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#76680331Sunday, August 26, 2012 6:59 PM GMT

Prelude~ A geneticist's dream, a test's subject's worse nightmare. As world powers pushed to push life to the outer limits, the best scientists gathered into one huge building called the WorldGene building in New York city, or W.G. as some called it. Tests started out small, making people live longer, sharpened senses, regenerative limbs, etc. But nobody knew about the other tests they did. And unluckily for you,reader, you are one of those subjects. You, for whatever reason decided to volunteer for these tests. Who they deemed "acceptable" into their classified program, called Project Splice, which was to give people the powers unimagined. Some subjects were destined to become hybrids, such as being part lion and part human, getting powers such as getting better muscle-to-weight ratio (increased muscles), retractable claws and such. Others got out of this world powers. such as being able to shoot laser out of their eyes, the power to control gravity and such. Others got mythical powers dreamed of. Being able to drink blood of people and regain life, and at night becoming a half-man half-wolf, turning people to stone and such. Well this may seem lucky to be able to get these powers, the bad thing is that you are kept mostly in flash-freezed storage areas, knocked out, and only to be awoken when experiments are needed. ~Recap of the 1st part~ Fortunately for you, you were able to escape the facility sooner or later. You might've escaped years ago, or just recently. The prisoners that escaped weren't really hunted because WorldGene thought losing a few mutants wouldn't hurt their research too bad. But then it happened. Still a mystery to this day, something caused the doors to the underground facility to open while all the mutants were free. They promptly escaped the building, and took refuge wherever the could find to be safe. And that's where I come in. I am Quantum, hero of New York City. It was my job to clean up the streets of the mutants, and make it safe for the normal humans once more. But I wasn't the only person that helped. There were others, such as The Reaper, Lacey and Kasey, Soren, William, Jayke, Willow and Thomas. They made me realize that I couldn't do this job alone, and I needed help. Together we began to clean up the streets,. But then the army stepped in. The US military promptly made their presence known in New York, and began to kill all the mutants, whether we were trying to help them or not. It was their job, and there was nothing wrong with it. Then another presence began to form in the underground areas of New York; A rebel army wishing to push the US military out of the New York, so that the mutants could walk in the streets without fear. While it seemed like a good idea, their methods of obtaining their goal was evil. They used me to stall the military and my friends, as their leader, Todd winters executed his plan of taking over New York. Using his powers , he became the leaders of the military in NY. One of the highest ranking officers was flying in to New York to check on the progress of the others. We knew that Todd Winters would be there, and he'd absorb the highest ranking officer, and finish his plan. He was going to infect the soldiers of NY and their civilian population, and begin a march to New York and take over the United States, and then the world. The only people standing in his way was myself, Quantum, and the other hero of New York: The Reaper. We fought and fought, but it became obvious we were losing the battle. In a stroke of genius, we managed to destroy the area Todd Winters was standing on, and kill him. It didn't end so happy, though. I was severely weakened, and lapsed into a coma to regenerate from the epic battle. After Todd's plans were revealed to the public by The Reaper, the military