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#74228185Wednesday, August 01, 2012 4:40 PM GMT

Long ago, centuries ago, back when every boy was trained to defend himself, when a man lived with his sword more nearer to him than his wife, when knights, dragons, and other mythical creatures roamed the land, back in moments seemed so bright it seemed like even the sun was dim, and moments where it was so dark there was no hope. Heavy footsteps slammed against the Dry ground as drops of sweat fell from the traveller's forehead. He licked his dry lips as he dreamed of a fresh spring to soak his tongue in, to replenish his thirst. He gripped his staff, his nails dug into the wood of the staff, he grasped it to keep himself up. He has travelled so long his horse, his noble steel he has feed and groomed for years has died on his one ultimate journey. He took his last step pra.ying behind he fell face first on the dirt, on the center of the world. He could feel the heat, but he also felt the pain and failure. He wanted to c.urse at the gods but he knew that would bring him no where. He rolled over to his back yelling, "Please have GRACE! Please come to my shouts and cries! I traveled all the way here to serve you and...." He started weeping as tear drops covered his face. "And you can't leave your servant!" he shouted. He closed his eyes continue crying and crying. "I left everything! I left my mother and father to come to serve you!" he screamed louder. He laid there miserable until he finally opened his eyes again, seeing a bright light. "Zahir?" he questioned. "Zahir the god and master of light. No shadows in his path, the light from the beginning to the end? Zahir?" "Yes!" the voice shouted in a deep low voice. "I am Zahir and I your are Cornelius the mortal." "I knew you would come and I would be laying before you weaken in your glory." "And you are hear to follow me, serve me. But you have given yourself up for me and I have given you this..." A pointy sharp tiny pyramid laid on Cornelius's stomach. He grabbed it with his right had and examined it. The pyramid was made out of platinum and had symbols of the weather, such as the sun, rain clouds, tornadoes. "What is this?" Cornelius asked. "It is nothing now but it can be something, stab this into your heart and become the god of weather," answered Zahir. "But I want to stay mortal, to serve you," protested Cornelius. "Very well then," spoke Zahir. "First, I want you to forever wear a silk cloth over your eyes for you have seen me and because of that if any other mortal or undead creature looks into your eyes will surely burn to ashes. Second I give you my finest m.aiden, her and you will create s.ons and d.aughters among my land. And once you find your most prized ch.ild you will give him the Pyramid of Weathers. But be careful of which c.hild the Pyramid of Weathers falls in. And for the rest of your days you will live s a priest to proclaim my n.ame." "I thank you for everything Zahir. I will name my first chil.d after you." "No, I am Zahir. I, the god of light only holds this na.me." "As you wish, master." Every since then Cornelius has been a fat.her to many children be he favored his oldest son, Naphtali. He was strong, courageous, and always impressed his father. Cornelius prayed heavily on Naphtali but Zahir has warned Cornelius on how blind Naphtali is in the shadowy path. Cornelius was angry on what Zahir has said about his so.n. He denied Zahirs warnings. "So.n...," Cornelius said to Naphtali after Nephtali's daily swordsman training. Naphtali was 20 at this time. "Yes father? Am I in trouble?" he asked. "No, nothing but that," his father answered him. "If you had the greatest power in the world what would you do with it?" "I would please you of course, you have done everything for me." "Really? I want you to have this." Cornelius handed his son the Pyramid of Weathers with a smile. "What is this, father?" the son questioned. "Stab it to your heart and you will be a god," the father answered. "I trust you no matter what." Naphtali closed his eyes and stabbed the godly item to his heart as he gave out a yelp of pain. Naphtali felt himself becoming stronger he grew huger, his skin glowed, his eyes resembled storm clouds "HOW DARE YOU!" shouted Zahir's voice. "Cornelius, I have warned you of this and now you and all your children but Naphtali will die and Naphtali will spread terrors!" Naphtali watched his father burn to ashes Naphtali ran over to his home and saw his mother, brothers, and sister in ashes to. "WHY ZAHIR?!" he shouted. "I am still god and I shall one day defeat you. I will become a greater go than you and all the mortals shall obey me!" "You try to become like me and you will surely fail," Zahir informed Naphtali. "We will see about that, for now I am called, Storm Waker. I wake the storms and they will follow my command!" From that day on Naphtali became Storm Waker and stayed immortal on earth raging storms, tearing down civilizations until they follow him. Those who refused became lost their power his slaves that endure torture beyond their punishment. Just about everyone on earth became his followers. