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#76703051Sunday, August 26, 2012 10:47 PM GMT

[PLOT BEGINNING FOR WIZARDS AND WITCHES] Magic has always been on the common mans' mind. Its strength make people lust for its teachings, to become something greater than themselves. For this reason magic has made itself elusive for many years, its keepers hiding out in the west of Octovia [Pronouced: Octoevea]. These wizards have eluded capture for many years, but some were not so lucky. If a wizard was captured they would die rather than give up the teachings of magic to the common man. Far in the west of Octovia, lies the humble village of Goegar [Pronouced:GogR]. It was named after the first wizard that ever learned the art of magic, and he established the village to protect magic from any outsiders. But, it's magical barrier shieling it from the common eye is growing weak, and the former head wizard, Mystic , feared that the Common Man would find them, and kill them in search of the art of magic. In an attempt to make the barrier stronger, he cast the last of his energy into it, and was killed. His sacrafice was for a noble cause of keeping magic out of the wrong hands. The new head wizard [Me] had become quite desperate, and has called upon the best of wizards to help him protect their village and the secrets that are inside. [PLOT BEGINNING FOR THE COMMON MEN: NORMAL HUMANS] King Mathis is growing impatient, as he wishes to locate the Wizards hideout and strip them of their magical powers to keep for himself. He wishes to become the most powerful King in all of Octovia, to make himself an unstoppable power that can crush anything that resists it. In an effort to locate the village, King Mathis has called upon the best of bounty hunters throughout the land of Octovia, with the promises of riches and power, if they can locate the hideout of the Wizards. His offer sounds appealing, so people throughou the lands come before him, requesting permission to look for the Wizards under his name. Are you one of them? [RULES] 1. This is a third-person RPG 2. Follow my rules and directions and the rules and directions of an appointed admin, unless they're completly absurd like [kill you character]. 3. You can only have one character. 4. If you play as a normal human, you can not expect to switch over to a Wizard later on, make sure you know this. 5. This is not an open-world, so stick to the plot with everyone else. 6. If you do not follow the rules, you will be simply ignored. [CHARACTER SHEET] Name: Gender: @ge: Side: [Wizards or Normal Humans] Equipment: Spell Class: [For Wizards Only] [Dark Arts, Combat, Alchemy, Teleportation: Pick 2] Bounty Hunter Nickname: [Normal Humans Only] Bio:
#76703517Sunday, August 26, 2012 10:51 PM GMT

Name: Dagath Hanes Gender: Male @ge: 45 Side: Wizards Equipment: Wizard Robes [Gray], Dagath's Wand, Book of Teleportation, Mystic's Final Request, Journal Spell Class: Combat, Teleportation Bio: Dagath Hanes in the head wizard in Goegar, and the younger brother of Mystic Hanes, the former head wizard who sacraficed himself in order to save the village. Dagath has become quite worried about the safety of his village and magic, and an effort to protect both he has called upon the wizards of the village.
#76704245Sunday, August 26, 2012 10:57 PM GMT

[START] Dagath sat and carefully read his brother's last request, was a wierd look on his face. He was quite unsure why his brother would request for something like this to happen, but as he was the former head wizard he probably knew what was best for the village. Dagath scribbled a few notes in his Journal, and sent a request for all of the Wizards to come to his home for a meeting.
#76704292Sunday, August 26, 2012 10:58 PM GMT

Name: Marcus Holundos Gender: M @ge: 28 Side: [Wizards or Normal Humans] Dagger???? Equipment: His robe, staff and a spell book Spell Class: [For Wizards Only] [Dark Arts, Combat, Alchemy, Teleportation: Pick 2]Dark Arts and Combat Bounty Hunter Nickname: [Normal Humans Only] Bio: Marcus was born in Goegar. Both his parents were masters of magic and he inspired to be like them. He persistently asked his parents on techniques to make learning easier since he was trash at magic. As a teen he spent most of his time practicing his combat skills and the Dark Arts. He soon became great at both skills and impressed himself as well as others. As he aged a bit more he nearly perfected the arts and was called on by the new Head Wizard.
#76704331Sunday, August 26, 2012 10:58 PM GMT

Err sorry about the side. Wizards.
#76704769Sunday, August 26, 2012 11:02 PM GMT

[Alright let's get a couple more people before we start, remember put [], (), or {} marks around your words if it isn't in the roleplay.]
#76727046Monday, August 27, 2012 2:27 AM GMT

Name: Aethrin Gender:Male @ge:25 Side: [Wizards or Normal Humans] Wizards Equipment: Black robes, a oak staff, smooth at the top and rough and slightly pointed at the end. Spell Class: [For Wizards Only] [Dark Arts, Combat, Alchemy, Teleportation: Pick 2] Combat, Teleportation Bio: Aethrin is the last wizard in his family, the only hope for the renowned line of Thrin. The Thrins were, and are, powerful wizards, arguably one of the strongest houses in Goegar. Now, the fate of their line rides on the shoulders of young Aethrin.

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