showed appreciation for us good mutants, promptly left New York. They said "The problem lies on your shoulders, now Reaper. We know you will do a good job." ~Recap of the 2nd part~ A man from the future, CEO of WorldScience came back to take over New York City, and eventually the world. Dante, Xenku's son, Kale, Jack's son and others followed him from the future and into present day NYC. Joined by other mutants, they began a long line of battles that would end up deciding the fate of the world as we knew it. Xenku finally woke up from his coma and came back to join the fight. It was discovered that the CEO, who was Kasey and Lacey's dad was slowly dying from a new type of radiation poisoning. Xenku went on a race across America to find somebody who could fix it, the CEO's son Cayden. He had the proper DNA that could cure him. On a sidenote, Xenku and Kasey found a kitten that could turn into a saber-toothed cat. Xenku still does not believe it, because he has never seen that happen. In the final confrontation, the cure was used a bargaining chip: The CEO would have to give up his plans to conquer the world and then head back to the future, and promise never to return, or die because of the poisoning. It turns out the radiation poisoning was actually the CEO's DNA mutating. He became much stronger, and joined by his robots; he began a fight with the mutants that would decide the fate of the world. Xenku managed to dispatch the CEO while his friends destroyed the horde of robots. It was discovered that he planted a nuke on the top of the building the time gateway was stationed in. Jack and his son Kale managed to disarm the bomb, and render it useless. Dante, Xenku’s son, decided to move away and leave New York, in hopes of setting up operations as a superhero in San Francisco. One of their new friends, Drakki was in trouble and fell into a coma. Hasaras, controller of shadows is setting up a base in Brooklyn while the twins Kasey and Lacey left with their brother to stay at his house in Los Angeles for a week. Lacey’s kids from the future, Arin and Aria returned to the future, and the time gateway was destroyed. ~A few days later~ The WorldScience building is left unoccupied once again, being a shell of what it once was. Ever since the whole time incident, mysterious murders have been popping up. The bodies are left holding a blackened rose. There also have been some reports of many superheroes, namely Quantum , The Reaper and the White Reaper committing acts of violence. Those rumors have not been confirmed as of yet. There are also multiple reports of super villains and super heroes becoming known all across New York City. -~RULES~- 1. Basic rp stuff, no ubering, no gmodding 2.Roblox rules also still apply 3.Wait for an admin to approve you before you post 4. No , there will be no Marvel or DC crossovers. this is a universe that the players will create and shape. 5.Romance at your own risk. 6.If your power seem uber, try to nerf, or make your power less uber yourself so i don't have to (You have power to see the future, so technically you can see everything that will happen if nothing changes. kinda uber, so let's just nerf it down so let's say your vision of the future is somewhat blurry in the far future, and will exhaust if you use this vision power too rapidly) 7. You have to be 18 or older story-wise, since you're considered an adult at that point. 8. no killing other players 9.At least try to use proper grammar and spell stuff right. 10. Having a mutant pet is a privilege you must earn. ADMINS: Rockfun123 Tezco Sildee JPFan Captainrex5056 -~CHARACTER SHEET~- Name: A.ge G.ender Alter ego:(Superhero/villain name if you have one) Ap.pearance: Power: Weakness(having a weakness to your power is required): Bio(just a little bio about why you volunteered if you don't want a huge bio) Other:
#76680368Sunday, August 26, 2012 6:59 PM GMT

