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#78447474Wednesday, September 19, 2012 8:20 PM GMT

This thread includes information on how I believe will increase the amount of well-made original games and improve the site in general. This was written in hope to be seen by a ROBLOX Staff member who has the power to consider and possibly put some of my ideas into action. *If you opened this thread and didn't read it, you aren't a real forumer, and you don't care about the quality of user-made games on ROBLOX.* ROBLOX is a game that revolves around games made by the players. Each game usually has two main factors: Building and Scripting As years pass there has been less and less well-made games on ROBLOX due to lack of motivation on the staff's part. What the staff has done, is encouraged the overuse of every part of the site except ROBLOX Studio. Whenever they do talk about ROBLOX Studio, they do not mention the idea of a player become a better game maker by taking time to learn building and scripting. Let's look at the recent blogpost. It discusses "Game Templates". Game Templates do not help people build, they do not help people script, they help people make unoriginal games that will all fall under certain genres. It is hard to learn how to properly build and script by yourself. Let's face it, the majority of us do not read more than 5 different pages of the ROBLOX Wiki, per a year. -- To improve the individual building and scripting skill of each ROBLOXian willing to open up ROBLOX Studio and give it a try, we need a basic user-friendly interactive tutorial. The tutorial would be in the actual Studio, I would recommend it being something like this: 1. You open ROBLOX Studio. 2. You click Edit on a game or make a new one. 3. A GUI pops up that reads the following: Would you like to take a tutorial? Yes No 4. After clicking yes, a game is opened in another place with a baseplate and some basic bricks. 5. A 2D speech bubble appears on the screen saying "Use this tool to move bricks around" It will indicate where the general move tool is. The user will move around bricks if they so choose. 6. After the user is done experimenting with that tool, they click "Next". A box appears and indicates and describes the function of the resize tool. 7. After it goes through a couple more basic tools and options, a box will appear saying "You have completed the basic building tutorial! To learn more advanced building, go to the Tutorial section of the site." There would be a new tab labeled "Tutorials". It can be in the "More" section of the site if the staff so chooses. This would contain advanced building and all scripting. Again, this is because the ROBLOX Wiki is out of the way and not very user-friendly. -- For any and all who would like to state that game-making is easy, please consider the millions who would disagree with you if they forumed. This about the quality of games and the amount of quality games as a whole. I honestly thought I could come up with something more than "interactive tutorials", but oh well. I spent a bit of time typing this, and I honestly think this will increase the amount of original games on ROBLOX made by the players. Once they can build and script, all they need is their creativity. Which again, you cannot give to somebody in a "Game Template".
#78448567Wednesday, September 19, 2012 8:35 PM GMT

When I joined I played those tutorial games
#78448641Wednesday, September 19, 2012 8:36 PM GMT

@death These are for building, and more professionally made.
#78455936Wednesday, September 19, 2012 10:05 PM GMT

#78456570Wednesday, September 19, 2012 10:13 PM GMT

I agree that currently there are no good beginning tutorials to build/script in ROBLOX Studio. However, the best way to learn is by trial & error, not by having a tutorial that walks you through everything. We do need a better source for documentation of ROBLOX than the wiki, but I don't believe an in-game tutorial would necessarily help. You pointed out how providing templates doesn't help people create games. The people who ROBLOX is targeting with those templates are kids who are too young to understand scripting, and who need help getting the basics of the map set up.
#78457001Wednesday, September 19, 2012 10:19 PM GMT

@Merely People will go on for years never learning because they have all they need right in front of them to make a game. The only problems will be of course, it won't be original, and it won't be any better than they could build years ago. The in-game tutorial wouldn't be in depth. It would just be something that introducing a ROBLOXian to the Studio and shows them where some basic tools are.
#78502516Thursday, September 20, 2012 8:32 PM GMT

#109939807Friday, August 16, 2013 10:59 AM GMT

+ 1 I agree. It´s very hard to find tutorials that are great and user friendly. Some of the tutorials on the wiki is outdated and are not easy to follow, because some of them miss important parts and examples. So Roblox Studio basicly doesn´t have a manual. Maybe the in-studio class reference could have more detaild information?
#109940198Friday, August 16, 2013 11:08 AM GMT

I wish I had this when I first joined, support.
#123802468Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:58 PM GMT

To elaborate and possibly add on, this tutorial will walk a user through Studio. It will give a short description of what the basic tools are through GUIs. The user experiencing the tutorial will be able to experiment with the tools in real time. The way this will help make better games, is by giving users a basic understanding of the program they are working with, and better encourage them to experiment more, ask questions, and build better games. Sincerely, Appalapachia
#123803522Thursday, January 23, 2014 12:10 AM GMT

Roblox did some tutorials on YouTube but to be honest: the staff aren't very great teachers in my opinion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ttoJHWkq6c&list=PLuEQ5BB-Z1PJ_m5dMllr35lF4giyuHrY_&feature=c4-overview-vl So a REAL tutorial in Studio would be nice.
#123803710Thursday, January 23, 2014 12:12 AM GMT

In their videos, they are giving lessons at a fast pace which is a bit to hold onto, and it requires some pausing. In this tutorial, it would be GUIs, and the tutorial would go according to your pace, i.e. whenever you click "Next".
#123803900Thursday, January 23, 2014 12:14 AM GMT

I take back "fast-paced". a bit difficult to hold onto*

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