#79683646Monday, October 08, 2012 1:41 AM GMT

( to assassin) " We are checking on our friends."
#79683999Monday, October 08, 2012 1:46 AM GMT

Malrak slowly crept closer, taking position somewhat back behind Alandressa. He just watched the situation unfold. taking note that this apparently must be some sort of diplomatic meeting...
#79684076Monday, October 08, 2012 1:47 AM GMT

"An honor." He says, reaching his coarse hand over to shake.
#79684120Monday, October 08, 2012 1:47 AM GMT

An exploration group is on the move.
#79684458Monday, October 08, 2012 1:51 AM GMT

I have returned, with a new app for a new dawn. Are AIs too OP for my current tech levels? -Character Sheet- Name: Kulinith G.ender: N/A 240 Starship (if any): Lokmekad Personality: Job oriented and to-the-point, with no tolerance for anything that impedes eis mission or objectives. However, eis mission and objective are sometimes very different from the ones e’s given by Dalvelak High Command. Job/Rank: Scout Section Tertiary Commander, Development Section Primary Coordinator Appearance: As an Anulith AI, Kulinith’s preferred display form is of an Anulith, gray shelled with a mass of grasping claws and sensory tendrils. Also, e has been known to display as a three-sphere Tokredak, with a mildly insectoid form. Eis only physical form is the Lokmekad and its survey drones. Race: AI Faction: Coalition of Transsapient Progress -Planet Sheet- Planet Name: Karolkor III Atmospheric Density: Twice as dense as Earth’s Approximate Planetary Size: Radius 7500 Tectonic Activity Level (Class range 1-10): 2 Weather Patterns (None if no atmosphere): Heavy storms of dust and rock. Average Temperature: 35 Celsius *Notable landmarks*: Tarvekar Crater holds Karolkor’s single city. Ratio of water to land (Area): 2% methane water, 98% land Pollution Level: 12% Notable events: First Contact between the Tokredak and the Anulith. Later First Contact with the Ivid’id’id’id. Moons: Twelve. Atmospheric composition: 85% methane, 12% nitrogen, 3% misc. Most common resource: Heavy metals Ag.e: 5 billion years Solar System Name: Karolkor -Solar System Sheet- Star name(s): Karolkor Star Type(s) (Red, Yellow, etc.): Yellow Life stage: Middle Number of Planets: 5 *Planet Names*: Karolkor I-V Asteroid Belts: 8 *Other*: All of Karolkor’s orbiting bodies are rich in heavy metals, making it a lucrative mining operation. -Government Sheet- Name: Coalition of Transsapient Progress (CTP) *Capital (City name/planet name)*: Karolkor III, the planet where the Tokredak first encountered the Anulith. Leading Race (If it is a confederation, who's in charge?): Tokredak, Ivid’id’id’id, Anulith, and AIs. Tokredak are the founders of the Coalition and have the current majority on the Sustainability Council, but ivid’id’id’id are the most populous. Current Leader: The Sustainability Council Government System (e.g. Democracy, Dictatorship, Republic, Monarchy): E-Democracy *Moral Alignment* (Good, evil, neutral, etc?): Neutral. *History*: It’s been 503 cycles since the progress-minded Tokredak met the Anulith on Karolkor III. Since then, the lives of all sapients in the Coalition have changed significantly. The old corporate aristocracy that governed the Tokredak fell within weeks of meeting the Anulith and their nanotechnological AIs, unable to push any motion through the bureaucracy as the AIs ran rampant through the primitive Tokredak systems and implemented the Anulith system of government. Within cycles, the Anulith and Tokredak had formed a Coalition government dedicated to fostering the values each race held dearest- technological advancement, and creativity in all forms. 348 cycles ago, the Ivid’id’id’id were encountered by a scouting fleet, and promptly had their primitive society but advanced technology assimilated into the Coalition. *Emblem*: Three crossed lines in an equilateral triangle. *Military Branches*: Assault, Defense, Scout, Development. ---Ship Sheets--- --Technical Sheet-- -General- Vessel Designation (Ship name): Lokmekad Classification (Class name): Virlekor Vessel Type (Frigate, destroyer, battleship, etc.): Corvette Hull Size (Length, width, and height in meters): 60 metersx10 metersx10 meters *Appearance*: Three cylinders linked head-to-tail, spinning to generate artificial gravity for the Anulith and Ivid’id’id’id. The front cylinder has a rounded nose, with a hole for the sensors and scanners. Three railguns stick out from the central cylinder, with full range of coverage. Three external missile pods jut out of each other segment, as well. The stern of the corvette has an irising hatch, leading to a hangar bay and cargo bay with a small one-sapient landing craft. | | | | | | | | | -Armaments- Cannons: Three turret-mounted railguns Missiles: Six launchers with 12 concussor missiles and three nanohive missiles each | | | | | | | | | -Defenses- Shields: Electromagnetic disruptor shields. Armor: Titanium with a nanite-based lattice. Self Repair Systems: Small nanohive-based. Not powerful, but with enough other material, can strengthen the hull. | | | | | | | | | -Systems- Reactors: Fusion Reactor Stability (1-100): 75% *Reactor Output*: Power Grid Type (Electrical, Photonic, etc): Electric. Computation Type (Binary, advanced binary, etc): Binary, Quaternary, and Ternary (Primarily Quaternary) | | | | | | | | | -Engines- Propulsion: Fusion thrusters and a Bussard ramscoop ISD FTL (Interstellar Drives): Basic warp drive | | | | | | | | | -Strike Craft- Hangars: One. *Hangar bay Size (m^3)*: Drones are clamped to the hull. Single hangar is 200 m^3. Fighters: Two reconnaissance drones, automated, and one landing craft. | | | | | | | | | -Detection- Detection Grid: Strong at objects of large mass and/or manipulating gravity, weak in other areas. Sensor Range: ¼ AU LR Sensor Range: 1 AU Cloak Penetration (Be reasonable): None. Probes: 2 automated drones | | | | | | | | | -Other- Cargo Bay Capacity: 300 m^3 Landing System: Electromagnetic repulsors Atmospheric Capability: Little to none Grappling arms or Tractor Beam Systems: Three ringing the stern hangar bay
#79684479Monday, October 08, 2012 1:52 AM GMT

