#74182893Wednesday, August 01, 2012 2:17 AM GMT

(those last few posts were awkward...and I'm a guy....) The Master turned on the TV and wipeout was on, except with demons, and one of their horns popped a bouncer. "Hahaha" Maxy and The master laugh in unison.
#74189676Wednesday, August 01, 2012 3:29 AM GMT

[Is Rian's Char a boy or girl?]
#74198445Wednesday, August 01, 2012 5:25 AM GMT

[I'm back, I wasn't posting because I was on ROBLOX, on my phone, but I was doing hydrotherapy. :P Sorry about that.] Athena I hiss, and bite the vet by the hand. Not another demon is going to touch me.
#74198966Wednesday, August 01, 2012 5:33 AM GMT

Zekabeedlee I slap he acrost the face, saying "Hows about I put you down?'
#74199306Wednesday, August 01, 2012 5:39 AM GMT

#74203352Wednesday, August 01, 2012 6:57 AM GMT

Athena I hiss, 'I dare you.' My two colored eyes glare at him, 'You can't once you adopted me. Only put me back in the pet store.' This was my whole plan, anger the owner, and go back into the pet-store, earning me another day in the store.
#74203511Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:01 AM GMT

Zekabeedlee I again slap her acrost the face, leaving a paw mark. I nod at the vet. I hold down Athena while he lifts up her rag and gives her a shot in the behind.
#74203631Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:04 AM GMT

Athena I let out a whimper, before collapsing, and rolling off the table. I had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, and I was on the floor, having a seizure.
#74203789Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:06 AM GMT

Zekabeedlee I shake my head. "Stupid human." I mutter. The vet picks her up and makes her drink a weird looking liquid.
#74203990Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:11 AM GMT

[....NOOO. SHE'LL CHOKE.] Athena My body is spasming on the table, the liquid pouring out of my mouth as I choke on it, coughing with my back hitting the table, leaving bruises around my body. My eyes rolled in the back of my head, the whites of my eyes turning a bloody-purple, my pale skin having a blue hue. [...A seizure is where the brain contracts from a trigger, causing it to violently spasm and possibly killing the person. Giving them water could make them choke as they have no control over their muscles.]
#74204064Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:12 AM GMT

(WHADA FAQ SHOULD I DO?) Zekabeedlee I watch the vet flip out.
#74204137Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:14 AM GMT

[Hey, you bought her, you figure it out. :P This is a reason why people won't adopt her.]
#74204462Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:22 AM GMT

(I literetly know NOTHING about seizers.)
#74205213Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:42 AM GMT

[Look it up? When in doubt, go to GOOGLE.]
#74219250Wednesday, August 01, 2012 2:39 PM GMT

[Seizure from drinking water? Impossible, she'd die nearly instantly.. Not very logical either.]
#74219351Wednesday, August 01, 2012 2:40 PM GMT

[Misread it, a weird liquid no one knowns of can give you a seizure, because no one knows what it does. :P]
#74221310Wednesday, August 01, 2012 3:08 PM GMT

~Lila~ I watched, startled, as the girl had an odd reaction to the shot. Good thing that hadn't happened to me. I wondered if she'd be okay, or if this was fatal. It was hard to tell.
#74222153Wednesday, August 01, 2012 3:20 PM GMT

Eilizabeth It was silent.. for once in fifteen years.. I got silence.. enough to finally get to sleep after two days.. I could finally be.. at peace.. My hair falls infront of my face before I finally went to sleep.
#74222741Wednesday, August 01, 2012 3:28 PM GMT

~Lila~ The girl was started to get me nervous. Why was she reacting like this? Would it happen to me later? I could feel my face draining of any color my skin might have held.
#74223289Wednesday, August 01, 2012 3:35 PM GMT

