#74778206Monday, August 06, 2012 11:12 PM GMT

(WOOT.) Cantet I hobbled through the alley, large rounded cobblestones, dark and dank...light spilled onto me as I approached the exit, which opened into a circle of buildings with a fountain in the middle. While an architectural setting like this was usually the center of a regular little town, this was just a small section in the shopping district, but still exquisite. I hobbled at the base of the fountain and fluttered onto the rim, taking a long sip from the clear water. A metallic taste filled my mouth and the sheen of coins caught my bizarre eyes. Ah, a donation fountain. I hobbled away and flew onto the roof of a little toy store, the shingles were a bright red and ridiculously curved like something out of a fantasy, urging me to smile slightly at the architect's creativity. I glided to the top and looked over the town. Narrow alleyways wound deep into the heart of the clusters of buildings, abruptly spitting you out into another district, so easy for a tourist to get lost, I laughed softly. The rest of the buildings eventually became dusky, silhouetted...but stood out...large, rusty red bricks fit together smoothly and formed into a red tower, and at the top, a clock face, with enormous ancient numerals...the clock tower...and the oldest part, dating back so far...I marveled.
#74780437Monday, August 06, 2012 11:33 PM GMT

(Why'd I make sides? Everyone's just going Neutral!) Name: Vance Draynor ∆ge: 72 Gender: M Side: Neutral Appearance: Vance has peppery, thin, grey hair; he also has a full beard that you'd expect to be on the stereotypical woodsman. He still looks young, despite his age; no extremely defined wrinkles. He has fair skin and wears a cream-colored sweater, along with reflective shades and grey sweatpants you'd see on a guy in a log cabin. Pokemon Team: Ian Items: Several Potions, A scooter(Because who needs a bike?) Bio: A retired Gym-leader, he gave his old Pokemon away to his sister and friends; all except for Ian. He had a specific care for Ian, since it was his first egg Pokemon that he had raised. After retiring, he started joining contests; most of the time he didn't win, but Ian's "cute" habit of forgetting things and tilting his head at the crowd made him a little popular. Pokemon CS Name: Ian Species: Flygon Gender: M Moves: Signal Beam, ThunderPunch, Attract, and Fly Personality: Forgetful, practically always takes a nap during breaks. Bio: Being raised by Vance himself, he knows that Vance usually has somewhat of a plan. Extra: Chocolate scares him.
#74780594Monday, August 06, 2012 11:35 PM GMT

#74786115Tuesday, August 07, 2012 12:33 AM GMT

(Why has no one else joined? I dunno what to do.)
#74786376Tuesday, August 07, 2012 12:35 AM GMT

(Meet Cantet? BTW, he has Magpie Syndrome.)
#74793328Tuesday, August 07, 2012 1:44 AM GMT

[I can show some of my friends. nexis409 is a Pokemon expert and a great RPer. Decent at worst.] Leonardo I slowly ride my bike to the Pokemon Center, Pikachu in a little Pokemon Seat attached to the back. It's getting dark, and we have no time to lose. I turn, slowing down my pedaling to stop exactly in a bike slot. I hook up the bike with a thick wire that is impossible to cut, and the only way to detach it is by my code on the padlock. I put on the padlock to my Pokemon Seat to my bike. I then lift Pikachu out and we take off our helmets. We walk in with my back, and I go to a bathroom to change into my pajamas. A sky blue long-sleeved shirt with sky blue pants. Long white socks rolled up until a few inches above my ankle. I walk to a room in the back and find an empty bed. I have Pikachu return to his Pokeball, then climb up to bed, and try to doze off. As usual, I have a dream about the Clock Tower. Pikachu and I returned to it, and we had fun - as usual.
#74794714Tuesday, August 07, 2012 1:57 AM GMT

Cantet Nightfall onto the city. The sky, a deep navy with shimmering masses of stars that streak the skies, never to be counted, the crescent moon blazed a haunting silver onto the city of Alamos, paling the streets and houses, and gleaming the glass, thick-paned windows. I landed on another roof, and stared down at the dwarfed streets. Not a sound. Not a soul. Nobody would ever see that dusky little figure glide through the night. It was so lonely. Suddenly, the squeak of tired sounded on the pavement, echoing, I looked down. A trainer pedaled his bicycle, a new and handy device through the streets, navigating to the large Pokecenter. I sighed, realizing I had to go there as well for the night, and glided smoothly to the place. I hobble inside, enormous and brightly lit, with black and white tiled flooring and lots of comfortable seating, a large counter with a ridiculous, kindly nurse up at the front, and spiral stairs leading up. I was a welcome visitor, after the incident seven years ago, and they had come to like me there. I selected a warm armchair, leather and tall. The place was too bright...too lively for a dark soul such as myself. I hobbled up the spiraling stairs and into a dark room, going up into the rafters, where I slept. I slept there every night...(Leonardo's room.)
#74797387Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:21 AM GMT

Leonardo's Herdier Troy had propped my Pokeball next to him, since he knows I do a nightly patrol of the room. I get out of my Pokeball (kind of like Misty's Psyduck, but doesn't randomly do it, he does it on schedule) and walk around, but see a Murkrow. I look at it, then sniff it. It smells wild. I growl lightly at it.
#74797620Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:23 AM GMT

