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#79914462Friday, October 12, 2012 12:26 AM GMT

Plot: The world of Kalire was always an intresting one to the outside world as it was to the people living on the planet. It has been many, many, many years since the last recent war. It is a time of peace as of right now. Tensions are rising however. Ages of no violence towards another city has made them have pent up anger. More people are hostile or just rather excluding people from other cities. Only a little percentage accepts the other cities. Those people are usually the peace lovers. Ever since the last civil war, The Caliphrate civil war, that one war cost many cities to disform the last ever empire also the civil war is named after the empire itself. The Caliphrate empire ended just about the time "Industrialization" took over the landmass itself. Though some cities retain the past because of the glory of the empire itself. The empire was rebelled against in 1 C.E. Caliphrate was proud and had much glory when they had the landmass. The reason why they rebelled however remains the honest mystery. Some wanted to rule their own cities and countries though their countries never really formed. This cities however turned into Pestin, Saloi, Old Texas (before new texas,) Rune and Marell. Those cities began the revolution forming into an alliance that would soon lead to their downfall. The alliance of Pointun was formed. The cities never thought this through as their lands they began with in the revolution ended up being taken. The empire however was facing disaster. Corruption filled the line of rulers making their guilty choices more for themselves then what the old emperors did. More money went out of the treasury then what went inside. The corruption was too, firmly rooted within. The cities soon recovered ground and pressed on forcing the empire's hand. Soon other cities joined in marking their land. The empire crumbled as it was predicted by several men. The cities never joined together. They just formed their own city-state area. However if you had seen, it said civil war. Some years later a new war follows. This war was in the forest of Tenebris. Tenebris was picked as a location for the battles in this petty war that ruined many lives. When I say ruined I mean dead. This war was called as the Tenebris Border Conflict. Two cities had a dispute over land. These two cities however are lost to time as they were destoryed by Pestin some years after the dispute. The war involved magic. The magic of the forest was said to be sacred as the first emperor was crowned there and it holds memories of such things. So much magic was used that it brought people's spirits back to life to relive the battles that once tainted the woodland forest. This war however was short and the two cities were bankrupt due to the upkeep of the armies. After was the prolonged peace. Nothing happened out of the ordinary except for the simple outbursts at governments. Since many years have passed and technology has become more expansive. Machines, spaceships, and cars have been invented. Much more however the fact remains that a war will begin soon enough. Nobody knows when, but people are expecting it. One group has proven prominent in this time. It is the Union of Caliphrate. Odd enough for chosing the name of the old empire, but the also follow their ways. They situated themselves in multiple cities. Mostly all except the more old cities for their simple governments. People now fear this as it is led to believe to decide the rest of the world. World Design & Locations Marell- Marell is located on the edge of a country, overlooking the sea. It has brick roads and stone buildings, amazing seaside views. Marell also has an immense library in the heart of the city. Many people, including successful writers and artists have praised the architechture of Marell for its inspirarational views and nostalgiac feeling. Marell used to be ahead of every other city long ago, but eventually, other cities developed guns, spaceships, and so on. Marell did not industrialize and stuck to its old ways. It revolved around five "Magics" in the olden times. Necromancy, Healing, Elementalism, Alchemy, and Sorcery. In the center of the city, right across from their library is a cathedral with stain-glass imagery of the four magics represented as humans. It is a tradition that some of Marell's citizens hold onto. Teaching people The Five Magics. Elementalism- Basically, there are four basic elements. Earth, water, fire, and air. Elementalists can manipulate these in pure forms. They have trouble manipulating ice because it isn't a full element. However, one could manipulate water with such ease. Though they have control over four elements, they can only be particularly skilled with one. It takes years of discipline to balance your powers. Necromancy- Necromancy is raising the dead, either in Zombie form where they're solid but have no mind, or spiritually when they summon their ghost. Most Necromancers prefer summoning Spirits because they can get more information. Necromancers tend to be more lonely and antisocial due to their raw encounters with the dead, and thus are adjusted to "unfair life and cruelty". But they also learn to be respectful and cautious. However, some people thought they were Witches and there was a huge Necromancer-massacre. Now, Necromancers are more respected and treated as equals, but they are rare. Healing: Healers are probably the most tranquil. They cannot really fight people, all they can do is help people. Healers are able to fix wounds, revive plants, and so on. However, none can revive the dead or anything like that without trading their lives. Even them, it would be slow and agonizing and the revived person wouldn't be the same. Sorcery- Sorcerery is the "long-lasting" magic. They make potions for just about anything. Healing, flight, and