#78172710Saturday, September 15, 2012 7:08 PM GMT

I was the original poster.
#78172737Saturday, September 15, 2012 7:09 PM GMT

Is it too late to join? Name: Scarlet District: 12, if its availiable. A.ge: 12, as Rue. Appearance: I look like Rue, but I look a bit like Katniss aswell. My hair is a dark brown, skin like Rue's but a bit lighter. Looks like a weakling, but thats my tat-tic (or however you spell it) Light blue eyes. Weapon: A makeshift, but still very useable bow. Skills: Running, and if im allowed, climbing possibly? If im not allowed climbing ill take camouflage. Weaknesses: Horrible at melee, swords, kunai, ect. And I sometimes faint when im too hot. Bio: My much older sister, Crimson was reaped but I voulenteered. She puts her name in more times since she gets the oil and stuff. It was the first time I was in the hunger games, and my parents were devastated.
#78172787Saturday, September 15, 2012 7:09 PM GMT

Name: Ryan Derson District: 7 A.ge: 17 Appearance: *Scrawny *Blue Eyes *Seems to be always sleepy *Bed hair all the time. Weapon: He wields 2 Battle Axes. Skills: *Keen eye percision when THROWING axes. ( 50-60% hit mark ) *Parkour *Knows exactly everything about trees and the forest. Weaknesses: *Does not know how to hunt food and find good fruits to eat. *Cannot swim and will panic if put in water *Very loud when he is trying to be stealthy. Bio: At a.g.e 3 Ryan Derson became a lumberjack, at a.g.e 5 he put his marks on winning the Hunger Games and proving that his District was Superior, and earn respsect for his family. He would train like a career and be ready for the 69th Hunger games. Apparently this was i.llegal and Ryan had to train under low profile, he made it out, and vollunteered. For the 69th Huger Games.
#78172954Saturday, September 15, 2012 7:11 PM GMT

#78173125Saturday, September 15, 2012 7:14 PM GMT

#78173145Saturday, September 15, 2012 7:14 PM GMT

Whai the facepalm? hehehehee...
#78173191Saturday, September 15, 2012 7:15 PM GMT

*Face Death Star.*
#78173289Saturday, September 15, 2012 7:16 PM GMT

^^ I lol'ed so freakin' hard.
#78179631Saturday, September 15, 2012 8:33 PM GMT

*Face Epic Facepalm Ramp*
#78185650Saturday, September 15, 2012 9:52 PM GMT

(Both Accepted :D)
#78185853Saturday, September 15, 2012 9:54 PM GMT

(guys At least 11 tributes need to die in Bloodbath. but if you die and theres a free tribute spot become that new character. Or i will make 11 tributes that no one took die)
#78235740Sunday, September 16, 2012 1:17 PM GMT

(Turn around, touch the ground, touch the air, zebra its not me. I get a bow and 22 arrows in the Bloodbath from awkwardly killing a 13 year old.)
#78236167Sunday, September 16, 2012 1:28 PM GMT

(Ill start roleplaying.) I sat in a corner in the train. Pain. Sadness. Desperation to win. All of those feelings were rushing through me. I looked at the tributes coming in the room. Sometimes they glanced at me, sometimes completely ignore me. Once I woke from my horrible little death world. I walked over to my train cart, and looked at my Mockingjay Pin. (Katniss much?) "Oh... Why did my sister have to be picked?" I sighed. Then, I shot a deadly glance at the boy tribute. My biggest enemy. He took the message, and walked out of my cart, not wanting to start a fight. I strolled into the food cart, and took a small, raspberry cupcake. I ate it in one bite, since it was so small. I glanced at the boy from my district as he sat down for dinner. I took my plate, and stormed out of the cart. I ate in my train cart, then looked around. Death, was the only thing on my mind. To Be Continued.
#78238609Sunday, September 16, 2012 2:14 PM GMT

Name: Jaycee District: 7 A.ge: 13 Appearance: Brown hair a little past shoulders, green eyes, short, thin Weapon: A long knife Skills: Science, and is not bad with an axe Weaknesses: I am young, so I am not strong. I have good aim, but I can't get much power on things if I throw them. Bio: I am very smart and skilled in science, something odd for being from district 7. I have 2 sisters, Dealia, 12, and Sophia, 17. Sorry if I'm late.
#78239133Sunday, September 16, 2012 2:22 PM GMT

~Jaycee~ -One week before reaping- I walk into my house after a long, boring day of school. Even in the advanced class my teacher put me in, we didn't learn anything I didn't already know. Just something about how to make "Sleep Syrup". My older sister Sophia is already home. She looks around the house as if she was making sure no one else was here. I guess no one was, because she asks me in a whisper-ish "Guess what?" I shrug. "I don't know. What?" I say, copying her volume. I walk to the cupboard for a slice of bread. "I'm volunteering next week". I stop and look at her, shocked. Why would she volunteer? No, she won't. She just wants something from me. "You do that," I say. I'm not falling for that. She won't. She can't. "I will," She replies. "And you can't stop me."
#78242358Sunday, September 16, 2012 3:11 PM GMT

