#80917144Saturday, October 27, 2012 2:27 PM GMT

Pinkie I have my Pinkie Pie apron on and walk to the door. I smile when I see who it is. "Hi Rainy!"
#80919346Saturday, October 27, 2012 3:02 PM GMT

Aspen I blink, stretching. Wednesday... After slapping myself a few times and dunking my head in ice water, I can actually stand up without looking like a zombie. I switch on the radio, making sure it's low enough that it shouldn't bother Melody. I gather my clothes I wore yesterday and wrinkle my nose when I catch a whiff of them. They quickly get dumped in the laundry basket. I throw on a sleeveless, olive-green shirt and jeans, combing my hair as I head for the kitchen to make breakfast.
#80924671Saturday, October 27, 2012 4:13 PM GMT

Holly I finish eating, and I walk to the bathroom and freshen up. I put on a blue shirt with a starfish on it and aqua blue shorts. I put on some blue TOMS. I'm goin' blue today.
#80927801Saturday, October 27, 2012 4:54 PM GMT

Brooke I woke, tears staining my eyes. I had once again dreamt of Net, and it had ended badly. Like it always did. My gaze swept across the room, sadness clouding my eyes. Spotting a lump in the second bed, I realised my room mate was still asleep. I wondered who she was. (Ebony has yet to meet Brooke :P) Scarlet I woke, groaning. I felt like it was a normal day, and yesterday's outburst had never happend. But that didn't mean I wasn't tired. Clambering out of bed, I dressed in a jet black tank top, white jeans, and black boots. Slipping out the door, down the stairs, and into the kitchen, I grabbed a bowl of porridge, as somebody had made a large portion and left left-overs. I ate hungrily. Melody Screaming, I sat up abruptly, pillows flying to the floor. I had had a nightmare. A bad one, at that. Slowly calming down, I heard the faint buzzing of the radio. Looking at Aspen's bed, I saw that a familiar lump was gone. Guessing Aspen had woken earlier, I slipped out of bed, striding over to my wardrobe. Grabbing an outfit from inside, I dressed in the usual green blouse, black skinny jeans, my black leather boots, and my popular green beret. Disappearing into the bathroom, I brushed my hair and teeth. Hauling myself out of the white tiled room, I pushed through the door and down the stairs.
#80929066Saturday, October 27, 2012 5:09 PM GMT

Ebony I wake up. My bed was cold. Myself was warm. I slowly sit up. I hadn't eaten all day. Well since yesterday morning. I consider that a day.
#80930032Saturday, October 27, 2012 5:20 PM GMT

Brooke I couldn't help or stop it; my minor power took place. My sadness stretched, swirling around Ebony, her mood changing to grief. My own tears welled up, flowing down my face. I could never stop my powers of misery.
#80931652Saturday, October 27, 2012 5:36 PM GMT

Ebony The grief never shows on my face. Just my head. This time it showed a tad on my face.
#80932415Saturday, October 27, 2012 5:46 PM GMT

Brooke Burying myself under the covers, I cut off my power. I silently cried, then stopped altogether.
#80932924Saturday, October 27, 2012 5:53 PM GMT

Ebony I walk out of my room. I sit downstairs, near Rosa. I mumble. Candy I lay asleep. My alarm clock had gone of an hour ago. I dream.
#80933233Saturday, October 27, 2012 5:57 PM GMT

Pinkie "Oh, brownies are done!" I hop over to the oven and take them out. I decorate them icing shaped with spiders and cobwebs and pumpkins.
#80933311Saturday, October 27, 2012 5:58 PM GMT

Brooke Once I was sure my room mate was out of the room, I climbed out from under the covers and dressed. I wore a navy blue tunic, black jeans, and some blue converses. I slid into the bathroom, starting to brush my teeth, and freshened up.
#80933615Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:02 PM GMT

Liz I leap downstairs. I was wide awake, already. I look for Candy. Still sleeping. I guess. I go into Candy room. I gently slap her. I mumble 'wake up' to her.
#80934561Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:14 PM GMT

Aspen I look over my shoulder to see Melody." Oh, you're up! I hope the radio didn't bother you."
#80934841Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:18 PM GMT

Melody I jumped. I hand't noticed Aspen when I had walked into the kitchen. "Oh, no. The only thing that bothered me was the giant fire...and the giant wind... and the two giant waves... and the giant mountain..." I yawned, a hint of amusement in my voice, as well as a tinge of fear.
#80934978Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:20 PM GMT

Candy I jump up in my bed and slap Liz. She yelps. She slaps me back. I growl. She laughs. I start laughing. We walk downstairs.
#80936455Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:40 PM GMT

OOC: Remember me? :3
#80936916Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:46 PM GMT

#80937068Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:48 PM GMT

OOC: Well I joined a long, long time ago in the last repost, I think. I can't find my CS)
#80937366Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:52 PM GMT

(Last repost? Do you mean the original?)
#80937462Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:53 PM GMT

(This was reposted twice?)
#80937468Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:54 PM GMT

OOC: No, there was a repost before this one. Can someone fill me in on what is currently happening?
#80937663Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:56 PM GMT

(Oh, wow. This was reposted twice.) (Well its Wednesday morning. On one of the 80 pages, meaning pages from 79-90, there should be the schedule. Well, I think its on one of those pages. Maybe on the 70s.)
#80937792Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:58 PM GMT

(Actually, it might be on the 60s..)
#80937814Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:58 PM GMT

(Timetable Everyday: AM 7:00 - Wake up 8:00 - Breakfast 8:55 - Period 1 9:55 - Period 2 10:55 - Break 11:10 - Period 3 PM 12:10 - Period 4 1:10 - Lunch 1:55 - Talent/Power Practise 2:15 - Period 5 3:15 - Freetime/Talent Practise/After School Club 4:30 - End of After School Club 5:00 - Dinner 5:45 - Free Time 9:00 - Cerfew Mon: P1 - Geography P2 - Cookery Break - -- P3 - English P4 - French Lunch - -- T/P Practise - Talent P5 - Religious Education. Tues P1 - English P2 - Geography Break - -- P3 - Math P4 - Art Lunch - -- T/P Practise - Power P5 - German Wed P1 - Science P2 - Spanish Break - -- P3 - Information Technology P4 - Physical Education Lunch - -- T/P Practise - Power P5 - Assembly Thurs P1 - Math P2 - Drama Break - -- P3 - Pysical Education P4 - Design Technology Lunch - -- T/P Practise - Talent P5 - Science Fri P1 - English P2 - Science Break - -- P3 - Music P4 - History Lunch - -- T/P Practise - Power P5 - Maths Weekends: Freetime.)
#80938364Saturday, October 27, 2012 7:05 PM GMT

(or that.)