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#75564815Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:50 PM GMT

( you mind me making a Rogue cat by any chance?) ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#75565187Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:54 PM GMT

(You could be a rogue. But you'll have to make the cat,)
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#75566242Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:07 PM GMT

Name : Phoenix Rank : Rogue Appearance : Deep black fur, dark brown eyes. Very thin. No scars to speak of, and tends to always have a sad face when not angry and getting ready to fight. Personality : Depressing, Kind, Caring, Territorial, Vengeful, Self-conscious, competitive, Shy around those he doesn't know. Bio? : Was the pet of a 5 year old kid living in a city for a few months. Upon seeing the mother hit the kid, he jumped up and clawed the mom, and was sent away. He managed to escape and fled into the forest, and has fought for his food and lived alone since then, and is constantly traveling. Tends to attack most cats on sight if he knows he can win, in order to try to build up a reputation for himself as he goes. He has no name, but once he killed a red bird in the sight of another rogue. The rogue liked to refer to that bird as 'Phoenix' due to its color and simply to give the bird he could never catch a name. "Phoenix" was made his new name, simply as he liked the sound of it. Phoenix stayed with that rogue for a day, and was told of clans living in a forest nearby, and how the rogue was originally one of them. Phoenix wanted to encounter more of his kind simply to see how the 'clans' were, so to make sure he stood a fighting chance, he fought the rogue that housed him for that day, but got too into the fight and ended up killing the rogue. Without hesitation however, he moved towards the clan territory. Moons : 16 ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#75571291Tuesday, August 14, 2012 5:09 PM GMT

Dovewing: I shrug. "He will. Twignose won't join StarClan that easily." I mew.
#75572753Tuesday, August 14, 2012 5:27 PM GMT

(Accepted) Icestorm : "I'm just...Worried." I then follow Bluestar to go to the gathering with the others chosen. Bluestar : We soon get there. I stand on the highrock, where was windclan?
Top 50 Poster
#75573512Tuesday, August 14, 2012 5:36 PM GMT

I padded calmly through the forest, taking in the nice fresh breeze of the night sky. 'So this is where the clans live' I thought to myself, recognizing the surroundings by the description of the rogue I had recently encountered. 'I do not see what the big deal is.' I thought, looking for a good place to spend the night. ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#75577256Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:20 PM GMT

Owlwing: "Is Twignose okay?" I mew, asking Spottedleaf. Dovewing: I take a mouse from the fresh kill pile, savoring the taste.
#75578256Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:33 PM GMT

Skypool- I sit as Bluestar climbs onto the rock.
#75578937Tuesday, August 14, 2012 6:42 PM GMT

Spottedleaf : "He will be in the medicine cat den for a couple of days...but he will live."I say.
#75580972Tuesday, August 14, 2012 7:11 PM GMT

Dovewing: After I finish the mouse, I sit next to Skypool. "Hey." I mew.
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#75581156Tuesday, August 14, 2012 7:14 PM GMT

I unknowingly found myself just east of the Owl tree when I found a nice tall tree to climb up into. (Not the owl tree) I then lay upon a branch and took a few moments to rest, finding this to be as good a place to rest as any. ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#75583008Tuesday, August 14, 2012 7:36 PM GMT

Icestorm : The meeting began. Soon Windclan came along. They were talking about territory and stuff like that. Firepaw : I went out hunting near the owl tree...
#75583512Tuesday, August 14, 2012 7:42 PM GMT

Purplepaw I silently listen, not saying a word as I usualy did.
Top 50 Poster
#75584255Tuesday, August 14, 2012 7:51 PM GMT

My ears twitched as I saw a small cat stalking for prey near where I lay. This was a joke, these were clanners? This cat wasn't even 10 moons old from what I could tell. I smirked before leaping down behind him. "Boo." I said, waiting to see how scared he'd get, just wanting to see what these clan cats were like. ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#75585377Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:05 PM GMT

Firepaw : I hear a "Boo" from behind me. Greypaw trying to do a prank on me? I look behind me. "You didn't scare me, rogue." I smirked
Top 50 Poster
#75585928Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:13 PM GMT

I smiled in surprise at this. "So at least that old rogue was right when he told me you clan cats were brave." I said, inspected the cat that stood before me. "So why's a cat as young as yourself out in the night all alone?" I asked, beginning to circle him with a smirk. ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#75586201Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:17 PM GMT

Firepaw : "I'm an apprentice." I say. I was trying to be brave enough so he couldn't smell fear scent.
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#75586396Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:20 PM GMT

"An apprentice..?" I asked, getting a bit closer to him as I circled him. "Not familiar with the title." I said, trying to see if he was even slightly scared of me. "I also heard you're quite hostile to every other cats, ones like me, which you label as 'rogues'." ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#75586758Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:24 PM GMT

Firepaw : I gulped. "Well...a apprentince is a cat who is six moons or older...And rogues steal prey and kill our cats..." I say. I didn't like the way he was circling me...
Top 50 Poster
#75587138Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:29 PM GMT

"We steal your prey and kill your cats?" I asked, grinning as I finally saw the fear he had in his eyes, then I stopped circling him and snickered. "Well then, apprentice. Let me tell you a few things. I am here, and I will take what prey I need to survive. Yet I would not kill those who have done nothing to me." I said, flicking my tail at him while climbing back up into my tree. "So if you want to try go get one of your older cats to try to chase me out, but I have nowhere to go and I need to live. So I shall take all the prey from this area that I need." I said, resting on the branch and closing my eyes again, ignoring the apprentice's presence. I enjoyed rooting the fear out of him but I'd gain nothing by attacking him. Perhaps if I showed some kindness by not doing anything they wouldn't show up with a group of older cats to chase me out, but that might only be wishful thinking from what I heard of the clan cats. ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#75587455Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:32 PM GMT

Firestar : I took a breath. "Our clan needs all the prey it can get! Our clan starves, at least you don't have to feed others! This isn't your territory!" I hissed. I wasn't scared now, I needed to be brave for this.
Top 50 Poster
#75587878Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:37 PM GMT

I sighed. "I only take what I need, and I travel quite often. I'd likely harass whatever other clans are here in the same way." I said, opening my eyes and looking back down at him. "I'm not leaving. So would you like to fight me then?" I asked, being probably unusually blunt to this 'apprentice'. ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#75587942Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:37 PM GMT

Firepaw* o.o
#75588137Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:39 PM GMT

o.o Firepaw : "I'd gladly take that offer for my clan!" I had only been there for about a moon, but I had to defend my clan..
Top 50 Poster
#75588552Tuesday, August 14, 2012 8:44 PM GMT

I snickered, sliding down from my tree. "Well then apprentice. Show me what you've got." I said my fur standing on ends as I crouched into position and stuck my tail up with a hiss. ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~