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#79674463Sunday, October 07, 2012 11:55 PM GMT

~~The Robotic Apocalypsc~~ A survival/adventure RPG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story: It's the year 2037. Robots have invaded 3/4 of the USA. These robots and cyborgs have wiped out over 98% of the population of the USA. You and a couple other friends/survivors have formed a group called "The Resistance". These group of people have been fighting for many months fighting these horrible creatures. You are one of these people, fighting for your country. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back story: Now Back in 2035, the government have successfully created "ADAM"; A state of the art, advanced operating system. In other words, an A.I. This machine served the US government and the USA, but not for long. On November 7, 2036 23:56:13 hours, a short circuit has interfered with ADAM's CPU and made him malfunction, ultimately ending in making ADAM being sentient and hating all of mankind. At first, the government didn't see that he malfunctioned. But as the weeks went on, he acted more and more stranger. The president ordered that he be shut down and be fixed, so he sent 8 technicians to repair him. But just before they reached his CPU panel/circuit box, ADAM, used a built in taser to kill the technicians. Just after this, ADAM started his own sentient robot manufacturing line. He ordered these robots to kill any thing that looks human like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: 1. Basic rp stuff, no ubering, no gmodding, oh and no Mary or Gary Stu. 2.Roblox rules also apply 3.Wait for an admin to approve you before you post 4.Romance at your own risk. 5.No killing other players 6.Ignore trolls. 7.At least try to use proper grammar and spell stuff right. 8.Follow what me and the admins say. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admins: .StelthBloxxer .FlyingMonkey54321 .CoolAid1337 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CS Name: A.ge G.ender Ap.pearance: Pets: (Optional. Don't have pets like dragons or stuff) Family/friends: (Optional) Bio: (Optional) Weapon: (No OP weapons like nuke launcher) Secondary weapon: (Optional, oh and again, no OP weapons) Other: (Optional) --- Also, if you want to play, you MUST write these words in your character sheet, if you don't, you won't be accepted. The words are: Toaster Brains Alright, lets start...
#99256411Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:19 AM GMT

WOW what a story! I'm in!
#99257686Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:53 AM GMT

rickastley, go back to YouTube. To be honest, I've seen better stories and longer then this.
#99257741Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:54 AM GMT

(Was that a pun MrStilts? Looked like a pun to me.)
#99258966Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:21 AM GMT

(What part could have made you think I was making a pun?)
#99259107Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:24 AM GMT

(The rickastely go back to youtube part.)
#99259944Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:42 AM GMT

Don't take it out on me I'm NOT the one making storys about somewhere in the future some cyborg race kill thousonds of people and there's a mall amount left BLAME IT ON SOME ONE ELSE!!!

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