so on, then bottle it. However, the power and time the spell lasts depends on the Sorcerer. Experienced sorcerers can make a flight spell lasting several hours, whereas a beginner could make a potion dulling pain for twenty minutes. Alchemy- Alchemy is the art of change. Alchemists are philosophers and often think for long periods of time before using their power. They can put together raw elements and fuse them together into something. For instance, a boulder could be turned into a statue. However, there are more complex things such as turning lead into gold, which takes out too much energy from the caster. Alchemy like this is forbidden. Regova- Regova is only fifty miles away from the city of Marell, and still hold many connections with them. However, Regova began industrialization about fifty years ago, and although they are not caught up with some of the countries, their technology has improved tremendously. Regova was founded several centuries before Marell. It was an ENORMOUS kingdom. There was an enormous wall surrounding the border of the city. About 5,000 citizens inhabited it at first, and it kept expanding to a point where even the enormous city had to expand. Whole neighborhoods were formed in underground chambers, and apartment complexes stretched up to the heavens. These are the living quarters the poor and lower middle class took up, there were markets here and there people kept their jobs at, and a few factories and major greenhouses where people farmed and labored. Then was the middle ring, or the "Divide", where all the middle class lived. Their markets were in better condition, and people could due non-physical jobs, like become artists, writers, professional artisans, and sometimes even political speakers. Finally, the Core of Regova. The core was quite small but well guarded with a thick wall swarming with guards. All the rich and nobles took up this area, there were private academies, toy stores, high end bath-houses, etc. The actual ruler of the city would be a king of queen who lived in an ancient stone palace. Regova collected tribute easy and has an enormous military they could use to frighten others. However, when they came across Marell, they actually began to form connections with it, and were quite intrigued by the Five Magics the city's culture revolved around. However, when the rest of the world began to develop and industrialize, Regova tried to stay with Marell's traditions. However, only a few decades ago, a new ruler came to power and demanded Regova be industrialized and broke off connections with Marell. Morterra and Tenebris: To the west of Marell is a dense, rather dimly lit forest with dreary skies overhead. Much of Marell's stories and lore were inspired by these fantastic woodlands known as the Tenebris Wood. Many tales of encounters with spirits, ghosts, and various other supernatural phenomenon. The Tenebris wood reaches far, nearly seventy miles around. However, once you reached the edge you find yourself in the Morterra (if you were heading anywhere but Marell). The Morterra are also known as the Deadlands by many, they are expansive, about two hundred miles around with nothing but rolling plains of malnourished grass and miserable, cold temperatures. What is most frightening is the tombstones. Hundreds of thousands of eroding tombstones dot the land, some are so old the inscription has faded away, some are so eroded you may mistake them for a stone. This is because hundreds of years ago, many people were warring over Marell (some refugees just trying to as well). However, the conditions were so miserable that many died, and others slaughtered each other. Only a third of the people who died were buried. Modern day statistics reveal that only about a sixteenth made it to Marell. Novium- Novium is one of the most industrial and advanced of cities. At least, in the richer parts. It is an enormous city with canals running through and immeadiate ocean-acess like Marell, but it's quite a ways away. It's mostly factories and markets rather than actual homes, because the people all work and live in the factories. They export far more than they import and have quite a lot of money saving up. However, the city's pretty poor. Buildings abandoned due to unstable bases and accidents, trash everywhere, and almost no safety railing or patrol of any kind with the exception of richer neighborhoods, which are seldom found in places like Novium. Most of the people labor all day with a few hours off, and children get three-hour schooling from non-certified teachers. However, new plans and construction are in order for a high-tech city providing the needs for everyone, including a spacious apartment for every family and food for every man, woman, and child. Novium mainly makes electronics and automobiles, as well as fishing. Their military system guards the borders quite well, and they have several high-end airships and spaceships, as well as guns and missiles if needed. Many citizens are taught basic self-defense early on. Telmar - Telmar is located in the foothills and on the sides of a series of mountains. It has very narrow roads, and large stone buildings with the occasional larger metal building. While the buildings are largely stone, they have high tech enhancements such as holographic signs and energy fences. The city appears to be one large, bumpy stone structure as the roads are so narrow and the buildings so similar in shape and color. In the center of the city is the spaceport, where cargo haulers and transports dock. The landscape surrounding the city is green foothills, with rocky outcrops and occasional patches of snow or pine trees. Magics are not as common in Telmar, although most doctors practice Healing magics or basic Sorcery. Sterilis is a town that was founded by James A. Carubout. Located in a vast system of caves, it is one of the more basic towns and with it's main