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#78777867Monday, September 24, 2012 4:43 AM GMT

The year is 2043. There are only three groups known in this continent we used to call North America. Firstly, there's the Redstone Corporation. Secondly, the Black Gloves, Redstone's inside men. And thirdly, the most important. John. The Redstone Corporation has made all its money and gained all of its power using a substance- namely, Red-dust- to control what once were the citizens of the United States. The substance drains the people of their emotions and after enough usage of the medication, makes them complete drones and entirely moldable. These 100% "treated" people make up the Black Gloves, a covert society created by the Redstone Corporation for one reason and one reason only- to hunt down and kill the members of John. John is basically an organized rebellion against what has come of the country. Started by a person whom current John members have dubbed "The Man Who Didn't Need a Name", it has been fighting to take down Redstone facilities and wipe out the Black Gloves. They are all about originality and self expression, which are the exact things that Redstone wants to drain everyone of. So, subsequently, John is made up of some very outlandishly creative individuals. The name of the group is purely to camoflague it- if one were to speak of the group in conversation, it would sound like they were referring to an average person. John's members create fake aliases to keep their true identities from becoming found out by Redstone or the Black Gloves. John's primary weaponry is explosives, which are created by a division of the group called Flameroses. John's members signal each other using firecrackers that depict their specific insignias. The Black Gloves dress all in white aside from their namesake- a single black glove, usually worn on the left hand. If worn on the right, they are of the highest ranking. They all look alike other than their facial structures, eye/hair colours, and heights. They use different meds to do their dirty work, and most commonly they'll sedate the victim before administering Red-dust. The Redstone Corporation is made up of stuck up business people who all dress in white, much like the Black Gloves but not as uniformed. They oversee the Black Gloves' missions and keep track of the people who are in "treatment" on Red-dust. They keep records of encounters with John members(commonly referred to as Johns) and who has been treated in that group. Pictures of each member encountered are kept on file and struck with a black 'x' across the image when they have been treated. All of this is set in a desert-like area. --- CHARACTER SHEETS John members - Alias: Real Name: Age: Appearance:(Get as crazy as you'd like here, this is all about originality) Bio: Personality: Insignia: Explosive of Choice: Division:(Flamerose = works with explosives, Roadrunner = messenger, Fielddaisy = Redstone insider) Black Gloves - Name: Age: Personality:(Nothing diverse here.) Bio: Medication of choice: General appearance: Redstone Corp. - Name: Age: Bio: Appearance: Occupation:(Secretary, BG officer, etc.)
#78778415Monday, September 24, 2012 5:04 AM GMT

(My character) John member. Alias: Sky Sabbath Real Name: Nathan Lakehurst @ge: 23 Appearance: Raven hair just to his shoulders. He's short, around 5'3". Wears a t-shirt with yellow sleeves just to his elbows with black stripes towards the ends of the sleeves with black for the main colour of the shirt and then over that an olive green army vest. Wears black skinnies with an old military cord belt and combat boots. A couple of necklaces and dog tags. Tattoos all over his arms. Bio: Grew up in a more poor part of the country, back when it was still America. It went to ruin when he was 13 and he saw his parents dragged away by Redstone. He ran off and found John and never turned back. Personality: A funny guy and a trickster, but gets totally serious when he needs to. Plays guitar. Likes classic horror movies and listens to punk rock, when they can get their hands on a radio that picks up the one pirated John station- 109. Insignia: Smiley face with a stitched up mouth and an X over the right eye, signifying his parents got taken down. Explosive of Choice: Whatever's laying around. Division: Flamerose.
#78778463Monday, September 24, 2012 5:05 AM GMT

John members - Alias: Henry Jones Real Name: Tony Rains A.ge: 20 Appearance: Tony is 6'2 and weighs 145lbs, he has a medium build. He has hazel eyes and dark brown hair that's cut short. He wears a black T-shirt with a Red Gasmask on the back of it. He has dark grey cargo pants, and Black boots. He sometimes wears a black baseball cap. Bio: Tony's parents died when he was young and was taken in by the Johns. He grew up most of his life there and has become pretty familiar with explosives. Personality: He's really freindly to fellow John members and will do almost anything they ask of him. Insignia: A Gasmask (I'll change it if I have to) Explosive of Choice: C4 or Grenades Division: Flamerose
#78778546Monday, September 24, 2012 5:07 AM GMT

(Paintballguy: Accepted, but make your alias a little more... characteristic)
#78778601Monday, September 24, 2012 5:09 AM GMT

(Alrighty, Alias: Sebastian Hawkins)
#78778640Monday, September 24, 2012 5:11 AM GMT

(Awesome. Love it.)
#78778652Monday, September 24, 2012 5:12 AM GMT

(Yay! :3 So can I post? :o)
#78779059Monday, September 24, 2012 5:28 AM GMT

(Maybe we should wait it out a little longer? Get a few more people? I just really hope this idea goes over well.)
#78779137Monday, September 24, 2012 5:31 AM GMT

(Alright, it does seem like this could be a good RP. I'm very excited to start.)
#78779348Monday, September 24, 2012 5:40 AM GMT

Can my character be a member of another organization, like a gang existing in the story's canon?
#78780231Monday, September 24, 2012 6:26 AM GMT