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There were different type of followers, Lighter Blazer- contains the power of lighting bolts. Rain Rangers- those who hold the powers of the rain clouds. Hail Demons- those who hold the power of hail clouds. Thunder Breakers- those who create others deaf in thunder. Tornadoe Throwers- have the power to conjure up a tornadoe. Hurricane Hunters- haave the power to conjure hurricane. Sun Soliders- heat, fire, flames, anything basicaally that revovles around heat stands by their side. Wind Blowers- blow with the power of the wind. Ground shakers- create earthquakes. Fog angels- usually skilled in stealth, they can use fog to bllind there enemy in fog. Snow dancer- have the power of snow. There were many ranks, (The lowest you go the highest the rank is.) Solider Ranks- Soliders are given the duty to fight in the battlefield. They are let to have any weapon they want that is not over powered. They also may not be over encumbered in weapons. Private Private 2 Private First Class Specialist Corporal Sergeant First Class Master Sergeant First Sergeant Command Sergeant Major Sergeant Major of the Army ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Healer Ranks- Healers are their for one reason- to heal of course, they may have like a crossbow or a bow, arrows, and maybe even a dagger. Private Healer Private Healer 2 Recruit Healer Third Class Healer Second Class Healer First Class Healer Master Healer ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mage Ranks- Mages mainly use their magic and probably their only weapons type thing would be a magically staff. Private Mage Private Mage 2 Recruit Mage Third Class Mage Second Class Mage First Class Mage Master Mage ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There are many gods, Storm Waker- Of course the god of weather in the form a man, striving to make earth in his full control but right now he rules the country- Esta. Zahir- God of light, all powerful god, was the first god to every be created by the stars. Gelmore- God of magic in general, mainly worshipped by wizards or any other magic users. He is Zahir's son. Aden- God of the element- fire, Gelmore's son. Ardea- Goddess of fire, created by Aden so he could have a goddess. Nalin- God of the element- water, Gelmore's son. Yara- Goddess of water, created by Nalin so he could have a goddess. Terran- God of earth, Gelmore's son. Adana- Godess of earth, created by Terran so he could have a mate. Indra- God of air, Gelmore's son. Cora- Godess of air, created by Indra so he could have a mate. Swithin- God of the element lighting, Gelmore's son. Calista- Godess of the element light, was created by Swithin so she could comfort him when he is in stress. Guerantt- God of war, son of Zahir. Eckhard- God of blades, son of Guerantt. Randolph- God of shield, son of Guerantt. Searle- God of armor, son of Guerantt. Chiko- God of arrows, son of Guerantt. Ekon- God of axes, son of Guerantt. Burchand- God of hammars, maces, son of Guerantt. Lufian- God of sports, son of Guerantt. Ernest- God of the dark, shadows, Zahir's brother, also created by the stars. Jabez- God of pain, torture, son of Ernest. Fergus- God of fear, terror son of Ernest. Dougal- God of hate son of Ernest. Dorran- God of anger, rage, fury, son of Ernest. Donovan- God of disease sickness, son of Ernest. Anas- God of love, Zahir's brother, Ernest's brother, created by the stars. Aroha- Godess of love, created by Zahir so he can have a mate. Berowne- God of compassion, son of Ernest. Demertrius- God of peace, son of Ernest. Costard- God of encouragement, son of Ernest.. Lysander- God of laughter, joy, son of Ernest.. Lorenzo- God of art, son of Ernest. You hold a power of one of these unless you are a slave, will you continue to work for Storm Waker or will you become a rebel to stop this madness? ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ Rules- follow them or be banned 1.) Whatever I say goes. 2.) Have acceptable grammer. 3.) Keep curse words to a limt. 4.) Keep romance to a limt. 5.) Use "()" when not roleplaying. 6.) We do not use "*" when roleplaying. 7.) Respect everyone on the forum who has been accepted or is respecting everyone else on the forum. 8.) I might add more rules. 9.) If you have any suggestions please PM me. 10.) If you change the title it is an automatic ban. 11.) If you have read all the rules put,"The storm will rage on." Character Sheets Storm Waker's minion Name: A.g.e: (18- 65) Gender: Race: Type of Solider from the choices above: Rank: Appearance: Personality: Weapon (Nothing too powerfull, remember you have your power): Power: Bio: Why should I accept you?: Sample Post: Other: Slave Name: A.g.e: Gender: Race: Type of slave: Brand mark and where is it on your body?: Appearance: Personality: Former power: Bio: Why should I accept you?: Sample Post: Other: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *My Character* Storm Waker's minion Name: Zolten Rowan A.ge: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human Type of Solider from the choices above: "Storm Waker," they are very rare, infact he is the only one of them for he has been personally trained by Storm Waker himself. Rank: Sergeant Major of