production being mining, Sterilis is a small and poor town. Sterilis was once a thriving and large metropolis, being the king of mining, so to speak. The age then progressed, evolving in to space, where other competetitors found this as a time to act. They built spaceships, as Sterilis was left in the dust. The competetors mined new minerals the world had never seen before from different planets and solar systems. Mining companies sprouted like mushrooms, where Sterilis slowly descended into a poor town. The people of Sterilis gave into depression and became slaves of their own emotions. Their houses, once grand marble mansions, now barely huts made of trash. Their food, once grand feasts, now meager bread and water. Mauin: "The city from the past." called by some people. Nobody knows how this city came into this world exactly. Some say it came from the ground itself. Others say it is the work of many magic weilders that controlled all 5 magics. Of course the most logical explanation for others was just the fact it has been there since the dawn of time. Mauin is the most mysterious city of them all and one of the most scientific area. If you found yourself a company you would be at this one location. Why you all may ask. That is only because the companys want to have the best equipment to be better then the rest. Though most items are made from this location it isn't the richest city. It has devouted more to safety then what they can handle sometimes. Scientists usually blow up things because of the volatile materials from companys. Still it has a huge spaceport and is very odd because of it being located in a huge canyon that is more welcoming then others. It is not dry, but has the Calderi River running down into the canyon allowing for the prospering of the location itself. I suspose that is the reason why it was so secluded the whole time. The buildings are usually made of the granite in the canyon and the stone found under the soil. One major mining complex in found in that little canyon, yet there is more outside the canyon then inside. Mauin is considered the starting place of your life. Quin: Quin is one of the newest cities in the desert region. Nothing is really found in the desert besides prime mining land. Though the sand would be considered a glass maker. Quin has become one of the richest off the glass trade and mining. Quin has grown to house more then 10,000. It is the heavist populated place in the desert. Though they are lucky to be between 3 rivers and have farms some are not as lucky to be there. Great tombs rise out of the desert sand as monoliths. One tomb held more gold then the gold in the known world. "The Ancients" has a mining technique that miners here have incorperated by a simple method. Rivers, were the answer. In a simple gold rush the companys here mostly gained off this recent gold rush. It has sandstone houses in the old district and marble and wood houses in the new district. It holds annual horse races which vistors flock towards. Varonido: It is settles upon the Calderi River. It is not in the canyon exactly. It is several miles out from the drop into the canyon itself. to be exact it is 10 miles away from the drop into the canyon. It is a small town, but is growing to be a larger town then what it would of been. It is the stopping point for refueling before they land into Mauin. It holds one of the key places in which you were to be starting a company also. Usually major companys start at this one location over the years. Varonido happened to be a site of a major warzone just before the battle at Tenebris. This town is also considered haunted as men dressed up in Ancient costumes that lived long ago. This site is also believed to be above a major burial site. That site however has never been confirmed. These spirits are demonic though. That is the only downside to Varonido is a demonic spirit entering your room and killing you through malicious torture. One man however was touched by a demon and went away suddenly. The mystery to that however leads to the tale of the underground vault that leads to that burial site. These demonic beings are considered dangerous and which is why Varonido remians a town. It holds a large spaceport to commodate the traveling ships that don't want to stop for the night. This holds rather a large spiritual industry which makes little money sometimes and big bucks other times. Quadrant Section 7: Nothing much is known about QS7, for it never contacts with the outside world. It's exact location is not currently known, or can be found for that matter. Several great cities have tried to locate it with the highest end sensoring equipment, and found nothing. QS7 is guessed to be a highly experimental weapons and advanced technology facility. From a scientist examining the sea water, high radiation and noxious chemicals have been found to be reminating from [...] in the [...] ocean. Further reports that can be connected to QS7 is a mile-wide crator in the middle of the [...] desert, with a small, barely visible, blue pulsing light at the bottom. The final report is animals acting with human intelligence in the forest of [...]