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#75718523Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:21 AM GMT

This has been suggested before, but I'm going to try to make what I want a bit more specific. You would click a Rate button and be taken to a new page. On this page you can vote up or down the item in question. You can also report a stolen place this way. One clickable option is for regular users to report stolen places, and one for the owners themselves to report their work stolen. When a regular user reports it stolen, they would be asked to provide some sort of evidence, like a link to the original place/model. A mod would then examine both items and determine which is the genuine article and which was stolen, most likely by seeing if one of the places was ever uncopylocked, or which one was made first. The other option would be for the owner to report their work stolen. These reports would be higher priority then a regular user, as the real owner would probably want the stolen places deleted pretty fast. They would also link their evidence and a mod would examine both items, maybe with even more detail. Some users have suggested a star based rating system, as in 1-5 stars. 1 being the worst, 5 being the best. However, just 5 levels is not enough, in my opinion. It would be best to make a percentage based rating system. So a really good place would have, let's say, 95% good ratings and 5% bad ratings. When you go to submit a rating system, your ip is logged so you cannot make alts and vote your place up, thereby misleading others. Now, the mod action for stealing places should be pretty strict. Stealing a place or a model that is Not uncopylocked implies the thief used an exploit, another taboo thing to do on Roblox. So the mod action should be just as harsh, imo. CONT
#75719410Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:33 AM GMT

If I had my way, stealing things would get you a deletion, but the admins, the nice people they are, would probably just give you a one or two week ban. Now, some people have had their T-shirts, Shirts, Pants, Ads, and other image based things stolen. This is tricky, because anyone can steal an image, and images can be much more abundant. So how could a mod find out which image came first, knowing the image could of come originally from off roblox anyway? I once saw a website used by a photographer. He'd take photos of monuments and stuff and sell them to . Anyway, the point is you did not have the option of saving/copying the image. I don't know how he made that happen, but it prevented people from simply clicking and taking the image. The admins could look into that. It would stop a LOT of people from stealing image based things. Of course, people could just take a screen shot and cut it out, but in my experience a screen shot is of a lot lower quality, and nobody would but a shirt or click an ad that is of pretty low quality.
#75719518Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:34 AM GMT

Read title but I agree
#75719691Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:36 AM GMT

Also, it would be nice if the person was required to actually VISIT the place to vote. And if the place was rebuilt from scratch, the rating would reset to 0. Maybe if every version of a place had it's own rating? Then users could go back and check how the ratings were for the place over a certain period of time. After all, somebody could have a popular place, make a new, sucky one, and still have a good rating.
#75719996Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:40 AM GMT

Oh, and wouldn't it be fair if the thief had all fund gained from the stolen item removed? And if they already spent it, they'd have negative currency and would have to earn enough to reset their money to zero?
#75720308Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:44 AM GMT

Seems legit enough to be official. Support by the way!
#75720857Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:51 AM GMT

This is for the shirt thing, Instead just have the Shirt template to be a random number instead of the original ID - 1. Exactly like how gears and hats are made. This way requires more logic. Kinda Also a report for false Title, Thumbnail and ad would be nice. Support
#75720901Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:51 AM GMT

Thanks. This has been suggested for a while. And with the big surge in people making misleading places thumbnails/titles. We could really use this.
#75720997Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:52 AM GMT

@Abdullah Yeah, that would be pretty sweet.
#75723815Thursday, August 16, 2012 4:32 AM GMT

I read on Roblox's rules that if you exploit, or hack you get your account permanently deleted. By stealing places, you clearly are exploiting or hacking. So Instead I think instead of reducing the amount of tickets it should be a permanent ban along with a 1 week IP ban. Plus an additional week for each 1000 players who visited. There should be a warning for all players who have exploited places and give 1 month for people to remove that place. If players don't do this they will receive their punishment. This probably seems very harsh, but if you don't want to get banned/IP banned it's pretty simple. Don't copy places. This will drop the amount of copied places as well.
#75725709Thursday, August 16, 2012 5:02 AM GMT

I like the idea of a one month warning. Still, I'm a big fan of harsh punishment. c:
#75727881Thursday, August 16, 2012 5:36 AM GMT

How can a mod find which image came out first? *looks up at the ID*
#75729613Thursday, August 16, 2012 6:03 AM GMT

I have no idea. Sure, they could check the date the item was made, but for all they know, the image could of come from outside Roblox, so it would be even harder to determine who made it first.
#75730001Thursday, August 16, 2012 6:10 AM GMT

Make it so when you originally create a model, a date is put in the model's page somewhere. The mod looks a that, and the while thing is much easier. But either way, SUPPORT. ~this thread has been bumped.~
#75738250Thursday, August 16, 2012 11:01 AM GMT

I almost swear I was the one who posted this I think O. o
#75757911Thursday, August 16, 2012 5:00 PM GMT

@news what do you mean by that?
#75760339Thursday, August 16, 2012 5:29 PM GMT

Half support. Couldnt people abuse? [noob]: Here, take this awesome game I made, its uncopylocked! [person]: Thanks! *copies* [noob]: *makes game copeylocked and reports the player*
#75760807Thursday, August 16, 2012 5:35 PM GMT

Hidogs, when would anyone EVER do that? I like the idea, but your title was misleading >
#75760879Thursday, August 16, 2012 5:36 PM GMT

Sonner, people abuse more then you think.
#75761376Thursday, August 16, 2012 5:41 PM GMT

#75761460Thursday, August 16, 2012 5:42 PM GMT

Great idea!!!!!!
#75761837Thursday, August 16, 2012 5:46 PM GMT

#75806587Friday, August 17, 2012 2:12 AM GMT

If somebody DID try that, the mod would investigate which was made first. Maybe a harsh punishment for people who claim content that isn't theirs? That'd help too.
#76136272Monday, August 20, 2012 5:20 PM GMT

#76198037Tuesday, August 21, 2012 5:33 AM GMT

ODing is also a big issue today on Roblox. ODers are a very common player type, imo. It's their mentality. They see others willing to OD, so they think it's perfectly fine. So when they are banned, they don't get the message that it's NOT ok to OD. They just view it was a nuisance. After the ban is over, they'll go right back to the other ODers. I'm all for the admins making harsher bans for those ODing. Heck, add a link to a page explaining the dangers of ODing with someone you do not know on their disabled page. Too many kids are doing this.

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