#88156183Thursday, January 31, 2013 1:42 AM GMT

I wonder even how the fire got here, it's not too far from my den. It would only be a matter of moments until I burn up- along with everyone else. I don't know if I could even get out- I'm surrounded by fire. "Somebody?" I yelled out. "Help me, I'm trapped here!" No one has heard me, so I continue to be lonely and almost dead.
#88162423Thursday, January 31, 2013 2:54 AM GMT

Hack "Selene!" I called, stopping a moment to rest. "This pup needs help!" I felt bad, as I knew caring for two pups during a forest fire was going to be a bit difficult. I waited for her to turn around.
#88162562Thursday, January 31, 2013 2:55 AM GMT

Blaze I sigh relieved "Thank you!"
#88165306Thursday, January 31, 2013 3:27 AM GMT

(Seek egg please don't change the subject/title write Xoloan in the text like this Xoloan I start to run...etc)
#88165381Thursday, January 31, 2013 3:28 AM GMT

(To get the title back)
#88165469Thursday, January 31, 2013 3:29 AM GMT

(*serenity agh stupid iPhone it corrected it to seek egg)
#88177071Thursday, January 31, 2013 12:48 PM GMT

#88177199Thursday, January 31, 2013 12:54 PM GMT

(That's ok we've had worse title switches before <:p)
#88184508Thursday, January 31, 2013 6:13 PM GMT

Blaze I clutch tightly to Hacks back. "Pwease don't dwop me."
#88208530Friday, February 01, 2013 12:47 AM GMT

(djhbro, please spell your words correctly, and use proper grammar. 'Please' is not spelled with a 'w'. And write longer posts at least 3 lines long. That goes for everyone as well, but I do understand the occasional short post.) ~Doslia~ I almost feel the need to panic, but I know I can't. Defeat to nature's worst is not a way to die. I leap through the flames, and collapse on my second jump over a small stubby log. I breathe heavily. Smoke enters and leaves my lungs and parches my windpipe. I feel like this is the dreaded end, but I know somewhere deep down that its not. Flames burst from the clearing and dance around me, as if mocking me. I narrow my eyes and leap through them, with minor singes to my fur. All I know now is that I need to rendezvous with my pack. ~Chehiro~ I laugh at the fire. It makes jokes towards me, and spits and crackles when its angered. I mock it, and it mocks back, dancing and spreading its almost poisonous wrath. I leap to the side to avoid it, and skid through the muddied ground. I almost take this as a joy rather then a tragedy, but I know I must not make a fool of myself and end up dying under the claws of nature's worst. I spit salvia on the ground and hurry out of the circling flames, hoping to find a safe haven or my pack mates -- though I doubt they will help me.
#88208857Friday, February 01, 2013 12:50 AM GMT

Tritus spots Dosila nearby having trouble with a tree. "Keep going i'll help her." He says to BueWing, BlueWing isn't so sure abutrt letting his son go, but in the end he does. Tritus bolts off towards Dosils jumping over flmming trees "Dosila! I think were all this way!" He yells and poits in the other direction with his nose, all of a sudden a branch falls on him, he collapses as the fire nears closer towards his fur. He then blacked out, his last wrds are "Dosila.."(Unconscious)
#88225682Friday, February 01, 2013 4:09 AM GMT

Ace I coughed. "Jasper!" I called out one last time. My lungs felt like they were on fire. I breathe heavily. He fire was my fault. Why didn't I listen to Uncle? "It's my fault..." I mummbled. "If I would had listened ai would 't have out the dead leaves on the small flame. I would have put snow in it instead. But I didn't listen! I am nothing like father was!" I yelled. I was alone, so I thought. Uncle ran up behind my. "Ace! There you are! Where's Jasper!?" He asked. "I-I don't know. I'm a terrible brother!" I yelled out. He sighed and nudged me to go on. Hankiu So, Ace had started the fire. Wasn't much to it, he's only 4 or so months old. (I litterly forgot! XD) He didn't know what to do. He could have atleast asked someone for he'll to put the fire out. I nudged him to keep going. He's been in the fire so long, he's become weak. His legs cannot support him. "Jasper!" I called out. Then picked Ace up and went looking for Jasper.
#88234470Friday, February 01, 2013 11:43 AM GMT

Xaolan I cowered in fear- in the corner. The fire has killed her, my Milk Giver, and now I am left to die here, alone.
#88234572Friday, February 01, 2013 11:49 AM GMT