. They have been reported to "seemingly form a new animalistic language and create a small society, with ranks that organized it." Thought, the people that reported these logs soon died very shortly after, possibly from just witnessing the events themselves, or from speaking to others and registering it in some sort of evidential system. Jahm-Olon: The most remote of all the towns and cities. It rests upon a peak of a mountian and considered amongst all to me the most secluded place since Xeuland Tomb. The mountian itself overlooks a vast ocean and archipelago off the secluded coast. South-west of it is Callisso. Jahm-Olon however seems to have a spaceport. It doesn't even have a spaceport. People have to walk or ride from Callisso just to get to the site itself. Only one man has set in the location itself. There is only one building on the peak and it is a tower. It is an ancient text though much has been decrypted some hasn't. It is described as towering halls inside the mountian with lava has lighting. Apartments with small men living inside that most likely never saw day itself. One man rested upon a throne with bones beside the throne with plumed helmets. Those same plumed helmets were found at Varonido. The king executed this man that entered the day he was leaving. The only reason they found the text was of a man that died in Varonido the same day the town was founded. However reports lead to the men inside the mountian to be cannibals that eat other men. Gross as it may seem they rival the miners of our cities. No man has set in these halls since that one man. Much of the interior was never described due to illegible writing. Callisso: Callisso is a poor settlement because of it being on the fringe of the known world. It has the smallest spaceport and the houses are made of bricks. These bricks however are made of straw and mud. It is a old settlement dating back to Mauin. It was one of the best cities and now it is broken down. The city itself however is large. As large as Mauin. Though the middle of the city is missing. By missing all its occupants go missing in 1 day. 2 days if they are lucky. Screams are heard from the heart of the city. Callisso was never a haunted place. The officers that visit the middle of the city looking for people never return. The spaceport is just outside the city itself because the men that made it feared the city. It used to be the city of an empire. Now it is the city of the missing. The sewers house many dangers. More people go missing in Callisso then the people that die in a year. One body was found however. The men that found it went missing and that body was just a man entering the city for the first time. His body went missing again. Callisso is your one trip to death. New Texas: After Texas was horribly destroyed by nuclear devastation, the remaining survivors traveled far into the desert and started New Texas. New Texas started as a small town, barely providing for itself, to surpassing to one of the grandest cities. This great stroke of luck and wealth came from finding a new mineral that was creating within the heart of the desert, Intorium. Intorium was discovered to be a key mineral for hyper drives in spaceships, as well as making missiles mini-nukes. New Texas is located in the Hyperian Desert, a relatively flat area with the exception of a few dunes. New Texas spared no expense in the looks of the cities. With large marble mansions common, gold-paved floors, and diamond lamp posts, New Texas rivals even the greatest. Pestin: Along the ocean lays Pestin. Pestin is a fairly poor yet fairly rich too, yet most essential area. It creates the best boats in the entire sea. The boats however are made of wood and need to be replaced often. It is considered to be very elegant against the condition that they can get into. The area around Pestin is all mountians. The old Pestin relied on fishing and outside trade. It is traditional for each man and woman in the town to have made a boat. They have a small spaceport, but perfer to stick to the old ways. They have there own religion called, Vermism. Vermism is the belief in 3 gods. Those 3 gods are Caln, for the sea. Exam for the sky. Jain (Jane) for the land. They have a magificent temple that sits in the bay of the harbor and is considered a true wonder of the world for its brilliance. Sanctuary: It floats in the middle of the ocean with boats attached to make the land that people would walk on. They made farming ground that floats on the water itself. Though crops don't grow to be abundant as they would be. It offers the most expanding space the world has to offer even if it is not up to date. There is a simple landing pad for a simple spaceship. Sanctuary is known to be the place for the sea-born pirates. Sanctuary however retains its own independance in the ocean. It is one of the few cities to be on water. The sea around Sanctuary is calm. It is never really a torrent. If there is a torrent of waves then they predict it is always the end of the world and end up making beliefs on how it shall end. The men and women of Sanctuary have the habit of pickpocketing eachother and retain thief traits. Mandalore Fortress: A city in actuallity. Black, bleak, unwelcoming walls surround this city. The buildings themselves are made of stone. The stone itself is black too. It is the most unwelcoming city. It is also the most lawful in ways. If you don't do a job right. You die. If you land an improper way. You are jailed for 2 months. To clarify those jails are not the cleanest either. Rats scurry between cells. You are lucky if you don't die. They barely give any food to you. The best that you get is stale bread and hot water. The cells are also very hot. Most die to the heat then the conditions of the cells. One man survived for one day. Reason why he died is unknown. People next to him said the Calderius Snake. It is very poisionus in these parts of the area. It bit his throat as if it had done that. Besides that it as a medium sized spaceport and is on a Barren flatland and it always seems to be raining at the Fortress. The city has very large buildings in fact. 1# place not to be if you are going to be settling down. Though it offers alot in the justice department. That is if you don't die in the department. Atrium: The city itself is very advanced. It has a glass dome covering the whole city. Did I mention this is underwater? I suspose it is. The city is the gleaming metropolis everyone on the planet wants. Atrium civilians have the most gorgeous city-life. It almost seems as if everyone obeys the laws it has. The city itself is the leading production of medicine and