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#7688215Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:24 PM GMT

The Civil War,surve the union or the confederacy! Posted: 04-19-2009 09:15 AM its the civil war,1861-1865,be a general and guad your troops,or be a simple trooper,if you are general the max troops you can lead is 80,000 geting started: trooper name: trooper type(rifle man,granaders,long rifle man,calvalry man): trooper's side(union or confederates): troopers rank(privet first class threw to general is aloud): troopers role(infantry or calvary): how meny troops general comands(generals only,and 80,000 max): troopers motto(goes for the baitilon if your general too): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mine(first player here and please stay active) trooper name:branch trooper type(rifle man,granaders,long rifle man,calvalry man):rifle man trooper's side(union or confederates):confederates troopers rank(privet first class threw to general is aloud):general troopers role(infantry or calvary):infantry how meny troops general comands(generals only,and 80,000 max):60,000 troopers motto(goes for the baitilon if your general too):fighting for the southern states!
#7688369Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:27 PM GMT

*marches army and attacks for sumters and takes it in 5 days by arty bombardment*the civil war has started
#7688601Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:31 PM GMT

*camps out in virginia*
#7688734Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:34 PM GMT

you can also battle on the seas too in this game!*loads ship up with troops to prepair the invasion of newyork by flanking around the othere states*
#7688784Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:35 PM GMT

trooper name:Danial trooper type(rifle man,granaders,long rifle man,calvalry man):Long Rifle Man trooper's side(union or confederates):Union troopers rank(privet first class threw to general is aloud):General troopers role(infantry or calvary):Infantry how meny troops general comands(generals only,and 80,000 max):80,000 troopers motto(goes for the baitilon if your general too):Union General
#7688868Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:37 PM GMT

*chraches planes to invade wasington*we must invade west virginia*starts moving army to west virginia*
#7688996Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:40 PM GMT

*invades west varginia* me:union snipers!!!fire at will!!!*my guys start firing at will and the union sniper gets hit in the head while he falls out of the tree*
#7689215Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:45 PM GMT

*cintinutes march to the capital of west virginia while ransacking a few towns*
#7689322Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:47 PM GMT

we need more players to continue
#7689663Sunday, April 19, 2009 4:54 PM GMT

*attacks virginia*boom!!! KABAM!*heavy fighting going on*

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