#84058760Monday, December 10, 2012 2:42 AM GMT

(oh wait games have not started, where are we right now)
#84075623Monday, December 10, 2012 1:00 PM GMT

(Well, as far as time periods go, we just finished up with the chariot ride.)
#84275327Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:21 PM GMT

Atlas: The elevator ride up is breif, since we're District Two, and boring. I smile at the thought of being high above others - Easier to pick them off. You can see everything.
#86133497Friday, January 04, 2013 1:20 AM GMT

(I'm kinda partially banned. Still. But I'll take my chars home. I'm going to try to check this once a week if not a daily. But if I stop posting again and my 'Last Seen' time is long ago. It's not because I quit Roblox, but because I'm banned again.) Serenity Fisher D4~ I board the elevator and it doesn't take long at all. Before I know it I'm dumped into the District Four accomadations. I look around. Blue. Blue everywhere. I suppose they did that to make us feel better and more at home but... I'm not sure whether I should be offended or homesick. Offended it is. Nothing here looks at all like home. Just because they painted everything blue and added a fish tank, doesn't have the same feel as when you dig your toes into the sand, smell the ocean. Aannnndddd homesickness takes over. What I wouldn't give to be back on my beach, with my boring job. Be back with my mum. With Trevor. Yes I'd even take Trevor after we ruined our friendship. I just want home now.... -------------------------------------- Katy Styles D1~ I don't even bother with the elevators. I just walk straight to my quarters on the first floor. I head straight to my individual room and shed these outrageous clothes. I mean seriously? High heels and ribbon around your legs, don't mix. I'm just lucky I didn't fall off the chariot. I shift into a pink silk tank and silver leggings, paired with silver ballet flats. I mean, I'm alright with the color pallette. I just hate the usage.
#86169526Friday, January 04, 2013 11:41 AM GMT

(Nearly all of the roleplays I'm started dying when Christmas came o-o Hopefully now that its gone, things will pick up.) Elm Yawning, I stepped onto our floor. Without a single look around the place, I strode towards my room. The door slid to the side as I approached, annoying me somewhat that even my door was high-tech. Once in, I turned to the door, to see if there was any locking of some sort. Yes, there was a button. Lightly pressing it, there was a quiet "Beep" I lay back on my bed, putting my sparkle-pistol on the bed-side table.
#86233295Saturday, January 05, 2013 2:23 AM GMT

(I don't see my last post as Atlas... It disapeared. e.e) Atlas The elevator ride is short. A bit too short. I had been interested in seeing all the people below, and picking out their quirks and strange habits. Once inside, I take a quick glance around, not really doing much observing. I just see a lot of grays and nuetral colors. A couch here and there, a long table with no purpose other than for show since only a few people will be seated there. No more than three. There is a fruit basket piled high with food in the middle of the table. There is a short metal railing on the raised stagelike floor halfway through the room. The table lies a bit behind it. Not that interesting, but it seems a good place to stay. I grip my golden pistol in my hand and walk to my room.
#86242163Saturday, January 05, 2013 4:01 AM GMT

(My last post disappeared also..) ~Ashlyn~ I walked around the main room, disgusted by the gizmos and gadgets they placed here and there around the room. It was nothing like at home, which made me feel homesick. I thought about Jack, and my dad, and making stuff that Jack could sell at the shops in the District Square, where all the Reapings and town stuff were held. I took out my earrings, and I sat down on a couch to take off my shoes. My feet were aching because of them, every step killing them. I traced the painted on circuit lines on my arm, and soon I went into the bathroom to wash it off. I grabbed a cloth and soaked it in some water. I rubbed my arms really fast and hard for a few minutes. When I was done, my arms were raw and red, and only a bit of the paint chipped off. I rubbed them some more, but little to none paint came off. I gave up with that and retired to my bedroom. I crawled into bed without taking off my clothes or fixing my hair. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over, and started dreaming about home.
#86264047Saturday, January 05, 2013 10:41 AM GMT

(Okay I have finally decided my Strengths!: Archery, and Gymnastics- climbing trees, hanging upside down, moving through tough undergrowth, e.t.c.)
#86309139Saturday, January 05, 2013 10:20 PM GMT