has a output of gold bars. Nobody knows how they got the city to be so orderly. Neverending spires go almost up to the glass dome. Undersea boats fly around the sea as if it is the sky. Men breath in the glass dome as if it was the air on the surface. It has its own spaceport. Though the ships do need to be outfitted with special technology that allows them to go into the water itself instead of malfunctioning as the other spaceships do. In that way the city is very protected and just in case there is an emergency they do have turrets that fire cannon rounds into ships. The city however was almost destoryed in an accident in which involved rouge government officals trying to take over the monarch of the city. It is no republic however it does have its own liberties that follow with having the monarch of the city. It is seemingly peaceful. Rune: Just like Marell it sticks to the old ways of magic. Rune however is a tricky city in the case of finding it. It goes back to the beginning of magic. It has a magical spell that existed for years and years, the spell blocks any type of navagation device in finding it. Not much is known either. Some describe it as an ancient city with towering spires and a huge spaceport that houses gigantic ships that seem almost alien in origin. The real reason however is they are the "Creators." That is an old term by the "Ancients" that refers to the masters of the future. They create the future in a sense. Towering spires are in fact in the city. Men in suits walk around. Guns that shoots beams of fire. Advanced justice system along with ship building styles. Some perfer the old ways which people use outside Rune. Others perfer the more curved and glowing pictures of their personal ships. They make the more advanced medication and seemingly provide for its people. Rune is more isolated then other cities. It is located on an island created out of stone bricks and imported soil from the mainland. It is able to fertilize more seeds then other regions. They are the "Creators" of the future. They perfer not to be in contact with the outside world and live their lives in their own city. Their metropolis however is always wanted by others. Many wars have been fought for this city. Each of those wars were won in Rune's favor. They only help the outside world in one case. The real end of the world. Not the old rumors of the metropolis of Atrium and their beliefs. Saloi: Saloi is just a simple town at this time. Nothing major has really happened as they stick to the old ways and perfer the very old ways. In fact they use swords rather then guns. A huge battle took place at Saloi which decided the fate of which the world would follow. They lost the battle however the battle decided that the men of the world would use the spaceship technology and not refrain from abusing it. Saloi is more simple. They do not use any of the new advances which means, no space port, no guns, no advanced mining. Alot of the things they restricted. They have a castle in which their king rules from. It is a simple life and they disapprove of the outside technology. Of course they do accept the people from the outside however they are just disrespected in the community. Saloi makes little income along with little trade. It is a simple life for simple people. Daedalus: They contruct machines that do most of the work for them and the world. Most machines on the planet and space ships are usually made by these people. The reason why the machines are so commonly used you may ask. It is made of a special mineral. Dieus is that special mineral and it is only found in the mines that Daedalus owns. The city has a massive airport and many infrastructures in the city. Alot of factories are here and it is the birthplace of the society seen in the world today. These machines however take a long time to build. Though that they are so great is why it is commonly used. Also judging that there is alot of factories, machines can be made in quantities and are mass produced. Daedalus have massive spires. These spires have glass buildings and the buildings themselves shadow most buildings made. They are the most modern society in the case of advancing to another age. They however are very active in the way of building. Most architects come from this location along with the company owners. This is a culture center and a huge plaza. The largest in the world is based there in which embassies from all the citiesee are based there to maintain diplomatic relations with the rest. It allows for easy access to meet with other cities and trade is abundant here. It is the richest city out of all of them. Though the only rival to that considering the old ways is Marell. Daedalus outlasted most cities that fell in the industrialization. Many have fallen which is why ruins surround Daedalus. Though they plan to remove it in the future and expand the city itself. It is one of the most valuable cities in the future considered by most optimisitic people. CS Name: A.g.e: Gender: Magician or no?: Appearance: Item/s: Home City: Personality: Belief in government (optional,): Bio: Other: Credits: CapRex213- Without him the roleplay would of never of been made and we never would of banded together. Today I salute you Captain. AbCatchem- Without her the roleplay would of gone a bit slower due to the fact that she set a good example for how the cities should seem like and it gave a great examples for the cities many of people have made. Also proven that she stuck with the collab. Intagonist- Me and him (bigmac40) has a little competition to lighten the mood up be competing which city would be the most terrifying. Without Intagonist I think I wouldn't really have the mood to do much of anything on this thread. Other: If this roleplay goes all and well this might become a series. Possible if we do have a really great roleplay.
#79914998Friday, October 12, 2012 12:32 AM GMT

