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#80560308Sunday, October 21, 2012 7:19 PM GMT

(You still cant just walk right into my country)
#80561170Sunday, October 21, 2012 7:30 PM GMT

(lol, no one cares that most of the oil coming from Russia and the Middle East is stopped?derp)
#80561241Sunday, October 21, 2012 7:31 PM GMT

--United States-- Homefront: U.S oil workers strike more oil in the Gulf of mexico. United States Armed Forces: The U.S forces prepare for a counter strike should tensons get high. The Marines board transports ready for a seaborne invasion. Paratroopers prepare for action, many are still armed with M-14s, they make a request for AR-15s, which are still in development. Armalite strikes a design with a triangluare hand grip and a handle sight. The Army gives the AR-15 the new designation, the M16. Army Special forces and the 2nd ranger Battalion is rushed to Egypt armed with thier new M16s, the design is still top secret. Work begins on a grenade launcher. M79 Thumper: 1/3 M72 LAW: 2/3. Goverment: The U.S goverment will only use nuclear weapons should the Soviets launch first. Space: The U.S get ready for the launch of Freedom 8. International: The U.S asks England if they can station a squadren of B-52s in case of war.
#80561654Sunday, October 21, 2012 7:35 PM GMT

USSR The Veitnamese rebels, backed by China and the USSR, take over Vietnam with almost no resistance from Western powers.
#80570834Sunday, October 21, 2012 9:20 PM GMT

--United States-- Homefront: U.S oil workers strike more oil in the Gulf of mexico. United States Armed Forces: The U.S Army special forces are sent to the Philippines to train the small Philippino army in case of a Soviet invasion. A team from the 1st special forcs is brough by submarine to Vietnam to find ex vietnamese soldiers and civilians that are against communism. Meanwhile the M72 Light Anti-tank weapon or LAW is adopted by the army as a disposable rocket launcher that is a 66mm perjectile. M79 Thumper: 1/3 Goverment: The U.S goverment sends advisers to the Philippines to train the small Philippino army. Space: The U.S get ready for the launch of Freedom 8. International: The U.S warn the Soviets notto take anymore ground in Southeast asia.
#80572189Sunday, October 21, 2012 9:37 PM GMT

USSR K.G.B agents hook up a virus to project a picture(on my character) to the US.
#80581938Sunday, October 21, 2012 11:29 PM GMT

(So a bio-weapon are we talking?) --United States-- Homefront: U.S citizens see the Communist movement in South east asia as a threat. United States Armed Forces: The USAF posotions a squadren of 10 B-52s around eastern Greenland in case fighting breaks out. U.S forces are equiped with new gas masks in order to brivent bio and chemical weapon attacks. Consideration of adopting the M16 into full scale service is brought up. A modified M-14 is being used as a sniper rifle now by the U.S army special forces, the M-21. M79 Thumper: 2/3 Goverment: The U.S goverment hopes by training the Philippino army, it can prevent the Soviets from advancing further by showing how well we can train them. Space: The U.S get ready for the launch of Freedom 8. International: The U.S warn the Soviets notto take anymore ground in Southeast asia.
#80599216Monday, October 22, 2012 2:34 AM GMT

(Got grounded. Should war break out leave homeland Canada alone. If war does break out I give Canadian forces at the Nile to be temporarily commanded by MM)
#80601833Monday, October 22, 2012 3:17 AM GMT

(Alright then dude, I won't do anyting to drastic unless Red strikes first.)
#80609307Monday, October 22, 2012 10:20 AM GMT

(YOu know computer virusues? it projects a picture of Mr Jeff as you can see on my character.)
#80612407Monday, October 22, 2012 12:57 PM GMT

(It's 1959 dude, no one has computers yet.) --United States-- Homefront: U.S citizens see the Communist movement in South east asia as a threat. United States Armed Forces: The U.S forces now wait for the Soviets next move. Meanwhile the UH-1 Huey is fitted for gunship roles with fixed MGs and rockets. The M79 Thumper is tested and approved by the army. It's a stand alone breach action 40mm Grendade launcher that will replace the M1 Rifle grenade. Goverment: The U.S goverment won't back down if the Soviets Invade the Philippines. Space: The U.S get ready for the launch of Freedom 8. International: The U.S ask what contries are willing to help in South east asia.
#80648491Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:41 AM GMT

