#78512164Thursday, September 20, 2012 10:43 PM GMT

We landed on a hard surface. When John and I woke up, we were surrounded by more mutants. Those discusting, contaminated, deformed, mutilated mutants. We easily took them out. We were surronded by blood. I gasped in horror as the blood shifted. Finally, An arm stuck out of the blood. Another mutant had risen out of the gore. "The blood must reproduce another," I thought. Suddenly, a streak of light flashed among the sky. It was heading towards us... wait a second... that's one of our escape pods! But who's inside?
#78522040Friday, September 21, 2012 12:48 AM GMT

I run to see if there are any comrades.
#78527779Friday, September 21, 2012 1:59 AM GMT

Marvin i see an escape pod. "OH MY GOSH IT'S COMING RIGHT AT US!" It crashes right next to us and opens.
#78541107Friday, September 21, 2012 11:44 AM GMT

"Holy Spaceballs..."
#78548018Friday, September 21, 2012 5:16 PM GMT

Suddenly, I felt water trickling from my mouth. I touched the water with my finger. It was blood! Suddenly, the blood continued even faster. In seconds, I was throwing up blood everywhere. I had been infected. "SOMEONE.... ANTIVIRUS..." I choked through the bloody mass.
#78558010Friday, September 21, 2012 8:51 PM GMT

Kronos As my Crewmate and me were speeding towards Planet U, I hit the Atmosphere breaks. KRACK!!! "AHHH!!!" we both screamed. "The breaks blew out!" I yelled. " Prepare for a crash landing!" I screamed. We straped into the Emergency Brace Straps and hoped for the best.
#78588746Saturday, September 22, 2012 2:51 AM GMT

Marvin i see the captain choking on his own blood. i barf then check if its blood. yes it was green martian blood. i faint in a puddle of my blood.
#78614840Saturday, September 22, 2012 1:30 PM GMT

Kronos BBBBBOOOOOMMMM!!!! The crash force knocked me out. I slowly open my eyes, "Hello?" I called out. No answer. I get up and walk around the pod. I find my crewmate knocked out. Then it comes to me I never really bothered to ask his name so I checked his suit his name was John. I heard a grumbling outside, I checked and I saw those mutant things on the ship. I pulled out my laser blade. "YARG!" I chop one of them easily in half. Few seconds later they were all mush. I noticed that mutants were gathering around a certain spot. I shut the pods doors to keep John safe while knocked out. As I got closer I realized that that was the Captain and another crewmate I knew his name was Marvin. Marvin looked like he fainted and the captain was continually barfing blood. I held the mutants off. I quickly searched Marvin's Med-Kit, I grabbed the the Anti-Virus and stuck it in the captain. I went back to fighting the mutants and hoped i hadn't lost the captain...
#78615054Saturday, September 22, 2012 1:34 PM GMT

Marvin i wake up. "HOLY S%$ WHAT THE F%^& IS GOING IN HERE!" i take out my laser gun and shoot as many mutants i can. i then remember i have a special grenade and i 9i throw to the horde. then a boom and i go a bit deaf. all i hear is screeching and melting.
#78615416Saturday, September 22, 2012 1:39 PM GMT

Kronos I quickly turn around to see Marvin throw a Grenade of some sort. I called out his name. " Marvin are you alright!?"
#78620804Saturday, September 22, 2012 3:00 PM GMT

Captain I woke up in deep pain. I turned my head, and screamed when I saw blood all around me. There was a maniacal laugh. I looked up in awe. There was a projection of a deformed man with a hood cast over him. "Do you really think you can stop me, you impudent fools?" The figure cackled. More mutants appeared. "I was the one who installed Terminal Zero!" He cried. "YOU..." I said, clenching my hands, "YOU... hacking my space ship!" We had to stop this once and for all. I leapt into the escape pod. Marvin and Kronos leapt after me. We had to get it off the ground. "Guys!" I screamed, "Help me fix our pod!"
#78627710Saturday, September 22, 2012 4:23 PM GMT

Marvin "ILL GIVE YOU SOME COVER!" I shoot as many as I can. Blood splatters at my face. I throw more grenades but there are so many it seems they don't work. Just as I was gana throw my final grenade a mutant grabbed my led and dragged me down. "AHH HELP ME!!!" I fell the mutants tearing my flesh apart,. "AHHHHHHHH!"
#78628046Saturday, September 22, 2012 4:27 PM GMT

I let out a gasp. I took out my lucky pistol from Planet Earth. I shot the mutants head many times before it let go. I then began to work on the pod. I found the problem: In the crash, the engine had fried. We had to cool the engine down.
#78628743Saturday, September 22, 2012 4:34 PM GMT

Marvin I looked at my legs. They were torn off and im bleeding out. I let out a faint gasp before i fall into a comma.
#78629977Saturday, September 22, 2012 4:48 PM GMT

Kronos "Marvin!" I yelled. I ran back to cutting as many mutants as I could in half. I almost barfed at the sight of his severed legs but I got through, I picked him up and went quickly back to the pod. I set him down in the pod and i went back outside to hold off the mutants
#78631771Saturday, September 22, 2012 5:10 PM GMT

Marvin I wake up from my comma. I look at the part of the legs that wasn't torn off and it was black. I was turning into one of them. I started to look for an anti virus but there were non. Then I saw my body turning black. "AHH!"
#78638042Saturday, September 22, 2012 6:19 PM GMT

Marvin began to drool disgustingly. His head was deforming.
#78709419Sunday, September 23, 2012 2:14 PM GMT

Marvin It was happening. I was becoming a mutant. I tryed to resist but i couldn't. I get out of the ship and leap on Kronors. I try to bite him but he punches my face,
#78711924Sunday, September 23, 2012 2:52 PM GMT

Crewname: Head Engineer - Marcus Red Weapon: MK. III Heavy Machine Gun How I Was Knocked Out: A pipe burst during the crash and struck him on the head. Home Planet: Damascus IV - Outer Rim; Earth Colony *Appearance* - Standing at a towering 7'5 inches, Marcus Red is a living, breathing death threat. Not the man you would expect to be an engineering and technological genius, but the kind you would know to be cracking heads on a battlefield. He has dark black skin and a large, bushy black beard and mustache. He has emerald green eyes and blast back hair. He is only twenty-one.
#78751273Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:36 PM GMT

(Accepted. Begin any time you like).
#78784710Monday, September 24, 2012 12:52 PM GMT

Oh wow im so sorry but i think his rp might be dead.
#78784862Monday, September 24, 2012 1:03 PM GMT

Im starting to agree.
#78785115Monday, September 24, 2012 1:20 PM GMT

maybe start a sequel. we can play as we are now but it is the second part. more ppl will join and it will be more fun. just make the intro how we left on. me a mutant trying to kill kronos and you shooting the mutants surrounding the pod. a perfect cliffhanger.
#78785145Monday, September 24, 2012 1:21 PM GMT

#78785160Monday, September 24, 2012 1:22 PM GMT

Or maybe resident evil..