#76680734Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:03 PM GMT

*makes 'squee' noise* Hay! Why did this happen on the one day I'm banned, but still- SQUEE!
#76680896Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:05 PM GMT

(Same old CS from last time:) Name:Drakki Alsong A.ge:27 G.ender:F Alter ego:Dragonflame Ap.pearance:Long brown hair. Tall and skinny. Blue eyes. 6"2'. Caucasian. When costumed, wears a green scaly mask. Power: Breathes fire Weakness: Is not fireproof Bio: l was always interested in genetical sciences, so l volunteered. l thought it would help advance humanity, but the tests made me lose all faith in the human race. Other: Paranoid. No faith in humanity.
#76681029Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:06 PM GMT

Name: Kasey LeRoy A.ge: 18 G.ender: Female Alter ego: Freefall Ap.pearance: Kasey is tall, at 5'7". She is very slender as well. Her legs are long, and she has small hands and feet. Her neck is very thin, and her shoulders are narrow. She has slightly ragged nails that are a bit uneven in length. She has a small chest and a flat stomach. Her head is heart-shaped and she has a pointed chin and high cheekbones. Her skin is very pale, she doesn't tan well. Her lips are thin, and a natural pale pink shade. Her teeth are straight and a pearly white. She has a small nose that turns up at the tip, with a tiny splash of faint freckles. You'd really have to look to see them. Her eyes are large and framed with dark lashes. The irises are a light green shade with a hint of hazel right next to the pupils. She has a thin, pale scar running down the left side of her face. It isn't obvious right when you look at her, but it is definitely noticeable. She has short hair that is now shoulder-length, and a bit messy from lack of brushing. It's pretty silky, though, so it's not too bad. It is a light blonde. Kasey is wearing a light blue T-shirt with slightly torn sleeves. Her jeans are dark and the right knee has a rip in it. She has white sneakers. She has double-piercings in both earlobes. The lower one has white diamond gems, while the upper has small silver hoops. She recently got another scar, again on the left side of her face, from a bullet graze during the fight between the mutants and the CEO of WorldScience. She now has a costume that is a light ash grey full bodysuit, complete with gloves of the same color. It comes with a mask that covers her eyes and forehead and has an apple logo on the forehead to symbolize gravity. Power: Kasey has the power to control gravity within a twenty foot radius of herself. In other words, she could make it so heavy you can barely move, or remove it all together. She can also do it to specific objects, such as making a feather feel like it weighs ten pounds while the gravity around it is normal. She also can fly, to some extent. Weakness: It leaves her feeling tired and gives her headaches. It takes her about five seconds to change the gravity, and it takes concentration, so if you can get to her before she can change it, she doesn't have any protection besides her normal physical strength. Bio: Kasey was born into a standard family. She has and older brother and an identical twin sister named Lacey. They were very close as children, and did nearly everything together. At age thirteen, her father attacked her due to a condition she has, and killed her mother. He went to prison and Kasey and Lacey went to foster care for five years. They heard about some sort of test thing going on to give people special abilities, and both were interested and joined. Once they were in there, though, a small riot went on and Lacey escaped, leaving Kasey behind. After a while Kasey escaped as well reuniting. Kasey and Xenku got together (lol). Other: Kasey was a very good artist before she joined the program. She is often seen sketching on whatever she can get her hands on. Name: Lacey LeRoy A.ge: 18 G.ender: Female Alter ego: N/A Ap.pearance: Lacey is tall, at 5'7". She is very slender as well. Her legs are long, and she has small hands and feet. Her neck is very thin, and her shoulders are narrow. She has slightly ragged nails, that are a bit uneven in length. She has a small chest and a flat stomach. Her head is heart-shaped and she has a pointed chin and high cheekbones. Her skin is very pale; she doesn't tan well. Her lips are thin, and a natural pale pink shade. Her teeth are straight and a pearly white. She has a small nose that turns up at the tip, with a tiny splash of faint freckles. You'd really have to look to see them. Her eyes are large and framed with dark lashes. The irises are a light green shade with a hint of hazel right next to the pupils. She has a thin, pale scar running down the right side of her face. It isn't obvious right when you look at her, but it is definitely noticeable. She has short hair that is now shoulder-length, and well-kept. It's pretty silky, so she doesn't have much trouble taking care of it. It is a light blonde. Lacey is wearing a light blue T-shirt with slightly torn sleeves. Her jeans are dark and the right knee has a rip in it. She has white sneakers. She has double-piercings in both earlobes. The upper one has white diamond gems, while the lower has small silver hoops. Power: Lacey has the power of pitch. She can change the volume of anything she wants. She can remove the voice of anyone she wants that she can see, or make it so loud it hurts ears. One thing she can do for protection is scream in such a high key, it can make enemies double over in pain. She can also make herself and other deaf to all sounds for a short time. Weakness: Lacey has trouble concentrating on anything while using her power in large amounts. Bio: Lacey was born into a standard family. She has and older brother and an identical twin sister named Kasey. They were very close as children, and did nearly everything together. At age thirteen, her father attacked her sister due to a condition Kasey has, and killed their mother. He went to prison and Kasey and Lacey went to foster care for five years. They heard about some sort of test thing going on to give people special abilities, and both were interested and joined. Once they were in there, though, a small riot went on and Lacey escaped, leaving Kasey behind. After a while Kasey escaped as well, and both are happily reunited right now. Other: Lacey is very good at hacking.
#76681169Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:07 PM GMT

(Approved, both of you)
#76682778Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:22 PM GMT