C.S Automation Name: Daedalus Mark III Nickname: "Tik-Tok" "Daedalus" A.ge: Has been under a secret operation for decades and more. Location of Maker: Daedalus Mark: III Appearance: (See HK-47 in Star Wars. Body, arms, and legs are the appearance of this.) His head however is more more curved and is to be made to resemble a human. The color of the Automation is the color of Black with red stripes going from the shoulders down to the wrist and from the shoulders with the red comes crossing down. The sides of his legs (from the waist down.) is the red stripe. He has bright red eyes that seemingly pierce your soul trying to see if your enemy or not. He is made of metal. Not ordinary metal however or else he would be easilly destoryed. The metal comes from Daedalus mines and thats what the machinary is made of. He also has a yellow light in the middle of his chest where his heart would be if he was human. However nobody knows what it is. The people that made him just said that in a power outage they couldn't find the Mark II so that was just for emergancys. It just happened to of stayed when the project was finished. Voice: Hk-47 from Star Wars. Bio: Daedalus Mark III was made in Daedalus because for one, it was the only location fitting to make him, secondly it had the most smartest men on the planet that joined together. Daedalus Mark I was considered the first version. That version however did not last since the regular metal they used failed to hold the Automation together. Daedalus Mark II happened to explode. They made that Mark II about 5 times before they gave up in the concept. The first time it exploded. Second time, it got lost in the dark and exploded. Third time just shook someone's hand and exploded. So on and so on, it has a curiousity for exploding thats what they said. He was personally named Tik-Tok for his personality of exploding. The Daedalus happened to be the very big step for the rest of the planet as it was the test to see if the world can have personal robots to give infomation and serve as teachers to allow new jobs appear for others. Though there was many automations It was the same robot practiclly over and over. The only reason it can function is a crystal that was found in a tomb. That tomb provided this magical crystal that held ancient knowledge and somehow accumulated modern knowledge too. The automation itself knows plenty about the planet though don't try asking it questions. Daedalus Mark III was considered the last mark in terms of creation because it took them 50 years to finally get it fixed counting all the machines. Daedalus holds countless and priceless memories from the past. Daedalus was named after the city happenly because it was the city it was made in. Daedalus was released to the world with the best weaponry training. When you say best you mean everything it can get it's hand on. It knows many ways to kill with sand and dirt. Dirt can be used in few methods yet it works. Daedalus wanders the world exhamining the world and releasing to the world what it can be. Items/Weapons: Automatic rifle, katana-like sword. He also carries an emergency device that contacts the nearest government since they would have to be commited to protect the android. That of course if he needs help. He has a personal holo map of the world in his eyes. Spoiled since I think so. Other: He is the only automation. This is a custom sheet. Feel free to also ask me if you can be allowed something or, Intagonist, AbCatchem, or CapRex213 since I do not know if I made it clear or not that they are admins. Also reason why I did this custom sheet was because I know everyone would want to be droid but then I was also promised this by CapRex213 (honesty I would consider him owner of the thread.)
#79915258Friday, October 12, 2012 12:34 AM GMT

