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#79547190Saturday, October 06, 2012 1:58 PM GMT

A thousand years ago, countries were led by a single King. His ambition was always to keep his dynasty on power so his heir would remain on the throne after his death to continue the dynasty reign. Dynasties would often vanish after as little as a century through m@rri@ge, war and revolutions but a strong dynasty with strong influence, power and intellect could remain in position for a very long time. Will you, the King, be able to lead your dynasty through all the hardships and troubles on the way to the goal of keeping the throne, or will you fail, like many others have? [I have borrowed the bellow line from Quilboar, the master of Free-Choice type games (this is also a type of a Free-Choice game), without his permission, because it looked very nice, clear and user friendly.] ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ -----------------------------RULES & NOTICES----------------------------- This is a Free-Choice type. You (the player) determine your actions and I (the game master) chose the outcome. Sometimes I may use dice to chose outcomes. The survival of your dynasty rests solely on your and your choices. If you make to many bad choices you could lose the throne. I will try to keep things realistic... Five people will be accepted and I will make a thread for each of them. Kingdoms are REAL but dynasties are MADE UP. I have probably forgot some things but everything will be made clear during the RP. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ---------------------------FAMILY & INHERITANCE-------------------------- Your family plays and important role in this RP and determines how will your dynasty progress after your character dies. Your wife provides you with children who will one day rule the kingdom. The first male child is your direct heir and first candidate for the throne. Other male children born after the firstborn son will later become his vassals (see vassal section). All female children will later be suitable for m@rri@ge which can be exploited in some ways. Other relatives are mostly your vassals. To keep them happy you can give them land (see happiness & popularity section). When you die, everything you possessed will be passed onto your heir (which is usually the firstborn) and you automatically take control over that new character. If you die and your offspring doesn't take the throne for you, you lose the game. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ -----------------------------ECONOMY & TRADE---------------------------- LUMBER It is largely for building purposes but it can also be used for firewood. STONE Specifically for building and other trivial purposes. IRON Mostly for military purposes. FOOD Consumer goods keep the folk happy. You better not run out of this. Everyone of this things keep your country going. You produce this in your provinces and each month an amount of the things you produced is subtracted from the amount that you need. An extra (if there is any), is stored. If you didn't produce enough for the month, it is taken from the stored items. If that is also not enough, you will need to trade. When you establish a trade with some other nation, as long as that trade still goes, the amount you traded for will be added monthly. Ex. 1 You are producing 500 stone per month. The month ends, your economy requires 450 stone monthly to function properly. You then store 50 stone per month. Ex. 2 You are producing 200 iron per month. You need 250 per month for your economy to function properly. You then lose 50 per month from your storage. Ex. 3 You are producing 1000 lumber per month. The month ends, you need 1200 but you are trading 300 lumber for 100 stone. You store 100 lumber per month but your stone production has dropper by 100. Food distribution is different from all of the listed things. It changes by two events. At war, your consumers consume half the food they would normally because the economy is focused on war efforts. At winter, you produce almost no food because every is frozen and covered with snow. Your stocked food is used. Ex 4. You are producing 2000 food per month. Consumers need 1500 monthly. War brakes out and the number is split in half, they now need 750 food. Ex 5. It is winter. You produce 400 food. Consumers need 1500 monthly. It is taken from your storage. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ---------------------------FEUDALISM & VASSALS-------------------------- Your lords fight for you and provide you with men in exchange for land and titles. They have armies and you have power. Rebellious vassals are bad news so it is good to keep them happy (see happiness section). Almost every one of your cousins is your vassal and having a good relation with them is critical or else they may side with your enemies. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ --------------------------GOVERNMENT & COUNCIL------------------------- You are the king. The central power is yours, you control everything but you need others to help you. Your country is a feudal monarchy, with power distributed through a series of lords, and a central government. Most important positions are held by your small council. HAND OF THE KING Second most important person in your kingdom. LORD COMMANDER OF THE KING'S GUARDS In charge of security. MASTER OF COIN Head of the treasury, finances and the economy of your kingdom. MASTER OF LAWS Oversees the Laws & Justice system for the kingdom. MASTER OF WHISPERS The spymaster, and the head of intelligence. MASTER OF SHIPS Oversees the navy. I will decide who this is when you start RPing. They can be replaced during the RP though. Each has his own bonuses which will be described during the RP. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ --------------------DIPLOMACY & FOREIGN RELATIONS------------------- Diplomacy is an important factor in the game. It effects how you interact with other nations. Diplomacy is usually better than war because war can lower your popularity with other nations witch effects trade. With diplomacy you can settle territorial disputes, avoid war, protect nations against other and much more. Actions that other nations approve boost popularity but may lower your popularity among your own people and opposite. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ---------------------------WAR & WAR ECONOMY-------------------------- Where diplomacy fails, war steps in. Although you lose popularity by waging war, you can gain more land. During war, your people consume less food than they normally would. A war can be put in two categories. JUSTIFIED WAR This includes all wars that have a justifiable start like territorial claims or one of your protectors getting attacked. During which popularity is not lost or is lost in small numbers depending on your actions. UNJUSTIFIED WAR This includes all wars that have a unjustified start like mindless declaration of war or unreasonable prewar conditions. During which popularity is lost on medium or high numbers depending on your actions. When a war does brake out you fight battles with an army you decide to control. You can only control one army directly, other battles are decided randomly. You do command where the armies you don't completely control go but you have almost no effect on the course of their battles. You can put good commands in charge to boot their victory charge. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ --------------------------MILITARY & RECRUITING------------------------- Your military consists of the following THE ARMY LIGHT INFANTRY MEN Bulk of every army. Medium attack against everybody. Weak against cavalry. HEAVY INFANTRY MEN Elite version of light infantry. Stronger attack against everybody. Weak against cavalry. LANCER INFANTRY Main use against cavalry. Medium attack against everybody. Weak against archers. Archers Ranged soldiers. Medium attack against everybody. Weak against everybody up close. LIGHT CAVALRY Fast and efficient killers. Strong attack against everybody. Weak against lancers. HEAVY CAVALRY Elite version of the light cavalry. Very strong against everybody. Weak against lancers. NAVY TRANSPORT SHIP Transports troops. Weak attack. Weak against everybody. SMALL VESSEL Small battleship. Medium attack. Weak against medium/ large vessel. MEDIUM VESSEL Medium battleship. Stronger attack. Weak against large vessel. LARGE VESSEL Large battleship. Very strong attack. No weakness but it still can be destroyed. Your army depends on the relations with your vassals. It is explained bellow. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ---------------------------HAPPINESS & LOYALTY-------------------------- Happiness is determined by your actions as king. There are three sections of happiness. FOREIGN NATION HAPPINESS Every foreign nation has an opinion of your nation. The opinions are listed bellow. ALLY They may send aid to help you economically or with their military. FRIEND Trade and m@rri@ge is allowed NEUTRAL Nothing special DISLIKE No trade and m@rri@ge ENEMY Possibly war or very hostile peace relations Bad relations could stop trade and cause war. POPULATION HAPPINESS Are your people happy in your kingdom or not? PERFECT Your people adore you and celebrate you almost like a god. Food production bonus (50%) HAPPY Your people like you and approve of your position. Food production bonus (20%) MODERATE Nothing special, they don't hate you, nor love you. No food bonus. BAD Your people dislike you. Possible rebellions. Negative food production bonus (-20%) MISERABLE The people hate you in such an extent that they will start revolutions just to stop you from leading the country any further. Negative food production bonus (-60%) VASSAL HAPPINESS Same as population happiness, only it reflects the rich vassals. PERFECT You are adored by the vassals and they speak good of you. Bonus to troop recruitment (50%) HAPPY You are liked by your vassals who support you. Bonus to troop recruitment (20%) Moderate Nothing special, they don't hate you, nor love you. No bonus. BAD Your vassals dislike you. Negative bonus to troop recruitment (-20%) MISERABLE Your vassals utterly hate you and speak very bad of you. Negative bonus to troop recruitment (-60%) ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ --------------------------ATTRIBUTES & TRAITS---------------------------- As you play, you earn attributes and traits. They basically determine what kind of person and ruler you are. Aside from you, your firstborn also earns attributes and traits along the way as he grows up and later when you control him as the new king. You can start with four attributes and traits. KNIGHT EXCELLENT TACTICIAN INTELLIGENT HONEST STRAIGHTFORWARD COURAGEOUS JUST CHARISMATIC DETERMINED CREATIVE CRUEL HUMBLE STEEL STRONG WILL ASSERTIVENESS RISK TAKER INTEGRITY ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ---------------------------------RELIGION----------------------------------- You start with historical religion of your nation but you can change during play. The only religion that gives you bonuses (but it also takes) is Christianity. You will have support from the pope but you will be limited to some moral choices and you won't be able to rem@rry once you already have a wi.fe. ◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ----------------------CHARACTER & FAMILY SHEET------------------------ CHARACTER SHEET (This is your king's sheet) NAME: APPEARANCE: PERSONALITY: ATTRIBUTES & TRAITS: (Just to be clear, the sheet is so small because I decide you bio, your gender must be male, I decide your age and other small things) FAMILY SHEET FAMILY NAME: FAMILY FLAG: COUNTRY: (Must be a historic country) (I decide everything else like the number of relatives, family history, wealth and such.)
#79547838Saturday, October 06, 2012 2:08 PM GMT