Name:Xenku Atrux A.ge 20 G.ender: M Alter ego:(Superhero/villain name if you have one) Quantum Ap.pearance: He's tall, standing at about 6'3". He is very slender, but he's very athletic. His face is slender. He has Emerald Green eyes, and has shaggy Golden blonde hair the sweeps to the left across his forehead. His hair covers his ears and hits just about the base of his skull in the back. He wears a dark gray T-shirt, faded light blue jeans, and a pair of Grey converse. He wears a new suit, an ashen gray suit. Over his he.art is a a white circle that fades out into the gray surrounding it. The lenses in his suit are now white, with black highlight stitching surrounding it. Power: he can create Claws of Plasma that covers my whole arms, which are colored white, because they're white hot. he can also throw globs of white-hot plasma. He can control the molecular attraction of his bo.dy, making it so He can scale object better and hold onto them better. He has an increased knowledge of gravity from the last time, being able to control and focus where gravity is for himself. He can also control other objects and people's gravity if they are near him. He can also "dash" or make my molecules a higher frequency, causing him to move at near light speeds and through objects for a maximum of a few seconds. He also has an improved regeneration ability, causing him to regenerate wounds faster when he is at rest. He can also use his superior knowledge of his powers to augment his normal punches, causing them to hit harder than an average human would dream of. He can bend light into his eyes correctly which allows for a better reaction time. he also will gain a new power, or 'Overd.rive.' He splits one of the radioactive molecules he absorbed, giving him tremendous amounts of energy to use for about five minutes. He also is resistant to radiation. Weakness: Electrical shocks at a high enough voltage can easily kill him. Same with Beta decay radiation. directed energy waves can also hurt pretty bad. All my powers run on his own will, and if he loses the will to fight, he cannot fight as well.After his overdrive power is done, he cannot use his powers for 24 hours Bio: Xenku was born into a multi-billionaire family, as the sole heir to it all once his parents die. He doesn't like to admit that fact to other people. He finally graduated high school, and signed up for college. He wished to attend college on his own, without the support of his parents. He began to struggle and fall behind in payments, which led him to volunteer. After escaping, he created an alter ego Quantum, and began to fight crime using his powers. He began to seeing Kasey LeRoy, and easily fell in love with her. He had a near death scare, which caused him to find out the plans of Todd Winters taking over the world. He and the other hero of New York, The Reaper stopped his plans. Xenku was the one to do in the final blow, but the fight has taken a toll on him. He shortly thereafter lapsed into a coma, and began to regenerate his wounds.He woke up from his coma after a while, and trained himself to be stronger. He was brainwashed by the CEO to kill his friends, but he managed to fix that. Xenku defeated the CEO, and in the last few days since that he's been working with the police to find the Black Rose murd.erer. Other: He has a superior knowledge of Physics, Quantum mechanics, and computers. He used to intern at the WorldGene building in high school. He also owns a kitten named Mittens, who's a mutant kitten that can turn into Saber-toothed cat when threatened.
#76683325Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:28 PM GMT