(Bump and sorry for the gigantic space in the plot, accident happened but nothing was excluded out so no worries.)
#79915831Friday, October 12, 2012 12:40 AM GMT

(Another bump.)
#79916353Friday, October 12, 2012 12:45 AM GMT

It's super well written, but it bugs me that the only large amount of effort went into the towns. I hate reading about towns. lol You worked super hard on this by the looks, but I don't think I'm gonna join. I got too many things going on currently.
#79916505Friday, October 12, 2012 12:47 AM GMT

Actually I think it would be better this way since if people joined and we made a roleplay on it. Then we can continue with new characters with a plot continuing after. Then you have a more advanced plot.
#79916571Friday, October 12, 2012 12:47 AM GMT

I understand, but towns. D= I just don't like reading about towns for an hour.
#79916682Friday, October 12, 2012 12:48 AM GMT

Another joke that was made during production.
#79917254Friday, October 12, 2012 12:55 AM GMT

#79917451Friday, October 12, 2012 12:57 AM GMT

(I just finished reading. Super long. Thinking.)
#79917563Friday, October 12, 2012 12:58 AM GMT

(Ah, I remember now why I read 100 books in one year...)
#79917701Friday, October 12, 2012 1:00 AM GMT

#79917774Friday, October 12, 2012 1:01 AM GMT

Question, Is this futuristic, modern, or Medieval-ish?
#79917839Friday, October 12, 2012 1:02 AM GMT

lol cap. Read it. Your name is at the bottom.
#79917894Friday, October 12, 2012 1:02 AM GMT

@Cap You know I did give credit (Credit to everyone.) @BAM Sorry if it wasn't clear but it is futuristic. Thought the detail spaceship would strike as future.
#79917964Friday, October 12, 2012 1:03 AM GMT

(Uhm, so what is this about to be exact?)
#79918070Friday, October 12, 2012 1:04 AM GMT

@Kool last paragraph of plot. Last few sentences. Read them and it is susposed to be like that at the end.
#79918168Friday, October 12, 2012 1:05 AM GMT

Nyeeeeh Idk, I'm bad at lookin futuristic.
#79918198Friday, October 12, 2012 1:06 AM GMT

(Ok there is going to be a war. So are they evil? :O)
#79918259Friday, October 12, 2012 1:06 AM GMT

@BAM You don't have to be futuristic either. It is just that most cities are futuristic. Take a look at Saloi for example. That is a medievalish town, so you can be medieval if you want.
#79918348Friday, October 12, 2012 1:08 AM GMT

@Kool You see thats why I left it blank. Everyone insists that there can be a visible "Evil and Good." Doesn't that ruin the plot of solving things of finding intresting facts?
#79918470Friday, October 12, 2012 1:09 AM GMT

(I see, but how is the plot going to progress then? Will you be revealing facts as we go on?)
#79918524Friday, October 12, 2012 1:10 AM GMT

@Kool Yes I will reveal facts.
#79918775Friday, October 12, 2012 1:13 AM GMT

(Ok last question! Can elementalist summon their powers/element from nothing. Is it sorta like magic in that sense. Or you have to actually be near the element?)
#79918808Friday, October 12, 2012 1:13 AM GMT

What at Marrel?? I assume its medieval ish, since its not upgrading itself.

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