#76494693Friday, August 24, 2012 9:34 PM GMT

Im still not seeing a story....
#76563652Saturday, August 25, 2012 3:58 PM GMT

Well, we'll maybe see how it goes on perhaps.
#76564548Saturday, August 25, 2012 4:10 PM GMT

Name:Alyssa Evans A.ge:15 G.ender:Female Life Story:Alyssa was born in 1458, and accidentally wandered into the Lotus Casino. She never really remembered how she got out, but she did get out. 562 ye@rs later. She was totally confused until she wandered to Camp Half-Blood by accident, neither with help of demigods , nor satyrs. Personality:Alyssa is very sly, always having another plan hidden by a plan. She likes the goddess Athena, because, like her, she is always doing something. She will often be very cheerful and hide her true feelings. Appearance:Short jet-black hair, with roughly cut bangs. She wears the standard Camp Half-Blood Tee with shorts and she prefers to go barefoot. She is 5'4 tall, and weighs 100 pounds. Parents: Hephaustus,and Mary evans. Mary Evans is a direct descendant of prometheus. Distant, but direct. Other:N/A
#76572334Saturday, August 25, 2012 5:42 PM GMT

good idea
#76614186Sunday, August 26, 2012 1:16 AM GMT

Sorry, but StoneCreek is such a good RP.
#76962871Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:14 PM GMT

Umm should I just start or are we still waiting..
#76973081Thursday, August 30, 2012 12:52 AM GMT

(Uhh whoever put up a CS, accepted. And, let's jsut start.)
#77201577Saturday, September 01, 2012 9:27 PM GMT

Ok then. Jack I was asleep in the Poseidon cabin when I heard a noise. I pulled the pillow over my head and tried to block it out. (BTW, I have a top bunk.) I climbed out of bed to see what it was. I didn't see anything outside. I could still hear the noise, though. I scowl and get out my backpack. Inside are some noise-canceling headphones. I put them on and fell asleep.
#77320501Monday, September 03, 2012 1:23 AM GMT

~Chase~ I just got out of school.At least it is Summer Vacation no more kids making fun of me and getting sent to the office the whole year.I make my way to camp.I'm half way there when I spot 4 hell hounds trying to sneak up on me..I bite my finger.Red warm liquid comes out Blood. I take out my dagger and rub my blood on it and it turns into Shadow Stealer my sword made from Styx river ice.It is sorta poisonous sword because when I slash at someone if they know what it does and think of a place to keep your soul then your okay but if you don't your skin fells like you dipped in the Styx so it is a sword that will make you like iron or kill you.I slice them to peices..or dust.And go to the Hades cabin Thanatos doesn't have a cabin so Hades allows me to stay here since my dad is his"Helper".
#77355283Monday, September 03, 2012 1:22 PM GMT

(May I have another character?) Jefferey I sat up in my top bunk, ruffling my already messed up blonde hair. Sliding down from my bed, I made a soft thump as I hit the floor. Quietly getting dressed I put on my camp-halfblood Tee and pants. Sliding on my wristband I slipped out of my cabin, a bit early in the morning. I made my way to breakfast, eating lightly and leaving just ask quickly as I came. I went over to the sword fighting arena, slipping off my wristband and spinning it around my finger. The golden bracelet suddenly turned into a celestial bronze sword with a golden hilt.
#77357778Monday, September 03, 2012 2:09 PM GMT

Jack I woke up and jumped to the floor off my top bunk. I yawned and grabbed my pack. I opened it up and pulled out a Camp Half-Blood tshirt, and some gray wastelander pants. I aslo grabbed my jacket, and iPhone, and walked outside. I could see some other people were already doing this. I shrugged and walked over to the pavilion. I thought of what I wanted and ate it. i sacrificed a entire waffle to my dad.
#77359026Monday, September 03, 2012 2:30 PM GMT

(Let me just get this out of the way. Name: Rin L. Grimm A.ge: 16 G.ender: Female Life Story: She grew up normally with her dad, a performer at Disney, and rarely got in fights. Due to her ADHD and dyslexia she has gotten into fights with boys and girls who were jerks and wouldn't leave her alone because of her looks or because of all the problems she has. Her father is trying to mold her into a fine young lady but his efforts are in vain. He sent her here after the first monster attack at an art festival. This is her first year at camp and when she was claimed she had a feeling it was Aphrodite. Personality: Violent, bubbly, loud, and can be a bit blunt. She often has crazy idea's and if you befriend her you're going to be apart of those crazy idea's. A bit impolite. Appearance: Reddish brown curly hair that reaches the middle of her back. She has an hour glass form with tan skin and is the average weight. She stands at 5"6 and is usually sporting four silver bracelets, one on her left and three on her right. She has heavily lashed electric blue eyes and pale pink lips. Parents: Aphrodite and Henry Grimm Other: She's going to be very loud...)
#77362665Monday, September 03, 2012 3:20 PM GMT