----------------------CHARACTER & FAMILY SHEET------------------------ CHARACTER SHEET (This is your king's sheet) NAME:Braden H. APPEARANCE:Black hair, dark green eyes, pale skin. Is very tall. PERSONALITY: Braden is very nice, and smart and want's peace with as much countries as he can. He is smart. And rarely get's mad. ATTRIBUTES & TRAITS:Creative, Determined. Intelligent and Honest. FAMILY SHEET:Explain this. FAMILY NAME:Hyatt FAMILY FLAG:It's a lion standing on two feet with swords on each side of it. COUNTRY:America (I don't know..)
#79548100Saturday, October 06, 2012 2:11 PM GMT

Not yet accepted. America is not a country and we start in 1000. You could just check the map of Europe in 1000's an pick something up. Europe would be the best because back then it was the center of the world so I will limit countries only to European ones. The family sheet is just another sheet which you filled out. I don't see the problem.
#79548822Saturday, October 06, 2012 2:22 PM GMT

What about England?
#79548901Saturday, October 06, 2012 2:23 PM GMT

Sure, you decide. Is England your final decision?
#79548996Saturday, October 06, 2012 2:24 PM GMT

Was Italy a country back then?
#79549242Saturday, October 06, 2012 2:29 PM GMT

Holy Roman Empire had half of the Italian peninsula but it also expanded through most of the Central Europe. Although I wouldn't really advise playing them. The country was very large so it would be hard to control and it wasn't a kingdom. Other countries were in southern Italy but they were fairly small and weak. Papal states are unplayable.
#79549305Saturday, October 06, 2012 2:30 PM GMT

Yeah, I'll be a king in England.
#79549385Saturday, October 06, 2012 2:31 PM GMT

Alright. I am making your thread and this could take some time. There are many things to be done so I could describe you your kingdom.
#79549449Saturday, October 06, 2012 2:32 PM GMT

#79550908Saturday, October 06, 2012 2:52 PM GMT

Reserve a spot for me please. :)
#79552682Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:19 PM GMT

Sure gavin. Link, I am trying to upload yours but I was filtered. I will try to fix it. I will probably post the RP on my other account, ttkalec3743 and continue on this one when I upload it. If this account gets banned, I will post everything with ttkalec3743.
#79553280Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:29 PM GMT

Testing words... Chanossa [email protected] m@rried Marirrala Halaen Yathe reckless. Siri emotionless Yaral Muslim man Irillo DEHEUBARTH petty ALBAN Barbaric manipulate pagan Pope
#79553332Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:30 PM GMT

These are the only possible words... -.-
#79553689Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:36 PM GMT