Cantet "My apologies. It would appear the room is occupied tonight. Nobody ever comes here, it's my mistake.." I said dully and began to leave.
#74799927Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:43 AM GMT

Leonardo's Herdier I look at the Murkrow. I see an unused blanket and put it into a big pile. I finish stamping it, and have made Murkrow a nest. I smile at it.
#74804007Tuesday, August 07, 2012 3:23 AM GMT

Cantet "Th...thank you." I say, awed. (Timeskip to morning?)
#74804682Tuesday, August 07, 2012 3:31 AM GMT

(Thinking of joining....probably without a huge group of evil Pokemon like in other Pokemon threads....So, can I be a group of mischievous Pokemon?)
#74805187Tuesday, August 07, 2012 3:36 AM GMT

(Sure, sure.)
#74807384Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:01 AM GMT

Name:Duskull Species:Duskull Gender:Male Moves: psychic ball and tackle Personality:Crafty, always scheming. Bio:A leader of a group of mischievous Pokemon. His plans can go from harming no one, to nearly destroying the world. His workers respect him and even call him "Lord Duskull". He isnt a good fighter alone either, he works in unison with his team and make unusual team combos. Name:Seedot Species:Seedot Gender:Male Moves:Tackle, Bullet seed. Personality:Loyal, not very smart either. Bio:The newest member to the team, Seedot joined for the fun of it. Name:Cacnea Species:Cacnea Gender:Male Moves:Bullet seed, tackle. Personality:Quiet, sometimes talking. Bio:The carrier of the team, he carries the food and papers of plans. He always keep to himself. He calls Duskull "Sire". Name:Beedrill Species:Beedrill Gender:Female Moves:(Crap, forgot Beedrills moves...anyone wanna say any?) Personality:Loyal and smart, but sometimes confused about Duskull's plans. Bio:The strongest in Duskull's team and lookout. She keeps things inline. She calls Duskull "Sir" Name:Weedle Species:Weedle Gender:Female Moves:Tackle (More that I forgot.) Personality:Extremely Loyal Bio:The hyper, loyal Weedle that's the second female of the group and also the weakest. She calls Duskull "Lord/Master Duskull"
#74807434Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:01 AM GMT

[Timeskip is a good idea.]
#74808110Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:09 AM GMT

(Accepted.) (KK.) Morning. Harsh, heavy rain poured over the city, the skies dreary.
#74808360Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:12 AM GMT

Leonardo I wake up, hearing pitters and patters. I look out a window at all the rain, drenching people and Pokemon.
#74808934Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:18 AM GMT

Cantet I hobbled up onto the windowsill and looked over the city, dazed.
#74808964Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:19 AM GMT

Duskull and his team entered the town very carefully. "Oh thank Rotom we are finally at a town...All that traveling...stupid Good do'ers...." Duskull said, lieing on the ground face first. "Wonderful Sire." Cacnea said. "MAYBE WE CAN DO SOMETHING DASTARDLY!" Weedle jumped. "THAT. SOUNDS. AWSOMMMMEEEE!" Seedot yelled. "QUIEEEEET!" Beedrill said, pulling up Duskull.
#74829474Tuesday, August 07, 2012 11:22 AM GMT

(Wouldn't Cantet go after my glasses, with the magpie syndrome?) I fly around Alamos City on Ian, my graceful(or not so graceful) Flygon. While riding around, I take pictures of anything interesting that I spot through the night lenses. I notice a Murkrow on my roof.... with different colored eyes? With an ever slowing decent, I flash the camera at the Murkrow's profile before landing; I turned away for a second, but turning back, it had disappeared. Hitting the ground, I slide off of Ian; he gives off a yawn, before doing an extremely exaggerated stretch. It was night, so I walk in along with Ian and get ready to go to sleep. But first.... I go into the photo room and process my pictures of the day. Looking at them, I realize that there actually was a Murkrow on my roof, and I was not hallucinating. Satisfied, I go to sleep. _________________ (Timeskip to Morning) I do the daily routine; I get out of bed, put on clothes, eat whatever. "Hey Ian," I call out to my Pokémon. He lifts his head off the ground with a,"Wuzzat?" look, then I put him into the new pokéball. It's heavy, but it's lighter than a flygon. I put on my reflective shades, then stroll out.
#74842246Tuesday, August 07, 2012 3:33 PM GMT

Leonardo "You made a little friend?" I ask Herdier. He smiles. He then licks Murkrow to show his sign of friendship.
#74848909Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:54 PM GMT

Canter "Thank you." I said. This was a display of affection...too bad I didn't have a lot of those.
#74848992Tuesday, August 07, 2012 4:54 PM GMT

(Yes, the Magpie syndrome would prompt him to take his glasses.)
#74854205Tuesday, August 07, 2012 5:50 PM GMT

Leonardo's Pikachu I popped out of my Pokeball. I looked at the rain and sighed. I really wanted to play outside today.
#74855227Tuesday, August 07, 2012 6:01 PM GMT

Cantet I looked out the window over the dull, rainy city, then at the clock tower.