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#77067930Friday, August 31, 2012 4:18 AM GMT

What remains of my Cruiser lies in pieces around me, how did this happen? Smoking piles of rubble are scattered about. I get up and lean on what might have been the Phaser Array. I grab a Raptor and start moving. I walk into a deep cave, and turn my flashlight on. RAAGH! A Fist Slams me into the side of the cave and I crumple in a heap on the floor. I struggle to get back up and Roll to the left as the Monster's hand Slams into where I was standing. It bellows in outrage and charges at me. I scramble to recover my Raptor and fire Blindly at the noise. THUMP! I hear it crash to the floor, but I don't stick around. I get back up and head toward the sound of Gunshots. I hear a Deep Echo and move towards the noise, hoping to find some Allies. I come out of the cave and peer over a rock. Instead of finding Allies, I see two Aliens, Pure black eyes, Oval Shaped head and instead of Arms it has 8 Legs. I crouch back down and hope they didn't see me. I Look over again and hear a Chirping noise, they seem to be communicating with eachother somehow... I move in closer for a better look. One of them turns and sees me, and instantly a Green Spike flys towards me. I roll to the side and fire as I steady myself on a rock. It fires another Spike at me as quick as the first. Now, I won't say I could see the Spike flying towards me, but I could almost feel where it was going. I hit it with the side of my gun and shout as I unload a Mag on the Alien. It falls in front of one of its bretheren with a screech. The other one turns towards me and sends a spike in my direction, I duck and prepare to fire when out of nowhere I hear a Yell. "RAAH!" And Bullets fly into the Alien from above me. I see someone drop down from the top of the cave as he throws a Grenade towards the Alien. BOOM! Wreckage flys over me and the Alien is blown apart. "What did you think you were doing taking on Two of those things like that!?" The Soldier asks me. "Wait, who are you? Where am I?" I Stammer. He responds,"Well you're in the middle of a battlefield, as for who am I, you can call me Ryanhero." He looks at me and says,"By the looks of your uniform you were Commanding a Land Force of Marines. Any idea what they were called?" An Idea forms in the back of my mind,"Xeon... Xeon something..." He stares at me as if I just fell from space, which I probably did. "Xeon Army?" He asks. "Yeah, I think so." I say, "How did you know?" He responds,"Well you're in luck, and I know because that's the force that was supposed to garrison us... Before they were shot down." Before I can ask him what he's talking about, a Growling noise comes fm inside the cave. And I decide it's better to follow him. We travel along the Rocky Plain until we come upon a Marine Outpost. "Here we are." He says. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ryanhero and I climbed steadily up the mountain until we came upon a Military base, Stationed in a Valley with it's back to another mountain behind it. One look at it, and I recognized the format of it. My memories flooded back to me, and I was remembering bit by bit who I am, and why I am here. We come upon the Gates to the Outpost and they open for us. Immediately, a soldier rushes up to me and salutes,"Commander Cooldman24, leader of Xeon Army. Glad you could join us." the soldier leads us deeper into the Outpost, and into the Courtyard. There, I see hundreds of soldiers lined up in rows behind one another. One Officer seems to be talking to the soldiers when he catches sight of me. "COMMANDER ON DECK! SALUTE!" All of the soldiers raised their hands in salute and I respond,"At ease." The Officer walks towards me,"Sir, I- We thought you died in the Explosion at Sector 94, we were given orders to report back here." I look at him and ask,"What is your name, soldier?" "Cosl, sir!" He responds. I recognize his name, one of my Officers I had appointed before this Mission. I turn towards the group of soldiers,"Well, Xeon Army. Do you recognize me as your leader?" "SIR YES SIR!" They shout in Unison. "Get back to your Barracks, rest up for now until I find out what we are to do." And, with that they dispersed back to their rooms. I walk into a Battle Room and see Officers collected around a Hologram, displaying our Battle Positions and Command Points. "Ah, Cooldman24, Leader of Xeon Army?" One of them asks. "I suppose so, Captain." I reply. "Well, Commander, we're getting hit hard in this Position, I hear your troops are the best of the best?" He asks with a faint Smirk. "From what my Broken up memory can process, they've all