the Army Appearance: His head has been shaved but he has mutton chops on the side of his face. His skin is a bit tan from using the method of the Sun Soliders but not as tan as them because he does not just practice on that one power. He has sappphire blue eyes. He owns many weatherr tattoos on his body, such as a lighting cloud in his chest and a sun on his back. He is equipped with a dark blue samurai helmet that he usually just squeezes in between his arm and ribs. He wears chain mail under all his armour that is the same color of his helmet. Personality: He is the most cruel man in the country other than Storm Waker himself. He is cruel, cunning, cold blooded, hellish, he believes only the strong should life and the weak suffer until they rise strong. Weapon (Nothing too powerfull, remember you have your power): Arming sword, it was his father's sword he has been told aaround the village he grew up in that his father was a great knight and the arming sword is a common sword for a knight. His mother one day showed Zolten it when he was ei.ght and promised his mother he will be a grand knight like this father. Power: All the above, but he can become very tired if he over uses it. Bio: He grew up in a village, promised his mother he would be a great solider like his father. He was a joyful hapy boy, always giving and sharing, he would lend help to the weak. One day his village was destroyed by bandits, he gripped his sword and stepped out to fight but his mother pulled him back, yelling for him to go. He did not want to leave her but he did want to disobey her so he ran far, far away until he hit Storm Waker main kingdom that held his palace in it. The guards let him enter the kingdom no promble, infact they thought he was cute, a little boy and a knight sword. He read a poster thaat Storm Waker was recruiting soliders even young boys. He thought maaybe he should start off is life there. So he met up in the training grounds, being looked down becaause he was only ei.ght and the rest of the boys were t.en to thi.rteen the older ones would try out later. Zolten held his sword and the gaurd asked to give it to him because he could not practice fight with it. Zolten refused so they started to beat it out of him, Storm Waker wanted to check up on the boys trying out and he saw Zolten gasping for air on the ground but he held a grip on the sword. Storm Waker picked up Zolten aand with this words he question,"Do you know what you have showed me?" Zolten looked at him with frighten in his eyes but answer,"I- I never let go what I stand form. Storm Waker knew this boy was strong, so he carried Zolten to his own personal training room and mentor him for the rest of his life and now it is present day, Zolten is 28. Why should I accept you?: "Would you rather have your head on a pole?" Sample Post: Zolten I was in my chambers, striking my sword apon a ripped weary iron dummy that was about to fall apart. Many dents filled it and it was covered with rust. My sword bash upon it as a dinging noise would sound. I gritted my teeth, determind to clash to piece. "Sir!" I heared a shout as my door slammed open. I turned with glaring eyes, gripping my sword in anger asking in a stern voice,"What is it you court bladder?" It was just a tickled brain guard, looking rather nervous, and rather fright. Well I guess that is what people feel when they crosslines with Storm Waker's apprentice. "O- oh sir, I am so sor--," he was stopped. "Save your apologizes," I commanded him. "What is it?" "The slaves, construction ones They are breaking out! They are starting to throw the stones recklessly at us! Recklessly sir!" Construction slaves acting like they deserve something, not on my watch. I gripped my fist and closed my eyes as my anger let's out a loud sounding boom. I open them as the troop jumps almost wetting himself. I grab my helmet off my bed and wear it upon my head. I rest my sword in it's sheath and stomp over to my dresser, pulling out my whip. It was black, it was so black it made me think of a hole forever sinking down into the shadowy dephs. I ride my horse, Ace. over to the construction site to where they should be constructing another statue of Storm Waker. I casted lighting down on the whip and let out a great snap, sending out a noisy loud thunder to deafen some of the elder slaves, lucky my helmet will keep my ears safe. They all come to a silence after the thunder. "Who is responsible for this?!" I shouted in a cold blooded voice. "Me and I am not afraid of any punishment you have!" A man in his fifties yelped. My eyes flashed with an evil smile. "Very well, then. Men, grab five child construction slaves and the leader!" The soliders nodded, some to frowns, some with smiles. They started to tug, drag, grab, the ones I asked of. "All of you who have been captured will be presented at the arena and executed as an example." "Wait you can't take the child!" the leader shouted as him and the little boys were taking up. "Now hopefully after you watch this, you will learn your lesson," I spoke before mounting back on my horse and riding away. Other: "The storm will rage on forever and ever."
#74229000Wednesday, August 01, 2012 4:49 PM GMT

