#74353062Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:10 PM GMT

"Lux... you must remember..." "Who... where I am? All I see is darkness..." "Please, save me..." "What's going on? Where am I? Who are you? Who am I?!" I open my eyes. {The same nightmare...} I think to myself. "He's awake now..." a nurse is looking over me with a curious and slightly scared look. "He's only 14, right?" "It appears so, but we don't even know if he is fully human." I hear a deep, low voice enter the area. I look over to see a grown man in a white coat. He has grey hair and a few wrinkles. He gives me a stern look that clearly says, "Don't mess with me." I decide to speak, even though I have no idea what's going on. I just remember playing on my 3DS when everything turned black and I fell asleep. "What's going on? Where am I?" The nurse nearly leaps onto the doctor. "He... can speak?" "Why wouldn't I be able to speak? And why am I here?" Suddenly, the man reachs out slowly into a desk and brings out a huge needly with a tube full of liquid on the bottom of it. "Nice and easy now..." I kick the blanket off me and run for the door. The nurse blocks it and, so I turn around and leap out the window. I land safely on the ground and start running. I strangely had all my regular clothes on.
#74353111Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:11 PM GMT

(Mmm... I'll join, why not.) N@ME: Ariel L. Bruus -Likes to be called 'Red' @GE: 13 GENDER: Female CLOTHING: This dress;,r:17,s:0,i:194&tx=38&ty=81 HAIR COLOR: Red's hair, retaining to her name, is bright red. Usually she has a white rose in her hair. EYE COLOR: Her eyes are a deep sea blue, that have a tear in them that won't go away. They are almond shape and big, giving her the look of a little kid. ACCESSORIES: Along with the dress, she wears a single, brown, fingerless glove. ITEMS: Some cash. BIO: Red is a very calm, and collected type of girl. She likes to see things realistically; she doesn't believe in superstitions and whatnot. Red wants to be a scientist when she grows up. Anyways, she was raised in a very loving family. They thought logically, and were cautious. Her mother was a notable scientist for NASA, amazingly, while her father worked as an author for the scientific research being done. This is how she became intelligent and thoughtful, as well as quiet. To continue, she was always picked on for being that quiet, nerdy girl. Once she tried to kill herself. But she failed the attempt, and right now, she is very depressed and miserable. YOU'RE TOO SLOW FOO.
#74353321Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:14 PM GMT

fine ill make a new cs jez.
#74353329Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:14 PM GMT

(Icy is accepted.) "This just in, 25 teens disappeared, and have been missing as of last night. There have been no found clues as to there whereabouts. We will bring you this story as it unfolds." Blake gasped as the pictures of the missing, and debateably dead teens. Some of his friends where in that group.
#74353473Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:15 PM GMT

blah nvm and besides im not even a troll jeez people alwys suspect that -.-
#74353665Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:18 PM GMT

(One more thing to add, she's a let's player.) -Lindsay- I plug in my gamecube controller into my wii and slide in Super Mario Sunshine. I adjust my headset to where I'm conferable. I click my mouse on the record button and get to work. "Hellllooooo Everybody It's Bean5011! And last time in Super Mariooo Sunshine we.." I practically yell into the mic. Starting off into a new episode. I contune this for 15 mintunes of talking about the game and when I finsh I say "Cya guys in the next episode!"
#74353673Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:18 PM GMT

(Thanks broski.) . R . E . D . A young girl, perhaps barely a teenager, sighed unhappily in her bed. The lights were out, and the only light was the TV screen flashing colors. She was about to sleep, [Her only relief from this all] when something shocking was said. Her eyes scanned the pictures on the screen frantically. Please... Not Raine... She was her only friend, the person who kept her from going insane and attempting... THAT, again. Red held back a struggled cry, as her friend appeared on the screen for a split second. Oh God...
#74353915Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:21 PM GMT

"There's no way the can't find anything!" Blake growled, jumping from his comfortable postion, and kicking the door open. He walked through the streets, eventually reaching intersection where the group of teens decided to go to the yard. "They always hung out here..."
#74354069Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:23 PM GMT