Alandressa returns the favor and shakes his hand. She then proceeds to say. "Now, where exactly does your race come from relative to our current position?"
#79684678Monday, October 08, 2012 1:54 AM GMT

"Ah. If you are wondering of the recent annexation of the Kri'orr Coalition, it was merely an integration process. They are productive members of our society now." The marshal paused, before adding, "The Tujihn has fallen very... illl... recently. It would be most... unfortunate... for him to die without any clear heir."
#79684784Monday, October 08, 2012 1:56 AM GMT

" Could be disasterous for you."
#79684872Monday, October 08, 2012 1:57 AM GMT

Malrak finally came forward, still keeping behind Lohnir and Alandressa. He just looked towards the Bird being, a slight hint of Feral instinct drifting in his eye. Malrak just pushed aside the drawing instinct, wondering just What kind of alien the bird was...
#79685119Monday, October 08, 2012 2:00 AM GMT

"A few systems back. I can take you to it, if you would like."
#79685511Monday, October 08, 2012 2:04 AM GMT

Kulinith surveyed the void of deep space and depowered the Lokmekad's warp drives. Turning his sensor's gaze towards the star, e once more saw the light of a star never before seen by Tokredak, Ivid'id'id'id, or Anulith. As the crew began to stir from their stasis chambers and man their own listening posts or satisfy their bodily needs, Kulinith opened his files on a project he had been developing. In secret, of course, because there was no way Development could sanction this, but an AI needs something to do during warp. Suddenly, eis attention was involuntarily torn away as the sensors recorded... something. Something unnatural. "All crew, high alert. Sensors have detected an anomaly. Stand by for further information." OOC: Any takers for contact with the Coalition for Transsapient Progress?
#79685523Monday, October 08, 2012 2:04 AM GMT

"Indeed. We are not sure what the disease is, but we have no cure for it. There were only several other cases in recorded history, and all from the Tujihn's family." the Marshal stopped, having given out a little too much information. "Is there anything you might be able to do?"
#79685645Monday, October 08, 2012 2:06 AM GMT

"Yes... please show us where your homesystem is." Alandressa replies.
#79688106Monday, October 08, 2012 2:39 AM GMT

ILLESAR "Nothing unless we had data and samples for our research teams."
#79688632Monday, October 08, 2012 2:45 AM GMT

(ooc: sure Cross)
#79702672Monday, October 08, 2012 11:41 AM GMT

@Con: OOC: Then RP your encounter so I know what your ship and character look like.
#79742327Monday, October 08, 2012 11:44 PM GMT

Alandressa tells these diplomats. "Go directly to the ships meeting room. A marine will guide you." She says and gives the signal for a marine to guide them.
#79742496Monday, October 08, 2012 11:46 PM GMT

4/6 - 4 frigates 8/25 - 2 shipyards Construction of the shipyards continue. Meanwhile, a planet is colonized. It is named Corinth.
#79742697Monday, October 08, 2012 11:48 PM GMT

Lonhir goes back to standing in the spot he was standing in before.
#79742911Monday, October 08, 2012 11:50 PM GMT

5/6 - 4 frigates 9/25 - 2 shipyards Colonization of Corinth goes without any issues. More construction.
#79744293Tuesday, October 09, 2012 12:03 AM GMT

Alandressa walks up to Lonhir and says to him. "Lonhir, I want to talk."
#79745304Tuesday, October 09, 2012 12:13 AM GMT

"About?" Lonhir asks.
#79746523Tuesday, October 09, 2012 12:26 AM GMT

10/25 - 2 shipyards 1/3 - 4 construction craft. The 4 frigates are completed. Edessa now has 10 frigates. Colonazation continues on Corinth.
#79804872Wednesday, October 10, 2012 12:44 AM GMT

(Wow... been a while...)
#79861271Thursday, October 11, 2012 12:40 AM GMT

The diplomats follow the marine quietly, glancing around. One mutters something, but the diplomat in red smacks him upside the head. He shuts up.