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#75976685Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:48 PM GMT

Assassin Rules: There is assassins, citizens, doctors and detectives. Assassins kill citizens at night. Doctors can pick a civillian to save during night. Detectives who inspect people during the night. During Night, Assassins vote to kill a civillian. Then the detective tries to point out one of the assassins. I will nod if one is mafia-sided. Then the doctor chooses who to save. If it is the right person (the person the assassins picked) then they are saved for another round. During Day, the citizens choose who to expose and kill. If the person the assassin chose was not chosen by the doctor also, he/she is out. If the doctor and assassins chose the same person, he/she is saved. If the citizens choose an assassin, then the assassin is out. BUT if they pick a citizen, they wasted a round. Assassins cannot reveal they are assassins rather act as citizens. To win, all assassins have to be killed or there must be more assassins then citizens. I really want to do this. I need a minimum of 6. Anyone interested?

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