Well if I can't, just change mine to "John's". Organization: *CLASSIFIED* Alias: Sonata Real Name: Kenji Ikezawa Ag.e: 29 Appearance: SEE: My avatar Kenji sports spiked midnight-black hair which has an odd habit of standing up even in the absence of wind. His skin is a light beige, but his face is a slightly lighter tone, due to its lack of exposure to sunlight. His face is almost always obscured by a mask, with a signature Rising-Sun on it. He is rarely seen wearing anything besides a professional-looking suit and tie, albeit with body armor underneath. His right arm, obscured by the sleeve of his suit, is actually mechanical, but it is rarely revealed to anyone. A military wristwatch is seen on his left arm. Bio: Born in Japan, he was a law-abiding citizen for most of his 29 years of life. He studied hard as a teen, and was an attractive target for many universities across the world. When he graduated from his university with a major in Economics, he began a business that went well at first. However, Redstone quickly displaced the need for his business, and he gradually lost clients. After his final client pulled out and his company was declared "Bankrupt", he had a mental breakdown. He turned to dr/ugs and alco/hol, and soon lost his home. He went on a binge, watching action films at his girlfriend's apartment, and also spent time researching espionage and terrorism. This resulted him in spending the last bit of money in his bank account into weapons, and a new persona at the age of 28. He emerged as a thief, and a terrorist. Fueled by a deep hatred for Redstone for what they did to his business, he constantly harassed their local establishments, destroying Red-dust rations when he could, and making a name for himself. Along with a few other men like him, he formed an urban-guerrilla terrorist organization aiming to take down Redstone: The Knowns. Hiding his identity behind a mask he created himself, he embarked on a life of stealing money from the vaults of Redstone and sabotaging factories with the other Knowns. Personality: Extremely methodical and analytical at whatever he does, from assassination to sabotage. Essentially a chess-master, being able to consistently second-guess his opponents moves, and where they might be going to try to kill him. When with other Known members or even his girlfriend, he is very introverted and withdrawn, even occasionally preferring to "speak" in Sign-Language. Insignia: Rising Sun Explosive of Choice: Thermite, C4, Semtex Division: Within Known: CLASSIFED When collaborating with the John's: Flamerose
#78807982Monday, September 24, 2012 10:38 PM GMT

(>Known Accepted! The organization that Sonata's a part of can be like an ally to the Johns. Cool bio, love it.)
#78808722Monday, September 24, 2012 10:48 PM GMT

(Can I change Tony's age to 22? Also he loves tripwires and gets creative.)
#78809184Monday, September 24, 2012 10:54 PM GMT

(>Paintball Fine with me. Awesome, tripwires would totally come in handy.)
#78809461Monday, September 24, 2012 10:58 PM GMT

(I thought of it while in drivers ed :3. Oh and are we gonna wait some more?)
#78810734Monday, September 24, 2012 11:12 PM GMT

(A little longer, yeah. One or two more people.)
#78810932Monday, September 24, 2012 11:14 PM GMT

#78814201Monday, September 24, 2012 11:51 PM GMT

John members - Alias:Tanei Faeron Real Name:Vanis Kaniok Ag.e:19 (Too young? 20, Still too young? 24. Still too young? LET ME HAVE SOME FREEDOM!) Appearance:Serpent wears Silky grey shorts with a Silky black shirt. He has Dark green eyes and short, black, spiky hair. He has small hands and is about 5,4. He weighs about 90 pounds. Bio:Bad at BIOs, just trust me on my RP skills. Personality:Silent at all but the most crucial times, Extremely smart and very fast, but also Extremely weak. (Can't lift 20 pounds.) Insignia: A snake, signifying the cunning and intelligence of the owner. Explosive of Choice:Remote detonated explosives, concealable. Division:Roadrunner. ((Admin pl0x? :D))
#78814381Monday, September 24, 2012 11:53 PM GMT

(>arakkas Accepted, if you keep it 24. And on the alias... you called him Serpent in the description?)
#78814934Tuesday, September 25, 2012 12:00 AM GMT

Black Gloves - Name: James Trapper A.ge: 32 Personality: He's quiet, works alone most of the time, he does enjoy spending time with his fellow Black Glove members, he loves his job and takes it to far pretty often. You just wouldn't want to be sent to James. You'd probably better off dead. He finds a sick humor in what he does. Bio: Before James had joined the Black Glove, he worked in a hospital as surgeon or doctor is that sounds better. But when he found out about the Black Glove, he didm't think of joining the resistance but instead joined the Black Glove without being threatened or anything he just joined. During his several years of working as a Black Glove no one other than some of friends knows what James will do to the people that are sent to him for sedating and inject them with Red-Dust. He'll cause so much pain to them as possible and take body parts and o.rgans from his patients while their still awake. He's a sick man but is good at his job. Medication of choice: All Sorts. General appearance: Wears the regular uniform Black Glove uniform and wears his glove on his left hand. He is 6'5, Hazel eyes, white skin, he has sideburns going down to the earlobe and has short dark brown hair.
#78815066Tuesday, September 25, 2012 12:02 AM GMT

(Right, sorry. I had it serpent originally, and forgot to change it to a normal name, so I changed it to a normal name, but forgot the description.)
#78815533Tuesday, September 25, 2012 12:09 AM GMT

(>arakkas No, leave it! It's better if it isn't normal. Like mine- Sky Sabbath.)
#78815925Tuesday, September 25, 2012 12:13 AM GMT

(Is James accepted and may we start? :3)
#78816489Tuesday, September 25, 2012 12:21 AM GMT

((Okay, then it's Serpent.))
#78816870Tuesday, September 25, 2012 12:27 AM GMT

(>paint Yeah, he's accepted, and yes, we can start! :3)

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