#74229370Wednesday, August 01, 2012 4:53 PM GMT

(This is a few paragraphs about Storm Waker because he is a special character.) I am Storm Waker. I am the most powerful, the mortals will bow at their knees in the face of my glory. But not only will the petty mortals will worship but the immortals, even gods, Zahir- will be face down to me. Zahir will pay for what he has done to my family. If he did not murder, burn them to ashes I would not have his anger and rage, this hate- I would not have to carry all this if he did not put upon me all this pain. I when I hear the cries of the elders, the scream of childern I know that Zahir brought this. Only if they would listen then they will not feel this pain. Ever since I have become immortal I have become overly muscled, it is like my body is made out of iron. It is pale with a tint of grey, dark blue armor cover my body except the middle of my chest is where the Pryamid of Weathers is stabed. You can not see my face, it is cover by a mask even covering my eyes, because if anyone see my eyes they will turn to ashes. I am Storm the Great, the most power and all will knee.
#74229750Wednesday, August 01, 2012 4:58 PM GMT

Name: Saik Horion A.g.e: 27 Gender: Male Race: Lightning Blazer Type of Soldier from the choices above: Mage Rank: Second Class Mage Appearance: Saik is a tall, slightly tanned male standing at 1.75 meters. He has messy brown hair, and green eyes with spots of sea blue here and there. He also has a birthmark on his left forearm, resembling a paw. His clothes consists of a cloth tunic belted at the waist, and woolen trousers. (He doesn't like robes) Personality: Quickly angered, but he is friendly to those he can trust. Weapon (Nothing too powerfull, remember you have your power): A crossbow (let me have one please.) Power: Lightning Blazer Bio: Saik was a shopkeeper before he turned to a Lightning Blazer. He had a small shop on the outskirts of a village called Glari. The Storm Waker's storms also terrorized Glari, and he saw no other way than turning to the Storm Waker's minions. Why should I accept you?: I dunno.
#74229986Wednesday, August 01, 2012 5:01 PM GMT

(Oops, forgot some pieces.) Sample Post: Do I really have to write one...? Other: "The storm will rage on."
#74231028Wednesday, August 01, 2012 5:14 PM GMT

(ill join)
#74234901Wednesday, August 01, 2012 5:57 PM GMT

(Accepted but it has to be a small crossbow.)
#74237834Wednesday, August 01, 2012 6:29 PM GMT

Storm Waker's minion Name: Ignatius Graystone A.g.e: 24 Gender: M Race: Sun Soldier Type of Solider from the choices above: Mage Rank: Second Class Mage Appearance: Ignatius is an average-sized man (5'8") with a slightly tanned complexion. His hair is dark brown with an undertone of red in it and his eyes are a bright amber. He can usually be found wearing jet-black robes, hood being down. He has large scar stretching across his stomach from a childhood accident that he refuses to talk about. A scowl is usually plastered on his face. Personality: Ignatius is cold and pretty much hates everyone except for his master. He barely shows any emotion, which is helpful and harmful at the same time. The man seems to be devoid of sympathy or empathy. He can lie and kill with a straight face. However, under his facade, there's only pain and resentment. Weapon (Nothing too powerful, remember you have your power): A simple wooden staff. Power: Fireballs, setting things aflame, etc. Bio: Ignatius was a blacksmith before he became a mage. His parents and sibling refused to join Storm Waker, causing them to die a brutal death right before his eyes. He accepted, terrified. From that incident on, Ignatius learned how to hold his feelings and not to get close to anyone, which led him to be the man he is today. Why should I accept you?: Because... I enjoy roleplaying? .3. Sample Post: Ignatius I looked at the small boy cowering beneath me. His small fists were raised up in a futile attempt to protect his quivering body. My expression never changed as I launched the fireball into him, his body erupting into blue flames. It was the same routine, after all. Find a rebel, kill his allies, and finally kill him. In fact, I was getting a bit tired of it. I step away from the burning body and take a deep breath. There would be much more to do, I know. But for now, I wait. I close my eyes, attempting to shut off the world. Why does everything have to be so hard? Other: The storm will rage on.
#74239053Wednesday, August 01, 2012 6:39 PM GMT