. R . E . D . Said girl frantically wiped away her tears. This all must be a lie... Yes... She hopped up, and ran out the door, shouting "I'LL BE BACK!" to her busy parents.
#74354323Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:26 PM GMT

I go back to my apartment. I turn on my T.V. and start playing on my 3DS. "Eh, I guess I'll just play Kid Icarus Uprising. But I do like background sound." he says to himself, flipping through the channels. I wanted to beat a hard mission in Virdi's treasure hunt (from Kid Icarus Uprising), so I changed it to the news. I play the chapter and make it to the boss, but one not-so-well-planned melee attack finished me. "UGH!" I scream in defeat. I close my 3DS and go get some dinner. I warm up 5 chilidogs and start to eat them while watching the news. "Breaking news! 25 teenagers die on abandoned grounds!" I hear the news reporter say. I suddenly spit out a bite of chili all over my T.V. I plan on cleaning it, but I'm too busy listening.
#74354731Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:31 PM GMT

Blake hears this update from a worker walking nearby with a radio. "...Dead?" He gaps in horror. "The only abandoned area is that old construction yard..." He thinks.
#74354795Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:31 PM GMT

-Lindsay- I quickly hop on and not 5 seconds when I'm on my friend LinkReyIndyFan which lives who knows where says "Thank god your alright!" I put a "?" in the chat "Didn't you hear about the deaths in your town?" He says and lists off the names. One of them were my friends...and my boy friend! I dash out of the house and run to the yard where they hung out.
#74354960Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:33 PM GMT

Lux growls in anger. "Innocent... kids... I'LL CRUSH WHOEVER DID THIS!!!" I yell, in extremely not normal anger. I run out of my apartment, and start to look for whatever the crime may have been commited.
#74355057Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:34 PM GMT

Lindsay saw Blake dart down the road, and considered following him. Perhaps he knew about something about what was going on. Around the uncomplete building, poilce cars and military trucks covered the entire block, as officers marched and ran out, holding their guns.
#74355652Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:42 PM GMT

. R . E . D . Red blink, seeing as so many people were going there. So, she pushed. "Excuse me!!" she shouted, running to get a closer look. She saw two or three other kids her age trying to get a look.
#74355772Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:43 PM GMT

-Lindsay- I run up to Blake "Do you know what happened?" I say in my barley visible crying eyes.
#74355812Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:44 PM GMT

Blake growled, and noticed Red. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, trying to get his voice over the officers giving orders and standing by, to open fire on the building, if needed.
#74355898Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:45 PM GMT

(Sorry, but I have to double post with this situation.) Blake turned to Lindsay and shurgged, "Well, one of the guys told me that they were planning to do something, but he never clarifyed as to what. Anyways, guessing you guys wanna see what happened?"
#74356028Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:47 PM GMT

. R . E . D . The girl blinked back tears. "Well... No... Raine was there!" Her bottom lip quivered. "Let's definitely check it out..."
#74356286Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:50 PM GMT

-Lindsay- "Yeah" I say hearing my voice crack from crying, I wipe my eyesfrom crying, trying not to let my hoodie fall down, as I don't want my identity as the semi-famous Let's Player Bean5011.
#74356409Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:52 PM GMT

"Well, we can't as of now. They blocked all the enterances. We'll have to wait 'til 3 AM, they can't legally stay here that long." He folded his arms, turning his head to a limo.
#74356534Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:53 PM GMT

. R . E . D . Red sniffled. "I'm not usually one to suggest something so daring but... Why can't we sneak in?"
#74356678Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:55 PM GMT

"I dunno, sounds a bit risky.." Blake replied, as a man who looked like a highly trainned soilder stepped out of the limo, carrying a sword and pistol in his belt, carrying an AK-47 in his hands.
#74356873Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:57 PM GMT

. R . E . D . The young girl's eyes widen in fear and confusion, as she quickly hid behind Blake. "W-Who's that!?" she whispered, very frightened.
#74357027Thursday, August 02, 2012 10:59 PM GMT

-Lindsay- "Wait til 3am? No problem!" I say trying not to show my tear streaked face.