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#77809034Sunday, September 09, 2012 5:54 PM GMT

J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb died by the hand of nuclear technology in 1946. Ironic, huh, well this irony would be complete if he died. But he was very much alive. To explain it better I should get back to the beginning. It was the year 1946 and Oppenheimer was in the middle of another routine test with his colleagues. The timer was set and the room was ready to be sealed when Oppenheimer noticed that he left his watch. He ran back, retrieved his watch but as he turned back to leave the room, the door sealed and he was shut in a room just seconds away from unleashing vast energy. Moments passed and just as he felt fear for the last time, his body disintegrated. Every atom of his body moved away from each other and set out to a journey through time. Nothing was there to be buried at his funeral, not a single cell. He was gone, but he wasn't dead. The world soon forgot about him and moved on until in 1992 his atoms were reassembled and he was born again as a god, Doctor Infinity was created. At the time of his arrival, just after he re-emerged, a powerful blast of unknown energy blasted through most parts of the USA. At first there was no effect but very soon, super humans emerged created by the blast. Normal human beings acquired different super powers. Most were left unchanged by the blast but few were effected for unknown reason. The first superheroes were born. Oppenheimer, now Doctor Infinity, acquired overwhelming powers. He is invulnerable to all harm; even when his body is disintegrated, he can reconstruct it from atoms. He has complete awareness of and control over atomic and subatomic particles. He can alter his body's size, coloration, density, and strength. He does not need food, water, or air, and is, for all intents and purposes, immortal. He can teleport himself and others over great (even interplanetary and perhaps intergalactic) distances. The United States government saw this and soon recruited him as their main weapon. He became an instrument of the United States government. He assembled superheroes in his organisation, "The Guardians", an organisation of collected superheroes serving the US government. But Doctor Infinity was too powerful for humanity. After an accident in New York, July 13th, 1993, Manhattan was destroyed by only the power of Doctor Infinity. He didn't destroy Manhattan directly, it was actually destroyed by the misuse of his power by the US government. After the incident, he was blamed, the Guardians were abolished and heroes were forced to exile or retirement. Doctor Infinity left this galaxy because humanity was not ready for the power he possesses. Two years after the incident of Manhattan, only rouge super heroes remain, working illegally and wanted by the police. But a new threat has emerged, a group of people with super hero powers gathered. Their plans are sinister, and so the supervillains were born. But who will stop them now when the Guardians are gone? No super hero/ villain is perfect No Godmodding Roblox Rules apply I expect maturity Off topic posts go to brackets Please use proper grammar This rules can change according to my will Types -Acrobat A hero whose skills rely in their incredible aerobic & gymnastic abilities, their own stamina and reflexes, whether they're regular or superhuman. -Aerial A hero whose primary power is flight (not to be confused with the strong & durable Paragons). These types fly either through physical means or through special means. Heroes who are extraordinary aviators may also count as Aerials. -Armored Hero A gadgeteer whose powers are derived from a suit of powered armor. -Aquatic A hero whose abilities either come from living underwater or from being trained to adapt to underwater conditions. -Blaster A hero whose main power is a distance attack, usually an "energy blast". -Brick/Tank A character with a superhuman degree of strength and endurance and, for males, usually an oversized muscular body. Almost every superhero team has one member of this variety. -Elementalist A hero who controls some natural element or part of the natural world. -Feral A hero whose abilities come from a more beastial nature. This beastial nature could manefest itself either partially, fully or through therianthropic dual natures. -Gadgeteer A hero who invents special equipment that often imitates superpowers but have no super powers themselves. -Ghost A hero with 'ghost' type powers: either invisibility or intangibility or both. -Healer A hero who is able to quickly recover from serious injury. -Mage A hero who is trained in the use of magic; e.g., Doctor Fate, Doctor Strange, Zatanna. -Marksman A hero who uses projectile weapons, typically guns, bows and arrows or throwing blades. -Martial Artist A hero whose physical abilities are mostly human rather than superhuman but whose hand-to-hand combat skills are phenomenal. Some of these characters are actually superhuman, while others are human beings who are extremely skilled and athletic. -Mecha/Robot Pilot A hero who controls a giant robot, a subtype common in Japanese superhero and science fiction media. -Mentalist A hero who possesses psionic abilities, such as telekinesis, telepathy and extra-sensory perception. -Paragon A hero who possesses the basic powers of super-strength, flight and invulnerability. They are considered to be one of the most powerful of the superhero types. -Possessed A hero who harbors an entity inside of him/herself. -Rider A hero who rides either a powerful vehicle or rides a unique creature. -Robotic A hero whose own nature and skills are related to technology, this category includes remote controlled robots. -Shapeshifter A hero who can manipulate his/her own body to suit his/her needs, such as stretching or disguise. -Size Changer A hero who can alter his/her size. -Slasher A hero whose main power is some form of hand-to-hand cutting weapon—either devices, such as knives or swords. -Speedster A hero possessing superhuman speed and reflexes. -Tester A master anomaly finder whose powers are derived from masterfully stroking a keyboard and mouse to expose the errors of apathetic and malicious software programs. -Detective/Mastermind/Super Genius A hero possessing superhuman/superior intelligence or intellect. CS Hero/ villain N.ame: Super identity name: A.ge: (Above 18) Gender: Hero or villain: Super identity Appearance: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Type: (it is best to chose more than one that are listed bellow because most super heroes are a combination of more of them) Powers: (Your type determines your powers but you can go into detail in here, also don't go overboard) Other: (something I forgot) Civilian (Everything from criminal thug to policeman go here) N.ame: A.ge: Gender: Job: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Other: (something I forgot)
#77810627Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:12 PM GMT

