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#75962937Saturday, August 18, 2012 8:11 PM GMT

This is my final thread for the month, so...I'm hoping that this one is successful. I'll be grateful if you enjoy it. Below you will find the Table of Contents, the things REQUIRED to read is what you need to read. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents A simple back-story - You do not have to read this, however, I would prefer if you did when you have time. Plot - You have to read it. The Kingdom - You don't have to, but it does say where you are going to start off. I would also suggest reading this. Races - You have to read this. Only the race you want to be, you don't have to read everything. Classes - Have to read. Only your class you have to read, unless you want to read them all. Rules - A MUST READ CS - Well, if you aren't joining...You don't have to. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A simple back-story: Another day was dark, rain poured on the stone bridge, splashing in the deep, bloody river below. Bodies floated in the river, all of them dead with the plague, their faces were covered in horrendous boils, their arms and legs slowly decaying and peeling off. Their faces were twisted in pain, well, if you could see their faces. The three young girls, all very young and in their child years, were being restrained by guards on the watery bridge. Mud and tears streaked their faces as they screamed for their mothers whom screamed back. The priest held open his book, chanting the latin words at the children who were accused of witchcraft. After the chant, the guards tied the rope around their neck and feet, the rope held tightly to them, closing their air-ways and they slowly lost the blood-supply in their feet. The priest yelled, in a booming voice like no one has heard before, "These three have been accused of witchcraft! If they drown, so be they are humans! However, if they do not, they will be burned to the stake!" The crowd in the back cheered loudly as the two mothers screamed at the guards to let their dear daughters go. The daughters flipped over the three children, having their neck dislocate. They swang back and forth over the water . . . However the young child in the middle smiled, with one eye open as her vision was soon filled with water. At the top, the towns-people turned around and started to walk home. The two mothers of the girls screamed at the Priest, who just let them pass as the guards carried them off. The Priest stood at the fence of the bridge, staring down at the bloody-red water, slamming his book closed. He walked towards the town, before turning around to a noise of gurgling water. His eyes widened at the splashing of the water, and he swallowed loudly. The rope in the middle moved ever so slightly, before it swung over the bridge and at the priest. The little child had hair like silver cob-webs, and eyes that looked like melting gold. Her limbs were longer and moved like a ragdoll as she dragged her feet towards the priest, laughing loudly. As she got to him, she slid her fingers around his throat, squeezing his neck and then throwing them both into the water. The bloody water thrashed and splashed as the man drowned, the witch coming out of the water with her dress soaked to the bone as she climbed over the rocks, running away from the town like a wild animal. Everywhere she went, she slowly spread plague over the lands. [This Prolouge can be found on FIGMENT under Fantasylove, my account.] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Plot: The King, who is suffering from the Black Plague, has chosen you to find this witch. Or witches. You will be sent with a group to find her, and then destroy her. Everyone's lives are in your hands. However, not a soul knows if there is multiple witches...Or just one. And that is your goal. If you fail, the world is destroyed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Kingdom: Outside the Kingdom's outer-walls were three ranches, all alive with animal life. Clucking, and mooing filled her ears along with the horrendous odor that followed along with the glorious sounds. Farms followed along the ranches, blooming with plants and vegetables. People roamed the farms, picking the fruits and vegetables and placing them in a basket. The outer wall had few guards standing at it, about two at the Kingdom gate and three walking back and forth along the wall and inbetween the battlements. Inside the outer wall was the peasant area which hung with dark smoke and the smell of burning human flesh. Bodies were dropped in the mass graves, with blood drowning the already dead bodies. Peasants roamed, coughing and most filled with the terrible plague that formed boils on the skin. In the inner wall were