~CHARACTER SHEET~ Name:William Swadia A.ge: 27 G.ender:Male Alter Ego: Ap.pearance: Has curly, small black wings. Is about 5'8 tall, you can't really tell his weight, he is thin though. He has black hair, and pure, dark red eyes. He also has horns next to his ears, wich are also curly. His hair is spiky. His left arm is all under black scales, and has a claw. His skin color is pure white. Always wears a dress shirt, they differ in pattern and such. and jeans. He also has fangs. Power: As told, has a scaled arm with a claw, wings, fangs, and horns. He has a negative effect to this, Sometimes, a demon possesses his body, one of 5, wich are all stored in his soul somehow, and they can take over control. They all have different weaknesses. 1. This demon loses his claw on the left arm, but grows véry thick scales all over his body, and his horns turn like a small storm ram. His back is even more vulnerable, and grabbing him by the leg will most likely stop him. His eyes turn black during the duration, and scales also grow over his hair. This demon can't talk or hear. 2. The second demon grows scales and a claw on the right arm. For the rest, he looks like the normal William. He has the weaknesses William normally has, but also, his right arm's scales, are very thin. He can easily be shut down by knocking on his arm. He can talk and hear. 3. This demon grows extremely big wings, and the claw on his left arm gets bigger, and sharper. He grows scales on his torso. He cannot hear or talk neither. It's clothes always change into a red coat and red pants. His wings are extremely fragile. 4 This demon is blind. Nevertheless, his fangs are very big, he can hear and speak, and he has very thick scales all over his body. This demon stays passive, though, until someone provokes him. His weaknesses are obviously.. he's blind. think of something, you stupid. 5. Exactly the same as William, though can't speak. When the time comes, he wounds somebody. THis demon never makes it fatal. It's just sadistic. Weakness(having a weakness to your power is required):The bones in his back are very weak. His wings are also easy to cut trough, and hurt him a lot. All demon forms have other weaknesses, wich are discribed in the Power section. Bio: When he was born, his parents already were afraid of him. He born with fullgrown horns, his parents gave him off to people who would care for him. When he grew up, to be exact, at the a.ge of 19, He got hungry, for human flesh. He transformed, and killed both of his guardians, and actually feasted on their flesh. He got forced into the tests by a lot of police, without wanting it. Outside demon form, he still is sad about what he's done to others, without wanting to. He has transformed four times at the group, not much. Other:Uses alcoh.ol to overcome when he's sad. A lot. -~CHARACTER SHEET~- Name:Luke, doesn't know his last name. A.ge:18 G.ender:Male Alter ego:(Superhero/villain name if you have one)Used to have one, but not anymore, so N/A. Ap.pearance: Brown, messy hair. Light-green, fresh eyes. 5'6, has a ragged, black jacket. Under that, has a plain white, also ragged, t-shirt. Has some bruises on his forehead, and is quite pale. he wears jeans, too, also ragged. He wears black boots. Extremely thin. Power:Blood control, can also determine if it can be touched or just a liquid. Weakness(having a weakness to your power is required): Uses his own blood, also gets tired pretty fast if he uses his power a lot. Bio: Grew up as a street kid. He lived with around 8 people. They pretty much roamed around the street, living from money they got for begging. The oldest people were responsible for all the younger ones. Luke was happy, until he was older- He went around the corner, in front of the group. It took them a while, so he looked back, they were gone. He searched for them for the whole day, no breaks in between, but Luke didn't find anything. A few days later, Luke asked for food at a random house, when he got offered to live there. He accepted the offer, and so he met the other mutants. He used to be sadistic, he had a costume he used, and he hurt random people in the city, and he enjoyed it. Dante stopped him from continuing to do so, he threw his costume in a random trashcan, and swore he'd never do something like that again. he's been to the pyschopath a few times, it helped a bit. Other: Noope. -~CHARACTER SHEET~- Name: Chance Caldwell A.ge:21 G.ender:Male Alter ego:N/A Ap.pearance:Blonde hair, wich has a strange blue tint in it. Gray skin color, and green-blue eyes. Wears a light-brown hood, wich has a gold-color lace lightning mark on it, some light-brown, ragged, lace gloves, a light-brown, ragged cloak. Dark brown boots. Also has a light-brown jacket, with a light-brown shirt under that. 6'4, a bit thin. You can't see his face, and if he does show it, it has a lot of wounds. Power: Can create a gunblade; http://www.roblox.com/unnamed-item?id=90613105 Next to that, can slightly 'hear' minds. Nothing personal, just what people are thinking about. Weakness(having a weakness to your power is required): After he faints, can't use his mind-reading power for a long time. The gunblade he creates only stays for ~10 minutes, and it creates a wound on his body. Bio: Chance lived in a cozy house, for 4 people, with his mother and father. He had no brothers or sisters, wich gave him a lot of attention. He liked that. He's lived a happy live. His mother works at a school, and his father in the millitary. It's always went well, until he was 20. He went to his job, wich was at a farm, and when he came home, he got a horrible message. His father was killed. He just didn't know what to say for weeks. He said next to nothing. He went to volunteer, he didn't know why. He just did it. When he came back from the WG building, his personality changed a lot. His mother didn't even know why. Other:He's mysterious to people he doesn't know well.
#76683686Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:32 PM GMT

(Approved, needless to say. And since Dante isn't around, always assume I'm posting for Xenku) I woke up in the middle of the street, sirens wailing coming this way. What was going on? It was midnight about, so there wasn't much traffic. My head hurt badly. What did I do?
#76683798Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:33 PM GMT