Hmm... I may consider joining.
#77811123Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:18 PM GMT

Sure, alright.
#77811360Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:21 PM GMT

Might be fun.
#77811583Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:23 PM GMT

Join when you want.
#77811933Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:27 PM GMT

CS Hero/ villain N.ame: Brett Marquette Super identity name: The Golden Arrow A.ge: (Above 18) 25 Gender: Male Hero or villain: Hero Super identity Appearance: He has two suits. One for the day, one for they night. His day suit matches with the sky. It's white with some grayness here and there. His face is covered in white face paint. His night suit is all black and he has a black and white hoodie. Appearance: Brett wears a blue t-shirt and black cargo pants. His normal hair is black but he dyes it according to the time of day. (He does this to keep his stealth.) Brett has tan skin and has a knife scar on his right arm. Personality: Brett can be fierce, but he usually keeps his cool and is very secretive. Bio: Brett grew up with his family in Ohio. He learned to shoot a bow and arrow by skipping school every day and practicing. His dad had some Dragunovs and he learned to shoot those the same way. He taught himself karate and used his skill to protect innocent people. Type: (it is best to chose more than one that are listed bellow because most super heroes are a combination of more of them) Marksman, Martial Arts Powers: (Your type determines your powers but you can go into detail in here, also don't go overboard) He uses an bow and arrow and sniper. He also knows Martial Arts very well. Other: (something I forgot) (He dyes his hair also in hero form.)
#77812398Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:33 PM GMT

(Accepted, I‘m on the phone so I will only be able to accept CSs for now. After a few more join, we could start.)
#77812435Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:34 PM GMT

Thank you, and agreed.
#77812532Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:35 PM GMT

(Working on my CS right now, but I'm struggling with Super identity name. I:)
#77812533Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:35 PM GMT

Uhh, why did I use the bracket, we haven‘t even started yet...
#77812747Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:37 PM GMT

Tai, I‘m actually very awful with names. I think you can find superhero name generators online though.
#77813027Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:40 PM GMT

Yeah, I've tried one, but I'm not content with any of the results. I've decided to start her SI name with 'Minda', since she's going to be a Mentalist. I can't think of anything else, though. :c Minda is too plain. I'm thinking of "Minda of the Lupe," since she's also a Rider. I'll make the beast some sort of canine... thing. ._.
#77813438Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:45 PM GMT

Interesting, but I can‘t help here. I will probably struggle alot with my own character.
#77813465Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:46 PM GMT

This looks fun.I may consider joining.My char. will have something to do with Steampunk,prbably. *Star*
#77813499Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:46 PM GMT

CS Hero/ villain N.ame: Martin Descartes Wether Super identity name: Does not bother with one. A.ge: 18 Gender: Male Hero or villain: Hero, but he does some controversial things. Super identity Appearance: He wears a white hoodie, black and white checkered fingerless gloves. He always wears a handkerchief around his mouth. His pants are black. He doesn't have a secret identity Appearance: His skin is pale, his eyes are blue, and his hair is greasy black. He doesn't look so strong, but he's tall. Personality: Quiet, sometimes very revenge-driven. He doesn't typically like people to thank him or even talk to him. Bio: He was an orphan, and when he was a teen, he spent all his time learning how to do parkour. He's homeless. He was abused in his orphanage, which shut down when he was 13, so he's learned how to live for himself. He's never been given a chance to show his superior intelligence before he was a hero. Type: Mentalist, Super genius. Powers: Telekinesis, Mind reading, and Claircognizance (Knowing without the use of physical means.) Other: Noooope.
#77813934Sunday, September 09, 2012 6:52 PM GMT

Accepted Two more and I think that we can start. I may also do my CS now.
#77815427Sunday, September 09, 2012 7:10 PM GMT