the higher-class, average citizens and nobles, including the King and his royal family living in the castle that was towering above the walls. The inner wall was filled with people running in and out of the market, women screaming and yelling at their dead children. People were begging each-other for food, or for help. Multiple men had a wheel-barrow, mostly filled with dead bodies, going to every house shouting loudly, "Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!" Others followed a priest, whipping themselves with a whip, blood gushing down their opened, raw skin. The whole kingdom had this terrible, horrid smell to it. And it was covered in mud and dirt, with storm clouds roaring over head and continuing the horrible darkness that sat above Dragon-stead. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Races: Human - Humanoid bipeds, the main-race of Earth. They have a medium fighting skill and fall under every class. Elf - A humanoid biped, with pointed ears. They are higher class, and are amazing with potions and herbs. Most are alchemists. They have little fighting skill, and are used as healers. They are allies with humans, and gnomes. Neutral with other races. However, are major enemies with the dwarves. These elves are either wood or high elves. Dwarves - Short humanoid bipeds. They are thicker and heavier, and are known for their heavy drinking and thick beards. Most have a Scottish accent. They are well with the war-axe and war-hammer, and are known for their blacksmithing. Gnomes - A short humanoid biped, even shorter than the dwarves. They are thin and known for their large brain capacity. Extremely smart, and are good with advancing technology. If they get too excited, the do run-on sentences, and won't stop until you interrupt them. They are hard to understand as they talk extremely fast, and slide their words together. Goblin - A close ally with the gnomes, they are green with elongated limbs and large hands and feet. They are the same height and weight as gnomes. They are known for scamming to get money, which they crave. Also known for blowing things up. Winged People - Living above the clouds, they have wings on their heads, and can sprout wings from their backs at any time. They have an odd, celestial beauty about them, and are neutral with everyone. Some are called angels. They can be any class except fighting classes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes: [Any class can have magic, IF you are an admin.] Alchemist - Played only by Elves, Humans and Gnomes, they usually make potions and play with herbs. Blacksmith - Played by Humans, Dwarves, Goblins or Gnomes, they make weapons and are very well with them. Druid(Healer) - Played only by elves and admins. These can not heal the plague either. Merchant - Played by any class, they are usually selling things in the market-square. Knight - Hired by the King, they can only be played by Gnomes, Dwarves, Humans and Goblins. Bard - Tavern-owners, singers, play writers they are happy, lively people. Dwarves, humans and elves can play this class. Mage - Played by only admins, these can be gnomes, elves or humans. They are known for tricking others for three wishes, and giving them the wrong ones. Priest - Human or Elf, they can do minor heals, except can't heal the black plague. No class can. They believe highly in religions, and are known for killing others that don't believe in them. Thief - Known in the Kingdom for taking other things, they can be plaid by any race. Crusader - Either by Human or Dwarf, they fight in the crusades. However, if needed at home or in a kingdom, they will be sent there. Witch - Only one witch, could be played by any class if an admin. ----------------------------------------------------------- Woah, alrighty. Here we go. Some rules: CS must be accepted by me or admins. EVERYTHING must be filled out in the CS except for 'other'. QUESTIONS MUST BE ASKED IN A PM. No godmodding, flaming, or talking about others in this thread. Have a problem with someone else? PM me, don't tell me on here. Admins know who they are. Max is THREE characters, unless a character dies. I don't want you to join this thread and then quit. Try to be active, if you are gone for awhile, I will give you a summary of what has happened, however you need to PM ME. One warning and that is it, then it goes to banning. Be nice to others and HAVE FUN. ---------------------------------------------------------- Alright, almost done. Just the CS. CS: Name - RPage - Appearance - Race - Class - Items - Weapons - Bio[Atleast five sentences] - Other - How many warnings do you get? - ---------------------------------------------------------- I know it's long...I'm sorry. Have fun! ;D
#75965345Saturday, August 18, 2012 8:38 PM GMT

