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#79273421Tuesday, October 02, 2012 1:11 AM GMT

OK, so I need some thoughts on my new movie's script. If there is a line or scene anyone does not like, I will cut it out or fix it. This script is completely based off of chapters 1-3 of the book. SCENE 1 (Dak and Sera are on a branch. The setting is modern day Ohio, near Pennsylvania- in an alternate universe.) SERA Feels good up here, doesn't it? DAK Yeah, it sure does. Makes me kinda sad I wasn't born a monkey. Then I could live in one of these things. SERA You've got the personality of a monkey. And the smell. That's two-thirds of the way there, at least. DAK Thanks. SERA You excited for the field trip? DAK Remember my last birthday, when I got that replica of Thomas Jefferson's ascot? SERA How could I forget? You came down the street screaming like a little girl who just found a bucket of candy! DAK Well, I'm even more excited about this trip. SERA Gotcha. That's pretty excited. (Sera spots an SQ flag outside of Dak's house.) SERA Don't tell me your parents buy into all of that SQ stuff. DAK I don't think so. They said it's easier this way. They're less likely to be bothered if they put up the flag. SERA The SQ- they make me sick. Someone has to stand up to them eventually, before it's too late. Look. All of the green, animals, life! In some parts of the world, they don't exist anymore. Throughout history, wherever the SQ has gone, bad things followed. Maybe it'll be us who stands up. You never know. DAK There's a saying, you know. "The times, they are a changin'." SERA Oh, I like that. DAK Maybe that'll be our motto. Maybe we'll change the times someday. Every problem has a solution, right? And our brains have got to be good for something! SERA Well, they don't call us nerds for nothing! Hey, maybe one day we'll change history. SCENE 2 MARI Well, what do you think? BRINT I think there might be a global catastrophe coming, an apocalypse. Volcanic euptions along the Pacific Rim. That's just the first. Since then we've had blizzards in South America, tropical storms in every ocean, and wildfires in every forest in Pennsylvania! MARI Look on the bright side. At least people even believe we're in trouble now. BRINT People still believe what the SQ tells them to believe. Aristotle would be ashamed. Look what the Hystorians have been reduced to! The SQ is going to win, even if destroying the world will do it. And it's not just the disasters troubling me. Not even close. It's the... the... MARI Remnants? About your wife and the destroyed world around you? BRINT Yes. Everyday when I go into my office, I see a picture of us two on a bridge over sparkling water... But the Remnant causes me to feel that someone is missing from it. Someone important. But, anyways, I found some information on the only survivors, the Smyths. MARI What's the latest? BRINT This is good. This is really good. They're building a time machine. They call it "The Infinity Ring." MARI Its coming, you know. Sooner than we thought. BRINT I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime... MARI It's coming, all right. A cataclysm. I wish we'll be dead before it kills us. SCENE 3 (Restaraunt setting, Dak is sitting at a table with unnamed cousins.) RELATIVE 1 So, did you see the game last night? RELATIVE 2 Yeah. Stupid SQuares. That team ruined the game for everyone! RELATIVE 3 Have you ever those that, like, have to those pockets that make you butt look upside down? RELATIVE 4 Yeah, I'm wearing some right now! RELATIVE 5 OMG! No way! DAK *stands up* Umm, hello? ... RELATIVES *Miscellaneous talking* DAK Hello...? RELATIVES *Miscellaneous talking* DAK Hey! Everybody! (The room becomes silent.) DAK *clears throat* Now, I would like to raise a toast to my Great-Uncle Frankie Smyth. Now, I've only seen him twice in my life (the second being this funeral), but I can tell that he was a good man. Now, I know this is a sad occasion, but his death could not have been any worse than the death of Rasputin, the grand Russian mystic, in the year 1916. The poor man was poisoned, shot four times, clubbed over the head, and then drowned in a river. Drowned in a river, for Pete's sake! After being poisoned, shot, and clubbed! Poor fella... So, as you can see, Frankie got off pretty easy. Um, thank for listening... Cheers! (Dak's mother falls out of her chair and faints.)
#79273760Tuesday, October 02, 2012 1:15 AM GMT

That Relative 3 line is meant to be Have you ever heard of those jeans that, like, make your butt look upside down?
#79310569Tuesday, October 02, 2012 9:56 PM GMT

No thoughts?
#79420027Thursday, October 04, 2012 5:46 PM GMT

#79422828Thursday, October 04, 2012 7:06 PM GMT

#79425991Thursday, October 04, 2012 8:00 PM GMT

These are the scenes before the action. I only had THEM done when I posted this. The rest of it is all explosions, earthquakes, and pirate swordfights.
#79439710Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:52 PM GMT

booring still
#79439780Thursday, October 04, 2012 10:52 PM GMT

What do the pirates fight over? Photoshop?
#79441859Thursday, October 04, 2012 11:15 PM GMT

You really should make all the dialogue contribute to the plot. Useless ramble is no good, only if used very, very occasionally for realism. Otherwise, devote it to building to the main part of the plot. ~ Zilex1000
#79453724Friday, October 05, 2012 1:23 AM GMT

It is for realism, and these scenes are the first parts of the book. I'll probably take out scene 3, though.
#79454851Friday, October 05, 2012 1:35 AM GMT

The earthquakes come in Scene 4 (Scene 5 if I had kept the original Scene 3). The pirates are fighting over the fate of Christopher Columbus's voyage. A utiny has taken place, and the sailors (with Dak, Sera, and Riq) choose sides over stopping or saving the mutiny.
#79463946Friday, October 05, 2012 3:36 AM GMT

The pirates are fighting over the fate of Christopher Columbus's voyage. The only fate is them getting expensive software.
#79487543Friday, October 05, 2012 7:43 PM GMT

I don't care, Arc.
#79488102Friday, October 05, 2012 7:52 PM GMT

Hey hey hey Pops, it's you're film, you should care about the fate.
#79488631Friday, October 05, 2012 8:00 PM GMT

I mean about the editing software. I'll use what I can get. The only chances of me getting Vegas are 25 out of 100, as long as there is a low price copy on Ebay.
#79491264Friday, October 05, 2012 8:33 PM GMT

Seriously, this is actually very boring. Infinity Ring was never a superior horror film in my opinion.
#79495367Friday, October 05, 2012 9:20 PM GMT

1. This is the only part of the script I had done when this was posted. 2. What horror film? It's a book series.
#79716676Monday, October 08, 2012 5:32 PM GMT

So sure, I'll do it. PM me what part, etc. [I don't do "Re:'s"]
#79725022Monday, October 08, 2012 8:04 PM GMT

@Ice Thanks. @Don I have the set done for probably one of the most exciting parts. More of the script will be up soon. Then you'll see how good it is.
#79732318Monday, October 08, 2012 9:39 PM GMT

@Pops Man, complementing your own script. "Then you'll see how good it is." A sign of arrogance. Let the people decide if it's good enough.
#79733962Monday, October 08, 2012 9:59 PM GMT

Actually, I was talking about the book that it is based on.
#79766106Tuesday, October 09, 2012 6:44 AM GMT

"More of the script will be up soon. Then you'll see how good it is." No you aren't.
#79767997Tuesday, October 09, 2012 11:03 AM GMT

Read five chapters of the book, hated it. I will probably hate your movie too.
#79783134Tuesday, October 09, 2012 8:11 PM GMT

I do admit that the first 5 chapters are boring, but the rest is a good plot. Trust me. That's why I only made it 4 short scenes for those chapters.

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