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#76517690Saturday, August 25, 2012 1:44 AM GMT

Okay. First of all I want to talk about some major problems with some ROBLOX gear. Okay, so here is some of the gear that need a major fix. First of is the insert tool. The insert tool will not work. I do not know when this problem happened but I do believe it was an update that ruined that insert tool. Even though this might not be a MAJOR problem, it's still something I recommend for ROBLOX admins to fix. Okay second problem ( not major ) is the command orb. I think it broke 1 to 2 months ago. I'm not 100% sure - but most of the commands have stopped working. Some are knight/"player name", suit/"player name", Hamburger mesh, etc. Not much of a problem, but I do advise you to fix it. Now here is a MAJOR problem. Giving a friend request in a game. Now this has bin' a problem for at least 4 to 5 months. Or even the when new year came. I'm not 100% sure this has been a problem for half of the year or so but it is a problem to many of the players. I first found this out when I came back from a break of ROBLOX. When someone asked me to friend them I couldn't. So we had to do it by finding their name and giving them a friend request. This really bothered me because I had to do this about over 40 times. ( Lol ) So yeah, I wouldn't blame ya for that but it was getting really annoying, so i stopped giving friend request. Also another problem ( not to be offencsive ) WHAT IN THE NAME OF JESUS'S MOTHER WHAT IS WITH THE USELESS UPDATES. I mean come on ROBLOX! Some of those updates has broke some of the games in ROBLOX and some gear too. So thanks for reading this and please reply or fix these problems! Bai :3
#76517880Saturday, August 25, 2012 1:46 AM GMT

The orb is usermade. It's not Roblox's problem. And the insert tool was removed because of exploiting.
#76517984Saturday, August 25, 2012 1:47 AM GMT

-_- 1.insert tool removed due to abuse. 2.Orbs removed due to abuse. 3.Friend requests are broken. 4.Are you a troll?
#76518128Saturday, August 25, 2012 1:49 AM GMT

I'm not a troll I didn't know orb was user made or insert tool was broken because of hacks -_-
#76518843Saturday, August 25, 2012 1:57 AM GMT

No, the insert tool was used to insert abusable items into games.
#76520336Saturday, August 25, 2012 2:13 AM GMT

If you think of it, don't only noobs win insert wars? Because if your not a noob and you won an insert war that means your a free modeler. XD Am I right or right?
#76520979Saturday, August 25, 2012 2:19 AM GMT

I dont use models i use probably 2% to 1% of models for my game -.-
#76521359Saturday, August 25, 2012 2:23 AM GMT

I have a ton a free models :P Reason? So i can troll the creators by finding way to severely glitch them:D
#76782354Monday, August 27, 2012 8:51 PM GMT

I remember when I was a noob and I found out about the Insert Tool. Good times.. Good times... Yes we we're all noobs at one point or another....
#76782524Monday, August 27, 2012 8:53 PM GMT

I also have a bunch of free models... XD I still have them from 2010... Lol Some are really useful. But others I'm thinking, "Why did I get this?!?!"

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