[-Wittle push to the top- YAY.]
#75965389Saturday, August 18, 2012 8:38 PM GMT

(I'll join if I can be a Satyr or Centaur.)
#75965732Saturday, August 18, 2012 8:42 PM GMT

[....I listed the races possible, Creative.... Sorry.]
#75965968Saturday, August 18, 2012 8:44 PM GMT

(No problem ^_^)
#75981479Saturday, August 18, 2012 11:45 PM GMT

I made a cs. I think I accidently deleted it though...
#75983657Sunday, August 19, 2012 12:09 AM GMT

[DX I'm sorry!]
#75984821Sunday, August 19, 2012 12:23 AM GMT

Name - Anna White RPage - 15 Appearance - She's 5' 1" and weighs 98lbs. She has straight, waist-length brown hair with bangs that sweep across her face. She usually keeps it in a braid. She has golden-colored eyes, a rounded face, a small nose, and tanned skin. She wears a dark forest green cloak, a white shirt, black leggings, a brown belt, and brown hunting boots. Race - Human Class - Thief Items - A satchel with water, bread, cheese, meat, and berries. She also has a bracelet her mother gave her when she was a baby. Weapons - A set of throwing knives she has strapped to her belt, a hunting knife she keeps hidden in a pocket on her left boot, and a bow and arrows. Bio - She lived with her mother when she was little. One day, when Anna was five, her mother went out to get food. She never came back home. Anna has been searching for her ever since, but hasn't been able to find any trace of her. Now Anna lives alone in the woods, hunting and practicing with her weapons in the day, and sneaking into town to steal food and supplies at night. Other - How many warnings do you get? - One Name - Mystic Blaze RPage - 13 Appearance - She stands at about 5' 4" and weighs 93lbs. She has long, wavy white hair and bangs. She has a slightly pointed face, bright blue eyes, rosy cheeks, ivory skin, and, obviously, pointed ears. She wears a long-sleeved white dress with golden hemming and embroidery. The dress comes down a little past her knees. She has a golden belt, and sometimes she also wears a white cloak that matches her dress. She doesn't usually wear shoes. Race - High elf Class - Alchemist Items - A bag attached to her belt that she carries herbs, potions, food, and water in. Weapons - A short sword with vine designs on the blade, and a white hilt with gold bands. She keeps it attached to her belt. Bio - She lives with her mother, father, and two little sisters. She spends most of her time in her room, practicing making potions. Or she might be in the woods, gathering herbs. Sometimes she'll teach her sisters how to fight with a sword, or how to make potions. Her parents are somewhat over-protective, and they won't allow her to go very far away from home. She wants to run away and see the rest of the world. Other - How many warnings do you get? - One
#75984907Sunday, August 19, 2012 12:24 AM GMT

I will remake it tomorrow. If I don't get off my computer now I may be in big trouble.
#75988774Sunday, August 19, 2012 1:07 AM GMT

[Alright...Let's give this another day, everyone starts off at the tavern. Accepted Seblene.]
#75988890Sunday, August 19, 2012 1:08 AM GMT

(My offer stands :3)
#76011258Sunday, August 19, 2012 5:08 AM GMT

#76013321Sunday, August 19, 2012 5:40 AM GMT

This thread...THIS. THREAD. IT'S GOD'S WORK. Name - Tidus McClain RPage - 20 Appearance - Black overalls with brown jacket. Small silver necklace. Yellow and black goggles. Steel-toed boots. Blonde hair spread out in layers. Blue eyes. 6 feet, 170 lbs. Race - Human Class - Blacksmith Items - Smithing hammer, and Healing potion. Weapons - Anything I make. Right now, I have a iron sword and iron spear. Bio[Atleast five sentences] - Tidus' parents both succumbed to the plague when he was three. He was taken in by an old renowned blacksmith who said he had little time to live. His skills grew, and the blacksmith left him, satifsfied. Because of these events, he's learned to appreciate life, and is easygoing, thinking of every thing as a game. He dislikes being serious, but will if the situation calls for it. He's friendly to everyone, and tends to help others. Really, he's the kind of brother you never had. Other - Good at smithing almost anything, as long as he has the right materials. How many warnings do you get? - One
#76014763Sunday, August 19, 2012 6:06 AM GMT

(I'll make sure to join tomorrow. Really nice thread!)
#76015735Sunday, August 19, 2012 6:24 AM GMT

[Jett accepted. Dead, I can't wait.]
#76019953Sunday, August 19, 2012 7:55 AM GMT

(Can Bards play like, magic songs?)
#76020416Sunday, August 19, 2012 8:10 AM GMT

[Please PM me if you have questions.]
#76026685Sunday, August 19, 2012 12:00 PM GMT