seen battles one time or another." I respond. "Then, get them here." He says, indicating a spot with his hand. "It's bug city." We were loaded in our transport ships in less than a minute. My army instantly mobilized at the takeoff deck once they were called. Ryanhero Piloted the ship at the front of our Formation, as I sat in the Co-Pilot seat. "Think they're ready?" I ask. "If they aren't now, then they'll never be." He responds. "Let's hope so." I say. As I'm scanning the ground for any buggers, An explosion rocks our ship. "RAAAAK!" A huge bug tears off our side Stabelizer and we tilt sickeningly to the right. "TAKE CARE OF THAT THING!" Ryanhero yells, I unstrap myself from my seat and take aim with my Raptor and fire. Another explosion rocks the ship. "WE'RE GOING DOWN!" I hear Ryan yell. "JETPACKS PRIMED!" I order. The Bugger falls off the side of our ship, and Ryan yells,"XEON ARMY, DROP!" And we all dive out of the hole the Bugger left in our side. "THERE! AT THAT PLAIN!" I say, and our squad directs themselves to it. I talk into my Radio,”Xeon Army, Do you copy?” I get a response from each Pilot flying the planes. No casualties, though some injured. Buggers came out of nowhere on our planes as if they knew we were there. As if reading my mind, Ryan says,”They knew we were coming. There's obviously some Bug that has intel on us.” In my radio AFE2000, one of my senior Commanders, reports back,”We're pinned down about Half a mile from your position, we landed in a group of Buggers, backup is requested now.” “Copy that, we're on our way.” I reply. “Xeon Army, on me!” And they follow me on Jetpacks through the mountains. We're coming in close on AFE's position when a Bugger Hops up in front of us. “DUCK!” I yell as the Spikes fly over our heads. It snaps at me, but I roll to the side. It screeches in outrage and bears down on me. It sounded less outraged when the Bullets caught him in the side and sent him falling down the mountain. “Keep moving.” I say. We finally come upon AFE's position and I see her and the other troops, Pinned down in a depression in the dirt, under an overhang of rock, as I see Buggers swarming around their Position, their own numbers seeming endless. “Ryan, take a squad of 10 and hit them hard from above, but don't stay out long enough to get hit.” I tell him. Ryan chooses 10 of our soldiers. “All the rest, on me!” My squad drops down to AFE's position and take up defensive positions. Ryan's troop flys overhead the Buggers and gun them down with ease. That's when things went wrong. I watch as a Bugger throws a spike at one of Ryan's men and he is hit in the chest, and falls down into the Bugger swarm. Ryan's troops fall back to our position and take up defensive as well. “AFE, Organize your squad and take them back up this hill, Mine will keep the Bugs busy down here.” She nods and orders her troops to follow her. “XEON ARMY, FALL BACK!” I order. As we fall back, the buggers move in more closely. “HIT THEM ON THE SIDES AND COLLAPSE INTO THEIR FORMATION!” My Army Parts to the left and right side and flank the Bugger's Main Force. With Gunfire on both sides, our enemies have no clue what to do, and part of their Main Force is gunned down in a short time. “FORM UP ANOTHER DEFENSIVE HERE!” We've gained land, and the Buggers are beginning to regroup. I decide it's now or never. “ON ME!” And with that, we charged the Bugger's main force. I fought like a demon, dodging Jaws, deflecting spikes like I'd been doing it my entire life. I dove between two of a Bugger's legs and Gunned him down from behind. I spun around and changed my Ammo. We were doing great, the Buggers fell back as if they were retreating. We have this in the bag! But wait, I've been in enough battles to know this move, they're using a Fake Retreat to draw us in. “XEON ARMY, FALL BACK!” And, we turned back as the Swarm fell upon us. I talked into my radio as I was running,”AFE, I need your troops to move back in and help push them back.” As if on cue, AFE's Troops came in on Jetpacks and dropped onto the Buggers, Knocking them flat or bashing them with their guns. With renewed strength, Xeon Army pushed forward again and completely overwhelmed the Bugger swarm, Slashing with our Knives and unloading mags on the Uglies. One last Bugger remained and instead of trying to attack us, it looked at us, shivering and shaking, it's eyes shining in the light. My troops took aim, and in one pull of the trigger, the Bug was torn apart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#77068032Friday, August 31, 2012 4:20 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#77068257Friday, August 31, 2012 4:24 AM GMT

