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#78375834Tuesday, September 18, 2012 1:10 PM GMT

I feel that the safe chat menu should be upgraded. When i was safe chat, there was barely anything that i would actually use. There should be more game-like phrases such as "Watch out" or "Stop Team-killing". And as most people see in games, someone spams the word "Friend" I dont have anything against the word, but maybe it could have a menu of what u could say to a friend. People are also using the chat menu to give their location. If someone asks someone where they are from, people share by using the chat menu. People share their state and share what part of the state by using the button before it such as "Northeast". Thank you for your time and consideration.
#78376052Tuesday, September 18, 2012 1:23 PM GMT

It seems like a waste of time, if you want a better word Vocabulary for your Robloxian creat a new account and don't use safe chat.
#78389345Tuesday, September 18, 2012 8:13 PM GMT

Well the people who are safe chat dont often learn about any of this.

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