CHARACTER SHEET (This is your king's sheet) NAME: Sir Richard Mallory APPEARANCE: Sir Richard is taller than the average man, standing at 6'3. He is only slightly tanned, because as the king, he can't really spend much time outside. He is muscled, but nothing too serious and tries to stay in excellent shape. He has a slight black beard and medium length hair. He is considered a bit of an odd king, as he isn't one to be right snobby. His teeth are as white as they can get for that time period, and has light green eyes. [Not going to put clothing, cause unsure if you want me to or not.] PERSONALITY: Sir Richard is a true knight at heart, and even though he a king now, he is prone to try and do things that a knight would try to do. He is hard on criminals, and likes to keep an eye on his armies training. He can be a little too bold at times, and when restrained by his advisors and such, can be quite grumpy, even though he knows they're usually right. He is a pretty jolly person, all in all. ATTRIBUTES & TRAITS: Knight, Excellent Tactician, Courageous, and [Stuck between picking Risk Taker, Steel Strong Will and Charismatic :>] (Just to be clear, the sheet is so small because I decide you bio, your gender must be male, I decide your age and other small things) FAMILY SHEET FAMILY NAME: Mallory FAMILY FLAG: Two lions on the side of a large shield, which depicts a large greatsword. The lions have their mouth opened and are orange, the shield is large grey and the sword is light grey and the handle is black. COUNTRY: Thinking.
#79553743Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:37 PM GMT

Accepted when you pick a country.
#79554284Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:45 PM GMT

Country: Holy Roman Empire [Not a country, but you know what I mean. :P I think you know what I mean.]
#79554641Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:50 PM GMT

Are you sure. It kinda contradicts with the structure. You would be an emperor and you would posses many kingdoms. I never made this RP able to play by a player who is an emperor :0. I am giving you full free choice but I must apologize. Can you please chose something else. A kingdom!
#79554700Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:50 PM GMT

Trolololol Okay. Hmm, France?
#79554923Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:54 PM GMT

#79555113Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:57 PM GMT

I gotta go soon, would you mind if I did your thread and we start tomorrow or later?
#79555238Saturday, October 06, 2012 3:59 PM GMT

◙▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬◙ ----------------------CHARACTER & FAMILY SHEET------------------------ NAME: Dmitriev Nikita APPEARANCE: Dmitriev is a tall, slender man. 6.6, to be exact. Very large for his country's average height. He has pale skin, green eyes, and cut hair (like today's clean cut or buzz cut.). His robes are made up of Red and Blue silk fabrics, and his crown is golden with 4 gems, saphirre meaning peace, emerald meaning rich, diamond meaning loyal to Christianity, and a ruby, meaning the country is strong incase of war. PERSONALITY: He does not show mercy to traitors. He gives gifts to vassals and nobles who support him, along with individual soldiers who show their efforts in battle. And finally, is is smart when it comes to diplomacy, tactics, and managing a kingdom. ATTRIBUTES & TRAITS: EXCELLENT TACTICIAN INTELLIGENT CHARISMATIC STEEL STRONG WILL FAMILY SHEET FAMILY NAME: The Nikita Dynasty FAMILY FLAG: The Russian Flag, with a Golden Eagle holding a cross and a sword in its talons. COUNTRY: (Must be a historic country) Russia
#79555532Saturday, October 06, 2012 4:03 PM GMT

Oh my, so many people, so little time. I will do yours when I finish gavin's, then I'm really done for today...
#79555609Saturday, October 06, 2012 4:04 PM GMT

CHARACTER SHEET (This is your king's sheet) NAME: Dirk von Blucher APPEARANCE: He looks like Gebhard von Blucher, need I elaborate? PERSONALITY: He is a very pride filled man, he is loyal and trust worthy. He is often serious but is found joking with his commanders and good friends. ATTRIBUTES & TRAITS: EXCELLENT TACTICIAN COURAGEOUS HUMBLE INTELLIGENT (Just to be clear, the sheet is so small because I decide you bio, your gender must be male, I decide your age and other small things) FAMILY SHEET FAMILY NAME: Blucher FAMILY FLAG: Eagle of Prussia COUNTRY: Prussia/ Germany. (I decide everything else like the number of relatives, family history, wealth and such.)
#79556014Saturday, October 06, 2012 4:09 PM GMT

Can't accept you, sorry. Prussia didn't exist at that time. All the lands of Germany are in the possession of the Holy Roman Empire. But there are many other kingdoms you can choose from. Check the map I posted at link's thread of this RP. It holds every kingdom.

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