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#74996364Wednesday, August 08, 2012 11:57 PM GMT

It was August of 2008 and I was building the VIP/Winner room for my Obby. I wanted to create a fun obby because I met my first friend Huddles (edu was a youtube friend) there and it was the first game I ever played. I wanted my place to be cooler than Teetertotter's obby 5. Unfortunately at the time I was a noob who used free models and just blasted them them into a large yellow box. Back then I also didn't know about ROBLOX Studio and always built in solo mode. As I added in the dance floor an a Lеgokid into the room and finished my small minibattle field for the inside I spotted an odd creature roaming around. I had no idea what it was or where it came from. It was a kirby like bot that seemed to be trying to get up to me. It had a red sphere body and red sphere arms and legs. I tried to click it to see what it was but it didn't highlight. I assumed that I was just too far away from it and jumped off the battlefield to go and highlight it. In less than a second the screen flashed red and I was flung to some of the givers I had set up in the far end of the lard Yellow room. Frightened, I left the place not saving what I added. Due to this incident I decided not to play ROBLOX until the next day. The next day came and I decided to re-add in the dance floor and Lеgokid. Oddly when I entered the VIP room, both models were still there. I continued to work on the battle field and decided to create planes you could fly. I put in a fly tool and went to the top end of the Obby to add in 2 planes. As I was adding in the planes, my camera angle panned and I saw a weird structure of lava bricks and ladders over my final course. I tried highlighting that but it wouldn't get removed. I opened the inspector and tried to remove it that way. It was all gone but for some reason it came back up. I again tried to remove it this time it disappeared. Suddenly, a message appeared and it read. "Don't take my models", I tried to take the message off in the inspector but couldn't find it. I thought it was like the hints in models so I searched through every possible brick and model to find the message. I still couldn't find it and suddenly the message said "Removing parts" and this time I was terrified that my creation would be lost forever. (and the planes I recently added). Panicking I looked through every script but still found nothing. The place turned to night and random symbols started flooding the screen making more and more messages fogging the screen. I thought it might have been an infection script so I looked for a vaccine, this did nothing. I kept the vaccine just in case and still looked for the cause of this madness. Slowly but surly, parts started to get removed. I still rushed through the inspector to find just something, I even resorted to removing all my scripts with no names given to them. Soon, parts were rapidly getting removed and it wasn't too soon until the base plate I was on would get removed and I would fall into an empty void continuously. As the base plate I was on was the last one to get removed the whole place when pitch black only for a shinning sun that revile a silhouette of my character. I hear the last "delete" sound and my character started to fall. I tried exiting the place but then ROBLOX gave me a "Not Responding" message. Continuously bashing the left mouse button, the exit dialogue showed up. I clicked do not save just to keep some of my data and at first it wouldn't let me, instead it just froze there for about 5 minutes. ROBLOX closed and I went back to restore the older version of my place. When I saw the thumbnail, it was the starter "Happy Home in ROBLOXia". I found that off because I did not build that...putting it to the side, I went to "configure place". But, there was no saved history, it was all wiped. Luckily, I remember that I saved the version before I made the Winners/VIP room and just decided to open that from my computer. When I opened the ROBLOX folder to open it... The place was gone and suddenly out of no where ROBLOX [Place 1] opens and I see an all black place with the same message, zooming in closer and closer. It made me feel guilty but mostly surprised me...I didn't think messages could zoom in. Terrified I tried to exit the place but it just brought up another place that had the message "You will pay". It too zoomed in on the message. I opened up the task manager and tried to end the applications, it just brought up more places. I even tried ending running processes only to have the same result. Soon it seemed like my computer was just spamming more ROBLOX places becoming slower and slower, I tried to turn off my computer but nothing happened, just more places opening soon grouping to 500 running applications! I unplugged my computer but that did nothing either, it was just move places opening. Then it hit 666 and the screen shut off. Oh of no where a flash of a red ROBLOXian dying showed up and it played the dying sound in a low but fast pace creating an odd sound. My computer turned off and eventually stopped working. I stopped playing ROBLOX for almost a month and from that day on I didn't just insert random models willy nilly...
#74996421Wednesday, August 08, 2012 11:58 PM GMT

too short didnt read
#74996448Wednesday, August 08, 2012 11:58 PM GMT

tl;dr But aside fro too long, did not post
#74996609Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:00 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#74996659Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:00 AM GMT