(Toast is a male.) Toast "Ahhh...," I groan as I slowly open my eyes, seeing this dimly lit room. My wrist Had chains wrapped around them as the other end of the chain was wrapping around a ceiling pipe- so I was basically hanging there. I looked around my bruised, scar- filled body. I was naked like usually. I look out from the shadows and I see a demon in front of me with a hose. He turns on the hose and the water flys out onto my body as I am pushed back. The power f all the water gave a stinging, painful sensation. I had to keep my mouth closed from having anymore water to my mouth. The only go thing about it was that my dried blood was being washed off. Minutes later the water stop and sneezed out the water which was in my nose, spit out the water in my mouth. And as I was taking the water off me I had my eyes closes because I am exhausted and I did not see that I spat and sneezed on another demon. "You pathetic cursed Human!" he shouted in my face as he stuck it. And as he slapped me his claws ripped the skin of my skin. "You put up a show, didn't you?!" he shout now taking out a stale, dry cookie. He tried to stuff it into my mouth but I was not going to eat his poison. "Eat it, you scum! EAT IT!" he smashed the cookie against my face as the crumbs went to my eyes. The crumbs were rough and I need to get them out. So, I started to blink really fast and when I did tears fell down my cheeks. I was not crying the crumbs were hurting my sensative eyes. I would not cry in front og this demons to show I am weak, never. "Awww... The little Human crying?" his low voice taunted. "Humans can't cry, they don't have feelings!" I heard the high pitch voiced demon with hose shout. Both of them let out their annoying laughs as their tongues flew wildly out their mouths. "Knock his lights out!" commanded the big demon as he threw a whip to the smaller one by the hose. "Good night, Human!" the smaller when shouted as he started striking me with the whip until I was unconscious.
#74223667Wednesday, August 01, 2012 3:41 PM GMT

(Seizure? Put a wallet or some other flat object in her mouth so she doesn't swallow her own tongue....THINK. Oh yeah and also after reading all of this I thought about humans being put into an arena to fight, like illegal dogfighting?)
#74224073Wednesday, August 01, 2012 3:47 PM GMT

[I need help.. :/] Elizabeth I just woke up to the silence.. I wasn't used to it anymore.. I felt neglected and alone.. I just wanted some emotion other than sadness.
#74224749Wednesday, August 01, 2012 3:55 PM GMT

Zekabeedlee I take my wallet and stuff it into her mouth.
#74224918Wednesday, August 01, 2012 3:58 PM GMT

~Lila~ I wasn't sure what to do at this point. Was the girl going to be okay? And I didn't like the looks of our new owner. He seemed pretty mean at times. Just my luck.
#74225398Wednesday, August 01, 2012 4:04 PM GMT

(I'm just gonna go with that arena thing....Crabby can yell at me later) I rolled around in the dark cage as it was being swung back and forth. It was probably being carried by a small child. I didn't care, I was happy to be out of that pet shop. I looked at my torn pants and was thankful I was covered. I rubbed my side and cursed my owners for taking me to the vet. Before I knew it the cage stopped and was dropped down with a thud. I looked around and the top of the cage was opened and a red demon completely covered by fur dropped a spear into my cage and closed the top once more. "The H[kittens]" I muttered as I picked up the spear. Then the cage was tilted forward and I hit the side of the cage with in a few seconds opened and I fell out into an arena. I slowly stood up and looked at the other human in the cage. He was big and buff and I'm pretty sure the dude had rabies. "IIIIIIIN THIS CORNER....we have the reigning champion.....BRIK....yes folks humans cannot spell so forgive him" Brik then stood up and beat his chest before going down on all fours and snorting like a bull. I gulped and held my spear tightly to my chest. "and in the other corner some cannon fodder named....they let him keep his name? COOOOOLEEEE" The demons started yelling for Brik to snap my neck. Then a horn sounded and that's when Brik charged. "Jesus!" I yelled as I quickly dodged to the side and Brik seemed to frantically stop before he went face first into the fence surrounding the arena. "Hey we don't have to" I tried to say as he sent a punch into my stomach. I staggered backwards as some spit flew from my mouth. I wiped it off and held the spear as a weapon "Alright....guess I'll have to defend myself" I say as Brik charged again. I shoved the spear directly at his skull and it stuck into brik's head, then the stick smashed rendering the weapon useless. It was pretty funny to see Brik as a unicorn though. Brik then let out a fiece yell as he charged once again. This time I was ready I lured him to the side of the fence and jumped out of the way and looked back at him. He was being fried by the fence after a few seconds he was a charred corpse. "Oh god...." I muttered as I looked up at the demons who were all silent for a few seconds before cheering like idiots. Thats when a picture of me appeared on a screen overlooking the arena. It was the first time in months that I've seen myself. I had messy brown hair that was extremely greasy and dirty from lack of bathing. I looked to be about 17 or 18 and I had fair skin or what could be called fair skin and I had an average build considering what they were feeding me. Before I knew what was happening I was lifted up and put into a cage which had a few chairs and a chesstable with about half of the pieces left on it. Even a bed was in the corner. A demon then told me the rules of this place. "What we're doing here isn't exactly legal but it's a profitable buisness. The more you win like you just did the better your cage becomes. Brik was one of our best fighters so you have a level 2 cage. There is 5 levels. 1 obviously being the worst and 5 being the best. You can even win your freedom in this don't die" Then the demon walked off. "It's gonna be a loooong night"