#79805632Wednesday, October 10, 2012 12:53 AM GMT

Roger Rabbit Roger jumps in suprise. "GREAT SCOTT,ROBIN IS IN TROUBLE!" Roger yells. Roger grabs his hammer and smashes his hammer into the Lizard's head.
#79805652Wednesday, October 10, 2012 12:53 AM GMT

#79805943Wednesday, October 10, 2012 12:56 AM GMT

Shyguy I begin trying to climb up the hole I fell in, thinking how I probably need some help.
#79806170Wednesday, October 10, 2012 12:58 AM GMT

*The Lizard collapses, seemingly dead, but a trained professional could see his pulse and breathing. Walter finally recovers, and sees the heroes who had been fighting with the gang of villains. He suddenly gets and ingenius idea. *meanwhile, in the Portal Place. "Finn, and Jake, There is evil afoot. You already know of Nega, the Lord of Destruction. There are 6 more like him, and all of them seek to end your world, turning it into a hideous wasteland. The quest I am about to give you will not be easy. You must defeat all of the other Demon Lords and save this land from evil. Do this, and whatever you desire will be yours. I also have some presents for you...." *the portal loops suddenly ends into a blank white room, with two chests on it Labeled "Finn" and "Jake"
#79806594Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:03 AM GMT

Finn- Jake leaps over to his chest, shouting "OH BOY!" and opens his.
#79806787Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:05 AM GMT

Roger Rabbit "Phew. He looks dead. I am taking a break." Roger said in an exhausted tone. Roger headed to his Toontown apartment and fell into rest.
#79806880Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:06 AM GMT

*apon opening the chest, Jake finds a set of armor made of Topaz and a sand-colored metal. The keeper of Light Speaks: "That is Morphulite armor. Designed to keep you safe against fire, swords, and all sorts of dangerous things. It can also stretch and mold into whatever shape you take."
#79806963Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:07 AM GMT

Shyguy I finally climbed out, panting, covered in rubble, and slightly injured. I just fell over and blacked out.
#79806983Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:07 AM GMT

Finn- "Oooh." Jake says, and puts it on. Walking up, I open my chest, and look whats inside.
#79807064Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:08 AM GMT

Batman, Batgirl, and Robin left in the Batjet. They got reports from Alfred of the Wayne Hotel collapsing from a tremor, killing TOM. He told Lucius to cancel building the ship, regretting ever sending him there.
#79807361Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:11 AM GMT

(Ugh..nevermind.) Kamen Rider J After a few seconds,i walk away.I dont see Chowder anywhere close,so i start looking around for him. Chowder I start crying about the fact that i think that J is frozen.While running.Very fast.
#79807484Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:12 AM GMT

*inside Finn's chest is some clothes....that look the exact same as his old clothes...and a sword that looks made from a holy gold. "Do not be fooled by that armor. it is the armor of Galfrod, the White. In your time of need, it will transform into a radiant white platemail, able to withstand the harshest of blows! Alos that sword is made of Holy Gold, making it unbreakable and deadly.
#79807700Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:14 AM GMT

(You should make pictures of all of this. It could be a book like the RoGo magazines.)
#79807770Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:15 AM GMT

Chowder I travel and i dont stop,until i reach a portal.Each one of them names a Kamen Rider series.I walk in the one that says J and put the statue down somewhere.
#79807898Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:16 AM GMT

*After everyone is gone, the Lizard gets up, and crawls down a sewer hole, This was not the last of him.
#79807962Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:17 AM GMT

Finn- "Hey, heheh. this is just like my old sword.." I remark. "So, where do we begin?" Jake asks. (I have to go any minute now, so if I suddenly go offline, I'm probably sleeping.)
#79808118Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:19 AM GMT

The Technodome crashed thought the surface of Republic city, cars flying everywhere, and buildings toppling. "HAHAAHAHA! BOW TO YOUR LORD!" Shredder says, rising from the top, foot soldiers spreading out.
#79808209Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:20 AM GMT

Chowder In the distance,i see a giant robot-ish creature.So far i run back out of the portal while the real Kamen Rider J comes out."Your'e alive!" Kamen Rider J "Of course i was.Remember? You built a statue of me!"
#79808781Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:25 AM GMT

(I would like some excitement.) Luffy I found meat. But it was a fish. INTERMISSION. I rubbed my hands and finished the last bit of the fish.
#79809154Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:29 AM GMT

Chowder "Oh." Kamen Rider J "Once again..stay here!" Chowder "Okay!"I start standing. Kamen Rider J I go back through the portal,fighting the monster Chowder saw. Chowder "Oh no! He's gone!"I frantically run in many directions.
#79809190Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:30 AM GMT

Roger Rabbit Roger awakes to seeing a large robot crashing into the city. "HOLY JESUS! WHAT IS THAT?! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?! WHAT IS THAT,PRIVATE PILE?! SIR,NOT A JELLY DOUGHNUT,SIR!" Roger said comically quoting Full Metal Jacket in response to the Technodrome crashing.
#79809257Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:30 AM GMT

*for all intents and purposes, the City is near water. *The Negashark jumps out of the water, devouring half a dozen Foot Ninjas and a part of the Technodrome. Meanwhile, back in the Keeper's room. "You need this..." *the keeper hands Finn a map of Televiaon, marked with 6 skulls all accross the land, each labeled with a different curse. "The closest Demon Lord is Cthulhu, Lord of Terror and Insanity. Do nto slay him yet boy, for he is the most powerful of all of them." *keeper points to the Video Game Isle. "This is the Lair of Shambler, Lord of Agony. He should be your first target. Be wary of his powerful claws." *Keeper points to no Man's Land. "No Man's Land is the Lair of Bubble, Lord of Demise. The entire land is guarded by the Faceless One, a creature taller then trees, with a black body, and white hands and face. He will kill you if he sees you. The Only way to the Land is the Grand Bridge, which is guarded by the Black Knight. Be careful." *keeper creates another Portal. "Your adventure awaits."
#79809404Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:31 AM GMT

Chowder I finally arrive next to the Technodome,and in a few seconds the creature i just saw appears.(Fog Mo.ther)
#79809694Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:35 AM GMT

Luffy "Man, It's boring." I yawned. Juniper I walked to the land of Ooo as Ah-Mah wanted me to get some stuff. Usuall stuff, check. Stuff from PB!?!? That wasn't usual. Then again. . . I can't be talking. I walked to the castle, hands in my pockets, and made it to the candy throne, where people would meet to see PB. (SERIOUSLY! ANY adventures for luffy/Juniper!?!?)
#79809853Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:37 AM GMT

Grim walked along the ruins of his master, searching for a source of power. Then he finds it. The dragon Nega's eye is said to be the most magical object in the universe. He then turns into an anime character, with a giant sword and skeletal wings.