#77363230Monday, September 03, 2012 3:27 PM GMT

(Forgot my RP post.) Constance I am already up. I already got dressed- wearing denim shorts and the Camp Half-Blood shirt. I pull my hair back into a ponytail then slip my hand under my pillow. I grab my special sword and head outside. Then I go to the arena. "Anyone up to loosing?" I call out, but it's obvious I'm joking.
#77370048Monday, September 03, 2012 4:41 PM GMT

Jack I see Constance across the field, battling people. I sigh, and think for a moment. I walk across the field, spinning my sword. I decide to fight someone, but not Constance. She's in her element.
#77379659Monday, September 03, 2012 6:21 PM GMT

I walk to the Arena to see Miss O'Leary(She hell hound she alive:P) She jumps on me and when see gets off I'm soaking wet. I'm the only one who takes care of her since my father. I leave in 3 hours and go to the forest and sit in a tree. When suddenly the tree rumbles and I fall on my face a a Nymph comes out and yells I ignore her and walk away
#77443713Tuesday, September 04, 2012 2:21 PM GMT

Constance After winning a few times I rest. I go back to my cabin. I set down Sanguis, my sword's name, on my bed. Then I tuck it under my pillow and head back outside. Going off to the side of the camp so not many can see me. Then I summon a hellhound.
#77484059Wednesday, September 05, 2012 1:26 AM GMT

Jack I'm standing on Zeus' Fist. I'm concentrating.I bring out a creature. It's both gorgons. And Medusa. "Crud!" I yell, and cut off one head. I run away, because I can hear Medusa still talking. I'm running across the feild when I bump intoConstance. "Sorry." I say. "Gorgons and Medusa! Close your eyes and run!" I also yell. I close my eyes and start sprinting. I then bump into something else. "Constance, how did you get in front of me?" I say, and open my eyes. It's not Constance. It an angry hellhound. I run to a nearby shed and turn on the alarm. "Gorgons, Medusa, and hellhound in the forest! Report immediatly if you have some fighting skills!" I say into the speakerphone. "But keep your eyes shut." I add. This is going to be a tough battle.
#77484708Wednesday, September 05, 2012 1:32 AM GMT

Constance I chuckle. I love causing chaos. But... Medusa and gorgons? What the heck? I know I didn't summon anything else by accident. At least, I don't think so. No, that was defiantely not me... Charolette I yawn and stretch, just now getting up. I slip on jeans and the Camp Half-Blood shirt. I step outside and see some... stuff... happening. I smile.
#77486174Wednesday, September 05, 2012 1:45 AM GMT

Jack I feel guilty. I know I didn't create the hellhound. That was someone else. But still. I start fighting the hellhound. Eventually I wound it. And go in for the kill. I stop. The beast knocks me aside, breaking a rib cage. I am ticked now. I run up, jump and stab it in the brain.
#77487482Wednesday, September 05, 2012 1:57 AM GMT

Constance I glance around and spot Jack. He was killing my hellhound! I scowled. Then I grabbed the nearest unused bow and load it with an arrow. Then I fire it, it grazing his clothes and hopefully making him stagger. I toss the bow and run.
#77526457Wednesday, September 05, 2012 9:44 PM GMT

Jack~ I was shot in the back. I see Constance runing. I don't like it, but I know it was her. I staggered and fell. I looked and saw the arrow was right in my lungs. I started losing air, and fell.
#77529228Wednesday, September 05, 2012 10:20 PM GMT

(Geez, I only meant to graze your clothing.) Constance I make it to my cabin. Before I enter it, I faintly hear "Constance!" I turn to see Charlotte coming my way. "What the heck is going on?!" She screams at me. "I know it was you! You did all of this!" Charlotte hollers. I step backwards, not expecting her harshness. She snickers.
#77549875Thursday, September 06, 2012 2:38 AM GMT

Jack I open my eyes. All around me is darkness. I step forward. Nothing has changed. "Where am I!?!" I shout. "You're in the Shadow Realm. A pit in Tatartarus, where nothing ever leaves except if summoned." "Then let something summon me! And who are you, anyway?" I shout. I look forward, and a light comes. I see a guy my age, except he's darker. His hair, what's he's wearing, his skin tone, everything. "I'm you." he says. "But a shadow version." And I'm officially creeped out.
#77587435Thursday, September 06, 2012 11:18 PM GMT

Constance I watch Charlotte reach forward and trip me. I stand, only to feel metal against my neck. "Constance, tell me. Are you the traitor?!" She wy. hispered harshly. Narrowing my eyes, I show no fear. That was pretty direct... "No." I say confidently. The small knife cut my skin slightly. "I know you're lying." Charlotte replies. Before she can hurt me more badly, I grab her arm and push her away. Then I kick her knife out of her grip and she topples backwards. A few campers start to notice. Then I blindly summon something, ANYTHING to help me.