#74906192Wednesday, August 08, 2012 2:52 AM GMT

(You don't even know me! How would you know if Scarlet is based off of me! Seriously. T_T If you don't know me you cant say I base my characters of myself.)
#74906301Wednesday, August 08, 2012 2:53 AM GMT

[ok ok guys we should stop here right now just hugs ok]
#74906374Wednesday, August 08, 2012 2:54 AM GMT

(And how does saying Scarlet isn't me bringing up a fight. I made sure I wouldn't bring up the fight or make it seem like I did)
#74908053Wednesday, August 08, 2012 3:12 AM GMT

[let's all talk through hugs huggle communication]
#74914387Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:17 AM GMT

[ It was, she's just trying to make it seem like it isn't.. Would you like to quote the part it's refrencing? I really don't wanna give you a strike.. I feel like you are on her side because you are her friend. Not from the general FACTS.]
#74914794Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:21 AM GMT

[Except you can't tell me not to call her scar via OOC, or then I'll just meta game. Besides, doesn't matter if you don't like it. It matters if Scar likes it. And don't base your char off yourself. To be honest, why are we still talking about it anyway. I have ego issues so if someone talks to me I HAVE to respond. :P T_T It wouldn't be meta gaming if they are "friends" like you say they are. Scarlet doesn't like the name. She has been trying to tell you that for pretty much the whole argument. She talks through me. She isn't based of me. She doesn't like the nickname! Oh so NOW you don't like metagaming.. Next person who brings up the fight is banned for good. for gods sake.. what is so fun about this fight SOMEONE needs to bring it up?] Violet I call Ven.
#74914798Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:21 AM GMT

[if you look back i was defending neither of you before and again, in this, i am defending her because i choose to i actually don't know her that well i am just stating that simply repeating something that is still RELEVANT is not necessarily a call back. If you want to give me a strike simply because of that so be it. i just really don't want to talk about this anymore because if we do either you or I are not going to be happy at the end of this]
#74914949Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:23 AM GMT

[Know what. I couldn't make a good fricking roleplay if my life depended on it. I give up. People keep picking sides in this fight and it pisses me off. There is nothing I can do to end this fight. Go ahead and roleplay. I quit.]
#74915000Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:23 AM GMT

[you mean a cellular call right?] Vendaris- He picked up his phone. "Hello?"
#74915263Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:27 AM GMT

^ ^
#74915307Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:27 AM GMT

[are you kidding me that's it So, you just give up right at a crucial part of the roleplay, which you stated before was a bad thing and you seemed irritated about it. YOU'RE the one bring up the fight because of YOU not being able to take a simple sentence online because of YOUR attitude. YOU'RE attitude is by far the only thing causing problems in this stupid thing! In any other roleplay I've been in there wouldn't even have been a fight over this! *acxsdvervft*]
#74915385Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:28 AM GMT

my grammar is horrid *flips table and ollies outy*
#74916071Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:36 AM GMT

