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#75561832Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:09 PM GMT

Note: this is the second time I have done this rp, why am I doing this again? Because in the last version I thought up it too fast and I didn't get all of the weapons, vehicles, etc. PlotPlot: It is the year 2147, Earth has plunged into another ice age, with the temperature never being above 24 degrees F, Everything has froze, even deserts all turned to frozen tundras. Nuclear warfare has devastated Earth due to countries fighting over resources, and the creatures have mutated into furry, carnivorous mutants that will eat anything that they can get their hands on. Humans now all band together in outpost scattered all around the world, these outpost have very powerful, solar powered generators that constantly work to keep the base warm when the temperature plummets below 65 degrees F. The main outpost are: Nova, Blue, and Echo. None of the bases have good relationships with each other due to low resources. With the high mutant population pushing toward the outpost more and more, humans are outnumbered, and not on the top of the food chain anymore. If guns don't kill you, if explosions don't if the mutants don't, and if frost bite doesn't, hypothermia will. Creaturepedia: Yeti: A white furred, carnivorous, ape like being that is very aggressive, and can be up to 15 feet tall! They can wield spears, and use tools. Wolves: Wolves have thrived in this environment, and as a result, they have become much much larger and can be up to packs of 30 wolves. They can be aggressive, depending on how hungry they are. Snow Sabre Tooth- The evolved version of the mountain lion, they are now white, much larger, and have two sabre teeth, much like the sabre tooth tiger. They are very aggressive. Wooly Mammoth- Elephants have changed into their furry relatives, and now the wooly mammoth roams the lands once again, becoming a valuable food source, they are mainly neutral,but if attacked can be deadly. Snow Men- Not the person you made out of snow as a child, like frosty, they are wolf-like humanoids who have many tribes in the abandoned cities, they wield bows, spears, and swords, and can be very dangerous. They are neutral usually, unless you trespass in their lands. Bandits-Mostly rouge soldiers, they spend most of their time attacking caravans and will attack anyone, they usually have assault rifles, snipers, shotguns, and explosives. Vultures-The evolved version of the once scavenger vulture, now it is a very large bird of prey than can easily pick up a human and eat them, they can be larger than a wolf if old enough. Humans- A once dominate race, they ruined the world through nuclear warfare, but are still technologically advanced race...just not at the top of the food chain...anymore. Character Build Nick Name: Class: (Sniper, ranger, engineer, civilian, peace keeper, merchant, hunter, soldier, pilot, mercenary, caravan gaurd) Weapon: (assault rifle, gatling lazer, minigun, shotgun, lazer rifle, grenade launcher, the very rare military issue plasma rifle, semi automatic rifle, glock 18, magnum, Magnum rifle (bolt action, but very powerful), RPG, and a bow-and arrow) Secondary Weapon: (Pistol, Magnum, spear, machete, katana, fire axe, hammer, wrench) Outpost: (Nova, Blue, Echo) Gear: (Light, Medium, Heavy) Vehicle: (Snowmobile, jeep, truck, supply truck,and a tank NOTE: I have to approve if you can have a tank or not!) Gearpedia: (Note: only 2 weapon attachments allowed!) Assault rifle: A very common, reliable, automatic, medium to long ranged rifle that is very common, can have red dot sights, A.C.O.G sights, silencer, grip, extended mags, or carbon-fiber light parts. Gatling lazar: A heavy, powerful, high tech, rapid fire lazer, that is very expensive, commonly used with soldiers. Minigun: A heavy, bullet shooting, rapid fire, very expensive weapon, common with caravan guards, and soldiers. Shotgun: A pump action, close range weapon, a very common weapon, can have red dots sights, A.C.O.G sights, silencer, or carbon fiber parts. Common among Caravan Guards, peace keepers, soldiers, and engineers. Grenade Launcher: A rare, 6-shot weapon that fires explosive rounds, ammo is rare, but it is favored among engineers, soldiers, caravan guards, and even some merchants! Lazer Rifle: A long ranged, accurate, semiautomatic, reliable, high tech weapon, it can have red dot sights, A.C.O.G sights, Long ranged sniper scope, and a high-tech scope! Common among snipers! Plasma Rifle: A very rare, powerful, semiautomatic, high tech rifle, that is common among.......well anyone who finds it keeps it or sells it so I guess everyone! Semiautomatic Rifle: A very reliable, common, accurate, semiautomatic, medium power rifle, that can have red dot sights, A.C.O.G sights, silencer, long range barrel, long range scope, extended mags, and carbon fiber parts. Common among everyone! Glock 18: A very common, semiautomatic/fully automatic, very reliable pistol, very common among everyone, especially peace keepers! Note: Pistols do not have attachments. Magnum: A common, powerful, revolver, common among everyone! Magnum Rifle: A rare(ish) rifle, very very reliable, very powerful, light, bolt-action rifle, can have red dot sights, A.C.O.G sights, long range scope, carbon-fiber parts, silencer, fast-action bolt, and extended mags. Very common among the snipers! RPG: A very rare, explosive, kind of accurate, rocket propelled grenade, the only attachment it can have is a scope, common among the common bandit warlord! Spear: a melee, throwable, light, sharp, long weapon, common among the snowmen of typical city ruins! Machete: A medium, sharp, blade, medium weight, that anybody can get their hands on, this thing is so common they are worth only a dollar, but they are not really used for cutting vines anymore.... Katana: A rare(Ish), light, very very sharp, melee weapon, common among.....anybody who finds it. Fire Axe: A common, heavy, sharp melee, favored among civilians. Hammer: A very common, blunt, heavy melee weapon, common among engineers...you never know when you need a hammer. Wrench: A medium weight, blunt, melee weapon, common among engineers, it's a very useful tool. Snowmobile: A light, fast, two-man vehicle, very useful for crossing the tundra, however it can't take very much damage, so don't crash it! Vehicle upgrades: Stronger Motor, Built-in machine gun, stronger metal (can take more damage) NOTE: only 1 vehicle upgrade allowed! Jeep: A light, medium speed, 4-man vehicle, able to speed through the ruins, and the tundra. However, your going to want to put chains on the wheels.... Vehicle upgrades: Better Chains (more grip on the snow and ice) Mounted turret, upgraded engine, and armor plating. Truck: A medium weight, two-man vehicle, able to haul plenty of things, and even put some things in the back of it, and it has plenty of horsepower. Upgrades: Stronger Engine, Armor plating, mounted turret, better chains. Food Truck: A heavy, 1-8 man people, you can either store food in the back of this semi, or soldiers! However it is very slow and heavy, so be careful on the ice! Upgrades: Lazer turret, flame thrower turret, armor plating, better chains, stronger engine, or extended load. Tank: A heavy, slow, rolling piece of destruction! Almost nothing can stop this thing (unless you have some explosives) there are no upgrades to this thing because it is already a beast! NOTE!: In order for you to have a tank, you will have to have been in the rp for a while, and I will give you permission to use it! Rules: Basic Forum rules. No online dating No swearing Try not to always engage people from other outpost.
#75562338Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:16 PM GMT