(I did a MASSIVE post about the oil affect and what Italy does, but I believe that roblox thought I was being racist against two nations located in Africa if you know what I mean..)
#80650210Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:59 AM GMT

Italy [Government] -Government Officials announce their view on the USSR and it's protectorates, they announce that they intend on world domination, and would like nothing more than to decentralize trade, and take over free governments for their resources. This is completely unacceptable, and they only wish to openly display hostility to all countries which do not follow their own civics. -Government officials hope some new agreements will open up oil to other nations to stay stabilized. Trying to reduce stress on Italy to meet demands all throughout Europe. [Foreign Affairs] (I can tell you all later the countries, but I don't want to risk this getting modded.) -Italy makes deals with eleven African nations and tribes that inhabit them, they get passage to open up oil wells throughout their countries, Italian Oiling takes a quick move, taking oil wells in four countries, but still with some left to take in those and other countries. -Italy announces that newly opened oil trade agreements are open to European and American nations other than those that are Soviet or of Communist civics and beliefs, Italy encourages the construction of Ports on the African coast to transfer the oil around the world. -Italy will pay for three oil wells to be used by the Philippines to keep within their country to avoid high demands.
#80665367Tuesday, October 23, 2012 5:27 AM GMT

--United States-- Homefront: U.S citizens see the Communist movement in South east asia as a threat. United States Armed Forces: The U.S forces reamin at DEFCON 3, troops on the canal are getting edgy as they wait for the uch waited Soviet attack. Troops get a shipments of M79s from the U.S and offer the design to NATO and Italy. Goverment: The U.S goverment will send 5% of it's oil to he Phlilipinnes. Space: The U.S launches Freedom 8 on July 8th 1959, John Glenn becomes the first american to orbit the earth. International: The U.S ask what contries are willing to help in South east asia.
#80667717Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:11 AM GMT

USSR Soviet lifestyle goes up. Military is growing to now match those of the UK,Canada,Italy,and US.
#80668442Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:03 AM GMT

(Zoo, on military business I can when you're our ally and we're just going back to OUR docked ships to return to NA)
#80670990Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:59 PM GMT

--United States-- Homefront: American lifestyle booms with stars like Elvis on the seen making millions. production of cars increases, the most populare is the Chevoret Bell air. United States Armed Forces: Enlistment increases by 10% due to the Soviet aggression. Troops along the Suez look across the Suez wondering where the Soviet Tanks and infantry will com from.(Classified) U.S Army Special forces prep for a raid in Iraq. Goverment: The U.S goverment will send 5% of it's oil to he Phlilipinnes. Tensions seem like they ill snap. Space: John Glenn returns safly to earth and is resqued by a naval carrier in the Pacific. International: The U.S ask what contries are willing to help in South east asia.
#80681198Tuesday, October 23, 2012 7:39 PM GMT

USSR Japanese warships fired on Soviet Ships for unknown reason. War is now a fact.
#80689669Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:46 PM GMT

--United States-- Homefront: Americans are stunned by the war in the east. United States Armed Forces: U.S military status changes to DEFCON 2. Military forces are on stand by in case of more actions by the Soviets. U.S ships in the pacific step up patrols around korea with the Korean navy. U.S parartroopers get their new M16s, it's impresive in it's controlablility, rate of fire, and accuracy for such a weapon. Relaibility is improved from the early models but is only in service with Army Special forces, U.S Army Rangers, and the Armys 82nd Airbourne division. The 101st is considering becoming a helibourne division. Goverment: The U.S wants to negociate out of a total war. Space: Space flights cancled until defcon steps down. International: The U.S advisers in the Philippinesstart training the Philippino troops harder in case of an invasion.
#80689843Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:48 PM GMT

USSR Soviet troops land in Northern Japan, while Veitnamese and Chinese land in the south.
#80692055Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:18 PM GMT

