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#77189256Saturday, September 01, 2012 6:57 PM GMT

Irritating issue: An idea I am trying to post is apparently breaking some rule, I do not know which one. Suggestion: Some place in the site where we can see all the words that are considered against the rules. This would help us to avoid using said words when making legitimate ideas. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#77189342Saturday, September 01, 2012 6:58 PM GMT

Or as you type it would highlight the offensive word.
#77189476Saturday, September 01, 2012 6:59 PM GMT

Too blatantly obvious. Having a place where we could see them would be better. Highlighting it would show it is offensive, but would stop if they added a dash. A system to see each word; but not show what happens if you put symbols in it would be better in my opinion. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#77200093Saturday, September 01, 2012 9:10 PM GMT

Actually, that seems like a much better idea. Support.
#77202417Saturday, September 01, 2012 9:37 PM GMT

Support! Which came first. The block or the Robloxian? © 2012 Klink45 all blocks reserved.
#77210735Saturday, September 01, 2012 11:23 PM GMT

Thank ya. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#77211928Saturday, September 01, 2012 11:38 PM GMT

So you are proposing a thread on the forum posted by the administration stating all curse words they can think of for everyone to see including children? Please tell me that's not what you are suggesting.
#77212132Saturday, September 01, 2012 11:40 PM GMT

Perhaps jacob is simply wondering about words that aren't allowed which are not the blatant curse words.
#77212859Saturday, September 01, 2012 11:48 PM GMT

"Highlighting it would show it is offensive, but would stop if they added a dash." So you are talking about people who use offensive words on purpose, since they try to hide it. Then this is irrelevant to people who actually have something meaningful to say, but get blocked due to unintentional use of inappropriate terminology. So the highlight idea seems just fine, and quite safe, to me.
Top 50 Poster
#77213006Saturday, September 01, 2012 11:50 PM GMT

how about just read the rules and be careful?
#77213930Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:01 AM GMT

Xero; those are the ones I am talking about. Words that are not blatantly obvious to be against the words against the rules. Dchardy; I have read the rules, multiple times. And I am unable to tell what word(s) in a thread I am trying to make is against the rules. Thanks to this factor; I am unable to post the second part to an idea set of mine capable of revolutionizing how groups work. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#77214340Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:06 AM GMT

@Bio: First reply: No, that is not what I am suggesting. I am suggesting something like a rule thread, perhaps stating "Saying the above will have you banned." or something at the end of it. But for it to show all words against the rules. Second reply: "So you are talking about people who use offensive words on purpose, since they try to hide it. Then this is irrelevant to people who actually have something meaningful to say, but get blocked due to unintentional use of inappropriate terminology. So the highlight idea seems just fine, and quite safe, to me." Sentance1: No. I was using that as an example to disprove the Highlighting ideas. The highlighting idea holds an error. If you was to know a word is against the rules -due to it being highlighted-; but put a dash, underscore, period, comma, apostrophe, or any other punctuation mark or symbol into it, thus making it not highlighted, then you could post it in a way inwhich the word is easily legible as a rule-breaking word. 2: Answered this in my reply to Xero; I believe. 3: Refer to sentence 1 reply. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#77214345Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:07 AM GMT

Thanks for ignoring my input :D The highlighting of inappropriate words will do just fine. Plus it will be automated, meaning that you won't have to manually check every word that you are planning to post with a list of the inappropriate words. The highlighting does not have to occur while you are typing up your message, but after you click the post button.
#77214415Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:07 AM GMT

I didn't ignore it, I separated it, because it was a longer reply. I posted my reply while you was typing though; so you couldn't have known that. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#77214707Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:11 AM GMT

Plus, if the said commas and other characters can make an inappropriate word bypass the highlight check, then you should have no problem posting it without being blocked either.
#77214820Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:12 AM GMT

1. They should really have a program that tells you which word is breaking the rules 2. Support but it would have to be for 16+ or parent accounts
#77215054Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:15 AM GMT

Bio; I'd prefer to follow the rules and not get bans, Tyvm. XSpwX; Second point: That'd be good. So we don't have little children learning these words. Even if -sadly- they already know them, for the most part. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#77215566Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:21 AM GMT

I'm guessing you are only caring about not getting banned yourself. An automated system would let everyone be aware when they are breaking a rule, not just the law abiding citizens like yourself and children that cannot view the list of inappropriate words because they aren't old enough.
#77215799Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:25 AM GMT

Surely, an automated system would let them know. However; because it lets them all know, they are more likely to bypass the filter instead of finding words that are not against the rules. Most children should not be using words even capable of breaking the rules of any site like this. It is far more likely that a being of higher intelligence and with a larger vocabulary would make a slip and hit the filter; than a young child in elementary school. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#77216280Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:31 AM GMT

@jacob Your point is invalid. They can still filter a dash or period in the word.  SCOOTER IST DER SUPERMENN
#77216309Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:31 AM GMT

So you are saying that to know and use inappropriate words you need to have high intelligence? I would like to see these not-so-obvious words that can get people banned, just for the sake of getting an idea of what kind of words they are. So basically the suggestion is to make people aware when they are breaking a terminology rule, lets just leave it at that and let the administration decide if they can code an automated system or not. That is if the suggestion will actually be considered by not just the fellow users.
#77216850Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:38 AM GMT

Scoot; then explain why it is a rule not to put a dash in it to bypass the filter? Bio; Sentance1: No; I was saying that to, by chance, use a word that is blocked by the filter -COMPLETELY BY CHANCE-, it is FAR more likely if they have a higher intelligence, specifically; vocabulary. 2: As would I. 3: How about we not leave it at that; because that only hardly scratches the surface of this? 4: That made almost no sense. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~
#77217078Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:41 AM GMT

@Bio You obviously havn't read any of his posts. He puts a lot of detail into his threads, and some of the words he is using to detail might be breaking the rules not very obviously. Also, I do aggree with you, they could just add innapropriate words with normally with periods, commas, etc. @Suggestion: The words should only show for the parent accounts. If it's like that, then you get a big ol' box of supports. ~President of Support Box Inc.~
#77217230Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:43 AM GMT

Yes, more words - higher chance of hitting a bad one, I get it. But in a professional setting I do not see why any intelligent word you use would be an inappropriate one. Where do you plan on going with this thread next? What else have you got to suggest? In the last sentence I was saying that there is a chance this thread can be overlooked by administration.
#77217252Sunday, September 02, 2012 12:43 AM GMT

Copilot; as XSpwX said; I would also prefer if it was for 16+ as well, and not just Parent accounts. Some parents are not interested in what their kids are saying or doing online; primarily the ones with older children. ~>"S&Iの非公式なボス"の一つ。<~

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