(Title fix .-. Btw, Dark, I'm sure I know you from somewhere..) Tasha I practically dance into the visits room and sit down on the plush couch, sucking the juice out of the strawberrys. Ana walks in first, we do our Best Friend Handshake. "Twist and twist then hit the ground. It's always better when we're around." We laugh. "So.." Ana sits down and I sit next to her. "So... Do you think they'd have blow guns?" I ask, picking up another strawberry "I don't know. They didn't last year.. Hm, last year was rubbish though.. Oooh! Banana Burst!" She picks up the sweet and pops it in her mouth. "Yeah.. What about cows? Remember when that girl tried to milk a cown and it squirted in her face! Hilarious!" I giggle "Oh I know right! Remember that year when they poisoned the milk though.." "Oh yeah.. Ugh, that was horrible. Made Harry cry.." "Everything makes Harry cry!" She empasises Everything "Yeah.. He makes up his tears by singing.." "Oh, Harry has a golden voice!" Ana coos "Remember the milking song?" "So lets sing our song, anyone sing along. As we milk our cow and sing our song." We corus before bursting into fits of laughter. "I'll remember you in the arena!" "I'll remember you out of the arena!" "We'll remember each other in and out of the arena!" We shout together. We are so random! A peacekeeper comes. "See ya after the games!" Ana shouts as she leaves the room. I smile.
#78242601Sunday, September 16, 2012 3:14 PM GMT

69 baha
#78242945Sunday, September 16, 2012 3:19 PM GMT

(O_o I did not notice that... I suggest we turn it to 68.. And stop changing the title!)
#78247243Sunday, September 16, 2012 4:19 PM GMT

~Jaycee~ -3 days before reaping- I find Sophia as I am exiting the school. I am trying to figure out why she said she's volunteering. I've been playing along all day yesterday, and I'm tired of it. She greets me casually and I glare back at her. "What?" she asks. For some reason, that made me snap. "What is it? What do you want?" She looks at me with confusion, and then her expression changes to a sad smile. "Nothing, Jaycee. I really am going." I stop walking and stare at her. he look on her face makes me believe want to her. That's what she wants me to think. But she isn't going to . I know it. I just can't figure out why she won't tell me. Sophia looks back at me, "You coming?" "Coming where?" I ask. She rolls her eyes. "To the town square" "What? Um... No thanks." That place makes me want to punch someone. "Oh, well I'm going. I'll pick you up some candy!" she says in return. He answer also makes me want to punch someone. Why is she being nice? She's supposed to want something from me. I wander home and find that my mother and Dealia are preparing dinner. "Have you seen Sophia?" "Yes. She's shopping, now," I reply. "Oh. I wonder what she wanted." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Later that night, Sophia comes home. "Sophie, you missed dinner!" My mother calls. I'm playing a game with Dealia when she walks in. "Sorry, Mom." she calls across the house. Dealia shouts all of the sudden "Yes! I won!". I look down and am surprised to see that she did win. Wow, I was so focused of Sophia volunteering that I didn't notice. While I was thinking, I knew Sophia was just trying to get to me. If she was really volunteering, everyone would know. I remind myself this because Sophia holds up a new dress she bought. "It's my reaping dress" She says as she displays it for me and Dealia to see. Dealia runs her hand across the beautiful red fabric in awe. "She's not going, she's not going" I repeat it my head when tears threaten to fall. "She's not going!" I suddenly scream out loud. They both look at me, and I see Dealia's face change from confusion to horror. I can see that she just realized what I've been denying. She IS going. Dealia runs out of the room crying, and I'm about to do the same. Sophia shakes her head at me. "Don't! Don't volunteer! Please!" I beg. She just sighs. "Look what you did," she says under her breath and walks out. Me? Look what I did? I want to chase after her and yell and scream and cry, but I don't. No, she's NOT going to volunteer. As much as she wants to, I'll find a way to make her not...
#78250693Sunday, September 16, 2012 5:04 PM GMT