[Not even close. I quit because whatever I do. I can warn you, I can ban you. But after I say. "OKAY, NO MOIRE TALKING ABOUT IT." SOMEONE FRICKING GOD DAMN SAYS. "WELL YOU BROUGHT IT UP YAP YAP YAP, WAH, WHY DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT ME." PEOPLE HAVE QUIT THIS ROLEPLAY, BEEN POSTING SLOWLY. WHICH IS OKAY, YOU HAVE BEEN BUSY.. BUT NO. THAT'S NOT THE CASE. I HAVE CREATED, BEEN IN, AND COLLABORATED IN SEVERAL ROLEPLAYS.. BUT THIS, MY DEAR FRIEND. IS THE SLOW POKEY-NESS OF SOMEONE WHO ISN'T INTERESTED IN THE ROLEPLAY. WHEN I SAY, NOT TO TALK ABOUT IT, THEN I CLEARLY WARN YOU YOU WILL GET BANNED, THEY TALK ABOUT IT, AGAIN, AND THEN EVERYONE LEAVES BECAUSE I AM.. AHEM.. "EVIL".. SO NO.. IF YOU EVEN SLIGHTLY UNDERSTOOD WHAT I AM GOING THROUGH.. YOU COULD UNDERSTAND WHY I'D WANT TO TAKE A BREAK FROM THIS ROLEPLAY, ALL I'M ASKING FOR IS ONE DAY AWAY FROM THE ROLEPLAY TO COOL OFF.. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD IT IS NOT TO FLIP OUT RIGHT NOW.. OH, I AM.. I'LL STOP. Okay.. All I'm saying by I quit.. is that I need a day or two to calm down. How do I know it isn't because you are busy and you just don't like the roleplay? While I was grounded for four days, as I suspected. No one posted a thing.. Which really made me mad.. I just.. Need some time to calm myself.. I seriously didn't want to make anyone mad.. But sometimes when I prevent others from being mad.. I hold in all these bad things I wanna say, and that isn't healthy, sometimes It just explodes.. Please forgive me for this sudden outburst of stress. Not quitting for good. Just need to cool off. *bows*]
#74935353Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:07 PM GMT

(... so let me get this straight. I cant quit when this roleplay is bothering me and making me freak out but you can. T_T And I had the same reason as you....) (... I wasn't even referencing the fight. I simply said that Scarlet is not me. I was telling you we aren't the same person! You are trying to make me seem like I am guilty when I am not. Scarlet and I are nothing alike. Well we both have the same hobbies but other than that we aren't really alike.)
#74937486Wednesday, August 08, 2012 1:03 PM GMT

#75031457Thursday, August 09, 2012 6:21 AM GMT

[Ranger, no, you didn't have the same reason. You didn't need to cool off. You were acting like a brat that when one thing doesn't go your way you quit. For good. Banned, get out. No coming back.]
#75044299Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:34 PM GMT

I did have the same reason. I was freaking out, about to explode. I couldn't handle the rp with out exploding. If that was "acting like a brat" then you also are. I don't act like a brat, I do however defend myself against bullies and people who get mad at me for no reason. I never even did anything wrong when you got mad but you keep making up some random reason to get mad at me. You can't just let what I say about myself and my characters go even thouhg I know best. I quit because you get mad at me for NO reason and then you ban me for NO reason. You also keep saying I base my characters of myself but in order to make that statement we must be friends or you must know me. I haven't based a character off myself since I started foruming unless I need a character like me, and that is pretty rare that I do.
#75051388Thursday, August 09, 2012 2:43 PM GMT

(-Le sigh-)
#75052350Thursday, August 09, 2012 2:55 PM GMT

I quit The attitude in here is ridiculous And yeah, the fight wasn't one person's fault if you decide to remake, post link here *Ollies outy*
#75068622Thursday, August 09, 2012 6:03 PM GMT

(Well, everyone is gone so, -puts on brown hat and jacket, opens door and grab suit case-, bye everyone, maybe I can make to Chicago and fulfill my dream of being a ballerina. -Walks out the door with this face ":,(". shuts door.-)
#75073540Thursday, August 09, 2012 6:53 PM GMT

(*Sits in the roleplay alone* Wow, a lot happens in the few days I'm gone...Well, I might aswell quit...*Jumps out of the window*)
#75198018Friday, August 10, 2012 10:09 PM GMT

Ranger. Get out, pathetic pea-brain. You guys are pathetic. Why would I repost? It'll be EXACTLY the same.. Why don't you guys roleplay? Retards.. It's YOUR fault. Not mine. All I do is take one break adn you all quit. Am I not aloud to take a break!? JERKWADS;
#75202737Friday, August 10, 2012 10:54 PM GMT

We are retards now? I quit cause this role-play isn't a role-play anymore. It is just a flame war.
#75202828Friday, August 10, 2012 10:55 PM GMT

No.. It isn;t. I take a break for a day. then you all quit.
#75203405Friday, August 10, 2012 11:00 PM GMT

(Maybe if you didn't have such a bad attitude, people might not quit...)