('aight. Where do we start?)
#74245308Wednesday, August 01, 2012 7:40 PM GMT

(Accepted and we are not going to join until others join.)
#74247721Wednesday, August 01, 2012 8:05 PM GMT

Slave Name: Scarlet (She has no last name.) A.g.e: 16, almost 17 Gender: Female Race: Human Type of slave: Scarlet is more of a personal slave for the higher ranks. Brand mark and where is it on your body?: Her brand is on her hand, traveling up part of her arm right arm. The brand is a large lightining bolt branching out to touch 5 small piles of ashes. Appearance: Scarlet is a tall, skinny girl. Her skin would be a flawless ivory, if it was not marred by her brand and the many scars and burns she has recieved from angering her "masters." She has long black hair that has a strange red tint in the sunlight. Her wavy hair ends about mid-back. It is often worn in a long She has icy blue eyes and thin pale pink lips that always seem to be frowning. She wears a brown long sleeved dress that is meant to hide her brand, burns, and scars. Personality: Scarlet is a quiet but rebellious girl. She would rebel if she weren't so scared and wasn't a bit of a... Trouble maker. She is considered lucky to be alive. When Scarlet was younger she was friendly and kind, now she seems to be cold and unfeeling. She really is emotionally vulnerable and fragile though. Former power: She never really had a power since she is so young. Her family used to be followers for a short time, until they rebeled. She was the only one spared since it would torture her parents to know that their daughter would live as a slave for the rest of her life. Bio: So... Her bio is kind of in the former powered.... Anyway Scarlet lived with her parents and 3 younger siblings. She was the only girl in the family and she was also her parents favorite child. When her parents rebeled everyone else was killed. She was left alive, forced to watch her family die. Why should I accept you?: Um.... Because I like to roleplay and I took the time to make a cs. Sample Post: Scarlet I frowned as I looked around the somewhat dirty chambers of a high ranked soldier. I waited patiently to be called over, knowing this paticular soldier hated to not be in "complete control." He loved to boss the slaves around and hated it when they actually thought about something, even if it helped him. "Slave," the soldier simply said, motioning for me to bring the small platter of food over to him. I was quiet as I walked over, laying the platter on his cluttered desk. "Would you like anything else?" "Go. Now." Other: The storm will rage on.
#74253448Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:09 PM GMT

#74255119Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:29 PM GMT

Storm Waker's minion Name: Kral Ashrath A;g:e: 26 Gender: Male Race: Human Type of Solider from the choices above: Lighter Blazer Rank: First Class Mage (If that is ok with you ) Appearance:http://www.roblox.com/Anime-Mage-item?id=67513204 Personality: Calculating, ruthless in his tasks. He however is pure evil. Weapon: Lightning Saber, a sword that has been infused with lightning. Power:Lightning Bio: Kral was born into a small village far away from any other area. The village was at peace for a while before Storm Waker's forces came claiming it for their own. Most of the men were killed as they tried to fight back but it was in Vain. Kral was only ten at the time and watched as his home was more or less burnt to the ground. He and the remaining people were taken as workers. Kral however was seen a a strong boy and was taken to be trained. Why should I accept you?: You should know by now :P Sample Post: I sighed watching the people slowly make their way into the Construction area. My eyes gazed at the people as they slowly truged past me. A whip cracked in the distance making the people move quicker. I turned walking away heading back to my horse. Other: "The storm will rage on."
#74257636Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:59 PM GMT