Xaolan Instead of this, I'm just going to try to get out of here. I start to dig with my claws through the wall, they break in all kinds of ways. Atleast I made a little hold I can just- err, fit through. So I jumped through and landed on a tree half on fire. I screamed, jumped down, and just ran. I got burned. Bad. My paws are swollen from the burns, the fire has caught me- now I am dead. I'm going to die- here alone. I ran still, desperate to live. I saw an opening in the trees- it was then when I got out. But then turned uncoscious, with the fire, right behind me.
#88234804Friday, February 01, 2013 12:01 PM GMT

((but still lol at seek egg
#88234836Friday, February 01, 2013 12:02 PM GMT

((could we have some miraculous rain to make the fire stop xD
#88235661Friday, February 01, 2013 12:43 PM GMT

(Just so you know what do you mean still a egg and that milk giver part isn't that kindave a style from a book? And wolves have nails not claws)
#88235672Friday, February 01, 2013 12:44 PM GMT

(Just so you know what do you mean seek a egg?and that milk giver part isn't that kindave a style from a book? And wolves have nails not claws)
#88239236Friday, February 01, 2013 3:38 PM GMT

(No rain, we have this planned out. Fire stays.)
#88239423Friday, February 01, 2013 3:45 PM GMT

Name: Ipo Gender: Female RpAg.e: 4 months Species: Wolf Short description: A rather small pup with tuffs of scruffy brown hair and scrawny legs,bright blue eyes and rather sharp claws for such a young wolf. Very shy and timid around strangers,but once has warmed up to you will be completely friendly. Desired Rank: Pup Bio~ Hi, I'm Ipo...I'm a 4 month old female wolf pup my mother was attacked by hunters and I choose not to get close to people because I'm afraid if I do I'll lose them. I'm lost in the woods and trying to find a new home,I've pretty much told you everything about me so...bye! Sample of your writing: I stumble through the growing snow,my coat isn't thick at all so I'm freezing...I look up into the sky,watching the falling snow glide towards my face. When only a single snowflake hit my face and no others ever did,I didn't shake it off I just bowed my head and kept walking,I was looking for a new home... Yay! Time to RP! Cherries?
#88258328Friday, February 01, 2013 10:06 PM GMT

(Accepted. Feel free to jump in whenever. :D)
#88258630Friday, February 01, 2013 10:09 PM GMT

(Lol just noticed the newer cses have the cherries thing :3) -when everyone's thinking the same, someone's not thinking.
#88298112Saturday, February 02, 2013 7:14 AM GMT

Hi, I'd like to join RP... :3 Name: Kaala Gender: Female RP age: If she were human, she'd be 14, so, thats 2 wolf/dog years. Species: Wolf Short Desc: She is a mixture of brown, black, and white. She has emerald eyes with flecks of gold, and she has a strange white spiral reaching down her tail, which is all black. She has big feet and ears, and her fur is very thick. She has a fiery temper and doesnt react well to being bossed around. If someone messes with her, she will go out of her way to get them back, often much worse than they got her. Desired Rank: Urm, first loner, if I get into the pack.. Hunter Bio: She was in a large, strong pack in far off mountains. She was destined to be Alpha of her pack, but her jealous younger sister framed her for murder. She was cast out of the pack, and now she is roaming the valley. Because of the recent events she doesnt trust authority much. RP Example: I was hungry. Nothing more to say. I had not scented food for several days, and I was weak with hunger. 'Why,' I thought 'Is there no food in this valley? Or is it me?' I was pulled out of my thoughs by the scent of rabbit. I stalked slowly around it, so I came from downwind. I didnt sink through the snow, and it was fresh and masked my scent and sound. The rabbit was skinny, but it was food. I stalked slightly closer. My mouth was watering. I pounced, and caught the rabbit. It smelled wonderful and I tore into it. It was the best rabbit I had ever tasted.
#88344213Saturday, February 02, 2013 9:22 PM GMT

Accepted, you can jump into RP whenever you want. ^^)
#88368747Sunday, February 03, 2013 1:38 AM GMT

(With "Pwease, and "Dwop" I was trying to potray the way my character talks, I mean, he IS a baby.....) Blaze I suddenly get a renewed burst of confidence and jump of Hacks back, but barley keep up. "I. WILL. NOT. DIE!"