Top 25 Poster
#7876465Saturday, April 25, 2009 3:11 PM GMT

Cedix : *uses GPS on him*
Top 25 Poster
#7876534Saturday, April 25, 2009 3:12 PM GMT

Pablo:*grabs a little hockey stick and goes out looking for xeno*
Top 25 Poster
#7876567Saturday, April 25, 2009 3:13 PM GMT

Cedix : *starts running to the GPS location*
#7877338Saturday, April 25, 2009 3:34 PM GMT

Four: *Wondering around*
Top 25 Poster
#7877784Saturday, April 25, 2009 3:47 PM GMT

Cedix : *at the location*
Top 25 Poster
#7878902Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:18 PM GMT

Fourmer did use a charcter sheet
Top 25 Poster
#7879036Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:21 PM GMT

(Did I find him?)
Top 25 Poster
#7879126Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:24 PM GMT

(idk... Roman117 has to be on to give proof)
#7879247Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:27 PM GMT

Luke:*looks around**Sees a ship**waves arms* HELP!
#7879346Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:30 PM GMT

Wonering around = Looking at forum posts.
Top 25 Poster
#7879587Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:36 PM GMT

*All of SUdden Luke arrives at camp*
#7879608Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:37 PM GMT

Luke:..Where am I? *looks around*
Top 25 Poster
#7879662Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:38 PM GMT

Luke be realsitc
Top 25 Poster
#7880276Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:54 PM GMT

Cedix : Hm.. He must be hiding around here/.
Top 25 Poster
#7880389Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:57 PM GMT

Pablo:lets try the group2 cabin * opens teh group2 cabin with the hockey stick and then starts to break almost everything Roman11's charcaters ownes*
#7880436Saturday, April 25, 2009 4:58 PM GMT

(I am being realistic..I quit..-_-)
#7880653Saturday, April 25, 2009 5:05 PM GMT

All My Characters:*Wakes up* ♠-Spartan118-♠
Top 25 Poster
#7882418Saturday, April 25, 2009 5:55 PM GMT

(no u weren't and =D) All my characters bu bob:Are we gonna have the jugding Activity Director:I already finished it here is the top 3 winners of part1: 1.) Cedix 2.)Piere 3.)Spart Activitiy Director:all three of those dudes will face the top 3 dudes of the part 2 and then tada we will have 2 top winner. Before we do part 2 we must do a signup sheet for those who still want to continue so say YYY if u wish to continue.. And No if ur in the Top 3 in The Part 1 which are Piere, Cedix and Spart then u cant compete in Part 2.
Top 25 Poster
#7882463Saturday, April 25, 2009 5:56 PM GMT

Lsuboymatt & Pablo:YYY Sarrah, Veonica and Frank:Nah we need to save our engery for next event
Top 25 Poster
#7882663Saturday, April 25, 2009 6:02 PM GMT

Cedix : Yeah, we should save energy.
Top 25 Poster
#7882859Saturday, April 25, 2009 6:08 PM GMT

Activity Director:Everyone in part 2 ready?
Top 25 Poster
#7882953Saturday, April 25, 2009 6:10 PM GMT

Cedix : *sleeping* (can the comment girl come in now?)
Top 25 Poster
#7883315Saturday, April 25, 2009 6:22 PM GMT

(Huh?) Lsuboymatt:Good news my cuzsin is coming today Name: Hannah Bio:Lsuboymatt's 3 month older cuzin, is a blonde girl Specality:Idk (ill let cedix decide) Cedix u can control hannah now all you want i dont need her anymore i made her so u can use her
Top 25 Poster
#7884400Saturday, April 25, 2009 6:50 PM GMT

Hannah : Are you cedix?
Top 25 Poster
#7884757Saturday, April 25, 2009 7:00 PM GMT

Lsuboymatt:No thats cedix * points to cedix*Btw Hey hannah remember me from the family reunion?