Just a Story for my Group, no need to get so whiny about it. Good day to you. C:
#77069096Friday, August 31, 2012 4:40 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#77083429Friday, August 31, 2012 1:47 PM GMT

Needs more me. 3: I'd like to be in it.
#77083577Friday, August 31, 2012 1:50 PM GMT

WRONG FORUM. Get out. ☜▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬☜☆☞▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬☞ - Candymaniac, a highly reactive substance.
#77085291Friday, August 31, 2012 2:29 PM GMT

Excuse me sir, but this is the World Wide Chat forum. This belongs in the Clans & Guilds forum, as this is a group. Please dont bother argueing with us because it will not get you anything but flame and will not benefit anyone. If you move it to Clans & Guilds, there will be people who care and that is the right forum. Thanks! ~ALADEEN MODAR CHODAR!
#77087679Friday, August 31, 2012 3:18 PM GMT

You need to add some comanders like math me and some other comanders hope you like the Idea have a nice day JWSthewhite
#77162827Saturday, September 01, 2012 12:45 PM GMT

2 things: number 1: This isn't like a group Guide and stuff, so even though it would be a good idea for it to go in the Clans and Guilds section, it doesn't really matter. number 2: AWESOME THING!!!! Keep writing installments!!!
#77172780Saturday, September 01, 2012 3:36 PM GMT

Should I use my Commander and General friends in MB to get you demoted for this crap?
#77173427Saturday, September 01, 2012 3:45 PM GMT

#77174965Saturday, September 01, 2012 4:06 PM GMT

Adding this to C/G's, sorry. I could not get to it until now... Show some lenience...
#80525501Sunday, October 21, 2012 6:44 AM GMT

and please, no rude things on the forum
#80536572Sunday, October 21, 2012 1:49 PM GMT

w0w u on fe rit3 form!!!!!!!!!!!!1~ u not a c/g n00b at al!!!!!
#80536895Sunday, October 21, 2012 1:56 PM GMT

Why the hell is this on RP? C&G, off with ya!
#82321789Sunday, November 18, 2012 10:13 AM GMT

he's moved it. don't complain nymore. please.
#82321811Sunday, November 18, 2012 10:14 AM GMT

anymore* sorry spelling mistake.
#82322680Sunday, November 18, 2012 10:44 AM GMT

Isn't this a story?
#87378611Sunday, January 20, 2013 1:11 PM GMT

yes it is >.>
#87378753Sunday, January 20, 2013 1:14 PM GMT

Anything related to groups goes to C&G. No matter if it's a story or a guide.
#90150625Sunday, February 24, 2013 12:06 PM GMT

well it has been moved i think, so STOP WITH THE COMPLAINING!!!
#90759746Sunday, March 03, 2013 5:43 AM GMT

I like read the first line then stopped reading... xon armey is stewped coold is sukieee leder
#107088104Friday, July 26, 2013 5:59 PM GMT

My troop is kewl. ^^ ~;3;~
#110286679Monday, August 19, 2013 3:34 AM GMT

Heredity has good graymer and is smarticlez so ye
#117082730Sunday, November 03, 2013 8:36 PM GMT


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