~Jaycee~ -1 day before reaping- I've been working on it all day yesterday and all day today. The sleeping syrup. So far, my plan is this: I get her to drink it somehow. I say I've seen this sickness before, and she won't wake up for a while. The reapings are held, and she isn't there to volunteer. I say I remember a cure and I inject her with the antidote. It seems good enough. I can't go in the forest tonight, and I won't be able to go tomorrow until after the reapings to get the antidote, which is a strange wild plant call veer, mixed with salt, which we have at home. I stayed at school late tonight in the lab to create the syrup, and now I am sprinting home. My mother and father must be so worried, and the longer I saty out, the more suspicious Sophia will get. I open the door and my father is sitting at the table. He gives me a stern look. "Where were you, Jaycee?" "Um... I was studying at school. We had a hard lesson today and I stayed later to understand better." He looks at me, obviously not believing it, but seems to let it pass. "Alright, well don't stay out that late again. You need your sleep for the reaping tomorrow." he tells me. I nod and walk into my room. Dealia, who I share a bed with, is already in laying down in bed. She's pretending to sleep, so I don't bother her. Besides, I can't tell her about my plan. I can't tell anyone. After I hide the vile of syrup, I tip toe into Sophia's room. She's not even pretending to sleep. "Hey" I say. "Hey" She replies akwardly. "So you're really going?" "I'm really going" No you're not, I think to myself. We sit quietly for a little bit when I ask "Is there anything I can get you? A drink, maybe?" She probably thinks I'm making an effort to help her because she requests for a glass of water. "Are you sure? Milk would be better for you to help fall asleep, and you need to be well rested," I say. The syrup isn't clear, and in water it would be easy to tell that something is in it. "Ok, milk," she says. I go into the kitchen to get a glass of milk. My parents have gone to bed, so they don't know I'm out here. I find a jug of milk in a cooler in the cupboard and pour a small glass. I bring it to my room and add the sleep syrup. The milk has a pinkish tint, so when I walk into her room, I turn the lights off and hand her the milk. She takes a sip. I look at her intensely, looking for signs of the syrup working. She rubs her eyes and takes another sip. "Hurry up so I can bring it back to the kitchen," I say eagerly. She is about half way through the glass when her eyes begin to struggle to stay open. I take the glass from her hands just as she is beginning to let go and I stroke her hair until she is deep asleep.
#78256859Sunday, September 16, 2012 6:17 PM GMT

(I am ahead of everyone, so you have to get past the reaping and then get into the train and Role play there.) I stared at Lydia Temple-son as she blabbered on with her owl-faced mouth. ''Yeah yeah, just leave please?'' She blabbered about how rude that is, but eventually left. I looked around in the room, and about 5 minutes later I lied down on my bed and took a long, dreamless nap.
#78258413Sunday, September 16, 2012 6:34 PM GMT

(We're not skipping forward because of you..) Tasha Harry walks in next. "Daddy disn't want to see you and Liam hates you anyway." He first says. I smile at him. "That's okay Harry, as long as you're here." I ruffle his blonde hair and he giggles. "I'll miss you but you'll come back with lots of money and food and luxury!" "We already have money and food and luxury!" I laugh. "Yeah, but even more money and food and luxury!" I smile at him. "Sing for me, Harry.. Please?!" "..Okey Dokey Wokey!" He laughs and I smile. "What would you like me to sing?" "You choose!" "Okay.." He clears his throat and begins. "Tasha, Sweet Tasha. Your off to fight now You'll bring back some moneys And we'll be rich and famous, Sweet Tasha! You'll win for us, Tasha, You'll kill the people, Tasha, Lalalala, Tasha! Tasha, Sweet Tasha, You'll eat some food and You'll drink some water, You'll come back and Daddy and Liam will like you Mommy will be happy, Tasha! You'll win for us, Tasha, You'll kill the people, Tasha, Lalalala, Tasha! Diamond will be happy, Daddy will be happy, Mommy will be happy, Liam will be happy, Ana will be happy, Harry will be happy, 5 will be happy and You will be happy, Tasha!" "I call that one Tasha." He says. I laugh and the peacekeeper escorts him out.
#78262078Sunday, September 16, 2012 7:16 PM GMT

(I didnt say you HAVE to skip foward now. I just mean that ill be pausing my role-play until you all get on the train area and/or in the capitol.)
#78266195Sunday, September 16, 2012 8:07 PM GMT

I really just think it should be my title. Because I know that the other is bad, for some reason.
#78275791Sunday, September 16, 2012 9:59 PM GMT

~Jaycee~ -Reaping- Everyone is awake but Sophia. Perhaps the sleeping syrup did work. I can smell breakfast cooking in the kitchen. It's some sort of dried leaf and roots. When it's ready, my mom makes us all wait until Sophia wakes up. I sigh, knowing that she won't wake up for at least 6 hours unless I give her the antidote. By then, reaping will be over. After waiting for half an hour, she sends Dealia in to wake her up. I realize that Dealia will be terrified at her not waking up just as I hear her yell. "Soph? Soph! Sophia, wake up! Mom?" my mother gets up to investigate, and I decide to go with her. When she looks like she's about to pass out, I say "I've heard of something like this. It's some sickness. I forget what it's called," I look up and see Dealia beginning to cry. "Don't worry- It isn't bad," She wipes her eyes and looks at me. "She'll be asleep for a while, and you won't be able to wake her up, but she'll be fine as soon as she wakes up," My father walks in after I explain this. He glanced at a small, broken clock hanging on the wall. Reaping is in 2 hours. "Will she be awake by reaping?" my mother asks, the panic returning on her face. "I, um, don't think so," "But the peacekeepers! They'll... They'll..." My father steps in to comfort her. "No they won't. If she won't wake up, they won't make her come," he says. "Ok," she says in return. "Let's go get ready,"