully armed war heli, and they just got in range of Bricks heli.) (They had 10 high-powered gun shots, which, astoundingly, Brick dodged easily.) (But their last tracking missile hit the side. Their heli held, but on thing happened that made 1337 smile------Agent Blox fell.) Brick: Blox!!!!!!!! (Brick fires his most powerful missile, hitting the enemy helicopter dead on, blowing it up.) (Brick looked out over the ground, and saw........) (....that Blox had shot his grapple-hook that was attached to the inside of his suit's sleeve.)
#7412069Sunday, April 12, 2009 7:21 PM GMT

At the HQ 2 weeks later Boss: I commend your work, Agent Blox and Pilot Brick. Blox: It was nothing. Brick: Are you crazy!? Blox: Depends. Boss: I believe that 1337 is finished, and that we have finally won......oh, and Agent Blox? Blox: Yes, sir? Boss: There's been a strange singnal, a distress one intended for you. It's from some person named Hax Wooter. He's in the jungle. Brick, you drop him off and stay over there while he investigates. Good luck, Agent Blox. END OF MISSION 2

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