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#74253594Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:11 PM GMT

(Lolboredroleplayrightnow) A dark figure with a gigantic sword is standing atop the moon. It slowly turns it's head and it was wearing a mask with a twisted smile and burn marks for eyes. It points the sword in your direction and utters "You have one year.....what you do with it I do not care. But once that year is up......I will come to earth to destroy it simply because everyone wishes it." Just like that you were jolted awake. You let out a puff of air and look out your bedroom window. The sky....its....green? You rub your eyes and look at your room. Blood? Coming from the walls? You decide this is another dream and just go along with it. You head downstairs and a sound of shattering glass comes from the kitchen. You hastily run over and a blob of darkness is starting to materialize into some monster. You take a step back and watch as the mass of darkness rises into the air and forms itself into a ball. The ball grows a pink and black zebra pattern with a mask protruding from its back. It turns around and bares its gigantic mouth that nearly splits the thing in half. It's tongue hangs out of its mouth like a dog and it starts to charge at you. With a quick dodge it slams into the wall. A huge dent is put into the wall and the thing just shakes it off and looks at you again. Without thinking you make a sprint for your door and pull it open. You gasp at the scene. A sickly green light eminating from the moon lights up the world. More of those ball monsters are wandering around and it looks like a bunch of tombstones are everywhere. The monster tackles you to the ground from behind and is about to bite off your upper half until a gunshot is heard and the monster slumps dead on top of you. A feminine hand pulls you up and pats your back. "You ok? It's almost morning so don't worry" You hear and before you can look at your savior your in front of a tower. It twists and turns and it looks like multiple buildings were smashed together at different angles. It looks like there are no things around here so you head inside. The lobby is huge a gigantic circular room and in the middle is a huge staircase that leads to an even bigger door. In the corner is some strange green and yellow device and opposite that corner is a clock. A few other people are here. Before you can greet them the tower seems to fade away and your all now in the local highschool. "What kind of dream was that?" You decide to take a day off from school today and think about your past "dreams". Well that obviously wasn't a dream! That monster hurt! And you even saw the dent in your kitchen this morning! Those monsters or whatever they are....are dangerous so obviously your going to need a weapon. But you don't own any weapons.....out of desperation you think what kind of weapon you feel comfortable with and toss a household version of that item next to your bed. Then a doorbell is heard, you rush downstairs and a simple clipboard is waiting there. You pick it up and it reads. Hello! insert na.me here (it literally says that!) and congratulations for being chosen by the dark god Nyx to participate in saving the world! You will have to climb that tower with the other contestants and at the end Nyx will be waiting for your challenge. We sent a trial version of the weakest monster to your neighborhood and if you have this clipboard your alive! Fill out the form below and we will make sure to put your name in the hall of fame! What is your na.me? How o.ld are you? (for convenience make it an age you would be in highschool) Are you a boy or a girl? What do you look like? What would you ki.ll someone with? (Weapon Category [I'll choose your weapon]) How do you act? (Personality) Anything you forgot? (Other) After you fill out the form it disappears. You dismiss it and get ready for tonight. RULES: 1. Don't k.ill each other (Hurting each other is cool just ya know agree on it) 2. These are monsters not puppies (You cannot slice through 5 of them with your rainbow blaster X7 katana) 3. You are not the buffest man or woman on earth with the greatest pool of stamina (Seriously get tired every once in a while swinging around a weapon all night can do things to you.) 4. Put "Gullible" If you think the pas.sword will get you into the roleplay. 5. Rules are important and I would suggest you follow them and what I say 6. I don't believe in admins I will let other roleplayers accept you if they think your worthy 7. Join anytime I don't care if this thing is at 100 pages or just 3 you can join anytime. 8. TIMELINE - MODERN TIMES (I get confused on this also) 9. Good job on reading the rules. I then procede to give you the greatest high-five in existence.
#74254620Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:23 PM GMT

#74255749Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:36 PM GMT

#74255904Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:38 PM GMT

(;-; I'm sorry)
#74256997Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:50 PM GMT

What is your na.me? How o.ld are you? (for convenience make it an age you would be in highschool) 15 Are you a colt or a filly? Girl What do you look like? A short, thin build, black hair, green eyes, and is white skinned. She usually wears skinny jeans and a random colored tee. She wears glasses. What would you ki.ll somepony with? (Weapon Category [I'll choose your weapon]) Ranged c: How do you act? (Personality) She is a perfectionist. If something isn't made to exact detail, she makes you start over. If she cannot get a perfectionscore on something, she rages when out of sight. I think you get what I mean now. :P Anything you forgot? (Other) Nnope. Also, I am not "Gullible". (You play Microvolts code?)
#74257081Wednesday, August 01, 2012 9:51 PM GMT