#74996738Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:01 AM GMT

You guys are fat asses
#74996853Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:02 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#74997051Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

Ogm your computer drowned in rbxl files. ~ http://www.roblox.com/When-life-gives-you-lemons-item?id=88902162 ~
#74997065Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:04 AM GMT

i red the whole thing /no sarcasm i had that happen to me once, almost same story, i had a big building with 4 givers and a legokid that happened to me poop
#74997133Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

@OP I personally found your post, on viewing it, extremely flawed. My eyes flashed with the numerous amount of words in front of me, and I was blown away by how you could present such an uncontributional post. I looked down, in the beginning, the middle, and near the end, to find that all of the post was infact widespread, and could have been shortened down to around three sentences. Furthermore, why would you post something like this on a Forum where people are lazy and usually won't read something that is more than five sentences? You really need to reconsider your post, or nobody is ever going to read it. Judging from the subject of your thread, it doesn't matter anyway, because the post would be so pointless and stupid to even waste my time reading it. You aren't going to get any decent replies, because you made the post content faaaar too long, and didn't even consider people who might have reading disablities. What about them, huh? Infact, just like them, all we see is a bunch of letters on the screen where you have mindlessly typed your long and boring post, while you will later wonder why you got no replies. Well, that's the reason. The post drags on for an extreme amount of lines, and it could easily be shortened down, which is why I'm so angry about it. You could also atleast include some paragraphs to give our eyes a rest, look at this huge wall of text, it is practically impossible to read. I feel like I'm having some sort of seizure as I look through all the words, flashing around. I'm getting lost in the content of your post repeatedly, and I think you should really reconsider what you have done. This is in no way helpful to your thread, as you can't get the point across in your thread's main content. If that is happening, then it is already too late, because even if people do read it, they'll probably be too exhausted to read the post anyway. If I was you, I'd clear out this wall of text into paragraphs, shorten it down to an easy-to-read point, and not include the same thing over and over to make the post longer. It was so long, even I'M not going to consider placing my eyes upon this monster to read it. To be completely honest. I personally found your post, on viewing it, extremely flawed. My eyes flashed with the numerous amount of words in front of me, and I was blown away by how you could present such an uncontributional post. I looked down, in the beginning, the middle, and near the end, to find that all of the post was infact widespread, and could have been shortened down to around three sentences. Furthermore, why would you post something like this on a Forum where people are lazy and usually won't read something that is more than five sentences? You really need to reconsider your post, or nobody is ever going to read it. Judging from the subject of your thread, it doesn't matter anyway, because the post would be so pointless and stupid to even waste my time reading it. You aren't going to get any decent replies, because you made the post content faaaar too long, and didn't even consider people who might have reading disablities. What about them, huh? Infact, just like them, all we see is a bunch of letters on the screen where you have mindlessly typed your long and boring post, while you will later wonder why you got no replies. Well, that's the reason. The post drags on for an extreme amount of lines, and it could easily be shortened down, which is why I'm so angry about it. You could also atleast include some paragraphs to give our eyes a rest, look at this huge wall of text, it is practically impossible to read. I feel like I'm having some sort of seizure as I look through all the words, flashing around. I'm getting lost in the content of your post repeatedly, and I think you should really reconsider what you have done. This is in no way helpful to your thread, as you can't get the point across in your thread's main content. If that is happening, then it is already too late, because even if people do read it, they'll probably be too exhausted to read the post anyway. If I was you, I'd clear out this wall of text into paragraphs, shorten it down to an easy-to-read point, and not include the same thing over and over to make the post longer. It was so long, even I'M not going to consider placing my eyes upon this monster to read it. To be completely honest. I personally found your post, on viewing it, extremely flawed. My eyes flashed with the numerous amount of words in front of me, and I was blown away by how you could present such an uncontributional post. I looked down, in the beginning, the middle, and near the end, to find that all of the post was infact widespread, and could have been shortened down to around three sentences. Furthermore, why would you post something like this on a Forum where people are lazy and usually won't read something that is more than five sentences? You really need to reconsider your post, or nobody is ever going to read it. Judging from the subject of your thread, it doesn't matter anyway, because the post would be so pointless and stupid to even waste my time reading it. You aren't going to get any decent replies, because you made the post content faaaar too long, and didn't even consider people who might have reading disablities. What about them, huh? Infact, just like them, all we see is a bunch of letters on the screen where you have mindlessly typed your long and boring post, while you will later wonder why you got no replies. Well, that's the reason. The post drags on for an extreme amount of lines, and it could easily be shortened down, which is why I'm so angry about it. You could also atleast include some paragraphs to give our eyes a rest, look at this huge wall of text, it is practically impossible to read. I feel like I'm having some sort of seizure as I look through all the words, flashing around. I'm getting lost in the content of your post repeatedly, and I think you should really reconsider what you have done. This is in no way helpful to your thread, as you can't get the point across in your thread's main content. If that is happening, then it is already too late, because even if people do read it, they'll probably be too exhausted to read the post anyway. If I was you, I'd clear out this wall of text into paragraphs, shorten it down to an easy-to-read point, and not include the same thing over and over to make the post longer. It was so long, even I'M not going to consider placing my eyes upon this monster to read it. To be completely honest. I personally found your post, on viewing it, extremely flawed. My eyes flashed with the numerous amount of words in front of me, and I was blown away by how you could present such an uncontributional post. I looked down, in the beginning, the middle, and near the end, to find that all of the post was infact widespread, and could have been shortened down to around three sentences. Furthermore, why would you post something like this on a Forum where people are lazy and usually won't read something that is more than five sentences? You really need to reconsider your post, or nobody is ever going to read it. Judging from the subject of your thread, it doesn't matter anyway, because the post would be so pointless and stupid to even waste my time reading it. You aren't going to get any decent replies, because you made the post content faaaar too long, and didn't even consider people who might have reading disablities. What about them, huh? Infact, just like them, all we see is a bunch of letters on the screen where you have mindlessly typed your long and boring post, while you will later wonder why you got no replies. Well, that's the reason. The post drags on for an extreme amount of lines, and it could easily be shortened down, which is why I'm so angry about it. You could also atleast include some paragraphs to give our eyes a rest, look at this huge wall of text, it is practically impossible to read. I feel like I'm having some sort of seizure as I look through all the words, flashing around. I'm getting lost in the content of your post repeatedly, and I think you should really reconsider what you have done. This is in no way helpful to your thread, as you can't get the point across in your thread's main content. If that is happening, then it is already too late, because even if people do read it, they'll probably be too exhausted to read the post anyway. If I was you, I'd clear out this wall of text into paragraphs, shorten it down to an easy-to-read point, and not include the same thing over and over to make the post longer. It was so long, even I'M not going to consider placing my eyes upon this monster to read it. To be completely honest.
#74997193Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