--United States-- Homefront: Americans are stunned by the war in the east. United States Armed Forces: U.S carriers in the region launch patrol fighters in order to keep Soviet planes away fro thier fleet. The M16 has a 20 round magazine, a selctive fire switch, a new charging handle, and handle and fires te new 5.56x45mm cartridge. U.S forces along the Suez prepare for a Soviet assault. Goverment: The U.S goverment warns american citizens that the KGB could be amoung them. Space: Space flights cancled until defcon steps down. International: The U.S wants to negociate this thing with Japan. They ask if the Soviets, Vietnamese, and Chinese forces would withdraw immediatly, they will not allow Japan to take any seriouse military measures.
#80693099Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:33 PM GMT

USSR .... An explosion at a top secret base kills about 500, and 250 innocents. Soviets demand to know who did it. Japanese forces are pushed to the borders of Japan. ICBM's are stationed in Vietnam, aimed at the Phillipines.
#80693369Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:36 PM GMT

--United States-- Homefront: Americans fear a Soviet missle strike. United States Armed Forces: U.S forces prep for war, all reserve forces are now activated. Forces moved to Alaska and Hawaii. U.S.S geaorge washington fires the first missles from under water as a test, the missles is a dud however. ICBMs and MRBM are put on stand by. Goverment: The U.S goverment warns american citizens that the KGB could be amoung them. Space: Space flights cancled until defcon steps down. International: The U.S had no part in the explosion, in case the soviets acuse them.
#80729273Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:48 PM GMT

Italy [Military] -A.D.M Staff gets tested repeatedly to ensure they are not KGB, and are not under the influence. They pass and continue 24/7 service. -Twenty SRBM's and two MRBM's as well as at least hundred high impact bombs are prepped if the Soviet's launch or move to the Philippines or across the Nile, prepared to destroy Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, as well as the bombs prepared to fly through East Egypt. -Forces get dug in to new fortresses along the Nile, increased Naval and Air activity as well near East Egypt is supervised. -Campaign is a success, the infantry and tanks along the Mining Colony borders are ready to cross if needed. [Government] -Officials and the people cringe in preparing for the Soviet's invasion, although with the combined forces of Italy, US, UK, Canada, and the M.A.A, the war will seem to be in our favor. -The people begin to buy more goods due to expected wartime forecasts foreshadowing the cost of food and oil rates dramatic increase to support the military.
Top 100 Poster
#80730205Wednesday, October 24, 2012 4:25 PM GMT

United Kingdom. Homefront: People are shocked at the invasion of japan and the audacity of the Soviet forces to barge into another country. People begin to panic and so food and resources are stockpiled dramatically. Military: Alert levels are raised for the possibility of a Soviet attack, Bombers are stationed with tonnes of munitions as well as multiple fighter escorts. Naval ships form defensive nets as well as submarine sweeps around the channel and northern seas. In Egypt, troops prepare anti-ship, anti-air and anti-tank defences such as mines and flak cannons along the northern length of the Suez, as its a key passing point from East Africa to the Middle East. Troops are ordered not to give up the canal at any cost. Helicopters are given a major upgrade, now with faster engines, thicker armour and better on board weaponry. Government: The UK holds a NATO Voting. (This is a new thing i have thought up, a major NATO nation holds a voting conference for a new international law or a treaty of some sort. Member nations vote on a yes/no/abstain vote and depending on the outcome, the law will be passed, declined or re-submitted, Russia can do this for the warsaw pact) UK proposes a Treaty. Shared Information of WMD's Treaty. Member Nations of NATO must share Information, Schematics, Blueprints and Plans for existing and future Biological, Chemical, Nuclear, Atomic or Other Weapons. Shared information will be insightful on developing a stronger Nuclear Arsenal to match that of the Soviets and other Commune Nations. Yes: 1,(UK) No:0 Abstain:0 Space: The Ariel-1 Capsule sends back vital data about 0-gravity environments and high altitude weather patterns. The capsule is calculated to land off the coast of Australia in around 1 week. International: UK condemns Soviets for attacking other Asian countries, and if they do not stop. They will be met with appropriate military force.