I have to go soon so I have to put someone in charge until I‘m back tomorrow. I will also finish my CS tomorrow.
#77815489Sunday, September 09, 2012 7:11 PM GMT

Can someone post the char. sheet for me? *Star*
#77815751Sunday, September 09, 2012 7:14 PM GMT

I just need to finish the appearance, personality, and bio. and then I'll be done. :3
#77816137Sunday, September 09, 2012 7:19 PM GMT

{{Cool roleplay, but pro tip: Paragraphs really help. Joining.}}
#77817210Sunday, September 09, 2012 7:33 PM GMT

(I hope you don't mind if my character is a bit of a rip-off of an existing character in Teen Titans. :3) Hero/Villain... N.ame: Maria Vayles Super identity name: Minda of the Lupe A.ge: 23 Gender: Female Hero or villain: Hero Super identity Appearance: Every piece of garment that is a part of Maria's costume is, in some way, symbolic. She wears a grey, cotton cloak that represents her vacant, empty mind. An eye that symbolizes her insight is sewn into the back of the cloak. She generally wears a pair of dark gloves, and matching leather boots that represents her unwillingness to express any sort of emotion, or expose anything. She generally wears her hood to conceal her face, though, on rare occasions, she will remove her hood in the presence of other heroes or villains. Appearance: Maria has dark, wavy hair that falls over her shoulders freely. Her eyes are a dark shade of green, and her skin is exceptionally dark. She is fairly slim, but she possesses much strength from her consistent training. She normally wears jeans and a sweatshirt when she leaves the marsh she calls home to do some grocery shopping or run some errands, but, at home, she wears one of her matching costumes. Personality: Maria has learned to control and suppress any emotion she's feeling. This is simply because, if she is emotionally unstable, then her powers are unstable as well. For instance, when provoked, she may lift objects unwillingly and cause much damage. From the date she received her powers, she has only expressed her emotions twice- once when she was angry by how she had ended up in such a predicament, living in a swamp and whatnot, and twice when she was depressed for the same reason. Bio: Maria was known to be emotionally unstable and sensitive. Having grown up in Chicago, she got a job at a small convenience store. But one fateful day, she wasn't feeling very well. She asked her boss if she could go home for the evening, and when he started to nag her, she lost control of her temper. The items on the shelves were thrown across the store unexpectantly. While her boss was distracted by the paranormal activity, Maria fell to the floor, unconscious. Maria later woke up in a hospital. After a day or so, she was sent home, leaving her doctor skeptical as to why she had fainted. Maria later learned that she had superhuman powers. She became a Guardian, but, after the unfortunate event that occurred, she retired and later met Fura, whom she pitied because of his neglection. She realized then that she could no longer live in Chicago- or any town or city, for that matter. She built a cottage in a marsh, eventually, where she currently lives with Fura as a retired superhero. Type: Mentalist, Rider, and Slasher Powers: Maria is telekinetic. She may will objects to move with her mind, but, the more mass the object has, the more complicated it is for Maria to have an effect on it. With this in mind, she may also will herself to fly; this can only be done when she can visualize whatever she desires to move in her mind, which is the primary reason her cottage has so many mirrors. She wants to be able to visualize herself in her mind just as easily as an object that she can look at. She is an incredible fighter with her crooked dagger that had been bent out of shape from various battles. Other: Maria has tamed a canine creature that was previously a dog. Like her, the dog had been affected by the wave of energy that swept over the USA years ago. She discovered the creature in a junk yard, having been mistreated and neglected even before it was turned into the beast it is now. She calls it Fura [Fyur-uh]. The beast is about half the size of an elephant, with keen claws and thick, matted fur. Its eyes are like large, white pearls. His breath is strong and putrid, and his teeth like rows of daggers. Despite his appearance, Maria adores him, and she keeps a saddle on his back because of his large size.
#77817989Sunday, September 09, 2012 7:44 PM GMT

Very good CS Tai, and don‘t mind about basing characters on already existing ones. This whole RP is based strongly on the watchmen. By the way, you seem very experienced with this forum so I name you the main admin. You can accept people, ban them and you can also start this RP when you feel like enough people have joined. I will probaby be offline soon but I‘d like this to start even if I‘m offline.
#77818238Sunday, September 09, 2012 7:47 PM GMT

Pieperson, yeah, I should of made it like that but I guess I was lazy.
#77818437Sunday, September 09, 2012 7:49 PM GMT

o; Well, erm, thank you. And, I'm not feeling so great right now, so I don't think I'd like to start yet. o.e At first I thought it was just allergies- stinging eyes, running nose... but now I have a headache, and I feel sort of hot, even though the fan is on. T:
#77818675Sunday, September 09, 2012 7:53 PM GMT

(The Teen Titan nostalgia, it is flowing with ravens.)

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