~Kasey~ I was sitting on one of the many couches in Reaper's Point, watching the TV absently. I was bored... for once. That was a rarity in this crazy, mad life I lived. ~Lacey~ I was sitting on a stool in the kitchen, typing away on a laptop. I needed to hone my hacking skills again; it had been a long time since I had used them.
#76683869Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:34 PM GMT

Chance I hear some sirens in my sleep. Bad part of living in an alleyway.. I always get woken up at night.
#76683894Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:34 PM GMT

The sirens were coming closer....
#76684207Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:37 PM GMT

Chance It starts getting less loud. I try going back to sleep.
#76684393Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:39 PM GMT

~Kasey~ Suddenly I heard the word Quantum, and my attention snapped back from my thoughts to the TV. Whatever was going on, I wasn't sure if it was good or bad... ~Lacey~ I smirked as I broke through a firewall. I never messed with the files and such in whatever I was hacking (most of the time), so I just clicked the exit button.
#76684408Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:39 PM GMT

Drakki l slowly blink awake. Where am I....? Then it all comes flooding back, and my eyes widen. Kennedy. Robots. Shadows. Evil Kennedy. Getting shot. Ranting. Several needles hitting me. and darkness.... Well, I don't know how long l've been in here, but it's time to go. Summer I sit on the couch, sighing. l hope Dante's alright in San Fran... My phone buzzes, and l answer. "Hello? Mhm...she gave you mine? Okay, strange. Why are you calling?" I blanch. Uh-oh.....
#76684606Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:41 PM GMT

The sirens stopped. It was a fireman, police, and an ambulance. A fancy looking guy, the commissioner or the police chief got out. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Um, I think so." "You should've waited for back-up to arrive." Then it all came back. The Black Rose Murderer. We got a tip off and we were chasing a suspect. Then something happened, and I was on the ground.
#76684776Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:43 PM GMT

~Kasey~ I left the house, after calling out to Lacey that I was leaving. Now, where had they said they had last seen Xenku...? Oh, right. I recalled the information and used my powers to fly there, keeping out of sight. I had forgotten my costume... oh, well. ~Lacey~ I said goodbye to Kasey and went back to my computer.
#76684847Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:44 PM GMT

Chance The sirens stop. I wonder what that wasabou.. I fall back asleep.
#76684946Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:45 PM GMT

Summer l slam my phone shut and stand. "Lacey! We have a situation!"
#76685027Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:46 PM GMT

"Do you remember what they looked like?" The chief asked me. "I can't remember...." "You must've hit your head hard. We should probably get you to the hospital." "I'm alright...." "Your last radio dispatch was talking about how you met an informant and attempted to chase them down. You said what street your were currently on and then it went black." I remember. An abandoned building. They were in the shadows. They managed to get away somehow...
#76685036Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:46 PM GMT

~Lacey~ I glanced over at Summer, startled. "What happened?"
#76685173Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:47 PM GMT

~Kasey~ I dropped down into an alley nearby, where I could see some police talking to Xenku. I remained in the shadows as I moved to a doorway, where I was visible to Xenku but not the others.
#76685392Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:50 PM GMT

William Maybe it's time to see the others. Yeah. I should head back. I turn all the lights in the house off, head outside, lock the door, and go on top of a roof, heading my way to Reapers Point. Luke Asleep on the couch.
#76685408Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:50 PM GMT

I saw Kasey out of the corner of my eye. The police looked at me. "See something?" The Chief asked. "No..." "Do you have an idea where the informant went?" "Not a clue...." "Well, we'll be back at the station. feel free to call us when you get info." With that, everyone left. I was alone in the middle of the street.
#76685416Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:50 PM GMT

Summer "Well...I don't know if it's good news or bad news, kind of..." l sigh. "Well, the IV alarm went off in Drakki's coma room and the dooctor went to check...." l run my hands through my hair, pacing. "The bed was destroyed, the IV was melted, and the window was broken. So either a tornado went through her room, with lightning accompaniment....or Drakki woke up. And now they have no idea where she is."

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