#80519738Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:29 AM GMT

(kk) Akila Hmm . . . Realizes they offer no harm . . . Yet, starts trying to assemble it.
#80520016Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:34 AM GMT

-*CLICK! CLICK! CLICK!* Yes, the pieces appear to be forming something of some kind. By the time the pattern is assembled, it is revealed to be an X Y coordinate to the entrance. Best take it apart now that you've memorized this information. Burrow Entrance X: 38 Y: -1
#80520115Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:36 AM GMT

Name: Maria Belle RPAge:16 Gender: Female Element: Water Bio: Maria is the only child in her family. Or ex family. Her realy parents died when she was just 4 and was then adopted by a couple with 6 other childern. She was ignored mainly because there were just too many children in the house. She ran away when she turned 11 and has since been working odd jobs, like delivering the papers. She has no permanent home and likes to move from place to place for variety. She can be a little stubborn at times but she is willing to do all she can once she is convinced that something will work. She craves attention and loves being acknowledged since she was ignored by her foster parents. Current Status (See below!): New member Interesting things we'd like to know(Basically just extra little things.): She can play the guitar and plays a practical joke or two once in a while. Appearance: She has long black hair that has streaks of pink in it. She is 5"1 and she has eyes that are hazelnut brown. She wears hoodies, shorts and sneakers most of the time but occasionally wears her hair in a bun. Her sneakers are worn and dirty and she likes it that way. (Is it too late to join or?)
#80520361Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:41 AM GMT

(I wouldn't think so, however do wait a bit, please. It's rather hard to bring in a new character getting the RP set up and all.)
#80520436Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:42 AM GMT

(Mhm okay i'll wait here in my little corner of waiting)
#80521283Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:58 AM GMT

Akila Huh . . . Stands up and walks towards the coordanants.
#80523106Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:39 AM GMT

(May I ask who/what is going to be the antagonist?)
#80523246Sunday, October 21, 2012 5:44 AM GMT

(All in due time. All in due time.)
#80525340Sunday, October 21, 2012 6:39 AM GMT

-Eric- Getting a little more annoyed from Sintag doubting his powers, Eric replys. "Fine then. I guess I'll just go get some sleep. Been a long day. See ya in the morning. I'm guessing we can start tomorrow. The sooner the better. Where are the sleeping quarters again?"
#80525622Sunday, October 21, 2012 6:47 AM GMT

-Sintag points about southwest of where Eric is facing. "Riiiiiight over there."-
#80528014Sunday, October 21, 2012 8:16 AM GMT

-Eric- I nod and begin walking towards the dorms. I stay silent, thinking of the others inside the place. I begin fiddling with my switchblade, and soon I wander into the dorms. It is strangely quiet, but I think nothing of it. I look for an empty room, which is surprisingly easy. I walk inside, and place down what I have packed in my bag. A picture of old Bill, my lucky necklace, which has a lightning bolt on it, an extra shirt and pants, and some other unimportant things. I lie down in the bed, thinking about what this place could do for my life. I could make friends, actually have food on a daily basis, things like that. I soon fall asleep, still dressed, wearing one of my fabulous 2 pairs of clothing. (You guys should post more stuff like this because it really helps you and others to get to know your character more. Just a helpful tip.)
#80533116Sunday, October 21, 2012 12:26 PM GMT

Akila Stops at what I believe were the coordinates.
#80546377Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:24 PM GMT

-All right, more metallic pieces. This seems to be almost a slight game, but keep in good faith that if someone with bad intent was to find the entrance, well, you know the rest.-
#80546988Sunday, October 21, 2012 4:33 PM GMT

Akila More of these? Ugh . . . Starts to assemble them.
#80556934Sunday, October 21, 2012 6:37 PM GMT

-Eric- I wake up the next day, feeling better, having slept in an actual bed for the first time. I get up, grab my knife, and leave my belongings here. As I head back to the training room, I realize that it is still ominously empty. When I get to the training room, no one is there, so I begin to wander. After about 25 minutes, I find myself next to a thick iron door. I look at it for a little bit, then I begin to hear noises on the other side. Soon after, the door opens, and I'm facing the person who opened it. I can't tell who or what it is, because my eyes are still adjusting to the sunlight. "Uh, hello?"
#80652012Tuesday, October 23, 2012 1:17 AM GMT

-Sintag is standing off to the side. "Ah. Sorry for the-" *Bullets are heard whizzing overhead* "Interruption. Just that, we've got wounded. Step aside." You do so, and an elemental, clearly wounded, is limping and supporting another one. "Look, Eric! We've got some militia who's discovered us and are currently trying to destroy us. Let's just call this part of your training!" He then passes to what appears to be a Tesla Coil with some metal pipes welded on them at about a 5" space in between, upon it being electrified, electricity jumps between the coils similar to a Jacob's Ladder, but in a more erratic pattern. Quickly putting away the knife for what appears to be the superior weapon, you run out, your eyes adjusting a bit more, and look at what appears to be 10:1 odds.-
#80654232Tuesday, October 23, 2012 1:41 AM GMT

Akila (I'll just say she's there XP) "What the . . ." feezes five near the front.
#80665425Tuesday, October 23, 2012 5:30 AM GMT

-Eric- "Nice. Time for some real fun." I take a quick look at the weapon, then take of sprinting towards the first man. I smack him across the face, electrocuting him, but not killing. He is simply unconscious. I am not so easy on the others. In one hand, I charge up electricity, and in the other, with the weapon, I divert the rest of my power to it. I quickly punch the nearest man in the face, then equip my knife with the free hand. I stab him in the chest multiple times, then get up, and start towards the other 8. As I'm sprinting, a bullet skims my leg, and one hits me in my ankle. Slowing down, I take one last jog then jump as far as I can, and hit the man who shot me with the tesla coil as hard as I can on the head. His head cracks open, and while his buddies are surprised, I slice and bash up 2 more people. The remaining 5 men, scared out of their wits, take off running. I would go after them, but my ankle is bleeding too much. But, I pick up one of their rifles and managed to shoot another down. I head over to the man who is unconscious, and look around. I see a lone girl standing there, just watching what I did. "Come give me a hand, will ya? We need to get him inside for interrogation. He's gonna wished I killed him here when I'm through with him." She comes over, and helps me bring him inside. "By the way, Names Eric. You?"
#80666739Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:03 AM GMT

(Is it time yet? Sorry if i seem impatient...)
#80666761Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:10 AM GMT

(The rp has already started. You can join in when ever, but ask where to start at first.)
#80666789Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:18 AM GMT

(Hmm i was told to wait a little so maybe i could be allowed to start inside the compound or somewhere near it?)
#80708908Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:45 AM GMT

(Ehhh, well I s'pose a ret-con ought to work here. It'll be a good way to get started, too, hint hint nudge nudge.)
#80711915Wednesday, October 24, 2012 2:24 AM GMT

(wait do you mean me?)
#80712129Wednesday, October 24, 2012 2:26 AM GMT

(Yes, yes I do. You said you were there, right?)
#80712808Wednesday, October 24, 2012 2:35 AM GMT

(yea, but please don't control my character :/) Akila "Akila. Is this the Burrow?"