Name: Zen Häiati A.g.e: 31 Gender: Male Race: Human Type of soldier: the one associated with heat (forgot name) Rank: private Mage Appearance: hazel eyes, Raven black messy hair. Wears a brown sleeveless shirt with black leather pants, Black boots. 6"7 Personality: Short tempered, Hates when people talk about his height, Sarcastic. Weapon: Skilled in hand to hand combat. Power: Fire Bio: Raised in an abusive family, His m.other left at a young age and his f.ather beat him Every day after working in the farm. After running away he was being cared for by a mysterious man that only let zen adress him as "Master" Master later trained zen in many had to hand fighting techniques. Why should I accept you: I have rp experience. Sample: I approached the door, not knowing what lied beyond it... All I knew was that whatever lied beyond it was the most unholy and dreadful creatures in this realm. Other: "The storm will rage on"
#74257931Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:03 PM GMT

(Both accepted.)
#74258161Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:05 PM GMT

(Can we begin)
#74258237Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:06 PM GMT

(Need a few more people to join.)
#74258483Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:09 PM GMT

#74276468Thursday, August 02, 2012 1:35 AM GMT

#74279266Thursday, August 02, 2012 2:07 AM GMT

#74281258Thursday, August 02, 2012 2:30 AM GMT

#74281522Thursday, August 02, 2012 2:33 AM GMT

Slave Name: Jack Johnsons A.g.e: 17 Gender: Male Race: Human Type of slave: Normal slave I guess Brand mark and where is it on your body?: On his chest lies a fire Brand mark Appearance: Dirty blong hair, wavy hair, shaggy hair up to half of his neck, blue eyes, white, tan skin, white teeth, no shirt, baige ripped shorts, bare foot, kinda strong, 5 12', and 180 pounds. Personality: He is trusting, kind nice. He also Plans To Rebel aganist Storm Waker. Former power: None Bio: His Family were rebels ever since he could remember. By the age of 15 he started to fight with his family. One year later his family was killed and he was forced to be a slave. He swore on that day that he would kill Storm Waker and AVANGE(Rs assemble) his family. Why should I accept you?: I am a good Roleplayer Sample Post: I kick some dirt. I sigh. "I wish my family were alive. Mom Would know what to say." I think to myself. "And Dad would've pushed me to be better" I think and chuckle. "My brother would've told me that he is just a bi-" I stop my thinking as one tear rolls down my eyes. "I miss my family." I whisper. I then sigh as I go of to do some slave work. Other:The storm will rage on
#74283684Thursday, August 02, 2012 2:57 AM GMT

(Can we start?)
#74284225Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:04 AM GMT

Slave Name: She likes to be called Misty. A.g.e: 12 Gender: Female Race: Human Type of slave: Personal Slave Brand mark and where is it on your body?: Two black duel daggers making an X in the center on a circle. It is located on her right earlobe. Appearance: Ragged ginger hair cut in different lengths. She has orange freckles sprinkled along her face. Emerald green eyes. She wears no shoes. Misty has on a grimy slaves dress that goes up to her knees. She has a long pink scar going up her left leg. 5'7. 107 pounds. Personality: She doesn't really talk. In fact, she's afraid to (See bio). She is a strong but silent type. Misty smiles at times, but almost never. Former power: Snow Dancer (Or whatever it was called.) Bio: When she was a child in her small village, she was talkitive. Misty was always in a conversation. That is, until the soldiers burned her village down and took her captive. She screamed until one soldier couldn't take it anymore. He pushed her over and she landed on a sharp rock that cut her leg. Hence, the scar. So, she doesn't speak out UNLESS she has to. Every night, she sings herself to sleep. Why should I accept you?: "..." Sample Post: Misty I wake up at dawn to get my master her breakfast. I look at my bloodstained bale of hay. My master whipped me last night. I get out of the barn, in which I sleep. I go and get the milk bucket and the egg basket. I get the eggs and milk and make my master scrambled eggs with milk. She finally gets up and eats. Afterwards, she says "Move your lousy butt before I whip you." Life in my village was better. Other: The storm will rage on forever and ever. Is um... whatever Rian's char's name was.
#74284487Thursday, August 02, 2012 3:06 AM GMT

I will change my slave type to Personal Slave

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