Name -Glimor RPage -13 Appearance -He is thin and small. He has a scar on his left cheek.His eyes are blue and almost hypnotising.He has long hair that he hides in his large wool hat. His hair is blonde yet slightly brown.He wears old silk robes that are too long for him and usualy make him trip up.His teeth are slightly out of line and his nose is quite pointey. Race -Human Class -Merchant Items -A old necklace. 7 coins of this rps currency. And a book that he insists he keeps Weapons -He doesnt like weapons but he does carry a blunt knife with him at all times Bio[Atleast five sentences] -Glimor was abused for the first 7 years of his life. One day he ran away and started a small trading stall outside the cities. When he heard of the plauge and witches. He just wanted it to all stop. Glimor hopes he can one day live in peace with a nice family. But knowing his luck he will never manage that. Other -He has a fear of hights. How many warnings do you get? -One
#76028827Sunday, August 19, 2012 12:50 PM GMT

(Well I posted it here, so can you just answer me? ._.)
#76029617Sunday, August 19, 2012 1:09 PM GMT

CS: Name -Alvere the Cunning RPage - 35 Appearance - Gray cloak, lined with a design made of fabric that is yellow and black. Brown hair, blue eyes. Black pants, black boots, pack on his back. Race - Human Class - Crusader Items - Several Spellbooks Weapons - Sword Bio[Atleast five sentences] - Alvere was born and raised in a land far away from "The Kingdom", where the art of War Magery was common. When he was old enough, he himself enlisted in the War Mage's College of Lavister, where he learned to equally use both his mind and his blade to defeat his opponents. After graduation, he set out on an adventuring, in search of knowledge and wealth, however, what he found, was he was in the middle of a war, one he fought himself out of with blood, toil, and his tactics, earning him the name "Alvere the Cunning". After the war was over, he heard rumors of a powerful witch spreading a plague. He thought he may be able to test his skills by finding, and killing it. Other - Skillful in destruction spells. How many warnings do you get? -1
#76038586Sunday, August 19, 2012 3:40 PM GMT

CS: Name - Jaime Astun RPage - 32 Appearance - Jaime has long messy, strawberry blond hair tied in a loose bun. Her skin is absolutely caked with dirt and has scars all around her face. She wears a torn up black robe, and plain light brown trousers underneath it, and boots that protect her feet. Jaime's eyes are a dark brown color, and she carries her items in an old satchel. Race - Human Class - Alchemist Items - A bag that she carries around and in it is some herbs, potions, food, and water just incase she gets lost in the forest. Weapons - A metal stick to defend herself. It's surprisingly a good weapon. Bio - She lives alone, in a cabin at a forest. She left the kingdom in search of a better place to make potions, which is the forest because of the sheer amount of basic herbs, and the possiblility to find more rarer ones for free. They both died but she doesn't know that unfortuantly. She sometimes goes to the kingdom to see what's happening, and to get some supplies that are hard to get. Jaime's aware of the plauge though, and she's afraid to come there ever since she's seen the dead bodies on the street. Other - How many warnings do you get? - One
#76057951Sunday, August 19, 2012 7:27 PM GMT

[DrWho - Accepted, if you just age your character a little. Merchants are not 13. Aceofspades - Not accepted, you are not an admin, meaning you can not do magic. I like your character, but you need to get rid of the magic please. Thank you. TheDeadDemon - You are absolutely, positively, accepted. All may start. There is a tavern outside the Kingdom's walls, and I would prefer that all start there.]
#76058746Sunday, August 19, 2012 7:35 PM GMT