( I'd like to join too, but first, I'd like to ask if D5 is taken already and if it's too late to join? )
#86359977Sunday, January 06, 2013 7:37 AM GMT

(trying to revive the forum? Well im coming back then.) Zachh I get off the elevator into the room. I make my way over to my new room tired and aching. I walk into my room and fall over onto my bed. I try to sleep, but not able to. I lay there thinking about the games.
#86363754Sunday, January 06, 2013 9:14 AM GMT

Meh, Thats pewp
#86369182Sunday, January 06, 2013 12:45 PM GMT

(Nice to know that you actually left, Gun.)
#86398368Sunday, January 06, 2013 7:54 PM GMT

(I left after nobody was posting. I just figured there was no point with nobody else posting)
#86398944Sunday, January 06, 2013 8:00 PM GMT

(I also check to see if anyone post. And when someone does after a while, I have a slight party in my head xD) ~ Audree ~ I woke up a bit later when I heard someone coming into the District 3 room. I figured it was Zachh, because I heard a door close where I had figured his room was. I realized how uncomfortable my dress was, and looked through the drawers in my room for some sort of pajamas. I found a nightgown with long sleeves and put that on. I crawled back into bed, but couldn't sleep this time. I could only think about previous Hunger Games, and hwat would happen in this one.
#86495402Tuesday, January 08, 2013 1:23 AM GMT

CS Nam.e: Ashton Hide ( Nicknamed Ash ) District: 5 Ag.e:13 Gen.der: Female Bi.o: I'm Ash. I wouldn't call myself "popular, pretty" or stuff like that, I'm just your typical District 5 girl. I'm quick, and I'm usually very shy. I rarely speak, but I'm still a trustworthy friend. I'm quite intelligent, and I never give up on anything. Appe.arance: I have blackish-blue eyes, short black hair, and a few freckles on my nose. I'm very pale, and I'm 5'8. Stren.gths: One of my strengths is, being able to hide in small spaces. Also, I'm skilled at hand-to-hand combat. My best weapons would have to be daggers and knives. W.eakness: My weaknesses are being attacked with a long-range weapon such as a bow and arrow, slingshot, or crossbow. I can shoot a few arrows, yeah, but I'm not very skilled with bows.
#86540968Tuesday, January 08, 2013 10:29 PM GMT

Nam.e: Nick Halsting District: 12 Ag.e:16 Gen.der: Male Bi.o: He has one younger brother, Tommy who is 14. His dad was killed in the Quarter Quell. He hunts for peackeepers. He was raised by his mom and doesn't really remember his dad. Appe.arance: Nick usually has a brown hunting jacket, boots, he has spiked hair that is blackish brown, dark brown eyes, and a few freckles on his face. Stren.gths: Swords and Bows W.eakness: Poison and Nightlock
#87956480Sunday, January 27, 2013 11:41 PM GMT

(...Isn't everyone's weakness Poison and Nightlock? They're also basically the same thing.) Kailee I head to the room set aside for D11. Hopefully, we get our own room.
#87956859Sunday, January 27, 2013 11:45 PM GMT

#87997369Monday, January 28, 2013 4:03 PM GMT

(I think we already got to the District 11 room? Are are you talking about bedrooms?) (...god this thread is doomed...)
#87997800Monday, January 28, 2013 4:14 PM GMT

(ITS SO SAD WATCHING THREADS DIE! Please don't make me suffer.)
#88002366Monday, January 28, 2013 6:13 PM GMT

(It's especially sad when it's a really good thread.)
#88043161Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:42 AM GMT

(Do you think we could, like, time warp to the interviews with Caesar Flickerman?)
#88063019Tuesday, January 29, 2013 5:49 PM GMT

(I think we should)
#88063619Tuesday, January 29, 2013 6:06 PM GMT

(BUUT TRAINING) (Plus we need our rankings. 1-12. At least skip to that part.)
#88088733Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:17 AM GMT

(Oh yeah.. Yeah, we should skip to our training. SMOOCH! May we time travel to that part?)