Nickname: Lance Class: Engineer Weapon: Assault rifle Attachments: Carbon-Fiber parts, extended mags Secondary weapon: Magnum Outpost: Nova Gear: Light Vehicle: Jeep
#75563399Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:31 PM GMT

guys, anybody can join!
#75563470Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:32 PM GMT

i will, just this is my first RP so dont get mad
#75563572Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:33 PM GMT

#75563664Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:35 PM GMT

im reading the first post, so ill make my person in a few minutes
Top 50 Poster
#75563794Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:37 PM GMT

Nick Name:Phoenix Class: Freelance (Just thought I'd put that since you have a mix of classes AND professions here, So I couldn't exactly pick.) Weapon: Self-designed bow and arrow. (And if you'd kindly allow a second weapon, then in addition to the bow I'd add a Sniper Rifle descendant of the AW50F model from modern day.) Secondary Weapon:Magnum Outpost: Nova Gear: Light Vehicle: Jeep (Upgrade-Better Chains) ~Deutsche Phönix~ ~Ein-Geflügelt Phönix~
#75564054Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:40 PM GMT

Nick Name: Hazop Class: Soldier Weapon: Assault Rifle. Attachments: red dot sight and silencer. Secondary Weapon: Machete Outpost: Nova Gear: Medium Vehicle: Jeep with Snow Camo
#75564700Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:48 PM GMT

When can we start roleplaying? (sorry for the double post, just had to ask)
#75564910Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:51 PM GMT

(Sorry I went afk, Yes you can make your own weapons) *Is speeding through the ruins of a city trying not to get killed by the snow men*
#75565148Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:54 PM GMT

(Looking into this, lemme tool up a character sheet)
#75565170Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:54 PM GMT

*Sees man speeding through the city, with snow men behind him* HEY! I get into my Jeep and race after him
#75565190Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:54 PM GMT

(I'll join soon)
#75565330Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:56 PM GMT

*see's a tight turn ahead, tries to turn it but is going to fast, I slide to the side and tip over and crashes into building, going through the wall*
#75565412Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:57 PM GMT

*Chases after man, and sees him crashed* HEY are you okay?
#75565531Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:59 PM GMT

*Gets out of wreckage slowly with weapon drawn* I'm fine, but we won't be once the snow men catch up with us! *jumps in the back of his jeep and shoots a snow man off of a building*
#75565640Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:00 PM GMT

Okay! *Steps on the pedal and is going at full speed, but then a Yeti appears in front of the Jeep and flips it over*
#75565854Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:03 PM GMT

*dislocates elbow from crash* "AHHHHH!!!"
#75566036Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:05 PM GMT

"We need to get out of here!* Takes out Assault Rifle out and looks through red dot sight to try to shoot the Yeti, but it Picks me up and throws me at the Jeep like a rag doll* "AHHH The PAIN!"
#75566107Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:05 PM GMT

Nick Name: Wayward Class: Merchant Weapon: Bow Secondary Weapon: Spear Outpost: Wanders between all three Gear: Light Vehicle: Supply Truck Notes: Though his head is covered entirely for self-preservation reasons, it looks like his face is much more elongated than a typical human's, almost like a muzzle...
#75566202Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:07 PM GMT

(Oh by the way you should add to the rules no god modding, or no overpowered anything so the character is invincible and never loses)
#75566214Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:07 PM GMT

*takes out my magnum and shoots the yeti's eye out* *he holds his eye in pain then slowly walks toward me*
#75566258Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:08 PM GMT

(sorry, forgot, NO GOD MODDING!)
#75566405Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:10 PM GMT

*While Yeti is going towards Lance, Takes out Assault Rifle and shoots the Yeti's Arm* "OUT OF Ammo, I'm reloading!"
#75566576Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:12 PM GMT

*tons of arrows come out of no where and kill the yeti* *looks over and sees hundred of snow men* "RUN!" *sprints into a abandoned building*

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