That's so insane to hear/read about.
#74997350Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:07 AM GMT

tl; dr
#74997416Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:07 AM GMT

Same... Just same. This time, I actually saw a link humanoid, trying to get me. I was so scared, It was the same thing as yours but with the link.
#74997600Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:09 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#74997805Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:11 AM GMT

#74998128Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:14 AM GMT

Cool story bro. Anyone else agree?
#74999015Thursday, August 09, 2012 12:23 AM GMT

You unplugged your computer.... and it didnt stop... Ur computer possesed by LEGOKID :O
#75106033Friday, August 10, 2012 12:18 AM GMT

It happened to me once, but I found the source and deleted it.
#75107173Friday, August 10, 2012 12:29 AM GMT

This should be a creepypasta story! It's real, right?
#75108021Friday, August 10, 2012 12:36 AM GMT

#75108077Friday, August 10, 2012 12:37 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#75108099Friday, August 10, 2012 12:37 AM GMT

This is extremely flawed at the point of cursing the free models Actually, i just make free models for people, no matter what they do whit them.
#75108568Friday, August 10, 2012 12:42 AM GMT

Who was the creator of the models? You can report them.
#75109015Friday, August 10, 2012 12:45 AM GMT

I read the whole thing. The very end seemed weird when you unplug though. Nope.-Engie
#75109123Friday, August 10, 2012 12:46 AM GMT

*breaks wall of words* ahahhahaha

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