CS: Name - Jinx Lemures RPage - Seventeen Appearance - Jinx is a petite girl with pixie like features and ivory skin. Her long strawberry blonde hair falls a few inches past her waist in unruly (I can't spell that word D:) curls. A few freckles dot her nose and cheeks and many scars and burns mar (Is that the word I need?) her skin. Jinx has icy blue eyes with a few gold flecks in them. Because she isn't entirely a winged person she does not have wings on her head. She does have the ability to sprout light grey wings when needed, it is hard for her though. Even though Jinx is seventeen she appears to be around eight or nine ye@rs 0ld. Jinx has two regular outfits. When she wants to look like an innocent little girl she often wears a short white dress with golden embrodiary and black leggings. Her second outfit is a short black dress with red leggings. She always wears black boots and has a black cloak with her. Jinx is currently wearing the first outfit. Around her neck Jinx wears a gift from her mother, a necklace. The necklace has a silver chain and white crystal wings. Race - Jinx is a hybrid. Her father was an elf, her mother a winged person. One of her ancestors was human. Class - Alchemist Items - Jinx always carries two pairs of gloves with her. The first pair is black, the second is white. The white pair has many colorful stains and looks extremely old. She also has a bag of money. She has a small pack filled with many vials and bottles, some empty. Inside the bottles are her little creations, poisons. In the pack there is a section to hold some food and water. Weapons - Jinx carries a few daggers and some darts. Bio[Atleast five sentences] - Five sentances... Okay... Jinx has always been a secretive girl. She is unwilling to tell anyone of her past, even if it isn't important. Much of what she tells people is a lie. When you ask her of her life she will tell you a few things. All that she would tell you is that she lived with her father until she was seven. She says her mother abandoned her but no one knows if that is true. If you asked for more info on her father all she would say is "He died, I don't want to talk about it." Other - N/A How many warnings do you get? - One (Wait am I an admin? If so can Jinx have a tiny tiny tiny gift with magic. That is how she was originally made... She was a poison loving teen with a a very small gift for magic.) (I feel like Jinx is over-powered or something. Weird. Then again I am not counting her weaknesses...)
#76059726Sunday, August 19, 2012 7:47 PM GMT

[Jinx is perfect! :D And you are an admin. :P]
#76060974Sunday, August 19, 2012 8:01 PM GMT

CS: Name - Silvara RPage - She's around her mid-twenties. Appearance - Silvara is about 5'10 and thin. Her eyes are large, and swirl with multi-colors, representing the musical notes that float from her lute when she plays it. Her skin is pale, almost like snow. Her hair is a pale-blonde, flowing down her shoulders and to her mid-back, but is usually tied in a braid that hangs over her right shoulder. Along the top of her chest, and down her arms are musical notes, they change color constantly and glitter with the sun. They are never shown to anyone, however, as she is self-conscious about them. A necklace is around her neck, with a swirling jewel in the middle of it. She usually wears a button-down red top, with the top ending just above her belly-button. Her pants are brown, that of an archer's so she can move easily with them. She wears boots that go up to her knees. Race - High Elf Class - Bard, she's the tavern-owner. Items - She carries her lute and a backpack filled with parchment, and charcoal so she can write her plays. Weapons - Her lute is a weapon, when she plays it, musical notes fly out of it. However, depending on her command, the lute's notes can attack another person. Bio[Atleast five sentences] - Silvara was born without knowing her father, her mother dying when she was four. At that age, she lived with her grandfather, who owned the tavern. Around 17 when he died, Silvara took over and had an occupationg as a bard. The tavern flourished ever since she owned it. However, when the plague started, it's money has been decreasing, and she will do anything to get the bloody Witch. Other - How many warnings do you get? - Uno! CS: Name - Azure RPage - She's in her mid-twenties. Appearance - Azure got her name from her icy-blue eyes, that look like a lake frozen over. Her hair is a raven black, falling down to her hips like cobwebs. Her skin is pale, pairing well with her eyes and hair. She's thin, and about 6ft. She has one human ear on the left side, and an elf ear on the right side of her head. She is usually wearing a dark red dress that goes to her ankles, with sleeves that are lace, and a collar that goes around her neck. Race - Half-elf Class - Mage Items - She carries a spellbook and many scrolls with her in a pack, including her medicine. Since she is a mage, her health is weak. Weapons - She has a staff that produces her spells, and a small wand if her staff is stolen. Bio[Atleast five sentences] - Azure was adopted by two dwarves, in which she lived with them for quite some time. They gave her the name Azure, meaning blue, because of her eyes. Azure's biological father was a mage, thus where Azure inherited her magic from. She's a well-thought mage, and she's smart, however she is extremely weak and can only go on for certain amounts of time. Her spells consist of mainly fire and ice, however, there are some dark-spells in there. Other - How many warnings do you get? - Un

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