(Sorry) Name: Namina "Missy" Duncan
#74257865Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:01 PM GMT

Missy you toss a practice bow with a quiver of dulled arrows near your bed for preparation. (I played once but I haven't played since....DON'T BEND MY CS TO YOUR PONY WHIMS.....please c:) What is your na.me? Cole Demcher How o.ld are you? (for convenience make it an age you would be in highschool) 16 Are you a boy or a girl? Male What do you look like? Cole has an average build and stands at 5'10 with fair skin, he has messy brown hair (which he makes no attempt to comb down) and hazel eyes, He wears a grey t-shirt with an 8-bit empty heart on it that says "Empty" in RPG font, he wears plain jeans and black and white checkered shoes, he also wears black headphones that cover his ears but aren't plugged into anything, he lets the audio jack dangle across his chest What would you ki.ll someone with? (Weapon Category [I'll choose your weapon]) 2 handed swords How do you act? (Personality) Cole likes to keep himself and the people around him happy and on the same page, he does this by cracking dumb jokes and keeping a carefree lifestyle. He knows when it is time to get serious though. Anything you forgot? (Other) NOP Cole tosses a golf club on his bed for preparation for tonight.
#74258662Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:11 PM GMT

(. .. ... -takes Y-U-NO rage face out- -takes rifle out- Y U NO KEEP PLAYIN MICROVOLTS)
#74258738Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:12 PM GMT

#74259051Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:16 PM GMT

#74259241Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:18 PM GMT

(noooo come back ;-;)
#74259446Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:20 PM GMT

What is your na.me? Nicholas Harrelson How o.ld are you? 16 Are you a boy or a girl? Male What do you look like? He has short brown hair, with little or no facial hair to speak of. He is six feet tall, and weighs 160 pounds. He is nor muscular, nor overweight. There is a strange look of apathy in his brown eyes. He is slightly tan( VERY slightly, like almost none.) He generally wears a black button up shirt and black dress pants. He also never wears shoes. I mean NEVER. (this generally causes him trouble) What would you ki.ll someone with? Bludgeons with a little side of bolt-action rifles. How do you act? He really doesn't care about anything. He frustrates easily and tends to throw things in anger. Despite this, he is somehow insightful and yearns for more knowledge. Anything you forgot? He cannot ki.lls birds. (He shot a sparrow at a.g.e 12 and that pretty much messed him up, and he swore to never ki.ll another bird)
#74259452Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:21 PM GMT

(Joining, and if you don't post fast i'll leave. .-.)
#74259640Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:23 PM GMT

Nicholas you toss a collapseable shovel and a bolt action pellet rifle near your bed. (I'll post fast enough just chill)
#74259822Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:25 PM GMT

(jk) (>:o i know what game this thread is about)
#74260244Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:30 PM GMT

(It's pretty obvious if you find the game)
#74260260Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:30 PM GMT

What is your na.me?Drake Jul How o.ld are you? Seventeen Are you a boy or a girl?Male What do you look like?I have jet black hair, I stand at 6'0" and havve pale skin and blue eyes. I wear a black hoodie, blue jeans, red shirt and brown shoes. What would you ki.ll someone with? Duel Daggers How do you act? I'm quiet and smart, but friendly, I get mad easily too. Anything you forgot? Nope.
#74260561Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:34 PM GMT

Drake you toss two wrenches onto your matress for tonight (We have reached enough members to start....the operations commences in 10 minutes incase someone sees this. I'm a nice guy aren't I?)
#74260648Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:35 PM GMT

(Two wrenches?!? WHAT?!?!)
#74260874Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:38 PM GMT

(I have a golf club, You have wrenches, Missy has a bow with dulled arrows and Nick has a shovel and a BB gun) [We are the most well prepared in the universe :D]
#74261027Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:40 PM GMT

Drake I sit down on my bed.
#74261575Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:45 PM GMT

(And now we start) Nightfall You hesistate as you lay down on your matress. You haven't seen your parents at all today and that worries you. You shut your eyes and after a few hours you wake up on instinct. You decide to take a look at the clock 11. The witching hour so you've heard. You gather your improvised weaponry and open the door. You are ported to the tower. It seems like the people from yesterday are here also.
#74261766Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:47 PM GMT

Drake I look around.
#74262110Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:51 PM GMT

Cole I look at the three others here with me. 3 guys and a girl, basic RPG party. I think to myself. I grip my golf club and wave to the boy holding the wrenches "Hey....you are stuck here too?" I ask.
#74262246Wednesday, August 01, 2012 10:52 PM GMT

Drake "What does it look like?"

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